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NaNoWriMo 2011 - Putting Barbie to Bed

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11/1/2011 22:47:51   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 1

"Barbie! You can't do this, I won't let you. There are other ways."

"No, Ken, this is how it must be. I can't stand by and watch all these little people be swept over and ruined because they do not have the firepower to defeat the dragons! How can I call myself 'right' if I just stand by?"

"But, my love... Think of our future, our plans! Do they mean nothing to you?"

"Oh Ken, I am thinking about that! I am thinking about what I would tell our children if I didn't help these people out! How could I look our future children in the face when teaching them how to be right and know that once upon a time I didn't uphold my own beliefs?


"The dragons are here! Ken, I --"

"Valkyrie! Dinner now! I do not want to have to yell down the hall again!"

I roll my eyes. She didn't have to yell clear down the hall. I mean, really? She can't walk twenty steps to my door and ask me to come to the dining room? I have a huge war about to start and I receive no warning dinner is ready. At least my mother could have given me a five minute warning. I don't think that is too much to ask, especially since the most epic dragon war was about to start.

Oh well.

"Barbie, I--" Ken puts up his arms in defeat. "Please just be careful. I love you and cannot stand the thought of losing you."

"I will Ken, I promise." Barbie turns to the little people. "We have a war upon us, my people. A war of survival, your survival. Join me, raise your weapons high and remember the plan. The dragons will go down!"

I roar for the crowd. Well, it would be more impressive if I had the ability to speak with several different voices at the same time. But, the roar of the multitudes is in my head, I can hear it. Time to bring in the dragons. I know there is a creepy smile on my face, but I can't help it. I am about to unleash the most epic dragon attack. There will be casualties, there will be tears and wounds. There will be--

"VAL-KYR-IE! Now!"

What kind of fun is a war that you can't complete in perfect sequence? I bet Mercedes Lackey doesn't have this issue when she's writing. No, she doesn't have a mother yelling at her from the other side of the house, interrupting her most wonderful thoughts.

I look at the scene spread out before me. It is a glorious sight; Barbie standing against the mountain, Ken off in the distance watching his true love fight a war, and all my brother's Lego men scattered in war formations to receive the dragons' attacks. As I leave my room for dinner, I close the door. If Max knew I had his Lego men, he would ruin everything. I couldn't take that chance.

Walking down the hall, I debated how I was going to act this out. I mean, I could be incensed that my creativity was interrupted. Though, by doing that, my mother's wrath could be increased, which will not bode well for me. I could act as if I didn't care. So what if it's dinner time? Her schedule is quite obviously not mine.

To be honest, I am thinking that will be worse. I overheard her talking to Micah's mom on the phone. She sounded annoyed at the current trend of my friends acting that way. Acting like I didn't care may be worse than acting mad at her. As I round the corner to the dining room, I see that I am indeed the last to the table. Max is staring at me as if I have the plague and Rory is already playing with his food.

Dinner is going to be awesome.

"When I call you for dinner, young lady, I expect you to obey me that very minute."

I nearly groan, then catch myself. That wouldn't do, not at all. The last time I groaned when she was griping, I got a nice slap on the forehead. It didn't hurt, it was the principle of the thing. I do not appreciate being slapped on the forehead.

"Mom, I was just in the middle of something I needed to finish up before coming here. It's just that, well, I didn't want to lose the feel of the scene."

"Playing with your Barbies again?" I could see it coming. How is it when you try and skirt around the real issue, moms bring it up anyway? I mean, couldn't she tell that I wanted to avoid this conversation?

"Yes, mom, I was. Barbie was leading a rebellion against the evil dragon warlords. And I was about to bring in the dragons when--"

"You are eleven years old, right?"

I muffle the sigh that escapes my mouth. Yep, here we go. "Yes, I am eleven."

"And you will be twelve years old at the turn of the new year?"

I close my eyes and count to ten. It's the only way I can avoid yelling at her. "Yes."

"Don't cop an attitude with me. You are going to be in the sixth grade in a week. Don't you think it's time that you, I don't know, decided to grow up?"

It's times like these when I wish I lived on my own. If I lived alone, without her, I could do whatever I want. Why is she so eager for me to grow up anyway? As far as I could tell, she doesn't want me to grow up. She told Nika's mom that just yesterday. Both moms sounded like sobbing bears as they cried about how their little girls were growing up. It took everything we had not to gag while they cried like babies.

