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RE: Shields - Read the first post!

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8/29/2012 15:55:56   
Tha Killa


New shield: Fur of Igneus (levels 13,33,53,73G,93,113,133 IIRC).
Protects against Fire and Ice.

-21% to fire and -20% to ice for the 113 version.
Level 113

Description: As a thank you gift from ElBhe and his new fox 'friend', she's offered you a fur shield enchanted with protections and magical effects against both Fire and Ice enemies.

The description is the same for all except for the guardian ones where it says (Guardian) at the end.

Hopefully I did this right:)

Got it. Thank you. ~B

< Message edited by Balu -- 8/31/2012 9:28:15 >
AQ  Post #: 101
8/29/2012 16:41:34   
Dreiko Shadrack

^The top version has 8 MRM, -22% to Fire and -21% to ice
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 102
8/29/2012 16:42:22   
Legendary AK!!!


Daylight Savings Time

Lvls 101, 116, 121Z, 131, 146G

First wielded by the adventurer shintilaberis, this shield gives you better resistance against light or darkness monsters by adjusting the amount of daylight contained within itself.


*Chomp* - Dragoon23

< Message edited by Dragoon23 -- 8/29/2012 19:07:23 >
Post #: 103
8/29/2012 16:52:17   
Shadow Genesis


image for new daylight Savings shield

Dark Form:

Light Form:

I decided to use mine. Thanks anyway - Dragoon23


And Fur of Igneus:

Also when you are hit by a fire attack, there is a chance of the shield's effect activating, causing the following message to pop up: Your foe hits the shield! The shield absorbs the attack's fiery energy, and heals you for « » HP!

Also when you are hit by an ice attack, there is a chance of the shield's effect activating, causing the following message to pop up: Your foe hits your fiery shield, getting burnt for « » damage.

Got it. Thank you. ~B

< Message edited by Balu -- 8/31/2012 9:28:34 >
AQ  Post #: 104
8/29/2012 18:18:14   


Daylight Savings Time Shield

NOT MC. Instead, it takes -3 to blocking (already factored in).

Can click to switch between Light and Dark.

Level	101	116	121	131	146
Type	-	-	Z	-	G
PLvl	101	116	131	131	149
Dark	-23	-24	-25	-25	-25
Melee	11	12	13	13	15
Ranged	8	9	9	9	12
Magic	7	7	7	7	9
Price	132366	633216	10100	3029577	14495184
Sell	66183	316608	Z	1514788	7247592

Got all of this Thanks - Dragoon23

< Message edited by Dragoon23 -- 8/29/2012 19:07:39 >
AQW  Post #: 105
8/29/2012 18:23:00   
Tha Killa

@Dreiko, thanks but I was listing the level 113 version as I couldn't get the lv 133 version:)
AQ  Post #: 106
8/29/2012 18:50:45   


Fur of Igneus

MC bonus: At the beginning of your turn:
#If you blocked at least one Fire attack, then you are healed HP equal to 0.85/3 *FireHitsBlocked /FireHitsMade of an expected Melee attack.
#If you blocked at least one Ice attack, then you make a Fire attack against your opponent, with damage equal to 0.85/3 *IceHitsBlocked /IceHitsMade of an expected Melee attack.
These attacks are each one hit of an "other" attack that always hit.

Level	13	13	33	53	73	83	93	113	133	143
Type	-	G	-	-	-	Z	-	-	-	G
PLvl	13	21	33	53	73	93	93	113	133	146
Fire	-6	-8	-11	-16	-18	-20	-20	-21	-22	-22
Ice	-6	-8	-11	-15	-18	-19	-19	-20	-21	-21
Melee	0	2	3	4	4	5	5	7	8	10
Range	0	2	3	4	4	5	5	7	8	10
Magic	0	2	3	4	4	5	5	7	8	10
MCPrice	44	44	149	1001	7863	7535	63197	509309	4106010	11658637
MCSell	22	22	74	500	3931	Z	31598	254654	2053004	5829318

