Creative! Constructive!
G'day fellow forumites!! After much thought regarding ways to boost interest and excitement within the forums I came up with an idea. My proposal is this, what if (now it's gonna start sounding crazy but bear with me) all forumites banded together to create an ULTIMATE Herosmash armour, using ideas and artworks of as many of us as possible and then putting it up as a suggestion listing all co-collaborators in the submission. Chances are slim that it will ever get put into the game but hey, with enough support anything can happen. Obviously not everyone's ideas will end up in the creation but I think anyone who says anything practical should be included. I'd like to call the armor 'General Discussion' for obvious reasons and any artists who would like to help with the application of ideas would be greatly appreciated. So...who's in? That's a really awesome idea, Charries. I'm currently making sketches of the Mindbender armor I plan on submitting to the HS sugestion thread but, if you are seeking ideas for your armor than I would be glad to pitch in a few suggestions when I come with some.^^