I've already gained all the three achievements.. among the 3, i find juggernaut to be the easiest, then solo as the second and lastly team.. jugg - the very first time that i decided to play this mode is also the time that i decide to go for this achievement and fortunately i won.. played for 19 hours and did 230 wins.. the 2nd that day had about 190-180 wins.. i was a focus tlm when i won the achievement.. solo - i didnt really plan to win this achievement the day i won it.. when i saw the LB, Wiseman was 1st with 600 wins while i was 4th with around 400+ wins.. when i was playing, i've noticed that Wiseman (the players who were in 2nd and 3rd) wasnt getting anymore wins so i decided to go for it since i still had around 6 hours til the end of the day.. i won with 610 wins using a str merc build (there wasnt any evolved class during this time).. team - i really dont like 2vs2 so i really did find this one challenging.. during my 1st try, i was in the lead for the first 8 hours and since i was doing well and the player who was in 2nd still had a lot to go before she could catch up to me so i slept for 5 hours.. when i woke up and checked the LB, i was already in 2nd place so i decided to try the next day.. the next time i tried, i stayed awake for 22 hours and did 240 wins using a supp tlm build..
< Message edited by chrisraine -- 10/25/2011 7:42:38 >