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=DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry

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10/28/2011 20:25:06   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Seems the Zardbies did not learn from the pounding we gave them last year. Give em hell soldiers! But if you take a brief rest from the battlefield, why not post here and tell a tale of your fight against these undead creatures?

Please remember to edit your post with more content, rather than making a new one :) Commentary for all stories goes here
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
10/28/2011 22:04:44   

I stand surrounded by the bodies of Zardbies and my fellow Knights. I can barely stand, as my left ankle was bitten by one of the infernal beasts. I knew my time is short on this world. But before this disease overtook my body and I lose control I vowed to slay every last of those abominations till the end! I did just that.

As I stood there one of the abominations rushed towards me; screaming a deathly howl that would send shivers up lesser men spines, but I stood my ground waiting for that beast. As the Zardbie came closer into view I noticed someting that I wished I hadnt. Around its neck was a crest that belonged to my commander.

He had fallen to the disease.

My heart sank, but I knew it could not restrain me from what needed to be done. My former commander slowed to a halt staring at me with souless eyes, that once contained joy and courage, and a half torn jaw with drool coming out of his mouth. Not to mention his four feet of steel sword.

In a futile effort I attempted to communicate with my commander, "Seth! If any part of you remains in there please drop your sword!" Instead the mindless creatured lunged towards me. I dodged narrowly, evading by meer inches. The beast turned around and eyed me as if I was his last meal. That look still haunts me to this moment. The beast charged towards me a second time, but this time I drew my sword and sliced through his neck. His body went forward for a few more feet till green blood spirted out of its neck and later it fallen to the ground. Next to me was the head of my former commander, its souless eyes glaring up at me. I will never get that image out of my head.

Though it matter little now as a short time later more zardbies appeared around me. I slew as many as I could but no man, no matter how powerful, can over come a endless horde. Now with the last shread of humanity fleeting from me I must leave you. But do not let my tale of woe make you lose hope. Draw your weapons, fight those beast, and send them back into the hole they crawled out of!

Remember me! Remember all those that died to protect there families! Remember why you are fighting!
DF  Post #: 2
10/28/2011 22:24:16   

The sounds of the groans and blades clashings is heard as Dragonknight sends away her dragon wraith to avoid him being infected as one of the zardbies changes the hero before being killed last year. Now 48 weeks later her curse is resurfacing...as andy hides in fear from being bitten by the other zardbies while dragonknight is panting at the gates of the croft. Feeling the the other zardbies comming a familiar grin spreads across her face. "Let there be war tonight!" as she changes becoming the zardbie and clutching her weapon while she sends into the onslaught the beasts of war! her own zard pets charging and ripping the enemy nearest her in pieces, as she delievers a final blow to the head and roars in the heat of battle motion more to come. She uses her skull blaster trinket to break the gates to seal it off, leaving her no escape just the way she likes it as she dives into the battle slashing through limbs and skulls while cuts from the enemy appears on her body as her zards and her babychaosweaver feel at home in this battlefield of chaos and destruction while paying no attention to any who might begin to assist her because if they get in her way she will cut them down... (first post)
As she battles on slashing and infecting the other zardbies to cause damage while her zards and babychaosweaver rip them apart, she notices the chickencows being turned undead and attacking her. She bites one on the neck and slashes at the same time as its just another body to fight, while throwing a funny bone at the back of the head of the changed gorrillphants making them rush her only to be cut by her spear of good, though she seems very much unlike the definition of good throwing the bones of the the chickencow at her zards to eat as she heals and prepares for her neck wave if she was normal she would be laughing, but instead is roaring in battlecry as she pulls out the summon gem of the reaver casting it as the skeleton rises and stabs his spear in the ground killing several of her foes as her summon gem of roktoru is plowing through enemies and her skull blaster is firing missiles all around painting the brilliant picture of war!
As Dragonknight takes her breather she prepares to go beserker in battle as she charges with her zards dripping zardbie blood over the place as she goes into a frenzy biting the opponents and infects more heroes to become minions. if she could think she would be pondering how to make her battle any more enjoyable while bathing in the infected blood of the battlefield she longs for knowing too well how strong zardbies is so beware humans if you cross her in battle for you might be her next opponent and meal *laughs darkly beside her dragon who ended up infected when checking on her*

Dragonknight and her dragon, Wraith stood while zardbiefied upon a mountain of corpses roars at the moon wanting more to fight on her end. The zards she controls are running around ripping apart friend and foe as she notices the war is progressing slowly. She sits down while nomming on the skull of a fallen M.O.P member that tastes like paladins for some reason as she hears the warcry of her friends the fellow warmongers. The sounds of the battlecry motivates her as the demonic look on Dragonknight's face is shown causing most her enemies in battle to run the other way towards the warmongers as she chuckles crushing the skull she was playing with. (post 3)

< Message edited by deather98 -- 10/30/2011 0:44:40 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 3
10/29/2011 7:40:45   

