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=MtAK= The Basset Hound is Loose

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12/24/2011 10:14:00   
The Hound is Watching...

Hello, everyone! Welcome to my Meet the AK thread!

My name is Bassetbookworm, and I am one of the new AK's here in EC! If you are visiting from another part of the forum, you may not know me very well. I mainly frequent EC, answering comparison requests and creating guides. Last week, to my great surprise, I was one of the people promoted to Archknight of Equipment Comparison, so you'll be seeing more of me around here.

This is your chance to get to know me a little better and attack me with questions. (Though if you actually do "attack" me, I will ask my three AQ characters to defend me, and they are very good fighters.) Please follow the rules. I reserve the right to not answer questions depending on content (a question such as "where do you live" will get a response such as "in a house" or "a Forest Estate a couple of miles from battleon.")

I will be editing in this color.

Please only one post per page and only ten questions to a post. I may leave this around until the first week of January, since it's the holidays and everyone is busy.

Now, on to the questions. Have fun!
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 1
12/24/2011 11:19:13   

Since it's Christmas, I decided to ask more questions than I usually give on a typical MtAK.

Congratulations basset! :D
Thanks, UltraGuy!

Kids, they grow up so fast.
My dad agrees with you.

What was the happiest moment in your life?
My life? Well, my happiest moment of this week was coming home from college and realizing I get to stay home for a month and don't have any homework so I get to spend it all with family. I love my home. But my life... I couldn't pick just one thing.

Who was the bassetbookworm before?
Before? Well, bassetbookworm was my seventh grade attempt to find a screen name... And it has stuck. Bassetbookworm was also a member of a couple other forums in the past and I played a multi-player game under the name once. But basically, bassetbookworm is and always has been, me :)

If you were given the chance to be the president of the U.S., what would you do first?
Repeal Obamacare. If I had unlimited power, (which would mean there was something very wrong with America) I would illegalize abortion. I'm very conservative and pro-life.

Do you play other games besides AQ and DF?
Artix Entertainment games or in general? I have Mechquest and Warpforce accounts... But I really only play AQ. In general... Well, that's another question.

Who is your role model here in the forums?
I have to pick one? But there are so many...

Do you read fantasy novels?
Yes! I love fantasy novels! Sadly, college hasn't left much time to read... But I plan to catch up during break.

Do you go to 9gag, Memestache or Ragestache?
I have never heard of those... So no.

Do you sing?
Yes. But nobody wants me to. Trust me.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Again, congratulations basset. A well deserved AK-ship. :D
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well! And thank you- I hope I can live up to the AK title.

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/24/2011 13:00:14 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 2
12/24/2011 12:15:31   
Sir Perfect Socks

Finally! :P

Congratulations Basset!
Thanks, Sir Perfect Socks :)

Hmm.. I think I'll make a score card. 5 points for every correct answer ^_^
Oh! I do good on tests!
Let's start the interrogation! Did I say interrogation? I meant: Let's start the Meet bassetbookworm thread :3
Interrogation? Sarona! I need help! What do you mean the war is more important? You're not even fighting in the war, Mika and Rosea are! You're just being lazy... Just wait, I'll get you to 136 before next year.

1. How are you doing?
Fine. Happy that Christmas is almost here!

2. What is your favorite seasonal event?
Frostval! There's just so much to it :)

3. Most awesome food?
Mostaccioli covered in cheese

4. What kind of music do you like?
Hmm.... I've started listening to Christian Rock bands more. I'm not quite sure of genre names... My sister downloads the music and I download her choices if I like them. I think rock is what I normally listen to? Yeah, I'm going to lose points on this one.

5. Guitar or bass guitar?

6. Do you like milkshakes?

7. Banana or strawberry?

8. Favorite weapon/armor/shield/spell/pet/misc in AQ?
Weapon: Sunstone Runic Goldenrod Staff. It will be the only magic weapon on my primary when she hits 130
Armor: Chimeran. Don't ask me why... Probably because I've used it so long.
Shield: Uh...
Pet: Muhrbles!!!! They're just adorable.
Misc: Powershard Boom. I rarely cast spells without it.

