Zafara; Referring to me, Kinz, or both? By the way I didn't throw this in but Saturn can create life. Further edit: Just found this old thing I wrote a while back... I think I posted this here sometime in 2011? Name: John Saturnia, Saturn, Duke of Sanity, Prince of Madness Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil, and True Neutral Powers: Ability to 'harvest', 'implant', and take control over the "energy" (not actual energy, its the mental and physical fatigue) in a living being. Can also create living forms, though this takes quite a bit of effort on his part. Extremely intellectual and has mental abilities that rival many, including; creating mental shields, mental weaponry, wreaking havoc on another's mental state, mind control, control of dead bodies via manipulation, and the ability to mentally move objects as well as 'teleport' himself or others (with effort), and shapeshifting. Is completely unpredictable for many reasons, and the mere presence of Saturn drives most super-humans with mental resistance gradually insane. Humans or superhumans without mental protection of some kind can barely look at him before losing themselves completely. Appearance/Info: Has many different appearances. Mainly, he will either appear as a humanoid insect or a bluish human with angelic looking armor and large weapons. Occasionally, he likes to pretend he is a spacepirate-bug. Personality: Has multiple personalities... Strong-willed, brave, honorable, and kind-hearted. Extremely intense, harsh, and serious. Cruel, chaotic, vengeful, sadistic. Sad, depressed, worried. Giddy, silly, extremely happy but violent. And then a mixture of all of them. His personality-changes make him an unpredictable foe in combat, and can change at any moment. This isn't under his control. Yeah that basically summed it up. My bad.
< Message edited by Antithesis -- 3/7/2012 19:17:37 >