For the 'Pedia people: by "an expected Melee attack" I mean,

numPlayerBase = (5.25 + 0.5625*PowLvl + 0.00375*PowLvl*PowLvl) / 2;
numPlayerRand = (5.25 + 0.5625*PowLvl + 0.00375*PowLvl*PowLvl);
intExpectedSTR* = 2.1462*PowLvl + 10.399
intExpectedLUK* = 0.7123*PowLvl - 19.111 (if PowLvl < 90) or 5*PowLvl - 400
numPlayerStat = (200 + 13.2*PowLvl)/200 * (intExpectedSTR/8 + intExpectedLUK/20);
numPlayerAvgDamage = numPlayerBase +numPlayerRand/2 + numPlayerStat/2;

Base = numPlayerAvgDamage*LEAN
Rand = numPlayerAvgDamage*(1-LEAN)*2
Stat = 0%

For healing, LEAN is 2/3. For the Fire attack, LEAN is 1/3.

*Min 10; max 200; rounded to the nearest 5
*Min 0; max 200; rounded to the nearest 5.

Got it. Thank you! ~B

< Message edited by Balu -- 8/31/2012 9:28:59 >
AQW  Post #: 107
8/30/2012 2:23:30   

description for the fire shield: As a thank you gift from ELBhe and his new fox "friend", she's offered you a fur shield enchanted with protections and magical effects against both fire and ice enemies!

Info on the description was already posted above. Please check the posts in the thread as to not submit the same info. Thank you. ~B

< Message edited by Balu -- 8/31/2012 9:30:52 >
AQ  Post #: 108
8/30/2012 16:32:39   
 formerly In Media Res



Correction to the prices of the DST shield: it should be getting double cost, since it's literally two shields in one:

Level	101	116	121	131	146
Type	-	-	Z	-	G
PLvl	101	116	131	131	149

Buy	264732	1266432	20200	6059154	28990368	
Sell	132366	633216	Z	3029577	14495184

Corrected. Thanks! - Dragoon23

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 8/31/2012 16:27:00 >
AQ  Post #: 109
8/31/2012 2:42:40   

^So just out of curiosity, what's the -3 blocking compensating for if not for the switching elements?

On the DST shield? Compression. You get both a Light shield and a Darkness shield in one. ~In Media Res

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 8/31/2012 2:45:40 >
AQ  Post #: 110
8/31/2012 3:32:07   
Bu Kek Siansu

^ IMR, I think it should not take -3 to defenses since the prices got double cost as you mentioned:

Correction to the prices of the DST shield: it should be getting double cost, since it's literally two shields in one:

Nope. Remember how for armours with skills work? You have to pay for the armour itself, plus the skill, plus either an MC markup or have the stats reduced in some way. It's the same for shields - the DST shield is two shields compressed into one, so you have to pay for both shields. You also need either a compresion penalty, or to MC the shields. ~In Media Res

< Message edited by AVA -- 8/31/2012 4:14:45 >
Post #: 111
8/31/2012 6:36:36   

Pyrecrag and other dual element weapons released recently have dual element compression, cost double, but have no compression penalty?

either an MC markup or have the stats reduced

which means either pay double OR have the penalty, right?

v ohh I see, nevermind then.

< Message edited by lh47 -- 8/31/2012 7:30:49 >
AQ  Post #: 112
8/31/2012 6:54:11   

@above: No, Pyrecrag is actually 2 weapons in 1, therefore you'll need to pay double the price of 1 weapon, but it'll need to receive compression penalty. Since Pyrecrag is MC, the penalty is cancelled and the price gets another *1.1, making it costs 2.2 times of a normal weapon.
Post #: 113
8/31/2012 10:46:24   
Shadow Genesis

@IMR may i just ask, on your info subs for the new DST shield price, what that floating 44 million gold buying price is for?

Sorry, I copy/pasted too much from the spreadsheet that calculates prices. That's just junk leftover from whoever used the sheet before me. ~In Media Res

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 8/31/2012 16:27:38 >
AQ  Post #: 114
8/31/2012 11:54:12   

the 44mil is for the 146G Shield :)
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 115
8/31/2012 14:14:33   
Shadow Genesis

@Maj no i believe looking at how the prices are lined up that the 28.9 million gold is the cost of the 146G shield
AQ  Post #: 116
8/31/2012 14:31:13   

I checked and the 44million does not go on any of the DST shields. Also the price of the level 116 one is wrong. The level 116 shield is 1255432 gold. I have updated the level 116 shield entry with the correct buy and sell prices.
AQW  Post #: 117
8/31/2012 15:04:24   

My bad. sorry then. inore my other post
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 118
8/31/2012 16:28:44   
 formerly In Media Res




I checked and the 44million does not go on any of the DST shields. Also the price of the level 116 one is wrong. The level 116 shield is 1255432 gold. I have updated the level 116 shield entry with the correct buy and sell prices.
No, that was a typo on my part. The price should be 1266432. Sorry, I fixed the price in the database.

