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RE: Crazy enahcements solution!

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11/12/2011 0:53:16   

^ No its not like that.

How can you guys not see that it is abusive piling with enahcments that have created all these balance issue!

Instead of plus 10 enahcments meaning plus 10 onto any stat
It means you can take 10 stats away from any distribution of you wepon and place them into watever your want meaning you only get the same stats as post enahcments time.

BUT everyone will be at the same level meaning the abusive power builds will go and smarts will rule agian.
Epic  Post #: 26
11/12/2011 0:56:09   

stil not making much sense
what frost said (which was my original idea) made sense
u however are just contradicting urself saying it

its what causes enhancement piling but
but then u say its for allowing enhancement to be put in one single place = enhancements pilling
AQW Epic  Post #: 27
11/12/2011 0:59:08   

^I don't think she means an entire block of one stat into another. I think she means any amount from any stat and being able to put that amount into a different stat
AQW Epic  Post #: 28
11/12/2011 1:01:18   

^ enahcments piling was not a problem in beta infact it was a great thing andded great variety and creativity.

IT IS A PROBLEM NOW, as the Extra stats gained from enhacements are causing pilers to have high defence and high hp/mp without weaknesses.
By doing my idea yes it will be easy to pile stats but it will be piled at the same rate it was in beta meaning pilers who want to gain enough power will have to sacrifise defences.

get it??

My idea removes the extra stats gained but alows us to be more creative with wepons ultimately making the battlefield return to beta and may even balance out TLMs. (thought It may not)
Epic  Post #: 29
11/12/2011 1:05:33   


IT IS A PROBLEM NOW, as the Extra stats gained from enhacements are causing pilers to have high defence and high hp/mp without weaknesses.

u mean like the new weapons (armory bot) which has tons of stats but all are spread out. so he doesn't have weaknesses
ur idea is to allow people to move it around. make one stat stronger making the other ones weaker.
thats what i said before.
AQW Epic  Post #: 30
11/12/2011 1:06:00   

^Yea, I understand what you're saying here. Back in Beta, it was all good stat wise. but now it's ABSOLUTELY FREAKIN SCREWED UP
AQW Epic  Post #: 31
11/12/2011 1:07:11   

i like this idea. i think the devs should check it out as it makes weapons sell more because it wont matter where stats are. so if the wep has crappy stat placement people will still buy it.
AQW Epic  Post #: 32
11/12/2011 1:11:06   

^ yes this is basically what I am saying,

Excpet you cant use enhacments to add extra stats you can onl use it to change them.

This means overall everyone with enhancements currently will have less stats but they can put them were they wont which was the only upside of enahcemnts.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 11/12/2011 1:14:14 >
Epic  Post #: 33
11/12/2011 1:34:55   

so ur technically paying to move stats around. not add enhancements
like i buy 8 slots = i can only move 8 slots at a time when moving the stats.
AQW Epic  Post #: 34
11/12/2011 2:29:32   

The only problem with this is that buying another weapon would be much cheaper. Sure rearranging the stats and all is great, but take your Frostbane example. 10 slots = 1700 varium. A new weapon thats more suitable for example, its physical, its stats are better and it costs much less and does more damage, or has a special ability (spectral reaper). The money flow would stop because people buy new weapons for stats for their builds anyways. Rearranging the stats is pointless if buying another weapon which is more suitable is better and costs about 800 varium less.
AQW Epic  Post #: 35
11/12/2011 2:34:58   

yeah but sometimes the stats are crap (that varium husk armor) and people dont buy it
what then?
what they should do is implement the abilities, (connect, crit chance, squash, curse, and many more) into weapons while having that not be changed)

this is also where it makes lvl caps more usefull
when a new lvl cap comes out, newer items come out and they will usually have more stats than the previous lvl item

the difference betwen the lvls would be 4-8 stats (with total gear, gun, armor, wep and aux)
while armor res/def rises 1 point every 3 lvls.
AQW Epic  Post #: 36
11/12/2011 2:59:02   

From what I understand, this make stat abuse return with less stat. Possible making Focus stronger. Making rare completely useless because of no extra Enh.

