Legendary AK!!!
Hi Thief! Congrats on ArchKnight! Just how does one become an ArchKnight though? Thanks! For the question, being helpful and constructive and nice, then the Head Mod of the board you frequent asks the Head of the AKs, and if the Head AK approves you get PM'ed. What happens once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? *Has no idea* Did you know the answer to my previous question straight away on your own? I still don't know it! Where's Perry? My older cat's name is Perry, so I guess sunning himself by the door. Approximate number of times you've watched Ballyhoo ads in MQ? I'm supposed to count?! Uh, maybe ~600? How do you feel about AQ3D and Korin's involvement? As long as Korin doesn't leave forever, I'm ok with it. AE3D better be good though! What's the opposite of me not asking you un-about the not current news regarding PD's not un-Pomeranians link? I just got home from school, so no thinking right now... I guess it is ME asking me about the current news regarding PD's Pomeranians link? Did that last question make any sense at all? I don't know, did it? Is it true? /facedesk When is it true? GAH! My brain! Who do you think would win in a fight? Squirtle Mewtwo or Mudkip? Squirtles just sucks, so he loses, then Mudkip uses Ice Beam on Mewtoo and freezes him, then kills it while frozen with Hydro Pump. So Mudkip! Thoughts on MQ's current lack of merchandise in HeroMart? I wouldn't mind an action figure or something... but Mechquest NEEDS some merchandise in HeroMart. Did I ask too many questions? Nope, it's not over 100. How many credits do you currently have? Like 900k 400k. I need to farm more... What's the square root of pie? 1.772004 aprox according to my IPod. Do you think that WB still wins the GGs only by it's numbers? Or that it was truly fixed by Korin? It's a combination of numbers and that they have a better GG. What do you think we'll find on Romero? Zombies? Romans? Romance? Artix? Other? Zombie Romens in Love with Artix. The answer isn't what you weren't no thinking of. Then what isn't the not right question? Are you tired of my unnecessary use of the words "not" and "un?" (Yes I know that the last one doesn't count as a word technically) Yup. It makes it harder to do this, cause I actually have to think about it... =P Sorry about that Thief, I was kind of bored... The answer to the riddle is "the letter M!" So obvious I can't believe I didn't see it. >.< And no problem, I like puzzles! And hard questions! Okay then... how can you throw a baseball as hard as you can away from you, but have it come straight back without reacting to anything? You threw it so hard it went around the world. Obviously. What word begins with "E" and usually only contains one letter? Ello's IRC name?, nah Envelope. A dad that weighs 100 pounds and his two children, both of which way 50 pounds, own a boat. They must use this boat to cross a river, and yes, they must take the boat. How do they all get across? The boat is an airship and flies across. /SkyguardPunHere How could you possibly say that Squitle sucks? Because it's true of course! How... in the... could you possibly say th- *Faints* It's time to accept facts Astro. How many questions have I asked you so far? It is X, with X=the # of questions you have asked me so far. What's the approximate amount of numbers in your math textbook? Once again, X, with X=the # of numbers in my math textbook. What isn't not the un-correct amount of wrong answers that you haven't un-given? Well, I guess it is not the correct amount of incorrect answers that I have not given? Have you never seen such a ominous wall of text meant to repudiate you into fear and idiopathically capture your your very soul into oblivion like a retina catches a flash? I've met NaturallyMaria, so yes. What's you current thoughts on the " Financial Credit Panic of 3012?" I could google it, but I won't. Did you know that there are several million Squirtles outside your house waiting to ambush you? Well, better summon my several BILLION Mudkipz to meet them head on in war. Do you own Skyrim? Nope. If you do, then what's your current level? What's the max again? The answer is right left. Look now. Quit looking now. WhatIdon'teven..? What's <3? Heart, Love A=1/2bh calculates what? UhUhUh... Triangles! Oda ouya eakspa igpa atinla? I don't speak your language. Pie is good. Thoughts? Yup. How else would be calaculate circles? Are you sick of me yet? Not really, please add more! This is fun. => How many fingers am I holding up? OVER9000! How many letters are in the previous question? 0, I haven't gotten any mail today. Pretend you're a bus driver. What would you do? I would resign and become a scientist. How many 0s are in a google? IIRC, 1 Million. Where are Nova Gems mined? If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore! Q/L= It's a number between 1 and 100. How many letters are between R and F? It's a number between 1 and 100. What am I not currently thinking of? Mudkips. How are you and your Mudkipz doing .recovering after that bloody Squirtle attack? *Swampert uses EarthQuake!