This is how I see the classes at the moment from an enjoyment perspective BM - Good class, with decent firepower, bloodlust, reflex and technician it's pretty flexible. 4-5 focus and can match it with any class... CH - Geat fun with decent dexterity, malfunction, focus, static charge, shadow arts and massacre. Depends on who goes 1st at times, but good all round fighter! TLM - Over powered vs the old classes, can be torn apart by some BH, CH and Mage builds, but overall due to the fact I play 5 focus tank I am mostly suceptable to strength builds. The losses are mostly goverened by how many risks you take and too an extent luck. TM - BH - Tied, haven't played either for a while now and not in Delta. From what I have seen the Tech Mages who use a lot of energy and have a good super charge are doing ok. Reminds me of Ramirovs old builds :p The BH builds with good Str and massacre are popular, can do massive damage but are suceptible to energy drain. Still a fast killer in the right hands... Mer - What can I say, I have played this class the most since Delta and have really struggled. Tried a lot of builds and it mostly still matches up well with BH, BM and TM. The CH and TLM classes tear it too pieces and combined with the large number of TLM can be very frustrating to play at the moment. CH with malf and damage output are always hard to match up against and using bloodshield or switching hybrid is just rubbish. May as well just say "rage me to death" It's the energy drain that hurts thou and it is hard to beat most opposition to rage. Seems like the nerfs to str skills, the stat progression, nerf of heal, stat requirements and the new classes have finally tamed this class alittle too much :(