Kinzvlle stood by the Cinnamon tree. He had awoken to the sound of Andy screaming and seen a blond zarbie with 2 red hair bows. He was waiting for some of his troops to come and aid in the war. While he waited Kinzvle sat and thought. At first he was just thinking about his awesome new haircut but then he began to think about Andy. Why isn`t he a zarbie? Why does every girl want to kiss him? Where did he come form? Did he wander off? Is he still hiding up in the room? These questions and more were spinning through Kinzvlles head. He looked at the war meter and frowned. They were not even at 1 percent. Then he heard something. The sound of wagon wheels. the sound of undead chickencows being ran over. The sound of Zarbies being sliced apart! Then parking right beside Kinzvlle was The Has Covered Wagon. On the outside it was a normal covered wagon but on the inside it was a giant Mobile base of operations! Kinzvlle stood up and addressed his troops! "I will not lie this war will not be easy some of you may even die or become infected. Just setting foot the battlefield is risking your own life but ins`t that part of defending Lore. Giving your own life so several other can live. Ins`t that why you joined Has? If you don not want to risk your life leave now but know that if you leave you are not Has materiel and are kicked out forever! Now troops hold of the zarbies I need to go find a witch cat!" Kinzvlle jumped out of the wagon and went to look for Bubble!

Kinzvlle walked out of the woods and entered Croft! In his arms was a unconscious cat! Kinzvlle looked down at Bubbles in his arms and sighed. He handed Bubble over to Toil and Trouble. He then hoped in to the mobile base to review the current war stats. He looked down at the reports,graphs,and statistics that were siting on his desk! The speed of the war kept going up and down,up and down. Then a noise came over the radio. "This is officer Solargeo I repeat this is officer Solargeo! returning to HQ!" A Huge War space ship arrives and lands outside of HQ! "Hey guys this is my space ship The Forward onto Dawn of Beaching Hope and Unity!" Shouts Solargeo on the radio. Only a few minutes after the ship takes off again Solargeo radios in to HQ. "GET EVERYONE OUT OF Sector 12 NOW IF YOU DON'T THEN THEY WILL BE FRY ED WITH WHAT I AM ABOUT TO DO!" Kinzvlle straps on his rocket propelled robotic wings and carries everyone out of sector 12 so Solargeo can fire his weapon. Then over the radio "Uh you better evacuate Sectors 13,14 and 11 too. Weapon is at 100% charge I am over charging it to make it powerful enough to take out the sectors just mentioned*!" Kinzvlle, clears the sectors and fires a laser canon to single a all clear. The Forward onto Dawn of Beaching Hope and Unity transforms into a giant Laser space ship, and fires it devastating lazier to all the zardbies in the area.

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 11/1/2011 0:17:47 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
10/29/2011 22:07:53   

here is a poem from an evil antagonists point of view. (I also have one from a hero's point of view but it needs tweaking as it reads almost like a love song)

We unite in strength against you
the blackest power within us all
our forces will reign supreme
the world of the pure shall learn

Reveal to me now your innermost heart
Embrace the darkest emotions that pours forth
We shall win through the greatest power
you will never purge us all

Shining days that become the cruelest of nights
we won't give up, this most composed of clashes
none will overthrow us.
AQ DF  Post #: 5
10/29/2011 22:09:12   

a poem about this war...

...it's been a year since the attack of the zards,
many songs were sung by the local bards,

they met there match by us, but have returned,
so this year let's give the infection the beating it's earned!

Now we fight a 3million wave war,with the deadline mogloween,
to win this war we need to fight hard and fast, and even mean,

we lost bubble, but fear not,
the cat bubble, is are second shot,

we might not need to win but only delay,
so the sisters can cure them on mogloween day!

We need to battle, forget the masks,
we have the undead to occupy are tasks!

..even gorrillaphants have been infected,
dangerous they are, kill undetected,

we can't lose we must win,or die trying!!
unless rolith starts script defying!

< Message edited by everett910 -- 10/29/2011 22:14:53 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
10/29/2011 22:56:21   

Ahem. A little something; The Last of My Kind.

I am the last of my kind.
All around me my friends and kin I find,
They lay in a field stained red,
All of them, they are, quite siply, dead.

Stolen they were, by a cruel twist of fate,
many of them out, unaware, of the date.
when through came evil, in no sneaky disguise,
to take what it wanted, from land, or from skies.

But I cannot weep; I cannot moan,
until I destroy every last bone,
From those... the Zardbies, and chickencows too,
gorrillaphants as well, all get their due.

For I am the last of my kind...
And by my words,
To all I stand true:
I will kill every last one of them!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
10/30/2011 12:32:05   

"Well well well what do we have here?" Said the old mage glaring at the advancing zardbie horde inching its way to his home. "Well we cant have this now can we?"

The mage retreated to his home and retrieved a single item. A longsword. The mage emerged from his home with the zardbies nearing his front steps. The mage muttered a spell and in a blink of an eye a flash of lightning came forth from the heavens, exploding a dozen zardbies in a single blow. But now the zardbies were face to face and one charged towards him. The mage muttered another spell and in a second a slash of pure flame shot out from his long sword, slicing every zardbie in his path in two.

