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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/7/2012 18:02:29   

I know, right? Sheesh. This is depressing and lame. Clean the slate, I say!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 276
3/7/2012 18:03:46   

@Anti: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/l/led+zeppelin/stairway+to+heaven_20082076.html <- Meditate on this. Also, I actually have no reality-bending powers unless I am in a situation where an abnormally high ammount of power would be required to either accomplish something important, or survive the situation at all. I have a sortof... adaptive feature in my powers. It doesn't always turn out to be reality bending. Many things could happen, and I have to figure out a way to actually get myself out of the situation, even with the power to potentially deal with it. Killed myself, one of the first times I was fighting a god.

... Oh, and it would've happened instantaneously. I will mentally count that event as never having happened.

Technically speaking, if Saturn was not lying about his level of power, he'd actually be the greatest among us in sheer levels of strength. Clown at the moment doesn't have terribly high reality-bending powers, comparatively, and uses organization and minnions to accomplish alot of his plans, as well as a vast knowledge of chemistry. (QUICK!!! TELL ME WHICH IS THE MOST VOLATILE OF THE ALKALINE METALS!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THE MELTING POINT OF TUNGSTEN?!?!?!?!) Since we don't know what Jack is fully capable of, nor Lunarox, so I can't comment on them as well as I might, but Jack seems to have held back, so far.

Edit: Ah, I see... Oh, and I forgot to add David to the list up there, although I must admit he's not been godmodding overly much, and I am interested in what he'll do next... Might be too much at once, though, yeah. Too few heroes to deal with things. :/

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/7/2012 18:07:57 >
DF  Post #: 277
3/7/2012 18:10:08   

Antithesis: I'll work on it soon. Expect it to be sent out by friday.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 278
3/7/2012 18:11:11   
Sir Night

Honestly I'm starting to wonder if it would be a good idea to set a certain standard of power and start treating this more like a video game where everyone's powers need to be balanced. Basically the more powerful you want to be in one way, the weaker and more vulnerable you need to be in another area. It is restrictive, and it might be a pain to enforce, but it's probably the only way to really stop the godmodding.
Post #: 279
3/7/2012 18:14:37   


Honestly I'm starting to wonder if it would be a good idea to set a certain standard of power and start treating this more like a video game where everyone's powers need to be balanced. Basically the more powerful you want to be in one way, the weaker and more vulnerable you need to be in another area. It is restrictive, and it might be a pain to enforce, but it's probably the only way to really stop the godmodding.


And I'm glad to hear it, Shadow!

@Drakkoniss; That is of course implying he's a liar. How would what he say make him more powerful than the universe-eating David?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 280
3/7/2012 18:14:37   

... This makes me wonder what specifically was the genesis of this feeling. :/

David is much less powerful than he used to be, and even then, he held back his power/s in all situations on the planet, because he couldn't control them/it extremely well, once he got them/it going.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/7/2012 18:16:07 >
DF  Post #: 281
3/7/2012 18:15:08   

Personally, I think we should just state our definition of godmodding, and have everyone follow under that definition.
Let's look at Zaffy's powers...

Unnatural speed
Unnatural strength
Some spider control/minor powers/spellcraft
I'm already dead, so I can't really age...I do, but veeeeerrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy slowly
I think I heal quickly...Don't think I've established whether I have this power or not...
Some damage resistance

Thirst for blood
Everyone (that has read my story <.<) knows how to kill her
I have to sleep. You don't see many people saying that they need rest on here, do you?
The Clan of the Shadows is after me, trying to kill me for the eighth time >.>

Personally, I think she's pretty balanced...

< Message edited by Arachnid -- 3/7/2012 18:28:43 >
AQW  Post #: 282
3/7/2012 18:15:53   

AS stated before in this thread this is just getting out of hand.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 283
3/7/2012 18:20:04   

I like this. Let's get threads rolling.

Doesn't really age
Heals quickly
Unnatural speed
Unnatural strength
Unnatural reflexes
Intelligence comparable to Sherlock Holmes and Eddie Morra combined
Technological companion! YAY

Can be killed by just about anything that kills a human
Needs sleep
Targeted by the entirety of the world military Mantis Corporation
Is the primary target of the Eventide, just ahead of humanity

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 284
3/7/2012 18:21:42   

I like that you can control spiders to the extent that you can make them swarm and devour someone. ^-^