"Well, Valkyrie?"

"I like how I am. So what if I still like to play in my room with my Barbies? Which would you rather have, me playing with my Barbies or me growing up just like Michelle next door?"

That's when my mom turns red. She doesn't exactly like that comparison, but it made my point. Michelle is a seventh grader this year and over the summer, she went from down-home, good girl, to tight skirt wearing, makeup painted freak of nature. But hey, if that is what my mom wants...

"Just eat your dinner, Valkyrie. I am warning you, and doing so because I love you. If you do not grow out of the toys, you will not have an easy time in sixth grade. Do you want the other kids to laugh at you?"

Love? Yeah... "Mom, the only people who even know I still play with my Barbies are Nika and Micah. And really, as my best friends, there is no way either of them would betray me. Besides, they know that I am not just playing Barbies and such. They know I am acting out scenes to future best sellers."

It was about this time that Max decided that he isn't getting much attention and throws mashed potatoes at Rory.

"Valkyrie..." I watch her look at Max in horror. "Maximillian!"

Cue my screaming four year old brother Rory.

"This...conversation is not over, Valkyrie!" I proceed to eat the meatloaf she had prepared as my mother ran all over the kitchen like a chicken with its head cut off. Max sure knew how to change a subject. He may be an annoying pill of a brother, but sometimes, he could be really cool. I finish without a peep as the circus continues. Quietly, I sneak my plate and cup to the sink and run for my room.

Setting up the dragons for attack took effort. It had to be just right, or it wasn't going to be realistic enough. I just wish the big black dragon would stay on the stupid mountain! But no, it has to fall down. Constantly. How on earth am I supposed to conduct the battle royale of dragon attacks if the lead dragon can't stay on her perch?

It has come down to this. Barbie leads the people, guitars, spears, knives, fishing rods and anything else those weird little Lego men come with in hand and they rush for the dragons. The dragons swoop down, raking fire, ice and acid mist over the warriors. Oh no! Barbie is captured in the claws of the lead dragon. The warriors gasp collectively as they run around, trying their hardest to battle the minions. Their leader cannot be taken from them!

A knock on my door interrupted me. I have the lead dragon in the air, Barbie in its massive, razor sharp claws. The Lego men are scattering beneath the minion dragons' attacks. And a knock on my door ruins everything! The mood is broken.

Reluctantly, I put down the lead dragon, careful so that the claws do not release Barbie. I actually like the way she is hanging limply from its claws. One more glance to make sure everything is where I need it and I get to my feet to open the door. If it is my mom, I really hope she is not in the mood to continue the conversation. I open the door.

It's mom.

"You have an email, Val." That's all she says.

She turns from the door and briskly walks down the hall to the dining room. I peer into the computer room, which honestly is just a little cubicle in my mom's bedroom. Apartments aren't exactly roomy and all. One day, I will have an email of my own and my mother won't comb through everything sent to me. It's embarrassing. Especially when your best friend is spilling his soul to you.

Speaking of best friends, it is an email from Micah. What's up, Valkyrie? Just dropping a note to remind you that we have the movies tonight. Our last 'party' before school starts. Are you still coming? Let me know.

I can imagine the look on my face. A mix of wide-eyed surprise and excitement. I had totally forgotten about the movie!

"Mom!" I scream as I run into the dining room. "Mom!"

"What? For goodness' sake, Valkyrie, you don't have to scream at me from across the apartment. Walking in here calmly would be better."

I have to exercise so much control in order not to laugh at her. So, you don't like it either, huh? "I totally forgot, but Micah and the gang is getting together tonight for the movies. It's the last time we get to stay out late before school starts. I totally want to go. Can I? Please? Please?"

I hate the way she is looking at me right now. It's the whole look that says "You are at my mercy." I swear, if I have to make a deal, I will make a big stink about it.

"What movie?"

"Um, the one about the kids that are writing a book and everything they write comes true." Here comes the question of questions.

"And its rating?"

I curl my hands into fists briefly. "PG-13." Come on, mom, just let me go. It's not like anything in the movie will be a first time for me. Our neighbours say more words you dislike on a daily basis than a PG-13 movie ever would. I try the "please" look to help her make the decision.

