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RE: =MTAK= Dragon of Night Wolves invades Aqw gd

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11/27/2011 4:28:34   

Hey DNW, nice to see you are part of the AQW section!

How are you? Doing good :)

Who is your favorite writer? Mercedes Lackey

What is the question to life, the universe and everything? Take two Thunder, Thunder, Thundercat's Ho! and call me in the morning :P

If you could eat something right now, anything, what would it be? Pizza

Favorite ice cream flavor? Rocky Road

How much woodchucks would Chuck chuck if Chuck could chuck woodchucks? I see you too have been watching that geico commercial, just count the chucking wood. 1. 2. 3.

Sorry about how BoTR turned out, I had a lot of stuff over my head and such... No hard feelings? It's still an ongoing project, feel free to jump in any time man.

Anyways, enjoy being a AK, but this time in the AQW GD! *gives you a collaborative snug*

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 11/27/2011 16:11:53 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 51
11/27/2011 9:12:39   


'Gratz on being an AK. ;)

Sooo here's my questions:

1) Turtlez vs Wafflez? Wafflez

2) Chuck Norris vs AQW Hero? :D Oh dude, As much as I support our aqw hero's, Chuck Norris would totally kick our keesters.

3) Your name is Related to: NightWolf? If yes, Then it's nice! :D If not...You would like to be like him? Yep my name is related to that specific character. Good job.

4) What's your favourite PC game? Gabriel Knight: Sins of the fathers, created by Sierra.

5) What do you like most in AQW? (If you like anything :D) The backgrounds, the details, the art, the music.

6) What's your aligment? (My guess is Neutral :) ) My alignment in aqw is evil.

7) Where do Dragons of night wolves live? Usually it's someplace near TormentedDragon, the reason being that he has lots and lots of shinies that I like to borrow :)

8) You *hate* Vampires? I don't technically hate vampires. I just happen to like dracopyres more :)

9) What is your Element? (My guess is...Darkness!) Incorrect guess. A dragon of night wolves is actually an energy element.

10) Did you noticed that there isn't 7th Question? No 7th question you say? that's funny I see a 7th question up there, see?

Well that's it. :D Bit Random and lil' annoying, But...Nevermind.

Enjoy being an AK! :)

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 11/27/2011 16:20:49 >
DF AQW  Post #: 52
11/27/2011 9:24:46   


That's all I got actually..

also Ponies.

'Cause they are awesome.

Ok hi, bye, have fun, welcome and all that good stuff. :p

Layters :D

O.O did someone say marshmallow phonies? :P

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 11/27/2011 16:24:05 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 53
11/27/2011 9:49:18   
The Cow says MOO

Well, one post per page huh, so this is not the first page. Repost comin' up

Does the Dracowerepyre make you happy cause it sorta matches really well with your name? The Dracowerepyre is actually a class I use in aq. It's really terrific and the details are just outstanding.

If you are a dragon shaman, what are your special powers? Healing others, flying, noticing when a friend is sad, having a cheery, joyful feeling to spread happiness to others.

Lastly, what is your special signature pharse when you lock a thread? Oh I have a variety of them actually, "Watch me sneeze and magically lock this thread. "Now watch as I Roar and scare this thread so much that it locks itself, Ready? RAWR!" etc.

Thanks and dun dun dunnnnn, WELCOME

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 11/27/2011 16:28:38 >
Post #: 54
11/27/2011 10:15:46   

Hello! I have a few questions for you. I have a few answers for you :)
1) What is your favorite area of AQW that doesn't have to do with the storyline (a sidequest area)? Shadowfall
2) What is your favorite storyline area? Mythsong
3) Do you like cows? Moo. Er I mean. I like CowFace if that counts.
4) What class do you generally use in AQW? Leprechaun
5) What is your favorite color? Purple
6) What other Artix Entertainment games do you play? I play MQ, AQ, DF, WF, EpicDuel, Herosmash and Pony vs Pony.
7) What is your favorite animal. The wolf.

That's all I can think of for now. Bye and have a very nice day, and congratulations on becoming an AK.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 11/27/2011 16:32:25 >


I'm epic.
How epic?
Very epic.
AQW Epic  Post #: 55
11/27/2011 16:48:22   

Hi! Congratulations! I have a few questions.

1. Whats your favorite thing about AE games? They are terribly, addictive. Once you've tried one, you'll want to try them all.

2. What is your favorite gaming platform (if any)? DreamCast

3. ,=,e <---- What does that look like to you? That's either a face or an E equals Mc squared. It's a turtle. :D

4. How long are =MTAK=s in the archives for? I'm not entirely sure, I think they stay there pretty much for a very long time.