...O.o Sleeping vampiress... Oh, and you should add a certain degree of resistance to damage, and healing derived from the consumption of blood, or at least I would assume it is. This is not me telling you how to form your character. This is me remembering how you were with Clown torturing you in the early bits of C&T. Just saying. Also, apparently some degree of spellcraft, other than the summoning of Arachne, which was implied by the fact that you said that's the only spell that requires the Arachnoscythe. (With those powers, your character is still pretty balanced; *shrugs*)

The spellcraft ability would explain how/why she was able to create the wave that hit the ship in Captain Arafe's story, and possibly why she could take the form of a mermaid, but not necessarily... That could potentially be for entirely different reasons.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/7/2012 18:22:57 >
DF  Post #: 285
3/7/2012 18:24:32   


healing derived from the consumption of blood

That's true, but not entirely useful, since I can't really control myself in that blood frenzy. I wouldn't consider it a pro, but not really a con...I get healed, but I can't control myself...so, Neutral


resistance to damage,

It shall be added!

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 286
3/7/2012 18:29:11   

I'd say the vampiress is rather balanced...

(Very balanced, if not underpowered in a world full of universe-eaters lol)

I want to see what other characters' stats show up to be, though.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 287
3/7/2012 18:30:35   


And I'm glad to hear it, Shadow!

Maybe even sooner.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 288
3/7/2012 18:30:46   


I want to see what other characters' stats show up to be, though.

I'd like to see the list of Pro's and con's of the godmodders...

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 289
3/7/2012 18:32:23   


I'd like to see the list of Pro's and con's of the godmodders...

You mean a list of pro's, right?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 290
3/7/2012 18:33:06   


You mean a list of pro's, right?

But, yes.

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 291
3/7/2012 18:35:36   

Very well then

Unparalleled control over my previously known powers.
Ability to influence the World from a distance
Protected by a gravity barrier
Radiates plasma energy as a shield

Has little control over powers
Extremely weak to direct exposure to sunlight (His solar based powers come from the light given off by the moon, which he can utilize)
Body is weak as a regular person

I'll think up of more stuff later
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 292
3/7/2012 18:37:08   

I have to admit, all this talk and you guys being really into your characters is...intriguing. I actually thought of a potential HS guy assuming I ever gained interest in it (which I haven't, but I find your guys' story continuity interesting. Like one large continuous web), but yeah/
DF MQ  Post #: 293
3/7/2012 18:37:20   

gimme a couple minutes to think real hard about experimental, then i'll get back to you on that. i don't like to miss anything important for this
Post #: 294
3/7/2012 18:37:28   


Protected by a gravity barrier
Radiates plasma energy as a shield


Body is weak as a regular person


Looking at your cons, most of them are cancelled out, if not overshadowed by those two pro's...

Not to be mean...

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 295
3/7/2012 18:44:40   

While we wait I'm going to list all of my characters...


Can't feel pain
Can't really be damaged under normal circumstances
Completely unpredictable because he has multiple personalities
Control over sanity
Control over how tired a lifeform is (or vice-versa)
Can seamlessly shift himself and others between existences
Doesn't age
Seemingly omniscient
Manipulation of objects
Extremely "aware"

Concentrated beams of nucleic-energy can incapacitate him quickly
Can't teleport through Rhodium
Is completely hindered by Rhodium
Can become his own demise if he becomes sad
Is extremely susceptible to damage related to the Eventide
Unpredictable personalities can also be bad.

Eh... balanced for my story. In relation to others...



Extremely durable
Not effected by EMPs
Feels no emotion
Highly intelligent
Makes decisions based on mathematical calculations
Can transform a TON
Lasers everywhere
Contains a lot of Rhodium
Immune to the Eventide
Essentially the grand master of all machinery related to Mantis
Main hub and guardian of the Contrast Network (big thing in my story)
Cannot feel fear
Cannot be seduced
Virtually unhackable
Very strong in many ways
Sees just about everything around it
Knows its exact locations at all times
Ect ect ect ect but no omni-powerful stuff or anything related to reality/the universe

Can be damaged by extremely massive impact
CAN POSSIBLY be hacked but only temporarily before it reboots
Can be harmed by means of massive amounts of electricity
Is a piece of machinery. You all know what that means. Its data gets wiped somehow? Gone until it can be refreshed...
Needs to periodically update
If its armor is removed somehow it is essentially a mobile harddrive

I'll get to the Eventide later...


@Eclipse Lunarox; I agree with Zafara .-.

@Zafara; Respect plus a million for saying lolwut

< Message edited by Antithesis -- 3/7/2012 18:50:55 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 296
3/7/2012 19:01:42   

Ok I guess I will wip some of those up, for my many chars.