9. Getting tired of my questions already?
Nope :)

10. How about now?
Not quite yet...

Goodluck with Ak-ing and with the pile of questions you will receive :P

See you on the second page ^_^ And a Merry Cristmas!
Merry Christmas!

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/24/2011 13:10:33 >
AQ  Post #: 3
12/24/2011 13:19:51   

Hello there!

Very well deserved AK :)
Thank you! Everyone seems to think that, though it is news to me. Hope I can live up to the expectations.

Well, out of all the MtAK threads I've posted in I've never had anything too specific to ask and that doesn't seem to have changed now. So good luck with your new forum powerz :D
Thank you for the well wishes. I hope to see you around the forums- the couple of numbers I've seen you run looked good, much better than my first batches did. Hope to see you around!

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/24/2011 15:04:52 >
AQ  Post #: 4
12/24/2011 13:34:32   
Sanctus Paladin

Hello bassetbookworm!

Well met new ArchKnight.
Nice to meet you too :)

Is your picture of your own bassethound?
Actually, no. My old avatar was my basset hound Harvey, who died a year and a half ago. My current avatar is my beagle, Finley. Sadly, after 18 years of owning basset hounds, I don't have one anymore. In a while my avatar will be a picture of my last basset hound, Murray.

Do you love dogs or books more?
Hmm... Dogs. No, books... I think it's dogs right now. Give me a few days to recover from the books they're making me read in college and for the beagle to drive me a little crazy, and it will be books again.

Congratulations and well deserved.
Thank you! I didn't think I deserved it, but I hope I live up to your expectations.

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/24/2011 15:09:37 >
AQ  Post #: 5
12/24/2011 18:30:57   
Mystical Warrior

Hi! Thank you for the seperate color codes around each paragraph. That makes it much easier on me.

Grats on being an AK
Thank you!

Well only got a couple of questions

What does basset mean? any reference or meaning to it?
"Basset" is a type of dog. I owned basset hounds for eighteen years of my life, so the breed name made it into my username. The word basset is French for something... For the life of me I can't remember what.

Chillax or Carnax?
Chillax. I wasn't around for Carnax, and my secondary is enjoying beating up Chillax's body parts. She isn't crazy enough to attempt one on one- she's only level 109, and I don't think 136's would stand a chance.

Well that's it. Congrats and Merry Christmas
Thank you! And have a very Merry Christmas!

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/25/2011 10:48:11 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 6
12/24/2011 18:38:55   


Pomeranians are your favorite dog breed right? :P (Because Bassets are diabolically evil)
Bassets are the sweetest creatures you will ever find! That is, unless that basset's name is Harvey... Or Norton, he had quite the temper... But that's another story. Beagles, on the other hand, are insane.

Well, that's all. Wanna keep this one short. Later bro. :P
Talk to you later! Though I would probably make a better sister than bro ;) Have a Merry Christmas!

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/25/2011 10:51:23 >
Post #: 7
12/24/2011 22:11:31   

Hi Bassetbookworm! Firstly, Congratulations Archknight! And secondly, I need some answers to the questions I'm dying to know about...

