Evolved PumpkinLord (No DA Required) Access Point: Mogloween (Chapter 3) / (Chapter 4) / (Chapter 5) -> Cauldron Sisters -> Shops & Pumpkin Armor / Shops / Treats! -> Pumpkin King Armor! -> Wear Armor!, Access Point: Croft (All Versions) -> Cauldron Sisters-> -> Treats! -> Pumpkin King Armor! / PumpkinLord Armor! -> Wear Armor!, Access Point: Armor Closet Requirements: 800 Candy given to Cauldron Sisters to unlock Release Date: October 24th, 2014 Default Weapon: Pumpkin Blade Avoidance and Defense Melee: 5 Pierce: 5 Magic: 5 Block: 0 Parry: 0 Dodge: 0 Offense Crit: 5 Bonus: 0 Boost: 0% Resistances None Cleaving Thorn Guaranteed Crit Requirements: 6th lot of 300 Candy given to Cauldron Sisters to unlock Effect: 2 hits of 90% damage, amounting to 180% damage, with +200 Crit. Mana Cost: 55 Cooldown: 9 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Original: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Candy: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Creeping Roots Stuns for 3-5 turns Requirements: 5th lot of 300 Candy given to Cauldron Sisters to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 140% damage; applies 'Creeping Root' to target, stunning it for 3-5 turns. Mana Cost: 45 Cooldown: 12 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Original: Appearance Candy: Appearance Bramble Shield Retaliate 100% damage first turn then 25% Requirements: 4th lot of 300 Candy given to Cauldron Sisters to unlock Effect: Applies 'Returning damage taken!' (Reflects 100% of any damage taken back to the attacker) to player for 1 turn inclusive; after 'Returning damage taken!' expires, applies 'Returning partial damage taken!' (Reflects 25% of any damage taken back to the attacker) for 4 turns inclusive. (Pop-up: Some of your thorns shatter, lowering damage returned) Mana Cost: 40 Cooldown: 7 Damage Type: N/A Element: N/A Original: Appearance Candy: Appearance Sling Thorns Throw thorns at the enemies Requirements: 3rd lot of 300 Candy given to Cauldron Sisters to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 150% damage to all foes Mana Cost: 26 Cooldown: 2 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Nature Original: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Candy: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Health Candy Restore health, more with candy Requirements: 2nd lot of 300 Candy given to Cauldron Sisters to unlock Effect: Recovers 20% of player's max HP. - If the player has more than 10 pieces of candy, instead recovers 30% of player's max HP.
Mana Cost: 40 Cooldown: 9 Damage Type: N/A Element: N/A Appearance Vine Whip Smack your foe around with your vines Requirements: 1st lot of 300 Candy given to Cauldron Sisters to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 170% damage. Mana Cost: 20 Cooldown: 1 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Original: Appearance Candy: Appearance Thorny Bulwark +140 Melee/Pierce/Magic 2 turns Requirements: None Effect: Applies +140 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance to player for 2 turns. Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 4 Damage Type: N/A Element: N/A Original: Appearance Candy: Appearance Attack Requirements: None Effect: 1 hit of 140% damage Mana Cost: 0 Cooldown: 0 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Appearance Pumpkin Bomb Explosion for Fire DoT Requirements: 7th lot of 300 Candy given to Cauldron Sisters to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 140% Fire damage; applies 'Pumpkin's Fire', a 70% Magic Fire DoT effect, to target for 4 turns Mana Cost: 28 Cooldown: 4 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Fire Appearance 1 / 1.1 Wicked Night Blade Accurate Strike Requirements: 8th lot of 300 Candy given to Cauldron Sisters to unlock Effect:1 hit of 160% damage, with +100 Bonus; applies 'Wicked Night Blade' (+50 Bonus) for 4 turns inclusive. Mana Cost: 38 Cooldown: 3 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Appearance Mana Candy Restore mana, more with candy! Requirements: 9th lot of 300 Candy given to Cauldron Sisters to unlock Effect: Recovers 20% of player's max MP. - If the player has more than 10 pieces of candy, instead recovers 30% of player's max MP.
Mana Cost: 0 Cooldown: 12 Damage Type: N/A Element: N/A Appearance Thorn Cyclone Hits all enemies Requirements: 10th lot of 300 Candy given to Cauldron Sisters to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 160% damage to all foes Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 2 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Nature Original: Appearance Candy: Appearance Enfeebling Scythe Cripple your foe Requirements: 11th lot of 300 Candy given to Cauldron Sisters to unlock Effect: 3 hits of 60% damage, amounting to 180% damage; applies one of the following effects: - Applies 'Scythe Slash' (-100 Bonus, -20% Boost) to target for 2 turns inclusive.
- Applies 'Enfeebled' to target, stunning it for 1 turn.
- Has a 10% chance to empower this attack: (Pop-up: Your scythe takes on the power of the night!)
- If the target's maximum HP is less than 50% of your own maximum HP, applies 'Death Scythe', a NaN DoT effect equal to the target's maximum HP, to target.
- Otherwise, instead deals 3 hits of 210% damage, amounting to 630% damage.
Mana Cost: 40 Cooldown: 4 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Nature Original: Appearance 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 Candy: Appearance 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 Draining Roots Weakens foe, more if rooted Requirements: 12th lot of 300 Candy given to Cauldron Sisters to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 145% damage; applies 'Sapped' (-30% Boost) to target for 3 turns; applies 'Sapped' (+30% Boost) to player for 3 turns.- If the target is affected by 'Creeping Root', instead applies 'Sapped' (-45% Boost, -60 Nature Resist) to target for 4 turns inclusive; applies 'Sapped' (+45% Boost, +25 All Resist) to player for 3 turns.
Mana Cost: 32 Cooldown: 8 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Nature Original: Appearance Candy: Appearance Endless Night Mega Pumpkin Attack Requirements: 13th lot of 300 Candy given to Cauldron Sisters to unlock Effect: 3 hits of 130% damage, amounting to 390% damage Mana Cost: 65 Cooldown: 15 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Original: Appearance Candy: Appearance Other information Fully train this class to unlock Evolved PumpkinLord badge. Candy Armor Set Appearance Also See: PumpkinLord Thanks to Slayer Zach for original entry. Jay for images. DemonicDarkwraith for skill images and corrections. Ash for skill effects. The ErosionSeeker for Enfeebling Scythe effect text and original male image. Sakurai the Cursed and TFS for corrections Sunflower for original female image. Shadow X Ascendant for new information on Enfeebling Scythe effect.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 5/23/2024 16:38:46 >