ArchMagus Orodalf
I understand the tags at the top of each entry-- knowing something is part of Bacon Origin, or is a Titan Fight quest, etc. would obviously help your navigation. However, coloration of NPC names does nothing for organization and can prove distracting. Blinding colors, for example -- and Furthermore, the only reason one would use color-coded NPCs is to find a specific NPC's lines-- but that's why the NPC entries exist. Color isn't needed to distinguish NPC names from that which is said, because boldness and a colon already separate them. AQ Quest Entries only very rarely use color-- Red to indicate bugs in-game, orange to indicate a Stat Roll, and the color the text takes in-game. Lack of any other coloration in these entries allows for emphasis on the parts that need emphasis, and not the NPC names, which are easily distinguished, anyway, especially with use of either the Search or Ctrl + F functions.