I dunno. This release has been a bust more or less. Level cap being raised is about it. Running around completing "missions" in order to acquire lowish-level weapons and pocket change? I have zero incentive to do any of these. The retrain system is better, for sure. But there are some glaring aspects that were left out. Retrain revamp has been a long time coming, so I would have thought that with all the extra time they had, it would have been more polished than it is right now. Whatever, though. The mutating weapons, heh. What can I say? The conspiracy theorist in me sees it as a ploy to get more money. Why buy weapons that change class with you if you're not going to change class? What's that, you say? Changing class costs money (or a giant amount of credits)? Hahahahaha, Ka-ching, baby! Just my standard (negative) $.02, lol.