"Now thats how you make someone half a man!" Proclaimed the mage. Suddenly the ground began to shake and a mighty Zardbiegorrillaphant emerged from the horde and charged straight for the mage. The mighty beast leaped into the air and shot down towards the lone mage and a loud crashing sound and a large cloud of dirt hidden the crash site.

A few moments the dust settled and what was left of the beast was a million pieces as it smashed into a rock dome created by the mage. The dome receeded back into the earth and the mage stared back the horde and said, "As much as I would love to continue this I have different matters to attend to so if you would please," the mage then raised his sword towards the heavens and from a hole in the sky came a great crimzon orb that neared itself to the center of the advancing army, "drop dead." Suddenly the orb bursted forth unleashing hell fire from the heavens down onto the earth incerating all in its path. The screams of the fallen Zardbies spread throughout the surrounding area and could be heard from miles away, and the mage that caused this stood at his home smiling at his destruction.

Zardbies tried to run but were set ablaze within seconds, those in the center were eviserated on the site, and those at the far ends suffered a more hurrendous torture as the flames slowly ate away there bodies rather than killing them instantly.

The mage turned and went into his home and, in a cynical tone, said, "Great, its going to smell like burnt food for a week."

Signature removed. -Faerdin

< Message edited by Faerdin -- 11/22/2012 18:08:36 >
DF  Post #: 8
10/30/2011 21:40:29   

Standing in the night, I am alone in the silence. A noise from the left. A sound from the right. I turn to face my attackers. A group of five zardbies is approching quickly towards me. A chickencow, gorillaphant, and three humans. I know I can't kill them, because they are innocents. Merely victims of circumstance. They must be cured, but I can't be infected or else another hero might not show me the same mercy. One human flings itself at me with full force. I dodge to the right only to be hit with a sword from behind. The chickencow trys to trample me, but I roll away before it can achive its goal. I stand back up and try grab my amulet, but they don't allow me a moments peace. The gorillaphant jumps 10 feet in the air and trys to attack me from above. I turn and blow it back with a time bomb. As it hits the ground I know that it is dazed, but not out of the fight yet. The third human trys to sink her teeth into me, but my chronomancer armor stops her from reaching my flesh. I doubt I will be so lucky a second time. I reach for my amulet again and this time I manage to grab it. I put out a call to a very good friend of mine. He arrives in a flashing burst. The zardbies stagger back from the light and I see my chance. I charge in and eliminate one of the human zardbies by delivering a blow to the back of its head. It falls on the ground in a hopefully peaceful sleep. The others regain their sight and come back at me. The gorillaphant is back up and begins another attack. However, my dragon sends him down for the rest of the fight with a strong elemental ball. Two are down and three remain. I focus my efforts on the chickencow as it is the strongest remaining zardbie. A quick sweep to its legs send it on its knees long enough for me to deliver a blow too the head. I don't get to enjoy the victory for long as the two remaining zardbies rush in and pin my arms. I look to see that my dragon is laying motionless on the ground. He appears to be alive, but for how long? A festering bite wound is on his skin. He will transform if I don't get to cure him fast enough. With my number of chances shrinking I use Chronosphere to blow the zardbies off of me. Using Overclock I ready my last attack. A supercharged Chronolock flys from my hands and sends the zardbies sprawling. With all of the enemies down I rush to my dragon. Luckily I kept a piece of the candy cure in case of an emergency. I figure that this qualifies as one. With the cure inside him my dragon heals and returns to normal. With the situation handled I have only one question remaining. How am I supposed to carry all these zardbies back to croft to get cured?!
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 9
10/31/2011 22:27:17   

Staring at the puddle of green blood Creature knew what threat had came into his forest. Zardbies. Creature had tangled with the likes of these before and knew the threats of fighting one of the abominations, but anything that entered his forest becomes a target. Creature followed the blood trail through the dense forest until he came upon a zardbie camp. Creature climbed a nearby tree to get a vantage point on his prety. There were two dozen zardbie creatures by the look of them, ten humans, four chickencows, three zardbiegorrillaphants, and seven zards.

Creature scanned the surrounding area, trying to find a good point to begin his strike. Found no luck till he noticed something interesting. The zardbiegorrillaphants were hudled together in a group and right above them was a branch that if Creature could get there he could land a preemptive(off topic, how do you spell that?) strike on the strongest creatures of the group.

Creature lunged himself on the lower branches of the tree and began to climb to the point of attack. When he reached the branch above his prey he drew his longsword, said a quick prayer, and dived down upon his enemies. Creature came down upon one of the zardbies, slicing the giant beast in two, and he twirled around quickly before the others could react and sliced the remaining zardbiegorrilaphants in half.

The chickencows took notice first and raced towards creature with madness in there eyes. The first leaped into the air and darted towards creature, only to have Creature side step and chop it at the spine. The other three surrounded Creature, hoping to flank him, but Creature took a deep breath and mumbled under his breath. Within seconds a glowing aura surrounded Creature and in a moment Creature attacked at light speed, killing the three chickencows in mere seconds. This of course drained Creature, but not enough to take him out of the fight.