Darkness King:
Advanced mental manipulation powers
Resistance to most Earthling posins
Advanced intellect
Access to advanced tech

Can be severely wounder or even killed by wounding his tentacles (the most vital part of his allein body)
Can become temporally insane if pushed to far
Bound to a minor honor code

Super Speed
Super Strength
Super Agility
Rather high (but not advanced) IQ

His IQ though high is still at a normal human level and not advanced
High moral code (won`t do any thing that would hurt or harm inanest people in any way)
A tad to quick to trust people


Has the power to change or alter the chemical compounds of a substance by mentally rearranging its atomic structure

His powers are very unstable
Has problems controlling his powers
Has trouble making rass decisions
Is still in his teens so has the normal adolescence traits

How are these balanced enough? I will do more for the rest of my chars later.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 297
3/7/2012 19:03:04   

I'd say your characters are balanced.

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 298
3/7/2012 19:08:43   

Zafara; Referring to me, Kinz, or both?

By the way I didn't throw this in but Saturn can create life.

Further edit: Just found this old thing I wrote a while back... I think I posted this here sometime in 2011?

Name: John Saturnia, Saturn, Duke of Sanity, Prince of Madness
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil, and True Neutral
Powers: Ability to 'harvest', 'implant', and take control over the "energy" (not actual energy, its the mental and physical fatigue) in a living being. Can also create living forms, though this takes quite a bit of effort on his part. Extremely intellectual and has mental abilities that rival many, including; creating mental shields, mental weaponry, wreaking havoc on another's mental state, mind control, control of dead bodies via manipulation, and the ability to mentally move objects as well as 'teleport' himself or others (with effort), and shapeshifting. Is completely unpredictable for many reasons, and the mere presence of Saturn drives most super-humans with mental resistance gradually insane. Humans or superhumans without mental protection of some kind can barely look at him before losing themselves completely.
Appearance/Info: Has many different appearances. Mainly, he will either appear as a humanoid insect or a bluish human with angelic looking armor and large weapons. Occasionally, he likes to pretend he is a spacepirate-bug.
Personality: Has multiple personalities... Strong-willed, brave, honorable, and kind-hearted. Extremely intense, harsh, and serious. Cruel, chaotic, vengeful, sadistic. Sad, depressed, worried. Giddy, silly, extremely happy but violent. And then a mixture of all of them. His personality-changes make him an unpredictable foe in combat, and can change at any moment. This isn't under his control.

Yeah that basically summed it up. My bad.

< Message edited by Antithesis -- 3/7/2012 19:17:37 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 299
3/7/2012 19:21:24   
Question Mark?

Here we go:

-Professor Pythagoras-

Highly intelligent
Good public standing
Large groups of mind-controled minions
Access to mind-control technology
Handy with a blade

No powers
Can't do anything that would blow his cover
Constantly hunted by his former test subjects

-Lord Thursday-

Physical support from the Elder Gods
Excellent Swordsmanship
Great Mental Defenses
Difficult to shock
Occasionally has space control/mind breaking powers

Insanity make sit difficult to make decisions
Argues with and abuses self
Powers only occasionally activate
Internal Bleeding
His relationship to magic is like someone who passes out after a glass of wine but keeps coming back to the bar.
The years of mental and physical abuse at the hands of his masters have left him damaged, and when they were taken away after the Ringmaster Incident, he developed a craving for authority. He needs and enjoys having people abuse him and order him around.

Final Notes:

Essentially, Thursday is a very sick fellow.
He is a father of one, and his wife died in childbirth.
This, coupled with his unfortunate childhood, drove him to be a sullen and distant fellow as a scientist, and he greatly surpassed his peers, until the accident.
He was exposed to them, and they made a nesting place in his mind and twisted him.
They forced him to obey, and over time Stockholm Syndrome began to set in.
He began performing what they asked of him without question, and eventually nearly managed to let them in.
The stress drove him even madder, and as he was used to relying on the assumption that something was controlling him to justify his actions, this newfound free will damaged him further.
His experience as the Ringmaster broke him, and left him with a deep desire to have Them back.
Someone to be his superior. To hurt him and to order him to do unspeakable things.
As the planets have aligned, he has access to his powers (finally) and is utilizing them.
He was tortured by Pythagoras, but not in the way that he wanted.
It was subtle, and harmed him over time.
He escaped.
The alignment allows him to taste the seething madness that permeates other people as the living syrup of the Elder Gods, and it is the sweetest nectar to him.
I just noticed that both of my characters seem a lot more powerful than they actually are...
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 300
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