Congratulations again!

Have a good one.


< Message edited by Fish -- 11/27/2011 17:02:48 >
AQW  Post #: 56
11/28/2011 1:13:41   
earth breather

1. Do you hate the crazydomain ads posting up on these forums with pamela anderson? I haven't run into those actually, But if there's a serious problem with it, There is a place where you can report that kind of advertisement.

2. Hi

3.5 do sentences/statements count as a question(if not be prepared >.>) Be prepared is the title of a Lion king song sung by Scar.

4. Thats all... For now....

/me turns into a parrot and elegantly glides onto your shoulder.
Feeds the nice parrot

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 11/28/2011 1:23:28 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 57
11/28/2011 19:14:48   
Dragons Rock!

1. Do you like pie? Peach pie, Apple pie, Blueberry pie, Pumpkin pie, banana pudding pie, cherry pie, mm mm sounds good :)

2. Can you eat Turdukens? Believe it or not, but I actually had one several thanksgivings ago, and it came out a teensy bit dry.

3. Are you Darth Vader? O.O! Who told you? >.> Was it Genoclysm? <.< Was it Kosefira? O.O! *whispers to darth vader talking helmet* "he's discovered our secret my master."

4. Are these questions worthless and a waste of time? Nope :)

5. What would you choose a weapon during a Zombie Apocalypse? Yknow I hear those zombie whackers are really something.

6. Do you want to be as angry as Superman when his foot dies? No thanks. I like to be calm and peaceful.

7. (Again) Is this a waste of time and space? nope.

8. Would you like to be Galactis and eat planets? Actually, his name was spelled Galactus, and that actually sounds like a lot of fun.

9. Are you my father? No, I'm your uncle :P

10. Do you like to get payback and be a troll when people hurt you? Absolutely, positively not! I don't do paybacks. It's against the rules and it is also against my beliefs.

Welcome to GD. :) You will also get cookies.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 11/28/2011 22:38:01 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 58
11/28/2011 21:12:06   

1. Who are u, and how are u affiliated with AE I am Dragonnightwolf, I am simply a hard working Forum Archknight.

2. Can u buy mem?. Truthfully, I cannot at this time afford to purchase a membership with AQW.

3. What's your favorite anime. Dragonball Z

3. How lame do u think ponies are, there pretty lame i already know that. Are we talking my little pony? Or are we talking actual, real life, get on and get a movin, ponies? In case of the former, I'm not a super fan of the series, however, Some of the aspects of art are interesting. In case of the latter, I have a few words to say. "Hi ho Silver, Away."

4. Can i be mod? I'm sorry, but I do not have any say in who can or cannot become a mod.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 11/28/2011 22:45:44 >


The Dragonfly Horde ate your sig.
<Our rule> No outside website advertising, aside from those sanctioned by AE

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Post #: 59
11/29/2011 0:48:17   
Lord Hades

1. Do you like pi? Isn't that a math equation?

2. What is your favorite AE game? mq. Sorry for some weird reason my color just broke. musta been too much pi ;P

3. I can haz cheezburger? I can haz fries with your cheezburger?

4. What do Dnw's eat? I eat quite a bit. Just ask Lady Azjurai, She accidentally got swallowed once by me ;P

5. Have you read and agreed to the terms and conditions? I know of 8 different forms of that info, so which game are you referring to?(8th is the forums here)

6. Mages or warriors? in ed and df you can find me as a mage, in the other games(cept wf and mq) you find me as a warrior-type.

7. Did you eat my fourth question? Nope, see? it's up there :)

That will be all.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 11/29/2011 2:38:43 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 60
11/30/2011 13:13:09   

what is your favorite class

I do apologize samakin10, I don't know in lore I managed to miss your question. My favorite class is Leprechaun, with Dragonlord as second.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/6/2011 2:19:31 >
Post #: 61
11/30/2011 22:44:02   

1 question

Do you or do you not know about the word? If you mean the family guy reference, yeah I'm familiar with it :P

And hope you have a good time as an Ak

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/1/2011 2:03:21 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 62
11/30/2011 23:10:26   
Xx. Christian .xX

