Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)
Glaive of the Order A light-infused glaive crafted by the paladin, Dracelix, in honor of his birthday. This item requires a Dragon Amulet. Location: Glaive of the Order (Shop) Price: 35,000 Gold Sellback: 3,500 Gold Level: 70 Damage: 74-90 Element: Light Bonuses: Dodge +2, Parry +1, Crit +9, Magic Def +5, Pierce Def +5, Melee Def +5, WIS +6, END +2, CHA +8, LUK +4, INT +10, DEX +10, STR +10, Bonus +9 Resists: Health -3, Immobility +4, Ice +8, Darkness +11 Rarity: 25 Item Type: Scythe Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee Equip Spot: Weapon Category: Weapon
< Message edited by Peachii -- 6/23/2022 19:33:56 >