We all know that keeping a high wepon standard with our wepons can be extremely hard, with new wepons and levels coming out constatnly leaving the older wepons and armours to slowly depreciate to nothing. I would like to point out that I think it's a problem that as players to play this game at a sensible price we can only have good quality wepons and gear for a very SHORT amount of time. Hence most of us will have a limited time as actuly being a player of varium standard, infact alot of my varium gear from earlier years are now equal in stats with many non varium alternates and lesser in damage. And I think this area is a major conern. The main problem is enhacments, With all the new features like PVP drops its great and all, and the brocken wepons would be a great way to stock up the inventory BUT a major problem any varium using player comes into is having to enhance EVERTHING. Now I say we have to enhance it even though we dont, but if you consider that most NON varium wepons and armour are almost equal with the varium alternates but with enahcments giving it a major bonus to the varium wepons, to say that you DONT have to enahce your gear if your a varium user is like saying you don't HAVE to pay for varium. If you pay for varium we might aswel get the full bonus it offers and that includes enahcments. Now it is obvious that their are Credit payment option for enahcments BUT if you consider how impractical the price is its likely you wont get enough credits to enahance a varium wepon/armour fully with creidts before it depreciates to being worse then a non varium alternate.... I have found that I have ALOT of old varium gear that in some builds I wish I could use but I simply cant and are infact limited to only one set because of the extreme enahcments price. Many players and the devs won't see this a major problem now, but enhacments is relatively new at least its new for guns and auxes and over time it will become clear that this will be the most likely cause for players simply not being able to sustain a varium benfit. Which Is why I think some seroius changes need to be made to enahcments. One obvious solution would be to make the enahcments transferable. eg. switch you enahments from one wepon/armour to antoher. Or, place a enhacements sell back of around 80-90% (high so that players can sustain the varium benfits, the alternate being players give up in supporting or even playing the game) This solution would fix the major price for enahcments by making them last ALOT longer in time. But, this would not fix the major balance issues enahcments have on balance which also leads to players having limited time with the game as evetually alot willbe fed up with the balance and lack of attention balance obviolsy needs. One way to fix enahcments in both price and balance is by using a sugestion I came up with a while ago and that is to change enhacments from being BONUS stats to be TRANSFERABLE stats. In other words each enahcement slot represents the amount of times you can change the EXSISTING wepons stats into a diffrent stat. For example a forstbane has 8Dex 8Tech and 8Support and 10 enahcments, with my sugetion you could use the enahcments to switch the stats to for example to be 10 STR 8 dex and 6 tech there were a total of 10 changes so the whole 10 enhacments were used in this case. This means the balanc effect from the bonus stats is minimsed AND the necesity for enahcments reduced thus meaning enahcments will no longer be compulsary to have if you want a full varium benefit, It will also give the stat placemnt on wepon more meaning because to save money you would wont well placed stats on your wepons so you dont need to enahce them, but if you have alot of varium/credits and you want to keep your current equipment but you want the to have difffrent stats then enahcments would be the way to go. Obviolsy to implement this there would need to be a enahcment sellback added so if a player no longer wishes to have enahcments because they like the stat placment of there wepons they could get a reasonable sellback from them. What do you guys think about players having a limted varium benfit time? Do yout think its a problem needing to be adressed? Discuss. Remorse Less.
< Message edited by Remorse -- 2/24/2012 7:00:05 >