While it bring back some good builds, it will make credit, varium and rare a problem again and possibly new OP builds
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 37
11/12/2011 3:11:54   

^ Um no stat abuse occurs now,

It wont be stronger at all as their will be there will be aproximately smae stats as in beta. (during the time when stat abuse was just another beatable build, compared to know as they rule with their high hp defnces and str)

Rare are already usless because they stated they will never revive them.

If enahcments are used to sustain rares why do constant new wepons still have plus 10 enahcemnts????

< Message edited by Remorse -- 11/12/2011 4:40:40 >
Epic  Post #: 38
11/12/2011 3:32:05   

It's not a bad idea. But I highly doubt that if staff actually want to do this.
Beside some hardcore players who want fair, I believe major amount of players won't like this (like the TLM complain).
Nerfing the rare might hurt a lot of players, especially one who just feel ok using rare even them are a bit UP. However making them 4-5 stats lower (mean roundly 20 stats lower for a fully rare user) is overkill.
This make Enh value fall crazily, leading to Credit and Varium value. Also if this Enh system is being used, people an use 5/10 Enh, cheaper, for his build instead of fully Enh their equipments. And many people will not Enh at all, some just buy new items, the other feel really bad with money they spent...etc technically this hurt ED staff money making so I don't think anyone want this
And it require new system being coded and the old Enh system which take months of coding threw in trash can.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 39
11/12/2011 3:35:23   

What if you could move around 5 stats, the rest are Stat Boosts?
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 40
11/12/2011 3:49:51   

This makes less money for the company, so its very unlikely to be implemented
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 41
11/12/2011 4:38:58   

^ according to them they arnt as money driven as we think.
Epic  Post #: 42
11/12/2011 6:14:51   
Fay Beeee

So basically
If you had 10 enhancement slots, you get 10 chances of moving your stats to where you want them to be

10 slots
Strength 8

10 slots
Strength 18

Is this what you mean?


Epic  Post #: 43
11/12/2011 6:26:32   

i was thinking about it since gamma firs release xP
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 44
11/12/2011 7:07:52   

Fay beee that is it exaclty,

SO you get the benefit of enhacments which is being able to place stats were you wont BUT, we also get the bonus of no enhacements which will bring us back to beta standard.

End result everyone win in some way, even the enhacncemnt enofrced pilers will benefit as they won't have to verse them anymore.
Plus then agiality can be removed as well as stat diminishing and alot of requirments.
Epic  Post #: 45
11/12/2011 7:13:46   

i agree, can i ask a question? whats with ed economics what happens if people buy more items?
AQW Epic  Post #: 46
11/12/2011 7:18:20   

^ Then they have more items.....

If the question was if this would slow the amount of purchases players make it wont, infact it would actully increase.


Because without the necesity to spend more on enhacements people will be able to spen more on diffrent wepons and collectables.
And they will be able to adjust their new wepons stats if they wish to what ever they please.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 11/12/2011 7:19:53 >
Epic  Post #: 47
11/12/2011 7:40:17   

Yeah I have noticed that, Ive been spending too much of my var on enhancements.

With this idea, it increases needs for new weapons with better stats.
Because they wont be able to abuse the most powerful item/s currently.

you should be a mod ;)
AQW Epic  Post #: 48
11/12/2011 7:48:58   

Thank you :)

Im glad you like it.
Epic  Post #: 49
11/12/2011 9:49:42   

people would get angry because its a major change and they might have not wanted to enhance then ..
so the people that enhanced and think this is a bad idea would of wasted there varium on something they didn't want..
+ what would be the point i guess just use a wep that is suited to your class :3... then you wouldn't need to enhance and ed wants money so this way is more of money making way + if you change it now.. 50% of the community would get angry .. i don't mind ether way if the enhancements get nerfed everyone does and it wouldn't change abusing on tlm because hybird is that main cause of the abuse.
but then again i wouldn't have wanted to spend my varium on this change because it just alouse you to change stats and mine are just fine.
instead of changing stats just buy a wep that's stats are suited to your types of build.


AQW Epic  Post #: 50
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