Do you think you can beat me in pvp: Pony vs pony? probably not. Player vs player? most assuredly not.
Do you think you can be a mod: That's a good question. At this time I'm unsure how to answer that.
Do you think that ED is a good game TRUTH: I love ED :)
Do you think you know me in ED: probably not. There's lots of players on ed.
Do you think you can own me in ED: considering i'm lvl 32 and I have a gamma bot, and one of the 2 stun guns, and a pretty good auxilary weapon I bought from Nightwraith? I'd say maybe.
Do you think that i think that you think that im thinking about what your thinking about me thinking about you thinking that i am thinking about thinking about thinking to stop saying thinking and you are thinking that i will stop thinking and you think that i am abusing the word thinking so much and i think the when my hands/fingers are tired of typing "thinking". I think i should stop thinking about you thinking that im thinking about you thinking about me?
Who or whats your name in ED: My name in Epic Duel is Dragonlife.
Hope you answer my questions and have a fun day being an AK

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/1/2011 2:07:34 >


Your sig has been Dusted
Our limits: 500 x 100 & 50kb max
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Post #: 63
12/1/2011 9:08:56   

Hello dnw
Alrite first question
wats ur favrit food? Lasagna
when did u become an AK? I've been an archknight for over a year now.
from when r u playing AQW? 2009
how badly did u want to becom a mod? Well it isn't something a person like me should want, it should be earned through hard work and diligence. Believe me, the forum moderators work every bit as much as I do
vampires or werewolves? Werewolves
do you play warcraft? If you mean the original and tides of darkness, than yes, if you mean Wow, than that's a no.
can I add u as a friend You can try, I don't remember if I have the friend-thing turned off or not

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/5/2011 10:06:33 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 64
12/1/2011 21:28:59   

Hello Here Are My Ten Questions
1.Do you like the game Okami? :D it's fantastic, the colors, the details, man is that game fun.
2.If You Were A Pokemon (despite if you like it or not) Which Would You Be? NO LEGENDS! Charizard
3.What is Your Fave 3 classes That IS NOT in the game anymore but used to be I've only been with aqw since 09, so i'm sure there are a few classes I missed.
4.If You Met Zorbak In Real Life Would You A.Hug Him And then Do Something Ebil With Him B.Enslave Twily And Twig C.Punt Him Or D.PARTY AT DJ 3BIL WITH HIM! Enslave twilly and twig and Kabroz.
5.What is your favorite Zelda Game If You Have Played Any Links awakening.
6.If Not Why, If So Why is it your fave The final orchestral music the instruments produce is really swell to listen to.
7.Cysero Sends An Army Of Left Socks With His Face Grinning On Each of Them At You What Do You Do? I would thank him. Do you know how difficult it is to find his left sock?
8.If You Had Current Access to a shop with every ac item that did not cost zero acs ever created But You Could Only Get 25k Acs EVER which items Would you Pick And Why I'd probably get something from the fear chaser one that came out, and previous voltare event's I couldn't afford the items from~
9.Who is Funnier GLAdOS or WHEATLY? Neither, The most comical one is none other than Dean Warlic or possibly Falerin.
10.Kumquat! Now Can You Ask ME Ten Questions? I Like Qwestions X3 Sorry, but that isn't how an mtak works

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/5/2011 10:12:43 >


i'm psycho not crazy there's a difference you know MUEHEHEHEHEH
AQW  Post #: 65
12/2/2011 14:42:35   

hai there :3

Congratz on being an AK :)

Do you like chickencows? Mmm. fresh fried chickencow eggs, delicious!

If cows says moo what chickencows says? Cluck, bawk, bawk, bkaww!

well it be all :D enjoy being a ak ^^

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/2/2011 14:44:35 >
AQW  Post #: 66
12/5/2011 7:14:47   

1. Whats your least favorite class in AQW? Least Favorite? hmm. Probably warrior because of the slow attack-things.

2. What kind of personality do you have? A strong personality

3. Your top 3 most favorite AE games in order? Mq, Df, Aq

4. What permanent rare shop would you like to bring back in AQW? good question, I can't remember the name of the one I'm thinking of unfortunately

5. Dage or Nulgath? Their both equally good artists

6. Shadowscythe or whatever they call the good guys Shadowscythe are the evil empire.

Thats all from me welcome ak DNW

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/5/2011 10:24:39 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 67
12/5/2011 13:25:13   
Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

Woo, gratz DNW!

Dragons or Wolves? And why? Hi Digi :D Dragons, I've always had such a love for them my entire life.

Have you ever seen a wolf in real life? I've seen several real life wolves, including a few up close and personal.

What is your next AQW Goal? To catch every voltaire event we have.

When do you think you'll achieve all your goals? probably several years from now.

That's all for now, cya around!

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/6/2011 2:23:07 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 68
12/5/2011 22:36:13   
Fear Scythe

OMG I don't know you xD

Congratulations for your AKship

1. What will be your wish if you win the I CAN HAZ A MOD? I'm not entirely sure, but if I do win, I'll tell you one thing. I'll surprise myself and the forumites.

