Please keep all balance related topics in the official balance thread here instead. why not just merge the thread into the balance thread instead of locking. so people who just logged in actually know what they are talking about in the balance thread. honestly the balance thread just seems like a big toilet and everyone post a ton of different things related to balance. and to find a post u have to go thats related to a certain specific balance discussions u need to go a couple pages back. eventually meaning if i post an idea and then like 50 more post that are unrelated to my post will just flush my post down. theres all types of balance. and cramming them into 1 single thread seems wrong. theres stat balance( HP, str, dex, tech, support, focus, agility, energy), skill balance (ranges from a single skill to all skills in the game), item balance, price balance, class balance, class vs class balance, var item vs non var balance, non var vs var battle balance. then theres Solo battle balance, team battle balance, juggernaut balance. and how class, skills, stats, and items are affected on what modes. i would like for Lord Barrius (as i have made this post before) to re consider letting balance discussion in individual threads so that all replies relate to the original post and not just a melting pot of post that seem to make no sense with the post above or below that. as for anyone who says that the GD will be crammed with balance discussions. how does cramming all balance discussions into a single thread make more sense. in fact it complicates more. also since its mostly design notes. and u cant post to discuss suggestion feedback in the general discussions(also seems dumb to me since its a discussions and ur looking for feedback), why not at least let balance post be permitted.