"And Micah's mom? Will she be around?"

"Mrs. Stromly will be in the theatre, but is taking his little sisters to a movie about ponies." I mock gag here. You wouldn't catch me going to that movie for a million dollars. I don't care how popular that movement has become. And, to top it all off, I swear it has robbed the boys of their manhood. And they didn't even have a manhood to be robbed of yet.

After what seems like an eternity, my mom finally speaks. "Well, if Mrs. Stromly will at least be in the theatre, I guess you can go. But, Valkyrie, I don't have much money left for the month."

I hug my mom. She did deserve it after all. "Don't worry. I have some money left from when Nana came down. I can pay for it. Besides, Micah will let me mooch off his popcorn. He always buys a size too big."

My mom has a weird look on her face when I pull away. Whatever, I am going to go tell Micah I will be there. Running to my mom's room, I actually leap into the computer chair. Micah, I am totally there! My mom will bring me to your house in an hour.

I twirl in the chair, happy. As I spin, I see my mom pop into view over and over with the same weird expression on her face. I wonder what her issue is? Speaking of issues, I have a war to finish. As fast as I can, I run to my room, slamming the door behind me. I didn't have much time before I left and I had to resolve this war.

The dragon pumped its wings as it flew, with Barbie in its grip, to the mountain top. The Lego men cried out as they pushed one last time to overthrow the draconic minions before them. Ken screamed in agony as his beloved was carried off. Barbie squirmed in her imprisonment as the great maw of the lead dragon made its way down to her.

Just then, an explosion of massive proportions echoed through the valley. Wait, what? I didn't plan any explosions!

"You... Have... My... Toys!"

"Max, no!" I tried to stop his grubby little hands from snatching up my army, but it was no use. There were a lot of Lego men on my floor and a determined seven year old pain in the butt wrecking my good time. Any time I tried to rescue a soldier, Max tried to bite me. I hate brothers. I hate them so very much.

The war was over due to an angry demi-god with sharing issues. The lead dragon fell from her mountain top perch as Max dove at my props, my buildings and all my tools. Barbie fell too, but the benevolent hand of the Goddess of Wisdom caught her before she touched the ground. As the lead dragon flew off to tend to her wounds, Ken came running towards Barbie, relieved she was okay.

I watch as he frets over her, much like hens do over the wayward chick. It is slightly embarrassing to watch, to be honest. I just wish I was okay. Ken needs to grow a spine. What guy let's his girl go off to fight a war without him anyway? Personally, I think he just doesn't want her to have any fun.

word count 2489

< Message edited by Eukara Vox -- 11/1/2011 23:29:00 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
11/3/2011 0:56:12   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 2

"Come on, mom! I'm going to be late." I stare at the door, grumbling. "We are always late."

"Perhaps, dearest daughter, if you would help me get the boys ready we wouldn't be late." I don't know what was more annoying, her tone or her words. As if I don't help. I did get them rounded up. What more does she want from me?

"Max and I will be in the car. I will get him strapped into the booster seat." I grabbed his wrist tightly and pulled him along out the door.

Max growls and tries to bite me, but I was expecting it. "Stop it, Vallie."

"What?" I pull him a bit harder as I feel him dig in his heels. "Stop it Max, or I am going to destroy the castle in your room you've spent all week putting together."

Max tries to jerk his hand from my grasp, but he just isn't strong enough. "I'm going to tell Mommy."

"Try and see what happens. Either stop struggling and do what I say, or the castle goes bye-bye."

Max's resistance fades as we reach the car. He got in without a hassle and even refrained from trying to bite me while I locked his seat beat. For once, putting him in the car was easy. "See, that wasn't so hard was it."

"You're a meanie, Vallie." He looks away from me, pouting. "Not my sister."

Perhaps that should have hurt, but right now, all I care about is the movie and getting there on time. "MOM!"

"Lord above, I am right here, Valkyrie!" I jump as she calls from right behind me. I think she was planning on doing that the whole time. I climb into the front seat and fasten my seatbelt, my foot tapping impatiently. I hate having to haul my brothers around. They make everything so difficult.

"Alright, Valkyrie. Do you have any idea how long this will go tonight?" She started the car and then Rory started crying. I wanted to turn around and yell at him. He always cried in the car if we did anything other than take him to the store. My mom looked in the rearview mirror and sighed. "Rory, enough. We will be home soon. Mommy has to take Val to her friend's house."