2. Like my signature? Nifty.

3. How will be a Dragonnightwolf in real life? The archknights would have to protect me.

4. What is better Fishes or Pie? Moogle.

That's all good luck with your work.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/6/2011 2:28:06 >


Post #: 69
12/7/2011 19:54:31   

Haidere, congratz.

Ok here it goes:

1.What's it like being a archknight? What's it like? It's a lot of hard work.

2.Did you explode with joy when you became a archknight? Not really, when I became an archknight, more than anything I was shocked.

3. Did you expect to become a Archknight? I had no clue that I had even been considered.

4.Do you want a service medal? The ones who deserve a service medal are the real brave heros that battle overseas or at home or even go on rescue missions of their own. Those are the people who deserve medals.

That's all, nice to meet you.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/8/2011 0:02:04 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 70
12/7/2011 21:15:28   
Crystal Lion

Greetings, and congrats on being an AK.

Thanks for the congratulations back in the HS mini-comic contest.

Do you like potatoes? baked? yum.

What about chocolates? Chocolate is saweeet.

Have you looked at my story? Yes I have.

Since you've seen a few wolves up close, what are they like? Well you should always keep your distance from them, y'know give them space. But they are majestic, very intelligent, very wise, Very endangered, very inspirational and very powerful, very beautiful creatures.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/8/2011 0:07:06 >


Sent away to a leper colony like everyone who once loved Herosmash.
Post #: 71
12/7/2011 21:52:01   

Custodian (DF)

*grins* Greetings Dragon. Good to see you have finally made an MtAK. Belated congratulations.

You believe you know me, but do you? Of course I do.

War related question follow.

Are you a warmonger? I dunno, I once ate a warmonger though, quite tasty.

What is your all time record in Battleon wars? Hmm. The aq Blarney War with 157 wins.

Have you ever been to Falconreach to help our friends over there? If so, what is your record for those wars (waves or head count, the choice is yours)? Yeah I have about 100 something in the friday 13th war we had.

Proudest achievement in Battleon wars? Accidentally going nuts in the gear games and helping our team win 2 years in a row.

If Mystical Warrior offered a spar, what would you do? sure, it'd be fun.

Say the enemy had hired Cataclysm in war and you found yourself face to face with him on the battlefield, what would you do? Cataclysm? Hmm. I think I'd probably go crazy and possibly injure myself in the insane battle.
Up for a race in the next war? Remember, loser buys the Moglinberry juice, for everyone. <.< Yeah, that ain't going to happen.

What kind of fighter are you (warrior, ranger, mage, something else)? In Wf I'm a gunner, in Aq I'm a hybrid beastmaster, in Aqw I'm technically a warrior/rogue type. In Df I'm a mage. In Ed I'm a technomancer, In Pvp, well I have no idea what I am considered there. In herosmash, I'm a villain. And in mq, I'm a star captain.

What abilities do you have and use in war? You'll have to be a little bit more specific as to "which" game you are referring to as it differs between games.

That is all for now. Good day to you and see you on the battlefield.

< Message edited by Elryn -- 12/10/2011 14:58:40 >
AQ  Post #: 72
12/8/2011 12:41:53   

Congratz on becoming an ak nightwolf

so here are my questions:

1)Do you play left4 dead 2? No.
2)Do you watch naruto? Once in a while.
3)Dage vs Nulgath? Their equally talented.
4)Chuck Norris vs all Marvel superheros, who will win? Against all the marvel superheros? Man, As much as I like Chuck Norris, eventually he'll go down.
6)Where are you from? New york
7)Do you like mcdonalds? Yes I do
8)What server do you usually play in aqw? Nythera
9)Do you like Donkeys? Donkeys? what kind? you mean donkey from shrek? Yeah he's funny.
10)What is Cysero+Artix? Artsero

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/9/2011 18:06:58 >
Post #: 73
12/8/2011 20:47:57   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

I haven't posted here yet congratulating you! ^^

I don't have any questions, but good luck in AQW GD. :)

Thank you very much.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/9/2011 18:07:35 >
AQW  Post #: 74
12/9/2011 17:50:04   
Rock Dog

HI, and congratulations!

What is your favorite item in AQW? The scribble pencil that zorbak gave me.

If you could be any other mod, who would it be? Any other mod huh? I'd choose to be LANDIS from our very own forums. Why? Let's just say he's a very Grade A personality. I think he does a superb job.

Thats all i got...

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/9/2011 18:10:32 >
Post #: 75
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