The zards and zardbies dashed towards Creature who was still trying to recollect himself after his last attack. Three Zardbies met him first but were quickly sliced down in a massive slash through there mid section. fourteen zards and zardbies remained and Creature was not sure if he could continue this fight. As when all hope seemed lost, Creature made a desperate move that may cause him his life. Creature mumbled another spell and again an aura appeared before him, but this one was bright red and had the look of evil upon it. Creature began to speak in tongues and in moments changed into a monster that spawned from the depths of hades itself.

The zards and zardbies through themselves upon him, only to be sliced by Creatures massive sword and burned by his attacks. Before the last of the zardbies could fall Creature lost his energy and reverted back into human form and was on the verge of collapse from exhuastion. The Zardbie smiled as if he was to be the victor of this match. The zardbie howled into the air, but was cut short by a dagger thrown by Creature to silence him forever. The last of the zardbie squad fell to the ground, creating a pool of green ooze around it. Creature slumped to the ground and said, "Better rest for next time..."
DF  Post #: 10
10/31/2011 23:16:26   
Rune Knight

Can't stop. Don't stop. They'll find you. They'll break you, ruin you, end you.
Sweat cascaded down the horrified warrior's heated skin like miniscule rivers of anguish as he crashed through rotting foliage. A chill crept down his spine, reducing him to nothing more than a hollow spectre of his former self as a blood-boiling howl ravaged his ears. Constantine fell heavily to his knees, the telltale crunch of dead leaves beneath leather boots finally reaching his ears. They are coming, Constantine thought. Endless despair clouded his vision far more effectively than the dark veil of night ever could.
The glorious light of the Moon held no hope for young Constantine.
Hot tears filled Constantine's eyes, stinging yet filling him with the blessed, warm thrum of life. The young man thought only of his wife, his children, the family that he never had the opportunity to raise. By the lost kings, please let me live, Constantine wordlessly begged. His auburn hair shimmered softly with the copious product of his soul-crushing fear. Sapphire eyes flashed, desperately scrutinizing the shadows for his potential enemies.
There was a low growl, a terrible and beastly growl that caused the soldier to instinctively clutch at his battle-worn blade.
They're here.
A distinct rustle sounded amidst the dry, decayed trees, looming over the foolish boy like depraved sentinels of a long forgotten age.
No, please..
Putrid, pestilent pillagers of the damned tore ravenously through the forest, shrieking savagely to the indifferent Moon. The Zardbies had finally found their prey.
And then all was lost to the shadows...

< Message edited by Faerdin -- 10/31/2011 23:22:14 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
11/1/2011 20:01:41   

DM66's Motivational speech

Friends, neighbors, lorians lend me your body parts.
4 score and 48 weeks ago, the zardbies were defeated, now they are back.
We must win this war, it may be hard, but we do not do this because it is easy, we do it because if we don't we die.
Ask not what lore can do for you, but what you can do for lore.
we the people of lore will not stand for zardbification without representation.
I do not like green zardbies and ham.
This is the best of times for warmongers the worst of times for citizens.
Call me Ishmael.
You can slay if you want to, and leave your friends behind.
No zardbies for you!
Marriage (pronounced Maiwage) Pwnage, pwnage is what brings us together today.

first LNN broadcast.

Welcome to the premier episode of lore news neetwork, we will be airing daily during wars from now on. Maybe even more often.
The WPM is sadly spiraling down, however, morle is spiraling up.
The release of permanent masks and the zardbie scythe (which isn't sold out yet folks, get one while you can!) has made morale go up up up!

In other news Lime (co-stariing with Lim and Cysero in hit Crystal Ball Vision {CBV} show 2 1/2 scientists) has been fired due to alleged z-virus infection. When asked to comment, all he said was "Blarrgh! I eat your brains brlgrllglr!"

And finally the troops in croft may be out before next friday. Mayor Ralf says that if the war isn't done by then, we will forfeit the war, and return home with our heads hanging low.

And finally, mayor ralf ios still the only person running for mayor this year, so we're stuck with him.

This is news anchor DragonMan66 handing it over to Dornalca for the weather and other news reports, so he can fight in the war.

LNN episode 2

Welcome back to LNN this is your anchorman DragonMan66 signing on.

First off we have an interview with Auron Leonheart, a fighter in this war.


How do you feel about fighting in this war?

I'm actually enjoying the war sir. Vanquishing the un-dead is what I do best (after artix of course). It makes my heart swell with pride knowing that I am helping to rid the world of this zardbie infestation.

Are you confident we are going to win this war? Or is it just a matter of time until our downfall?

I have no doubt in my mind that we will vanquish the zardbie threat. It is only a matter of time.

After reading the 9:00 hourly update are you scared?

I'm not scared in the least that just means more zardbies for me.

Any shout outs you want to make?

I'd like to make a shout out to oddball who almost killed me with the power of hugs.

Thank you for your time!

You are very welcome.

There you have it how an average fighter feels about this war.

In other news the zardbie scythe is sold out.

Next up, it turns out Lime the moglin quoted saying

"Blarrgh! I eat your brains brlgrllglr!"

turned out to not be infected, aanad in fact just dressed up as a zombie for Mogloween. Whoops that was a mistake on our part.