The brat howled even louder. I hate having two brothers.

For the longest time we sat there in silence. I knew my mom wanted to talk. She had that weird posture. You know, the one that said "I want to talk but I don't know how to start." The last time I saw that posture, she was trying to talk to me about puberty and getting my 'monthly gift.'

Why is that considered a gift? Seems to me that what she told me about was more a curse than a gift. Sitting here, all I could think of is that stupid conversation. I never thought anyone could talk about tampon safety for that long, but that is how nervous she was. I can still hear her talking about it, her voice shaky, her eyes nervous. They are just tampons. Why is this--

"Valkyrie, how are you feeling about tonight?"

Woah, that's a weird question to ask, especially given what I am thinking right now. "How am I feeling tonight? What do you mean?"

My mom's grip on the steering wheel was epic. You know how they always describe the white knuckle grip in books? My mom had that going on. "Well, it's a movie and party. And, well, you are with Micah for it. Doesn't that make you nervous?"

I look at my mother oddly, well, I assume the look is odd. I will get confirmation shortly. "Why would that make me nervous? It's just a movie and hanging out afterwards with the gang."

She groans. "Valkyrie, don't look at me like that. I am your mother and that is not a look you give your mother." She twists her fingers around the wheel, almost like she was gearing up for something big. "But, it's with Micah, sweetheart. And, well, Micah is a guy and you are a girl."

"Dude, Mom!" I cannot believe this.

"I am just saying, if he tries to kiss you--"

"Mom, ugh, no, stop please." This is not happening. I can't believe she is doing this.

"Look, it happens. Guy, girl, movies? He always buys popcorn a size to big? Seems like there is something more there." My mom's eyes are glued to the road.

I can't believe she won't shut up. "It's nothing like that! That's just... Oh my God, mom, it's not like that. He's my best friend and ew, kiss me?!" I can feel my face drain of all warmth. I was horrified. How could she five minutes from Micah's house?

"Hey, don't use the Lord's name that way! And this is very real, Valkyrie. You are old enough to--"

"Stop it, Mom. I am serious. This is creeping me out and we are almost there. I am going to get out of the car freaked out and then everyone is going to ask questions. And what am I supposed to say?"

My mom lets go of the wheel brief, throwing her hands up in the air. "Now you are over-reacting!"

"Over-reacting? How am I over-reacting? You are the one bringing up kissing and stupid stuff like that!" I scoot over as far as I can from her, smashing myself up against the car door.

Silence looms the last couple of minutes. My mom tried to talk, but every time, she opens her mouth and then shuts it. Finally, we are there and I cannot get out of the car fast enough. As I open the door, my mother calls out to me.

And that is when it happened.

"Vallie kiss Micah!"

I glare at my mother, then at Rory as I slam the door. If I cause a scene, I don't give a rip. I hate little brothers. And I hate little brothers who cannot shut up. As I storm up to Micah's door, I hear my mother call out for me to call her. If she's lucky.

Micah opens the door for me, sees my face and looks over my shoulder. I don't care what he sees or doesn't see. I step into the house and excuse myself to the bathroom. A cold water splash should help me regain some colour. And if anyone asks, I just hope I am not in the mood to smash a face.

Nika, Caleb, Victoria and Cassandra were already waiting and I wave to them as I practically run by. The bathroom is a more important at the moment. I had to wash my mother's taint off me. And I still have that stupid conversation in my head.

After I close the door, I turn the water on, making sure it is cold and splash my face. I hate looking in the mirror, but the situation calls for it. Leaning in, I look at every inch of my face, making sure that there was nothing happening on my face that points to stupid awkwardness that is my mother. Storming into Micah's house was explainable. I have little brothers. Once I give that excuse, everyone will start complaining and forget I arrived mad.

I take a deep breath and smooth out my shirt, more out of nervousness than anything else. I open the door and look out, relieved that no one was staring at the door. Calmly, I walk out into the living room and sit on the burgundy couch and sink down into the cushions. Man, I love this couch.

"So... Is everything okay, Valkyrie?" Cassandra's concern was genuine. She and I have much in common. Neither of us have much money and both of us live with only one parent. Frequently, she knows exactly what was wrong without me saying anything. It's why she is my co-best friend.

