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RE: =MTAK= Dragon of Night Wolves invades Aqw gd

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12/10/2011 3:31:47   
Crystal Lion

Well, since you took a gander at my story, what would you say of it? It's nice, but all good works of literature here and there can do with some tweeking.

Who's your favorite NPC in HeroSmash? In AQWorlds? Lesse. In AQWorld's that would be Gravelyn. In Herosmash it's that evil cat.

Would VegasFable be anything more than a silly title? Oooh, I just rolled some shiny dice in Vegas.

Do you like lions? Yes I do.

Do you like seafood? I never liked it much. Usually when I see food, I eat it. Oh wait XD you said "Sea" food. I tend to enjoy battered shrimp, Lobster and snow crab.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/10/2011 17:51:27 >
Post #: 76
12/10/2011 15:22:43   

Custodian (DF)

Greetings again. Time for some tea. *sits down and sips on the tea.*

You ate a warmonger? What in Lorithia's name happened? What happened. Well it battled my stomach for a while, but you know, without air down there, well. you get the idea.

Going nuts at the gear games? Tell me more. Uh..yeah. around the time the shadowscythe were busy stealing Xaria, was about the time I went nuts and started blasting at everything in sight, other clans, shadowscythe you name it, it went boom.

What if I bought the Moglinberry Juice regardless of the outcome? Well it's your wallet, but i hear the smooooooooothies are way better.

What are your abilities in Battleon wars? That kinda depends on the actual war going on. If it's a big one like that friday 13th war, I was using that special light key for a while followed by the evil-light staff.

Riddle time. Some Terran riddles follow.

What goes to London and strikes every house? Godzilla

What goes to London yet never moves? paintings

What flies to London yet has no wings? helicopter

That is all for now. Good day to you, Dragon.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/10/2011 17:56:56 >
AQ  Post #: 77
12/10/2011 15:24:33   

Hey DNW!

I don't know you D:

Where's the best place to farm EXP non-mem? (I haven't completed Northlands yet, don't tell meh blindingsnow) I've done a lot of farming over in dwarfhold.

PC or Mac? (mac) mac

DO you play ED? Yes I do.

Wil AE eventually help to support ED more, in your opinion? Possibly, although lore and Epic duel's location Delta 5(I think it is) are two totally different worlds.

Bai, nice meeting ya!

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/10/2011 17:58:57 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 78
12/10/2011 15:34:04   

Here are ten questions I think are not important but interesting.

10. Do you play a musical instrument of any kind? yes I do.

9. Which do you like better - sharks or whales? Sharks

8. Is a unicorn a land narwhal, or is a narwhal a sea unicorn? Neither. The unicorn is a horse, the Narwhal is a whale with a horn.

7. Is that cake a lie? not according to my stomach.

6. Did you know we are halfway done? Actually we're halfway started.

5. Can I get redos for those last two? Sorry but there's a no re-do zone here.

4. What is your favorite sport? Football

3. Did you notice how close to the end we are? Did you notice all your numbers are backwards?

2. Are you worried this will end too soon?

1. Are you sad that this is the last question? Did you notice that I skipped a question? Do you want to know why? you do? Well it's because...

Okay, bye! Good Luck!

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/10/2011 18:03:20 >
Post #: 79
12/11/2011 23:14:58   

1 can i has ur char page? here you go.
2 whats ur fave class? Leprechaun. (soulweaver in df comes in a very high second)
3 what do you think of the game? one word. saweeeeet.
4 do u play a lot? I play often enough.
5 how do u feel about ae, its games, and the community? I absolutely love ae, the games and this community.
thanks :D (oh and I forgot to put in my purple colors, sorry bout that)

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/12/2011 0:57:05 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 80
12/11/2011 23:40:36   