Finally, the zardbie threat is almost 1/2 eliminaed, more news later.

Now to Zork Knight with the weather.


Hello and welcome to a brief broadcast of LNN:

The new Defender's Items are out and awesome...
The war meter is at 60% and..
Dragon deamon apperentlly has 75 crit. That's a whole lot of crit

and umm... cheese is good!

Breaking news!!!!

We interrupt this war thread with breaking news!!

LNN's Biggest fan the odor is getting mentioned in LNN good for him, now to the news...

Guthixnite the famous deathmonger and user of respawning, hasn't died recently!!! It's a Mogloween miracle, folks.
Next up dragonman66 the host of LNN can't spell remeber remembber umm maybe its spelled rememberer remembe remebebr

wait for a second an I'll remember how to spell it, (hahaha.... not funny)

Well there's a reason it's not funny this is LNN not the tonight show.

Breaking newscast over!

Welcome to LNN this is our four day anniversary of re-starting the news broadcast.

ANd we have some special news for you.
First off an Interview with Guthixnite, about his sudden no deaths, then regular news and tehn we have a special treat.

Now today I interviewed Guthixnite about his sudden and strange lack of dieing. Here it is spelling errors included free.


So how does it fell not dieing anymore? How did it fell to die?

Well it feels nice not to...y'know....die everytime I step onto the battlefield.

As for how it felt to die.....painful and annoying for a while. But over time, i've grown used to it. That tends to happen when you spend a few centuries dying over and over and over.

Any shout outs you'd like to make?

sure, but just to let you know... its feel, not fell. lol
As for the shoutouts, it'd prolly have to be to Funkyman, who has aided me as I died in wars past, to the BoH for taking me in, and to all the warmongers who make every day I fight in the war so fun and amazing, you included Dragonman66!

Thank you for your time!

Not a problem!

Now the news is we are at the last day of this war and 84% done will we make this war won??

I sure think so

Remember as Rick Astley said "Never gonna give you up!" (Doesn't count as a rick roll if I annoounce it)

I'm sure he was talking about this war

Bonus Squidward Face!
. U

< Message edited by dragonman66 -- 11/4/2011 16:41:44 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 12
11/4/2011 6:53:24   

Ahd now for a Zarbie version of the bed intuder song:

THey're climbin in your windows
Biting your people up
Trying to eat them so yall need
To grab your sword grab your staff
Grab your sword grab your staff
Grab your sword grab your staff
And grab your dagger cuz the chompin erreboydy out there
You have got to come and defend
The town of Croft
Or they will take it
Or they will take it
So you can run and fight that, run and fight that, run and fight that
Hero, he he hero
DF  Post #: 13
11/4/2011 9:42:21   


Your number 1 war newspaper

You read right the Zarbies are back. They are invading Croft. How did they learn about Croft`s location you ask? Dumb old foolish Bubble just had to go kissing Andy. This war is going by slowly for a DF war. Let’s pick up the pace. Take your daggers, swords, or staffs and plunge them into the chests of the infected. For Andy, for croft, and for candy!

The Zarbie`s have transformed the chickencows into undead chickencows. They have awesome tails. Beside the tails they look kind of creepy. They are a weak enough monster that 2-3 rounds with a good weapon should take them out. So if you see any paladin`s throwing Chikencow feed on the ground you now know why!

Yes sadly the great of people of Mop have been infected. They can be found in rare waves. Fight them if you can handle fighting the people that have been so kind and heroic over the years! RIP MOP MOGLLOWEEN 2010-MOGLOWEEN 2011.

Bubble (the girl) has been infected. She stupidly kissed Andy. Oddly enough the infection got rid of her snake hair. Also when she got infected Bubble (the cat) ran away in fear! Toil and Trouble are asking for the help of Dragon Lords to help find cat Bubble. Without human Bubble they need cat Bubble or they can’t make the cure!

THE DAILY DRAGON IS BROUGHT TO BY: THE CANDY SCAREDCROW! STOP BY AND GET A HAIR CUT! (just make sure you don`t get any candy in your hair or else the crows will be after YOU)

Your number 1 war newspaper

TitanDragonLord has declared a war challenge. Mission 1: Defeat 250 waves to defend town
Mission 2: Defeat 500 waves to thin out enemy soldiers
Mission 3: Defeat 1001 waves to weaken the enemy army
you can do this people!

Dark, cold, windy, depressing, and the sounds of Solargeo`s war machines fill the air.

Commander Seth!

What do you know about him beside the fact that he can carry the virus without it affecting him? Why isn`t he a zarbie? Why does every girl want to kiss him? Where did he come form? Did he wander off? Is he still hiding up in his room in Croft?

On July 26,2005 the official DragonFable website went live



Your number 1 war newspaper

What does it meant to be hero. I will tell what it means. It means you stop at nothing to protect what is right and just. That you put your own life in jeopardy to save someone else`s ! You are noble! You are bold. When the going gets tough you get tougher. You never back down. That is what it mean to be a hero.