I smile at Casssandra. "Rory and Max being their stupid selves. Brothers are a pain in the butt."

"Oh yeah, you aren't kidding. Nick threw a fit before we came and dad had to clean up mashed peas off the wall." Cassandra rolled her eyes and my smile grew. Yep, no one will remember I was mad when I got here.

Caleb nodded. "My sisters made a huge mess in the living room. Play dishes everywhere. I nearly didn't make it, since my mom stepped on a plate and slid across the living room. Had it not been for the couch, I don't think I would be here."

We all jump as Micah roars with laughter. "I can just see your mother now, sliding across the living room." As he doubles over in laughter, I can't help but join in. Soon, all of us are laughing hard.

"Alright, you guys, let's get you to the movies. We have a long night ahead of us and we all need to squeeze into the van." Micah's mom comes into the room smiling. I assume she imagined the same thing her son did.

Micah's sisters run to the door screaming about ponies. The six of us make mock gagging noises, causing them to stick their tongues out at us. Endless entertainment. The drive is going to be so much fun.

word count to date: 4049

< Message edited by Eukara Vox -- 11/5/2011 0:33:11 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
11/29/2011 18:16:04   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 3

Paying for my own ticket is a matter of pride. Though I appreciate other people's generosity, handing over my money for anything felt really good. Maybe you understand, maybe you don't. But there was just something about the feel of doing something yourself that makes you feel as if all was right with the world. My mom worked hard, and I love her for it, but she was all alone in this. Times were often pretty tough when it came to stuff like movies.

"One for 'Write it Alive,' please." I smile as I slid the money into the slot at the bottom of the glass divider. The teenager in uniform looked up at Mrs. Stromly before taking my money. At least she was doing her job.

Ticket in hand, I move over so everyone else can get theirs. Mrs. Stromly got a dirty look from the worker when she asked for pony tickets. I would have looked at her too, because it was a pony movie, but I am pretty sure the look was more for the fact that Mrs. Stromly wasn't taking the six under-aged preteens to "Write it Alive."


Everyone but Cassandra and I get in line for popcorn. Mrs. Stromly offers to get us something, but we both decline. Micah once told me that I was being ridiculous when I declined offers like this. I adore Micah, but he doesn't understand. Maybe one day he will. Until then, I will just have to endure him saying that a hundred thousand times.

I can't believe it takes so long to buy popcorn and soda. I could understand if we were at my house or something, and my mother had to pop the kernels right then and there. But, these people have massive machines and storage tanks behind them holding a ton of already popped, hot and buttered popcorn. Why is it so hard to turn, pick up a tub, scoop and deliver?

After what seemed like forever, we finally went to our theatre, leaving the childish pony movie behind. Poor Mrs. Stromly, surely she would rather be in our movie. I gave Mrs. Stromly one last glance before we disappeared down our hall, feeling a small amount of remorse. I guess sometimes, as a parent, you have to do stuff you hate. I wonder if I would have a strong enough motherly drive to watch an hour and twenty minutes of ponies, singing and syrupy goodness. I like my cupcakes edible, not on the screen, thank you very much.

Finding seats wasn't easy, since there were six of us, and of course, we are not going to sit apart. Caleb pointed up at the top, three rows down. Usually, I don't like sitting so far up in the theatre, but the popularity of this movie seems to have beaten us to the better seats. Oh well, at least we all get to sit together. As we file in, I have to laugh at us. We sit in the same order every time. I wonder if this is out of habit or if we are somehow unknowingly doing it. Victoria first, then Caleb, followed by Nika, Cassandra, Micah and last, me. Every time. It's so funny. We all sit down as the previews start rolling.

Micah leans over and nudges me. "I got a large again. Bad habit, huh? You can have some if you want."

I smile and start to answer, except I hear my mother's voice in my head. He always buys popcorn a size to big? For the first time in our lives of movie going, I freeze, unable to grab a handful. Micah looks at me funny, which I assume means I have a weird look on my face. Thanks mom. Really.

"I might get some later. My mom made meatloaf tonight, and you know how rich her meatloaf is."

"Oh yes, so very true. What does your mom do to meatloaf that makes it like that. My mom's never fills me up." Micah shrugs the whole thing off, as if it was just another thing. Thank goodness. If he had started prodding, I didn't have an explanation readily available.