1) Do the other AK's tell you to watch out for me? nah. I observe things. So when people don't know I'm looking, I'm a lookin.
2) Should Alteon just admit he is a Chaos Lord and get it over with? He isn't a Cl yet, he does have an amazing amount of willpower though.
3)Should Gravelyn wear her Fathers Armor once it is cleansed of corruption? No..I really think the armor was well suited only for seppy. She doesn't need an armor to define how brave and evil she is.
4)Favorite MQ Mech? Jameson
5) Favorite AQW villain so far? I've really liked Escherion and Lord Valath.
6)What is the flight speed of an unladen swallow? that depends, did it swallow any water?
7)How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop (no owl like cheating) around 25
8)Did you think I would ask 10 questions? it is assumed so.
9)Is your favorite Football team the Steelers? Fraid not.
10) WHY NOT? I cheer for the 49ers or the cowboys.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/12/2011 1:01:59 >
MQ AQW  Post #: 81
12/11/2011 23:55:25   

ALL HAIL DNW!!! Thats my way of flattering people :D

*Awkward T.V show voice*
Gooooood morning Forums! It's time for another game of 20 questions minus 10!!
Yes sir folks, it's that time again to meet those lucky forumites known as forumilia.

1. Who do you think would win, Drakath or Nulgath? Drakath

2. What time is it in space? *gazes at Ak watch* It's 83'000 o clock. Well, I took 83,000 divided it by 30, then 7, then 24, And it gave me 16.46, So I rounded it off, And said 1.7, And concluded 1:07, Around the same time you edited this. o.o

3. Should Drakath combine all the Chaos Lords in one to make an ultra boss at the end? ooh good question, I dunno, I think if he did, that cl would be one tough egg to crack.

4. Why does Cysero never leave the bathtub in /join yulgar? Actually he does. Remember when Lionfang captured everyone? Cy was out of the tub for that one.

5. Do your parents know you are on a T.V show? Oh I'm sorry contestant, that isn't the form of a complete thought.

6. When is DragonFable 2 coming out? No idea. Seriously, I don't get privy to any of that top secret info.

7. Did your P.E teacher ever make you climb a rope? Yeah.

8. If ''Yes'' was the response to Number 7, Did you make it? Unfortunately no, Low muscle tone.

9. What would YOUR wish be if you won ''Can I has a Mod contest''? I would wish that whoever in aqw had purchased the most, that AE would match that same amount and donate it to the Childs Play.

10. Aren't you bored of answering all these question?
Nope. I don't get bored easily.

This concludes another episode of... Americas next top Questions!

Bonus Question!!

Did you notice I changed T.V titles?
yes i did.

< Message edited by xx__Ramon__xx -- 12/12/2011 21:47:38 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 82
12/12/2011 2:34:04   

I think im allowed to post more questions ah what the heck
1)Do you like meh contributing to your job? (with my great chickencow ethics?) contributing how?
2)Do you like chickencowz? yes i do.
3)ChickenCow or Moglin? if I had to have one or the other, I'd be picking moglin.
4)Do you like the idea of a Chickencow class in AQW yeah I'd be fine with that.
5)Do you PvP in AQW I used to. Lately I haven't had as much time as I'd like to do pvp
6)Are you a vegetarian? no i'm not.
7)if not do you enjoy McDonalds ? yes I do.
8)if yes you must like chickencowz? nice try, but chickencows are not related to mcd's.
9)have you enjoyed being an AK so far? yes I have.
10)Did you enjoy my questions? yep.
:D ~

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/17/2011 2:02:51 >


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AQW  Post #: 83
12/12/2011 18:08:05   

how am i doing on my acount?
my acount

You have a good selection of Loot. Good job.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 12/17/2011 2:04:59 >
AQW  Post #: 84
12/17/2011 2:07:07   
How We Roll Winner

Well Gang. It's time to call this Q/A Fin.

For those who don't know french, Fin=Finished/The End.

Thank you all for your wonderful, well thought out, fun questions.

I enjoyed replying to each and every one of you and I hope you all have a terrific rest of the year.

AQW Epic  Post #: 85
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