I wonder if making Level / Support have a larger impact on someone going first would help. If you place points into Support, you're sacrificing strict defense and (in most cases) offensive ability. I think that going first SHOULD have some advantage You're right about that Frothy... Here's a suggestion that would remove the randomness of who goes 1st! 1st turn suggestion - There are 2 calculations - 1st calculation is level difference and that depends on the mode and is based on the players position in the battle screen (see positions below). To compensate for juggernauts being 3 levels higher, position 5 would get +3 modifier when it is a juggernaut battle and when in 1v1 and 2v2 the modifier would be 0. To address 2v1 there would need to be a jugMod, if jug=yes then value =2 and if jug=no then value =1 Positions: 5 | 3 2 | 1 6 | 4 1st calculate level difference. So levelDif=(charLevelPos1*jugMod+levelPos3+levelPos4)-(levelPos2+levelPos5+modeMod+levelPos6) and this will give a number +/- 0 to 5 Then calculate 1st turn: baseSup+focus+agility-(levelDif*2) on players in positions 1,3&4 and baseSup+focus+agility+(levelDif*2) on players in positions 2,5&6. - Player who has the highest number goes 1st. - If sum is equal at 2 decimal points then player entering battle 1st goes 1st. i.e Player who is in position 1,3 or 5 (not sure about battle engine search with juggernaut) Edit: Meh, read it again, I still stuffed up with jugger modifier :S I sort of fixed it :/ Good luck with going 1st formula, but I like the idea of taking random out of going 1st ;)
< Message edited by Goony -- 2/15/2012 1:08:55 >