The first preview was for a kid movie about a lost dog that takes a wrong turn and ends up on a ship. I don't know. I mean, aren't lost dogs supposed to be able to follow their humans? And, well, would a dog truly just wander over water onto a boat? I kinda thought dogs had to be taught to love water. I could be wrong, but this movie doesn't get my thumbs up. I look over the group. Yep, they all think it isn't worth the time either.

Now, the second preview comes on and makes all of us jump right away. I love, absolutely love, being able to watch PG-13 previews. We get a nice mix of family-friendly and teenager-friendly previews. Nothing like a good paranormal freakout to make your blood go faster. I mean, who doesn't want to see some deformed trapped spirit trying to kill everyone in a house because he is ticked off at the afterlife for not letting him leave earth? If I was ever trapped on earth as a ghost, you better believe I would be ticked off enough to make the living regret living.

I zoned out for the rest of the previews. I like comedies and all, but it seemed like this was the season for comedies. You know what we've had a real lack of? Science Fiction. I mean hard science fiction, not the silly little kid alien movies.

"Where's a good intense robot movie when you need one?" I leaned over to Micah to ask.

"Not here, that's for sure. You know, we need a good sci-fi, don't we?" He whispered back and smiled.

And people wonder why my best friend is a guy.

Finally, the lights dimmed completely, meaning the movie would finally start. I felt a little smug, sitting there. Here I was, underaged at a PG-13 movie. Maybe not a significant thing to most people, but majorly significant for me. My mother would never bring me to one of these. Thank God for parents like Mrs. Stromly.

The only thing going on is a voice. A young voice, talking crazy. The voice is shaky, with lots of breathing between the words. Slowly, the words the kid is saying appear across the screen, as if they were being written. A slight yellowish glow spread across the screen.

"I bet that is a candle, Val." Micah whispers. "He's got to be locked where it is dark."

I smile. Micah is one of the most talkative people in a movie. But he is right, that has to be candlelight, which can only mean that either the electricity is out or turning on big lights is a bad idea. Either way, I like this already.

The handwriting is bad, but I can read it. I mean, it helps that I have horrible handwriting too. But that is a story for another time.

I take a major chance writing this down as it is, but someone needs to know what happened. Most likely, something will come of this letter, be it monster, disease, rage or disaster. But, if I can get one person to see the truth and not make our mistake, then I have taken a worthy chance.

I nestle down into my big, cushiony movie chair and grin. I grab some popcorn before Micah can and munch happily. The writing fades and the words "Six months earlier" appears, a small, quiet neighbourhood coming into focus. Hmmm, I was hoping this would take place in a city like Chicago or Los Angeles. You know, big buildings, massive destruction, millions of people screaming in the streets. Oh, and explosions. Those are a must. I am at a loss as to how such magnificent explosions could happen in a small town.

So, half an hour into the movie, we meet four girls and two boys who create a writing club, which get together in an abandoned train tunnel in the woods. I get that. Abandoned places like mines and tunnels make for a great place to create stuff like stories. But, there has to be more. I mean, so what? I look at the others, but I can't tell if my friends are thinking about this too.

There isn't anything that makes this tunnel "different" from other abandoned tunnels. Is it cursed by Native Americans because it is supposed to be sacred ground and we plowed right through it to make train tracks? Was there a nuclear accidents here, but it was kept top secret so that no one would panic in the nearby towns? If I knew there was a nuclear spill near town, I wouldn't want to live here. Okay, I would even go for an ancient alien residence that has residual technology that fuels on imagination. Anything would help me about now.

Wait... What was that? I groan. I missed something because I was thinking about what was missing. "Micah, what just showed up when the camera panned across the wall?"

"What? You mean you missed it?!" His voice elevated slightly. I shush him.

"I was... I was thinking a bit too much and wasn't paying attention."

"Valkyrie, seriously? It was a rune of sorts. It had three interlocked triangles and three circles on the outside. It was barely there, but you could see it below all the dirt and stuff." He looks at me and I can see his face. What a dork. "Stop thinking so much."

I stick out my tongue and look at the screen. I can hear him laughing to himself. I go for more popcorn and ended up grabbing his hand instead. I went from happy and warm to cold and nervous in a second. I let go of his hand and cross my arms. He laughs, and keeps eating while I am over here worried about my mother's words. He's laughing, so does that mean she was right?

