Creative! Constructive!
Hey, Link, do you know exactly how many ticks Chudling Rash's energy DoT and normal ones are? Personally, I think someone should set up a record, and have the ammount of hits every DoT is good for somewhere. The wiki doesn't do it, and things like that are not known commonly, so you'd have to actually buy the power first to find out, which could be a waste of money in some cases, because you are already using a DoT that does less dmg per tick, but does more of them, and more total damage overall because of it, for example. Things like these are important for making the perfect build. Also, what cooldown does the Shadow Slice attack thing have? I disagree, Croc. I say if there is a limit in place eventually, it should be two legendary powers at once. It would be better if certain combinations were banned, though, as apposed to a limit altogether. That way someone could use Eye Boil and Fashion Sense, for example, without being able to use Toreado, Fashion Sense, Pony Charge, Pandora's Grace, and Warrior Spirit in combination. Banning certain combos would make the players more happy than limiting the versetility of builds by making only 1 or 2 of them usable at once, and is still codeable, too. I mean, the list would need to be fair, and not ban combos just for being good at all (rather than nerfing some powers to make supremely cheap combos impossible, but leaving the powers useful overall), and it would need to be somewhat constantly updated when there is a new combination that makes you invincible discovered, but still... And possibly only effecting PvP, too. That would be more difficult to code, judging on what I think I know of the engine, but still theoretically possible. There would most likely be glitches when that is first implemented, but meh. Oh, so true, Mallet. Healing sadly is frowned upon, and even I who have been staying out of PvP lately noticed the horrible rise of people spamming/having 3+ legendary powers in their build. Made Power Defence annoying to grind then, and I guess it is worse now, let alone Battle Royale, which I still have yet to be able to get one more Soldier of Fortune on... I want Chudling Rash. T_T (lol) I'm actually level 20 with quite a few legendary powers myself, though I refuse to use Pony Rush both because of howw cheap it is, and because I dislike using powers stated to be magical, yet I see the problem. I, for one do not look from some high throne, down upon those below me who have yet to attain the status of "Major Legenday Power Owner", but look at this event with sadness in my heart, knowing the irritation and pain such things have caused so many. Oh, what a world that the common man is unable to put up a fight against the titans that confound them, struggling up a slick incline, trying for all their worth to attain dominance, but miserably outclassed all the same. What great pity; What great sadness there is. Woe unto they who revel in the bloodshed that do not feel the pity of others, for yea, soon, and end should come, and great shall be the day it cometh! To be fair, it very well said on the description that they were "better than the earlier powers", which I infer to mean the PvP powers that we had before, Link, so yes, they literally are buffed up versions of those powers. Also, I am somewhat perplexed at the rise of Ice Barrage, as well... I only have like 6 Defender Veteran medals, and those things take a long time to get... You could get ALL the other (not vet) legendary powers in the time it takes to get 15 of those... I agree, Link. 2 would be best if you were to do that, for morale, at least. It would leave some cheap combos, but with an increase of Pony Charge's cooldown time, at least it will be better than it is now. ALL HAIL THE FIRE POWERS!!!!!!! XD To be fair, Fire as an element needed a serious buff.