Slayer Hades
I'm gonna go make some assumptions here about the compass. I'm guessing Good means nice, goody-two-shoes, Artix kinda Good. Evil means "LUL WE'RE DA BEST CUZ UNDEAD". Chaotic means contrary to law and order, as in thieves, thugs, mercenaries. Lawful means "For teh King and His Kingdom" regardless of whether that kingdom is Good or Evil, just against Chaotics. However, these are assumptions based on previous AE games. We're dealing with Nulgath here, who's a little bit more of a mercenary evil. In AQW, Miltonius (Nulgath) was up to giving you cool stuff, Good OR Evil themed, as long as you helped him out. You scratch my back, I give you a bread crumb. That kinda thing, thus mercenary Evil. Based on that different shade, I'm gonna make some different assumptions about the alignments. Good will be the Diablo(I, II, and III) kinda Good, which means "Obliterate Evil at any cost". Evil will be more or less the one I described above; domination through a barter system of favors/farming, resulting in the inreasing of Nulgath's power. Chaotic will be anything that attempts to dispel anything organised. Insane people, anarchists, thieves, etc. NOT Drakath kind of Chaos, because that is, in fact, Order. Lawful will be a sort of grim, purposeful alignment of "Hold together; we must stay organised to endure the coming storms and battles." This means typical medieval/monarchial/DiabloFranchiseHumanityInGeneral. So, according to these compasses, I'm gonna decide right now. If it's the first kind, chaos. All the way. If it's the second kind, tough choice between Good and Lawful.