Now I have a movie and Micah on my mind. How am I supposed to concentrate? This is driving me nuts. The movie keeps going, the story gets more intense and every so often Micah and I end up grabbing each other's hands. This is so unfair. I want to sell my mother to the Russian Circus now.


Mrs. Stromly had to wait for twenty-five minutes for us to get out of our movie. When we left our theatre and entered the lobby, the look I saw on her face made me want to laugh and pity her at the same time. Apparently, the movie was as bad as I expected it to be. Again, I wonder if I would be mom enough to take my daughters to such an abomination.

We had to wait another ten minutes for Caleb's mom to arrive, since the six of us, plus Micah's little sisters wouldn't fit in the Stromly's van. We all piled into Caleb's minivan, talking the whole time. The movie really was amazing, even if I spent part of it panicking over Micah.

"Okay, who in here bought the whole mystical machine bit?" Caleb asked as his mother pulled out of the parking lot.

Cassandra shrugged. "I dunno, Caleb. I mean, well, there are a lot of things we don't understand in the world. Why couldn't it make since? Maybe some good spirit would feel bad for us and--"

"Really, Cassandra? You think some angel is going to look down on us and shake his head in pity and go 'Silly human kids, playing with what they don't understand. Let me rescue you.'?"

I watched Cassandra's face turn a fairly interesting shade of purple as she tried not to yell at Caleb. She always wants to yell at him, but has yet to do so. I keep wondering if "today" is the day. "I didn't say angel, Caleb. I just said that there is more than what we can see. So, I am not going to rule out 'unseen' mystical forces. I mean, alien super technology could have been the mystical thing. They NEVER tell us."

Nika looks between them both and leans over towards me from the back seat. "I swear, they might as well be married."

I snorted. I couldn't help it. They did sound like the many married couples I have watched on television. All they did was argue. I mean, they both would argue with and about a light post if it flickered wrong.

"What are you snorting at, Val?" Caleb glared at me, as if I did something wrong. I am not the one arguing with Cassandra. I learned that lesson a long time ago. Why he hasn't, I've no idea. You'd think that after being friends for four years, we'd all know what not to do to each other.

"Oh get off it, Caleb. You're arguing with a wall and you know it. The movie never really told us what happened. It's all speculation, anyway." I roll my eyes and look at Caleb, daring him to respond.

"Oh, look at that!" Nika says suddenly. "I think Valkyrie is using her word of the day calendar!"

The van erupts in laughter at my expense. That's fine. So my grandmother believed my vocabulary should expand beyond the typical teen stuff. To be honest, I kinda like it.

< Message edited by Eukara Vox -- 1/8/2012 23:19:29 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
2/22/2013 1:55:03   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 4

Hanging out at Micah's is always a treat. Even though his sisters are young, they are tolerable. Not like my stupid brothers, where they are all clingy and scream-y, Micah's sisters would rather either bake cookies or play in their rooms, away from us. If you ask me, that is the perfect example of what a sibling should be.

Micah's house is very different from my apartment. As a matter of fact, Cassandra and I had a lot of trouble getting used to this house. It's huge, with lots of beautiful paintings and decorations. Micah's dad is the owner of a local construction company, so they have money to have a house like this. I don't hate him for it, though. It's just the way things are.

He has a dad who does what dads do. I... well, my dad forgot what dads are supposed to do. Actually, I can't remember if he really understood his responsibility. Oh well, apparently, some dads just suck. My mom would insist on me washing out my mouth for saying that, but I can't actually think of a word that describes the situation better.

"Hey, Val? You there?" Nika's voice cuts into my thoughts and I blink, to clear my mind.

Enough of that. No more feeling sorry for things. I have enough to be happy about. "Yeah, sorry Nika. You know me, always thinking and having out-of-body experiences in the process."

Cassandra looks at me funny, and I know she knows what I was really thinking. But she won't say anything, I know she won't. I look around and see something in the kitchen that looked like an artifact in the movie. Time to change the flow of thought and get back on topic. "You know, there was that one artifact in the movie. It kinda looks like that thing on the counter next to the fridge. I could have sworn it glowed with the rune at the beginning of the film."

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
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