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RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items!

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2/24/2012 20:18:04   
Eternally Beast

Robert Trolling strikes Epicduel ... CoD reference to the bikes...

< Message edited by Eternally Beast -- 2/24/2012 20:22:27 >
Epic  Post #: 351
2/24/2012 20:19:58   
King FrostLich

Alright, where are these so called missions? All I got are from Alydroid and NegaWraith himself.
Epic  Post #: 352
2/24/2012 20:20:54   

Completed all the missions. and Frost Go to shadow guard at fortune city u will c what to do then. hes like the MAP.
AQW Epic  Post #: 353
2/24/2012 20:35:57   

Their seems to be a problem with using the world map to get to FC.
AQW Epic  Post #: 354
2/24/2012 20:38:42   
King FrostLich

I manage to go there hype. Only thing is that I was at Legion.
Epic  Post #: 355
2/24/2012 20:39:01   

This sucks..I got HeartCracker Cheevo with the extra bombs only to find out they were needed for something else...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 356
2/24/2012 20:45:39   
One Winged Angel1357

Yeah thats great for F2P's we can't really beat Admin 11 so we can just grab two of the heartcracker bombs and be done with this line of missions
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 357
2/24/2012 21:16:06   

^ I have trouble beating Admin 12 as a merc with full varium. You need to team up with a cyber, it's the only way :(
Epic  Post #: 358
2/24/2012 21:23:47   
One Winged Angel1357

@Goony if you have problems with Admin 12 you might want to look into your build but Admin 11 is a whole different story that is a pain for many players but if a F2P is your partner you would need George Lowe or Big Tuna level hax to win
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 359
2/24/2012 21:24:50   

u having trouble?
i can help if u want.
AQW Epic  Post #: 360
2/24/2012 21:29:37   
One Winged Angel1357

@Gold I'll pass for now I'm sotcking up on credits to enhance my gear
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 361
2/24/2012 21:31:39   

lol, typo meant Admin 11

The Guard Outpost has had a makeover :)
Epic  Post #: 362
2/24/2012 21:33:35   

There is a quest for a bomb at the heavy guard next to valery, so you dont have to fight admin 11
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 363
2/24/2012 21:35:04   

Man, that Administrator 12 gave me a tough time, you're not alone Goony.
AQ Epic  Post #: 364
2/24/2012 21:37:21   
One Winged Angel1357

@Goony what got a makeover because a gaurd outpost is not a location i remember
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 365
2/24/2012 22:07:50   

Wut bombs to get this new archivement?

Do Selina Mission and u get 1 bomb, Do Mirv Mission and get 1 bomb, Do krampues technician mission and get other bomb and last do Negawraith mission to get the last bomb and use the 4 bombs on the shadow guard Mission that is t the left of habuki and the item shadow guard give u Use it on Alydroid Mission and the item Alydroid give u Use it on the Mission of Fortune City Leader and get archivement. 1k Ratings Cheevo.
AQW Epic  Post #: 366
2/24/2012 22:18:57   

I was able to beat admin 11 with a non var friend of mine, but he was a ch with alot of enhance, and I guess it helps if your a bm or bh. (Admin was focusing on him tho, so I guess we had alot of luck)
Post #: 367
2/24/2012 22:20:25   

Why do u guys need to fight Admin 11?
AQW Epic  Post #: 368
2/24/2012 22:38:48   

@OWA, where admin 12 lives in fortune city. The door looks different and the walls ;)
Epic  Post #: 369
2/24/2012 23:39:09   

HAs any one got a broken weapon yet? how does the process work? thanks. seems the leader boards arnt reseting.

< Message edited by ORDER -- 2/25/2012 0:43:17 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 370
2/25/2012 2:55:46   
SouL Prisoner

@ ashari

No one ever said the bike was going to be available to everyone. The bike's been added to every Founder and Elite's Inventory rather than being sold by NegaWraith.

Frm DN :

Those with the Founder achievement will be able to ride in style on this exclusive hoverbike. You can acquire this exclusive item by visiting Negawraith (who has been kind enough to stash these bikes) in Fortune City and taking the bike from his inventory.

maybe m confused , wat does this mean??


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 371
2/25/2012 3:05:01   

That NegaWraith is Kind Enought to stash the Bikes in his Shop/Inventory for The Founders ONLY. But At the End they put all the bikes on Each Founder INV.
And is Time to stop talking about the bike Getting Tired Of Reading The Same Thing. Lol

< Message edited by raymanpwner -- 2/25/2012 3:06:07 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 372
2/25/2012 7:25:37   
Lord Machaar


Just because we give a gift to one group doesn't mean we don't appreciate another group just as much. They get appreciation first because they were here first.

Absolutely agreed with that, but you (Directly or Indirectly) way you make us feel (Non-Founders/Non-Elites) players in Lower Grade then Founder Players and Elite players. 'Lower Grade' and this just i mean this sentence is an offensive!
MQ Epic  Post #: 373
2/25/2012 7:38:28   

You seriously wanna still continue it over a damn bike because we were first? What are you trying to achieve, a reward or warnings?
Staff confirmed there WILL be reward for ALL supporters. What else do you want, rewards to be given out NOW, literally just NOW?

So if you were first to buy a laptop and there was limited quantity + 50% off, you'd buy it. But person who gets there later and there's no laptops on discount (normal price) then can they rant because they were too late and even paid more for it? In real life, you won't get anything for it but lower price. In ED, ALL supporters will be rewarded, not the ones who were earlier and got everything cheaper.
Tell me what more you want? You will be rewarded and probably more money spent = higher reward (like AQW probably) so what else do you want?

Few quotes from here + different topic:

Let's keep this civil -- that means you shouldn't be flaunting that you got a Founder Bike, nor ranting that you didn't. You are not better because you are a Founder or Varium player. We consider every player equals here on the forum. I understand this is a legitimate concern, but it's also one you have to approach civilly or you risk angering many groups of players.


ORIGINAL: Cinderella
We have plans for rewarding later supporters, but nothing concrete and not with this update.


ORIGINAL: Cinderella
I'm sorry if I sound angry or defensive, and we do plan to do something extra to appreciate our later supporters, but please behave with a little more decorum.

I noticed, Lord Machaar, you picked your quote from the same post as the last quote in my post. Please don't pick out bits you want to prove your point but read all of it or include it as well? It's like you're trying to turn people all against each other.
AQ Epic  Post #: 374
2/25/2012 7:55:39   

@Trans: I could pay $5k for a supreme gaming PC or a $329 Lenovo crap.

The Lenovo bouhgt it first. Does that mean the Lenovo guy is superior? -.-'

I have bought many times more Varium than Founders, I'm sure.

< Message edited by Wraith -- 2/25/2012 7:59:22 >


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 375
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