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Once In A Lifetime

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11/11/2011 18:27:48   

The 11-11-11 event, as everyone knows, is a once in a lifetime event. I ask you this, devs: Why waste such a rare chance? Do you even have an idea of how many non variums are ragequitting now? How many potential customers you are blocking out? What a shame that so many people are leaving on this special day...
AQW  Post #: 1
11/11/2011 18:29:13   
Xx. Christian .xX

I agree but please not now we can start flaming after this day because its Nightwraiths b-day we should be happy that he is happy so please


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Post #: 2
11/11/2011 18:33:56   

At least I am not flaming...just yet. I am just posting the truth that many non variums (including me) are ragequitting. And I heavily doubt the devs even read these forums.
AQW  Post #: 3
11/11/2011 18:34:19   

is this anything new?
Post #: 4
11/11/2011 18:35:39   

AQWplayer: It is no time to rage, you have played AQW, sometimes they make releases that doesn't revolves or aren't for non-members, not saying this one is, but it was their decision. Also Bio Hazard Husk helped a lot of nonvariums out there and the TLAPD weapons were really good.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 5
11/11/2011 18:38:15   
Xx. Christian .xX

6 i agree well im a varium user but dont have varium right now, so just wait and nightwraith might change some of them into non-varium i hope so


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Post #: 6
11/11/2011 18:39:00   

The tone in which you post is one of a ragequitter. Purpose? Complaining because the update does not suit you. There are missions and achievements you can obtain, including a cake launcher aux from Electrohazard. Who says the devs left you out?


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 7
11/11/2011 18:41:56   

I doubt many non vaium players have room to buy 11 cakes.

< Message edited by Bunshichi -- 11/11/2011 18:42:06 >


MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
11/11/2011 18:46:17   
dont give up

what i dont get about this update is y there is a low lvl armor? so do the devs think that lvl 12 ppl could beat nw to win the card? o well and btw if u buy the card or win its can u sell it if not well its going to be a waste of space like that golden bullet
Post #: 9
11/11/2011 20:31:31   
Chosen 0ne

@soul for fashion, im getting it lol.

< Message edited by Chosen 0ne -- 11/11/2011 20:57:31 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 10
11/11/2011 20:33:26   

I'm holding onto my creds first, in case a bike is for sale.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 11
11/11/2011 21:15:03   

Well, the last event we're ever going to have like this is going to be 12-12-12.

I expect a kick-*** party. Nothing less.
We must celebrate such an important milestone in the human history.

11-11-11, 9:14! Anxiously awaiting that moment...

ED related: It's a bit wasted for non variums, it's true.
Explains why my alts are so dusty.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
11/12/2011 5:44:53   

Umm i think you are not aware of the fact.. that their is a quest from the same girl who gives out the golden bullets .. Go to her.. their is another mission from her where you have to return her the golden bullet which in reward you will get a Elite Gun .. which if you sell will get you 5-7 varium and some crdts.. and the gun itself is very good..

Hope that helps!
Post #: 13
11/12/2011 7:24:32   

true they didnt get much and its possible they could of got more BUT.

Dont forget the devs have released many good non variums things letely the hazard husk armour being one example and they have alos made a great number of new things for lower level non variums
Epic  Post #: 14
11/12/2011 9:41:49   

I'm a little mad that there aren't any non varium items in shop, but it's pretty normal around here
Post #: 15
11/13/2011 0:54:20   


Well now the hazard armours are rare (I think they discontinued dropping it since the harvest event is technically closed) which leaves some of the lower quartile of lvl 28-30 users completely devoid the chance of getting any good armour such as hazard in this update). Hopefully, I look forward to armours such as hazard that nonvars can use cause right now, most nonvarium armours are way too weak.

Yes, they made lower level zookas for the lower tier levels but I doubt that its really gonna help them: Some may foolishly enhance them unknowledgeable that there're better weapons at lvl 33. And if they do, I would probably be a waste of credits. I would just say to them invest in some good armour before weapons. As of now in some of my 1v1 and 2v2 battles, I have a sense of pity for those players who are armour-less.

There is a sign of credit property within ED.

I don't won't to say I am disappointed with this update or displease but I think they could've done a better job for us nonvariums (especially the lvl 30s and 31s as they are having an extremely difficult time beating snort let alone surviving).
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
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