Zarbie blood showers and if Mortarion keeps messing around with water acid rain!

Commander Seth!
Dragonknight`s dragon

I have a theory that he was a zarbie but he some how ended up taking the cure and transformed back to normal but he only took it half way so the virus did not die away completely.

Fun Facts
DragonFable is one of the 2 only AE games that did not come out of beta in October!

THE DAILY DRAGON IS BROUGHT TO BY: the Beacons of Hope, the Phoenix's, the Darkness Knights, and all other war clans.

Your number 1 war newspaper

Stop blaming Chain for the war. He is only human and even the best of us have to sleep. Plus are character sort of did the same thing when we went to sleep in Croft. Also wars are great for getting gold which is good for buying weapons so you should be thanking Chain!

Gold and exp raining form the sky!!!!

Commander Seth!
Dragonknight`s dragon

Shouldn`t be so darn cute! If Andy wasn`t so cute the first girl would never have kissed him. So this war is Andy`s fault!

FUN Facts
Chain is awesome!

THE DAILY DRAGON IS BROUGHT TO BY: Chain Sword! (No war no Daily Dragon)

Your number 1 war newspaper

Never mind miss understood him. Though a double perspective news paper would be nice. (Heroes perspective and Zardbies perspective)

Morale rain!!!!

Commander Seth!
Dragonknight`s dragon

Does he count as a Zardbie?

FUN Facts
I got nothing!


Hello this is Mortarion, your great leader, popping up in these newspaper to tell all of you that you should keep fighting, oh and remember, don't kill them, just bite and deform them



Your number 1 war newspaper


All his family killed. Former slave. Mortarion has had a harsh live. Then he gave himself over to Nurgle (I think that is the right name not sure) since then he has been a agent of disease. He is now the zardbie leader. He can be creepy and gory at times. That is just his nature (and makes role playing with him a bit more interesting) That is in short a bio of the being that is Mortarion. (the daily dragon`s zarbie correspondent)


Tonight is shaping up to be a cold and windy night.

Commander Seth!
Dragonknight`s dragon

Form what I can tell in DF at least a Yaga is a old ugly evil witch when one that is good and kind and human looking (or in one case a cat) is simply called a witch.

If you have any theories about him pm me and I will post them (and give you the credit of course)

FUN Facts

Df warmongers have only ever lost 3 wars. Lets not make this the 4th *runs into battle*


Appropriate diet for a zardbie:

Zardbies from all of lore, here it's me, mortarion with a few health tips, remember that when you kill one of the warmongers you need to eat the brains and heart of the adventurers, it contains all the nutrients, coupe that with a few vegetables and fruit and whe'll have an army of healthy all powerful zardbies.


Your number 1 war newspaper


The votes are in and the best 2 class this war is Doom Knight and KAA! (not a shocker) Now these 2 classes are not open to everyone. The number 1 free class for this war is Soul weaver. Shockingly paladin is not doing so well in a war were you are fighting the undead!

You can expect a dark and gloomy night tonight in Croft. Also there may be a flood but that would be the KAA wearers fault. (tidal wave skill )

Commander Seth!
Dragonknight`s dragon
Lady Greydawn

Lady Greydawn made a outburst when she heard about Lady Greydawn Zardbie. This lead to Eric revealing that he had fought it!

If you have any theories about him pm me and I will post them (and give you the credit of course)

The record speed for all recorded wars is 6,060 wpm which was set in the Frostval Plushie War.


This war: You people say that we are monsters, but we are intelligent people, we have feelings and we have rights, we are not the monsters, but YOU warmongers, you have murdered countless beasts who weren't guilty for your wars, for that, you'll never win against us.

THE DAILY DRAGON IS BROUGHT TO BY: Ebilcorp! A name you can trust! (maybe)

Your number 1 war newspaper

Dragonman66 is a zardbie against zardbies (all credit for the headline and the speech goes to Dragonman66)

Friends, neighbors, lorians lend me your body parts.
4 score and 48 weeks ago, the zardbies were defeated, now they are back.
We must win this war, it may be hard, but we do not do this because it is easy, we do it because if we don't we die.
Ask not what lore can do for you, but what you can do for lore.
we the people of lore will not stand for zardbification without representation.
I do not like green zardbies and ham.
This is the best of times for warmongers the worst of times for citizens.
Call me Ishmael.
You can slay if you want to, and leave your friends behind.
No zardbies for you!
Marriage (pronounced Maiwage Pwnage, pwnage is what brings us together today.

More acid rain (because Solargeo`s spaceship had a fuel leak)

Commander Seth!
Dragonknight`s dragon
Lady Greydawn


A work to all who are interested
To all who know me, I am posting this works regardless of our sides in the war, if anyone can capture, hurt and/or kill any, if not all of the fragments from Mugen the Eternal, should they do this I'll do whatever they ask

Signed by Mortarion

Come on people send in those theory’s on Andy!

FUN Facts
, Resident Evil is on SyFy! (the tv channel)


news from the inside of the zardbies: It's me, Mortarion, some of you might know me as a fellow forumite, and veteran of the final thirteenth war, but for others I am a Plague Marine, a reaper and a lot of other things, but now I have become the zardbie king, I have evolved, you can't best me, not even if those so called fragments find a permanent cure, for I will always make another virus.