* 10000000 Squirle faint! Yup, took out the army in 1 hit. Took out my house too.. What'd you do if I told you that I was right behind you an hour ago? How did you get into my house in the middle of the night...? The current president of South Africa is: Mudkip. ______: A kind of animal that carries it's young in pouches. Kangaroo ______: PD has an abnormal obsession with this. Pomeranian ______: The latest Potter Puppet Pal video on YouTube. No idea. Have you ever heard of HeroScape? Nope! Moose? Dumoose? Duck? Mm... duck tastes good. Llama? I've eaten Llama too! It tastes... odd. The end is near. Behold the mighty alpaca-lypse! Bah, my Mudkipz will defeat them all. How would you survive in such a place as the aforementioned? I would take out my Mudkipz and engage the alpacas in war! What's the definition of "quantum?" Who cares? No. Yes. Yes. Correct! This is the answer. What's the question? This is JEOPARDY! Do you have a Sir-Justin-Timberlake-tracking-device? Or do you just remember? He's a knight now? Did you play the super-mean prank on Sir Prize from Oaklore in DF? Yes... Are you sick of me yet? Not really. The four basic elements are? Air...Earth...Water...& Fire. Then, the Fire Nation Attacked. Now we found a new Avatar... get the reference? Yes? No...? How many Mudkipz do you own? OVER9000! Ok, serious answer. On my Pokemon Emerald I dedicated 10 PC boxes to them, so ~300 on one game. Black has about 6 boxes of Mudkip, so like 180 for that... plus my 6 Swamperts, and the others on the games I play less. Why do you (And because of that have everyone else) always say MudkipZ? Because I LIEK MUDKIPZ The official bird of Florida is: Mudkip? The Abomination is the arch-nemesis of: Its a super hero, right? Did you know that several fans complained that Bane's voice was hard to hear in The Dark Knight Rises Sneak Preview? I do now. The opposite of purple is: Gold! The opposite of a banana is: An Orange. The opposite of an orange is: A Banana. Artix's middle and last name (In-game) are: It starts with K, but I don't feel like spelling it. The amount of butter in my house is approximately: Depends. D'ya like butter? Radiance. Thats what I thought when I saw golden's edit color! Martin de Leon was an empresario. True or false? Neutral The fluffiest cat on the world is: My kitten! A=1/2(b1+b2) calculates: I don't remember, but I think it's the area of a trapezoid. How is the weather in California? Sunny? I dunno, I don't live even close to there. Did you use the fact that you don't live in California as an excuse not to answer the previous question? Maybe. Does previous rhyme with grevious? I'm no poet. Still not sick of me? HA. As if. I dare you to get me sick of you! You'll never ask enough questions to get me to get annoyed! Okay then! I accept your challenge! What's 5 - 13? -7. What was Disney Channel's first series to go over 100 episodes? Who cares? D&D is the abbreviation for: Dungeons and Dragons. Larry says hi. Yay for the cable guy! EPIC FAIL!!! Yup! Epic flail? Yeah! Epic flails are epic! There were ___ Pokémon games made for handheld systems. It's X, with X being a number. Anoriath is dead. D= The Egyptian god of cats is: Bast Transmundane. Thoughts? Whats that even mean? _______ for your thoughts? Yup, I really am drawing a blank right now. Perseus is the son of what greek god in greek mythology? Dunno. The current vice-president of the country you live in is: UhUhUh... The giraffe was created when Chuck Norris uppercutted a horse. True or false? So true. The name of the planet that was thought to have crashed into the Earth and have formed the moon is called: Has no idea. PLANET MUDKIPZ! Please tell me you didn't say something like "planet Mudkipz." Please. Good idea! Can you watch this song 5 times in a row? Yes, because I don't have my volume on. XD How about this one? Well, seeing as i'm on mute.. YES! Finish the phrase. Narwhals narwhals, swimming in the ocean, causing a- I forget. commotion? Ratchet & _____: All 4 One And one for all! Wait, that's not the question... I play Chainsaw Arm... while on a zard... which is on a Gorillaphant... which is on a boat... which is on a dragon... while rocking out... using hair gel... and cursed by vampires! ... The company that made Fallout 3 is: Very rich now. What'd you do if I told you that you answered the last question wrong? I would agree. What if I didn't not un-tell the not un-same different not thing? I won't even try to translate that into a sentence that makes sense. Tennis ball? I nao play Tennis. The name of the first video I linked is: The Duck Song! The second one was called: Badgers. White run? Temple Run? The most epic smily that you know is (Show as the answer): =D Still not sick of me? Nope. XD =0 How many forumites in the world are called "Tor-Kul-Na?" Who cares? He's making a list, checking it _____, going to see who's naughty and nice! Twice! The website you're currently on is called:! (B) (I) (U) (S) (hr) (_____) (link) (color) (list) (image) (code) (right) (center) quote. Do you get the previous question? Yes. ILSHISMTADMS! stands for: ... No idea! Battle-born or Gray-Mane? Battle-born? Sovngarde is located at: Sounds like Vikings, so Skandia /random Ranger's Apprentice reference Newfoundland? The answer to the abbreviation was I LAUGHED SO HARD I SWALLOWED MY TACO AND DROPPED MY SOMBRERO! Did you change your answer now that you see it? I should edit. Lick. Lick. Lick. Drop. The world may never know. Being less than 3 feet tall is illegal in seven countries. True or false? False... "Korin" is japanese for: (Goes to google translate) Squirtle uses flamethrower! Then he uses telekinesis! Mudkip has been K.O.'d! Lies! Cysero's ____ sock? Left/Smelly There's a ______ in the Lion King with a very colorful bottom. Lion? Forthgoing! Oncoming! Cascade over the objects into: ... has no answer. On Sunday 5, January 2012, the _____ ____ was shown on TV all across America. GAH I DUNNO OK?! Do you remember the Narwhals? Narwhales Narwhales! Still not sick of me? Tsk, you've gotta try harder than that. Time to lock this up though, so too bad for you.
< Message edited by Thiefboy109 -- 2/9/2012 19:01:57 >