Majestic Feline
DIS: I've had this written for a couple months now, but the future's looking as bleak as it is now so I might as well post it now. Due to the increasing difficulty to continue playing this game as a non-varium player at the level cap, I have decided to go into semi-retirement. Of course, I will acknowledge my duties on the EpicDuel Wiki and will be available as I am now to assist you and I will continue to make videos for YouTube when new, significant content is released. All this means is that you will no longer see me online or battling daily but rather randomly. I will be sure to log on every time there is a release to see if any significant progress is made in EpicDuel and to make videos, if available. If in 6 months time no significant progress is made to balance the gap between varium and non-varium players, I will announce my permanent retirement from EpicDuel.