Your number 1 war newspaper

Today I hiked through the woods (brought my laptop because I am nerdy like that!) I ended up finding a weak wireless signal. I found the signal coming from a Gym... where I worked out in between war waves. Then my laptop abruptly ran out of power and my warring was over! Moral: Always bring your power cable.


//Sorry folks, the coding bug got me!
this.WAR = isnotgoingWell + "and we are about to..."
AttackOur += ("1" + warrun);
if (AllGoesWell) {
with (this) {
wecanget("the meter up" + hopefully)
WeRealyHopeThatThis = war run (){
TheFinal.push("for the night”)
// Cross your fingers... :-)

Commander Seth!
Dragonknight`s dragon
Lady Greydawn

LINKS THROUGH Df history.!

monsters dynamically loaded for battle

[link=http://team.battleon.com/artix/images/DragonFable-Intro-A.html.DragonFable Promo

Come on people pm me your theory’s about Andy!

FUN Facts
Zhoom played and won the very first DF quest on Oct 14,2005.

Wednesday, 2:45pm -- Zhoom wins the first battle in DragonFable!

THE DAILY DRAGON IS BROUGHT TO BY: [link=http://www.battleon.com/AdventureQuest


Your number 1 war newspaper

We already know all about Mort the king Zardbie. A lot of you should know Stephen Nix we know he has a hand to play in all of this. Though when confronted the penguin confused us all. Now you may know Necro Berserk. I am saddened to report that he has been infected. He got bitten and ate michaelcanfield`s arms off. (don’t worry I replaced them with robot arms) I then being the hero I am thrust my sword through his chest. He lifted a claw and roared. Were he is now no one knows.

It`s going to be storming tonight in Croft. So all you late night warmongers remember to wear a rain coat!

Commander Seth!
Dragonknight`s dragon
Lady Greydawn
Necro Berserk

easy, adv 1. Capable of being accomplished or acquired with ease; posing no difficulty: an easy victory; an easy problem.

2. Requiring or exhibiting little effort or endeavor; undemanding: took the easy way out of her problems; wasn't satisfied with easy answers.

3. Free from worry, anxiety, trouble, or pain: My mind was easy, knowing that I had done my best.

Come on theory’s on Andy!

Oaklore Keep first went live on Oct 6,2006
There once was 15,000+ Players Online



Your number 1 war newspaper

Work petition

A work to all who are interested:
To all who know me, I am posting this works regardless of our sides in the war, if anyone can capture, hurt and/or kill any, if not all of the fragments from Mugen the Eternal, should they do this I'll do whatever they ask

Signed by Mortarion


Tonight should be dark, cold, and damp. Perfect conditions for a virus to grow and spread!

Commander Seth!
Dragonknight`s dragon
Lady Greydawn
Necro Berserk

A word from a Sympathetic person.

Hello people, I am one of the few that support this magnificent creatures known as zardbies, but I tell you, they are capable of thought and they also have feelings and can feel pain. But even if you don't share my opinion, how does killing them makes you any better, no, in my opinion it only shows how great the zardbies are. Join S.o.Z today and you'll get a free shirt. By the way S.o.Z is an anagram for Save our Zardbies

Pm me you’re theory’s about Andy!

FUN Facts
Slow wars are bad!


Your number 1 war newspaper


All hooope is gone. Give up you’re lives. Drop your weapons’ and host the Z-Virus, our wonderful diseaaase.
Entropic, join us. Hero, join us. Kathool Adepts, join us.
Signed by zardbe solder number 666

It is late at night and it is the end of fall and start of winter. I am going out on a limb here and saying that Croft is going to be cold.

Lady Greydawn

Tailoring and crafting for zardbies!
now now, this article goes for the few, but present, zardbie ladies out there, when you kill an enemy, remember to keep their vertebral spine, you can use it for lances, and chairs, you'd need to start skinning some skin form the dead, but that’s not a problem, and it can be used to make blankets. Oh and always remember to save the rib cages, they can be turned into plates, knifes and sporks for our armies.

I got nothing.

THE DAILY DRAGON IS BROUGHT TO BY: Mrithra the great purple one!

Your number 1 war newspaper

Our current speed is 344 wpm, 11 wpm faster than the last hour. At this speed it will take us 5 days, 16 hours, and 5 minutes to defeat the remaining 2,801,878 waves. Our fastest speed for this war is 333 344 wpm .

Floods of victory.

Lady Greydawn

FUN Facts
I got nothing.
________ ____________________________


The daily dragon has moved to the radio! Well not really but War reach radio is sorta like the daily dragon. War Reach radio has music, news,and dragon back reports! It is run by me and Legomaster. For now I will focus on War Reach Radio. This war and future wars I will be rotating around the 2.

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 10/29/2011 22:02:10 >

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 11/4/2011 14:35:41 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
11/4/2011 10:25:57   

At the request of kinzvlle, I am posting the Croft Reach Radio updates. These will not include the links found in the original posts.


