I Would like to point out my created feature which solves this problem (and many others) called "meditation" and is similar to rage as it is a feature fillable per battle with a bar. Meditations tackles at lessoning or solving the following problems: -Starting advantage -Blocks -Stuns -lagged skipped turns! -Extreme power builds -Buff the use of sheilds, but not tanks -Gives an advanatge to those who take time off attacking to setup up startegy, because currently turns are too valuable to afford not to attack. What does it do? Meditation is a fillable bar like rage but instead of an armour ignoring attack you instead get a bonus NONattack into a turn which would normally be just an attack. For example: Player A smokes player B, Payer B already has a full meditiaon bar so in that turn players B uses defence matrix, THEN auxillary in the same turn. (NOTE: must start with a complette non attack skill of otherwise classfied as turn which would NOT give rage (healing, boosters sheilds etc.) then must be followed with an attack skill or a skill which gives rage) How to fill the meditiation bar? The medition bar has a total of 100 points to fill. -If you dont start, in other words are second ( or in 2v2 both the team members on the side that starts second) then you automatically get half a meditation bar full. (50 points) -If you use turn which DOES NOT GIVE RAGE, then it will infact give meditaion by the same amount for any turn in this catagory, aproximtely 1/4 of a meditiaion bar per non rage giving turn.(25 points) -When you are attacked, a small 10% of the total damage of the attack is given to meditation.( excludes defences) for example if a player uses a attack which deals 50 damage even though it may only hit 25 on you it excludes defences thus, 5 points of meditiaon are rewarded. -When you are blocked, even though you get rage you also get 25 points to meditiaion. -When you are stunned you also get 25 point to meditiaion. -If you skipp a turn accidentally eg. due to lagg, then you get a complette full meditiaon bar (100 points) The result? Starting advanatge: Players who start can use watever, but instead of being totally forced to playe defensive it is likely the second player will meditate early giving them the oportunity to sheild/heal and attack in the same turn thus gaining on lost ground. Blocks: Often very game changing because they are basically lost turns, with meditiaon you cant get your attack turns back but at least you can heal etc. to make up for lost ground. Stuns: Same as blocks, meditation helps make up for lost ground. Countering extreme power builds: These power builds will likely give their player medition alot and early because bonuses are given based on total attack power and it is likely the oppnent will need to recover with sheilds/healing etc. which are much more easy to pull of and not lose ground with meditiaion thus making these builds counterable. Buff of sheilds: Sheilding is highly underpowered now with the new bot and this will hopefully make it more worthwhile to take turns to sheeld etc. Lagg and skipped turns: Which this feature it allows players who may have accidentally lost a turn to regain it to a degree in the sence they get a full medition bar to use allowing them to get a free nonattack turn. Advanatge to the non attack based builds: They are in obvious need of help because they are not classed as tanks nor extreme dmagae dealers which leads to exreme complications because turns are too precious to use sheildsing, helaing, energy drianing these days to do it alot, thus many creative builds have been destoryed and hopefully this could reivivie them. More variety!: With this it is possible many new interesting builds will arise for example the old field commander build would be alot more usefull and could be used in very tactical deadly combos combined with meditiaon. and rage! Side notes: -Meditation IS stackable with rage, so if you get both full rage bar and a full meditate bar in the same turn you could heal then use a rage attack for example. -Bar should be placed above or beow rage bar (close to it) -If you get a full mediation bar but do not want to use it simply use any attack (rage giving skill) at it will be postponed like how rage is postponed when a NONattack skill is used. Hope you like my idea, Thanks for readong Remorse Less.
< Message edited by Remorse -- 2/7/2012 10:14:21 >