What do you like most about EC?
Hmm... In the beginning, it was the help. I was able to learn what I needed to compare my own weapons and then others. Now, it's the people- everyone here is very nice and helpful.
Are you looking forward to updating your comparison guides? After gift-boxes open?
I normally look forward to updating them. The only problem was last week when I had six to do at a time- not fun. But I typically am excited when an item is released I get to add to one of the guides. As for the giftboxes... Well, it will be a job, I know that :)
What are some of your hobbies? Ooh, and what do you enjoy about them?
Hobbies... Reading, writing, and playing the computer. I've been an avid reader since I was little- mostly fantasy, thanks to a Harry Potter obsession for a few years. I have an overactive imagination, so I mostly daydream... I haven't done much writing in a while, but I love putting my ideas down. My sister gets a lot of emails about my random ideas. As for playing the computer... It's a stress reliever. Beyond that, I also enjoy math (I did math team in high school, and now I'm a math major) and doing various school activities. Oh, and talking to my sister- yes, that counts as a hobby. We talk for hours. Is this too long of an answer?
What is your favorite quote(s)?
I have quite a few religious ones, including one from St. Augustine, but that one is a little too long to quote. "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you" is one of my favorite scripture passages because I'm so involved in the pro-life movement here in America. one of my less controversial favorites is one of Thomas Jefferson's: "I cannot live without books."
Do you have any words of wisdom you would like to share?
Words of wisdom... Not really. Besides stand for what you believe in, and double check your work in EC (I forget to do that sometimes...). I'm only 19, so I'm still learning about wisdom. And will be for the rest of my life.
What are some of your most distinguished traits? Can you think of three to six of them? They can be good or bad traits.
I think you're smart, friendly, pleasant, and helpful. ^^
And you're too nice. I'm very, very cautious and tend to over-think things- not sure if that is a good or bad thing. I'm very determined- if I set my eyes on a goal I really want, I will work my hardest to get there. I also can be rather stubborn- I tend to avoid change too much. Life has decided that I need to learn to like change and seems to be trying to break me of that.
Should I make a MtAK? I don't think I'm interesting enough. <.<
Yes, you should. I'm curious to know more about you. This shouldn't be a question ;)
Well, that's it! Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! And thanks for putting the color tags in for me- that makes it easier :) And I apologize for the wordy answers- I "talk" a lot.

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/25/2011 14:12:14 >
Post #: 8
12/25/2011 5:50:46   

Heya basset!!!

1) Really happy for you and Msyu.
Thank you! I hope I make a good AK.

2) Are you ready to do my job for me now?
I'll work with you. And I'll do as much as I can.

3) What size shackles do you take?
Can I run now?

4) What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen sparrow?
No, not physics!

5) Is Msyu crazy asking he should create an MtAK? Of course, right?
Of course Msyu should make a MtAK thread!

6) Have you officially bugged Everest yet?
No, not yet. I was trying to avoid annoying people in my first couple of weeks as AK... But it seems like AK's are supposed to bug people...?

7) K, I'm out of questions. Cherry Mistmas and huzzahs all around!
Merry Christmas to you as well!

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/25/2011 14:16:11 >
AQ  Post #: 9
12/25/2011 21:14:06   

Hey Basset! About time you made a MtAK thread. :P
Oh, thanks for the tags! And yep, I've been looking forward to it :)

Congratulations and welcome aboard. :D
Thanks, Aces. I'll do my best to be very helpful around here.

That's it no questions from me so you're safe. :P
Thank you! Though I don't mind the questions ;)

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/26/2011 21:01:43 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 10
12/26/2011 20:13:24   
Red Dragon Archfiend

No questions, just a congratulation!
Thank you!

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/26/2011 21:02:01 >
AQ  Post #: 11
12/26/2011 20:30:41   
Keno Chao

Congratulations bassetbookworm :D I haven't been back on the forums for long, but you always seemed one of the most helpful people in this section :)
You're too nice. I try to be as helpful as possible, but there are a lot of helpful people around here. I'm sure I'm nowhere near the most helpful.

I just have one question. What motivates you to keep your comparison threads running? I used to run some Ranged weapon comparisons years ago, but they were pretty small so I could keep up with them. But having tried to write out a comparison thread, as you know, I didn't have the time so couldn't.
It's a lot of work, yes, but I enjoy doing it. I used the comparison threads a lot before I learned to compare (I still use the high levels), and I want to help people. It's why I created the mid-level comparisons- I had to do a ton of comparisons myself when I was raising my characters through the 70-90 range, and I wanted to make it easier on others. That's my motivation.