Refixed entry price. ~Scakk

< Message edited by Scakk -- 8/31/2012 16:51:43 >
AQ  Post #: 119
9/4/2012 13:40:54   
Adventure Quester

I'm quite confused on the DST penalty value, it is -3?

ie. The Level 131 version's stats:

Dark or Light: -25

Melee: +13
Ranged: +9
Magic: +7

I don't understand why -3, if the standard Lev.130 shields in Adder's forge are:

Specific element: -25

Melee: +13
Ranged: +13
Magic: +13

So it's like, -4 on Ranged and -6 on Magic, where is -3? maybe it's -10?

Just some thoughts (sorry if it's a noob question) Thanks. =)

< Message edited by Adventure Quester -- 9/4/2012 13:44:17 >
AQ  Post #: 120
9/4/2012 14:46:26   

I think it is probably done as -3 on average - 0 on Melee, -4 on Ranged, and -6 on Magic, which averages out as -10/3 = -3.33...

Magic could actually be 8 based off that theory, so I suspect it's more +3 accuracy for the monster, than -3 MRM, which would mean that on 13 res, it has 85% accuracy, so 89% on Ranged, and 91% on Magic, which average out at an 88.33% hit rate, which would be rounded to 88% in-game, and hence means +3 accuracy for the monster, the equivalent of -3 MRM.
AQW  Post #: 121
9/5/2012 4:42:36   
 formerly In Media Res


Without the penalty, it would be 16 Melee / 12 Ranged / 10 Magic. It focuses on Melee. Focusing on one thing is worth a lot more than spreading out*, so adding up all the values will be lower.

*For comparison, which is better: a shield that gives -10 to all resistances (for a total of -80 points), or a shield that only gives -25 to one (for a total of -25)? You'd probably want that second one, right? So focusing on one is a lot better, even though the "totals" are worse.
AQ  Post #: 122
9/5/2012 5:46:26   
Bu Kek Siansu


* For comparison, which is better: a shield that gives -10 to all resistances (for a total of -80 points), or a shield that only gives -25 to one (for a total of -25)? You'd probably want that second one, right? So focusing on one is a lot better, even though the "totals" are worse.

Or if it's possible just add some + points to another resistances to make one or two resistances much better. :)
Those defenses are quite low though. :p

For example:


Fur of Igneus
Level: 133

Melee +8
Ranged +8
Magic +8

Fire: -25%
Water: +3%
Wind: 0%
Ice: -25%
Earth: 0%
Energy: +4%
Light: 0%
Darkness: 0%

The price should be getting double cost or so.



Fur of Igneus
Level: 133

Melee +8
Ranged +8
Magic +8

Fire: -25%
Water: +3%
Wind: 0%
Ice: -21%
Earth: 0%
Energy: 0%
Light: 0%
Darkness: 0%

The price should be inceased or so.

instead of


Fur of Igneus
Level: 133

Melee +8
Ranged +8
Magic +8

Fire: -22%
Water: 0%
Wind: 0%
Ice: -21%
Earth: 0%
Energy: 0%
Light: 0%
Darkness: 0%

< Message edited by AVA -- 9/5/2012 6:07:37 >
Post #: 123
9/5/2012 6:52:23   

Adding +3% doesn't mean you can substract -3% to make one resistance even lower. These are calculated by points and the lower (so better focus) it gets such as -21% and then going down to -22% and such, it'll cost much more points than making it from 0% to 3%. That 3% won't give much points, not enough to cover -3%.
For more, you can find Balance Sheets in Master Guide of the Formulae in AQ Guides and check it for yourself on how it works. ^^
AQ Epic  Post #: 124
9/5/2012 7:00:59   
Bu Kek Siansu

^ I knew about the Balance Sheets in Master Guide of the Formulae in AQ Guides. :p

I just gave a simple example. :)
Post #: 125
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