Welcome, everyone, to War Reach Radio! We kept you updated in the invasion of Falconreach under the identity of Falcon Reach Radio, but we will not end there! For these episodes, you may know us as Croft Reach Radio. Now, onto business.
Some idiot hero brought an infected child into the Cauldron Sisters' hometown of Croft, and from what we can gather, he bit the human Bubble. This, I admit, is speculation, as we have not yet gotten a chance to interview anyone on account of our extradimensional radio station. She is now leading a zardbie assault on Croft, and the remaining Cauldron Sisters are putting out a cry for aid before they are overrun at the beginning of November. The estimates are at... hang on... ah, there's the paper. 3 million zardbies. Lovely. C'mon, heroes, remember Falconreach! You've taken our enemies faster than that!
I understand that some heroes are giving out candy cures to zardbies. My question is: what are you thinking??? They need to be annihilated! Go to the front lines, not the neighborhoods! Toil and Trouble need your help now!
Lastly, we give you a song to listen to while you hunt down zardbies: Wings of Glory. Now, back to the annihilation!


Aaaannnndddd weeeee'rrrreeeee back! Welcome to Croft Reach Radio! This is your host, legomaster00156, reporting from our spacetime-concealed radio station. We begin with new warmongering music, and for this, I have chosen a music from some alternate dimension in which (and I know this will sound crazy) only four elements exist. Behold, the Last Agni Kai.
We have pushed past 8% of the waves, which is actually kind of sad considering the ever-looming deadline of midnight, November 1st. I won't bother with a lengthy report, since you need to get back to the war, but it's worth noting that Bubble (the cat) has been seen running away from Zardbies into Doomwood. This is not good, as we shall need her to make the cure. So, please, keep an eye on the most inhuman member of the Cauldron Sisters. That is all. Back to work, heroes!


And Croft Reach Radio is back! This is your host, legomaster00156.
War weariness is on the high, as the adventurers of Lore feel the pressure of both this war and the Falconreach invasion taking their toll. 43% of the Zardbies have been defeated, but with less than 3 days to finish off over half the army, the race is on. Toil and Trouble have been doing all they can to keep the magic shielding up around Croft, but the Zardbies trudge ever onward, getting closer to the city with each stumbling step.
Now is not the time to give up. Remember that you are warmongers! You've fought harder and more enemies than this! Let's Battle On!


Welcome back to Croft Reach Radio, as we savagely push onward through the Zardbie forces.
With less than 36 hours before Croft's magical shielding wears down, the heroes are pressed to take out the remaining 43% of the Zardbies. Now, being a mere readio host, even though I would love to help, magic and war don't exactly come naturally to me. All I can do is urge the adventurers out there to continue to fight... and, of course, supply battle music. Everyone: hearts of courage! Nerves of steel! Iron wills! Silver... tongues... gold... teeth? Oh, never mind. Battle On!


And now, at 7:00 EST, Croft Reach Radio is back to bring you the latest update.
Nearly 60% of the Zardbies have fallen to spell and sword (and dagger, and chainsaw, and spoon, but we're gonna stay simple). With only 29 hours before the Cauldron Sisters' magic runs out, the Sisters are now quite nervous as the horrifying bulk of the army still looms on the horizon. But the warmongers know better than to lose hope. With inspirational words and a heaping dosage of encouragement, they continue to hack and slash their way through the horde.
I am here but to give you two songs. Requested by fans megakyle777 and The Odor, respectively, here they are: The Skyrim theme song, and Pillar. Now, everyone, back to war. Battle On!


And we're back to Croft Reach Radio, reporting from our famous extradimensional radio station. This is your host, legomaster00156.
Through the valiant efforts of warmongers, we have carved our way through thousands upon thousands of Zardbies in a short amount of time, and have only 37% of the enemy to defeat in the next 25 hours. Piece of cake. I do not have too much to say, I admit, but I remind you that no battle yet has been hopeless, and this is most definitely far from it! Keep up the war rate, and don't let anyone get you down! Battle On!


And we're back to Croft Reach Radio.
14.5 hours remain of the Cauldron Sisters' shield magic, and there remains 27% of the enemy horde. Toil has expressed genuine concern to me about not making it in time, but I long ago learned better. Naturally, I have war music: Leap the Precipice. Come on, warmongers: break the war meter! Battle On!


Croft Reach Radio is back, bringing you the latest news as doomsday looms on the horizon.
It's crunchtime here in Croft. With less than 8 hours before the Zardbies overrun the town, every warmonger in the area has been called forth to aid the city. Only 15% of the enemy forces remain, showing an uncanny ability of the heroes to pull victory from the jaws of defeat in the very last minutes. Bubble, THE ZARDBIE, has been spotted just outside of the magical shielding of Croft, awaiting the moment that the Sisters' magic fails. (Hah! I kept better records than last time I mentioned Bubble.)
Everyone, pray for victory! For the Cauldron Sisters! For Andy! Battle On!

Signature removed. -Faerdin

< Message edited by Faerdin -- 11/22/2012 18:09:06 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 15
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