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/26/2011 21:06:23 >
AQ  Post #: 12
12/29/2011 8:40:34   
Grixus Faldor

Hi there Basset!

Congratulations on the promotion, well deserved!
Thank you! I'm not so sure it was deserved, but they're stuck with me (and all my questions for them) now.

How are the shackles?
They're nice shackles... As far as shackles go. They're scaring my family though. They can't figure out what in the world I got myself into... Even the beagle is confused.

In case they're uncomfortable I bought shackle-warmers.
Aw, thank you! They are kind of cold... Though that might be the house, not the shackles.

For us laymen, how does the process of double-shackling work. As I understand it, you can't possibly be shackled to more than one place... can you?
It's possible. They found away. They're very devious here.

Yes! Wait... Do I like cookies or do I want cookies? Well, the answers the same.

Have fun and see you round!
I will!

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/29/2011 10:59:43 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
12/29/2011 8:42:37   

Hey there, bassetbookworm!

Congratulations and welcome to the AK's!
Thank you! You all seem very friendly for being shackled.

Have fun round 'ere!
I will!

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/29/2011 11:00:32 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 14
12/29/2011 13:25:30   

Hi there Basset!

Congratulations on your AK-ship!
Thank you! And thank you for the color tags.

Well I don't have any question to ask, I'm just such a kind person. =P
Haha! Well, that's sweet of you. But I don't mind answering questions.

Have fun on your AK-ship!
I will do my best. See you around!

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/30/2011 10:07:35 >
Post #: 15
12/29/2011 13:33:01   

Hey Basset

Congratulations! You are very helpful
Well thank you. I try to be helpful.

I take it you like dogs and books.
A little bit, yes.

How would you react to a book about a dog? How about a dog reading a book?
I used to read books about dogs all the time before I started reading fantasy. They were my favorite books. But I dog reading a book... I'd question my sanity.

Why don't you visit GD and other places?
If you mean AQ general discussion, I do. I just don't post unless I have something to say, like I'm proud of my characters in the war. In Q&A I post if I'm almost positive I know the answer to a a question and can help. Otherwise, I haven't played the other games enough to have a base of knowledge in common with the other forums. I'm comfortable here in the AQ (especially EC) forums.

See you around!

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/30/2011 10:13:43 >
AQ  Post #: 16
12/30/2011 9:34:42   

Hiyas Basset! :D

I have no questions for you, just a congrats and welcome to AKness!
Well, thank you! You are all very welcoming despite the shackles.
Seeya on IRC! :)
Yep! Talk to you soon.

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/30/2011 10:14:38 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 17
12/30/2011 10:11:03   
Fear Scythe

Hey Basset!

Congrats on your AK!
Thank you!

Give me a cookie and like my signature:)
Sorry, I don't have any cookies. It's a cool signature though :)

No questions just have fun around.
You too!

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 12/30/2011 10:15:34 >


Post #: 18
1/2/2012 7:14:20   

O hai dere bassetbookworm!

I thought you were a guy, and Mysu's a girl. From comments given in the EC. The irony.
Actually, the embarrassing thing is I thought Msyu was female too. The good news is I never thought I was male. I'm definitely a girl. I guess I just don't act too much like one. Hm...

1) How many dog(s) do you own?
One. For the majority of my life I have owned 2, but Murray died last June. So now we just have Finley. He feels like 10 dogs though. Especially when he barks. But he's mine!

2) What breed(s)?
For 18 years we owned basset hounds. We've had four: Norton, Buckley, Harvey, and Murray. Harvey died one year ago last Easter, and we lost Murray in June, our last two bassets. We now own a crazy beagle named Finley. He's the one in my current avatar. Doesn't look very crazy, does he?

3) Are you a Christian? It's okay if you don't answer this, though. I'm one myself :)
Yep, I'm Catholic, and proud of it. I attend Mass on Sunday and Christian worship services on Wednesday when I'm at school. Good to meet some other Christians!

4) Do you play any instruments? I play the acoustic guitar ^^
I play the clarinet and have for almost ten years. So many musical people around as well!

5) Psst. I've the keys for the shackles. D'you want them?
That's okay. I may regret this later, but I like being an AK for now. All the other AK's are nice and welcoming... Even the ones who say they trapped us.

7) BattleOn has a school. Do you wish for it to have more dogs, too? Other than that Guard Dog.
More dogs would be cool! Then again, bassets and beagles are really not threatening at all. Finley *sometimes* picks up his head when someone comes in the house. Others he hides.

8) Why the interest in dogs?
I owned bassets for 18 years. We adored our bassets. What's not to love :P

9) Do you like reading books other than about dogs and fantasy?
I actually don't read too many books on dogs anymore. I mostly have been reading college books right now- no time for much else. Lots and lots of ancient literature.

10) Chihuahua or husky?
Husky. Not contest.

11) Have you met Mishka, my good old friend?

He's such a good boy! --> Mishka
Oh, how adorable! Thanks for showing me! I haven't seen Mishka before.

O mai. Mai tyme iz out. I'll make another appointment?
Appointment? Hm, where's that planner...

Cheers bassetbookworm!
See you later, 1stClassGenesis!

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 1/3/2012 14:32:39 >
Post #: 19
1/2/2012 8:17:17   
big E

Hey Basset, congratz! Wow, I should look for MtAK threads more throughly, I didn't even see this until now... xD
Thanks! I've been leaving it out for a while so everyone has a chance to see it for that reason. Most are pretty busy right now since it's the holidays. It'll probably hang out until this Thursday.

Ready for some mindless questions? No? All the better, then! ^_^
Mindless? That's good! I can do mindless.

1. What is the meaning of life?
This isn't mindless! Uh... Well, the meaning of life is not crunching numbers... Or doing homework... I'm 19 years old, I have time to figure it out.
2. What is the meaning of AQ?
Hours and hours and hours of relaxing slaughtering of monsters. What, that doesn't go together?
3. Who's your favorite Moglin?
Twilly. I just see him the most.
4. If you could become a Pure Elemental (like so many of those really old AQ monsters), what element would you go for?
Hm... Fire. I think that might be because I'm cold right now. Most of the time I'd probably say water- I could do with more tranquility in my life. Or light- there's a lot of places in this world that need more light.
6. If you could buy one Rare from any category, which one?
Armor. I need more armors. Preferably a high level Horsefly, so my pure mage could have something besides a wind alignment.
5. Coolest build in the game?
Lucky Beast Master Mage! That's what my secondary is right now, and I'm having the most fun on her. My pure mage is pretty cool too though. (Poor BMW doesn't get a mention. Sorry, Mika.)
7. Most annoying monster in the game?
Wind Essence Dragon. That one and the energy essence dragon keep killing my pure mage.
8. If you saw a giant purple washing machine charging at you, what would be your first reaction?
Run! I hope I would be faster than a washing machine.
9. Have you, so far, spent more than 5 minutes thinking of answers to these utterly pointless questions? Mehehe...
No. I hope not, anyway... So many comparisons to run...
10. Did you notice the above numbering mistake before I mentioned it to you?
Yes! Actually, no- I read these questions before I answered them and saw this question. But I noticed it the second time through!

Too bad you set the limit at 10, otherwise I'd give you enough questions to give you a three month break from real life ^_^
But I only have a one month break! ;) So I needed to limit it.

Once again, congratulations, best of luck as an AK!
Thanks, Big E!

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 1/3/2012 14:42:46 >
AQ  Post #: 20
1/10/2012 14:45:24   


Thanks, Ubear. :) I was just about to move the thread too- it's been here a little too long.

< Message edited by bassetbookworm -- 1/10/2012 15:06:28 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 21
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