Question Mark?
(Well, this seems a good a time as any to reveal that 3rd and not-quite-final character. He's not good, evil or chaotic. He is Order. Pure and simple.) Ooh! Ooh! ME-ME-ME-ME-ME! My name is Erik, but everyone calls me the Candyman. Because of the candy. Anyhoo, I'm here to apply for a job here at Omnicorp. Yes, I understand that you're short on time, but I've been monitoring your candy department, and sales are at an all time low. You know why? Because your candy sucks ostrich eggs, that's why! ... Look, I'm sure that you can... Fine, I have some ideas about dealing with Chaos as well. Sort of an "overload them on what they claim to want until they burn out" sort of plan. Oh, I've been accepted already? ... That was mean. Dashing my hopes like that. I mean really. ... The Dealer will see me when, exactly? Glaciasaurus_X: Yes, each and every character belongs to the same exact universe. It's more fun that way.
< Message edited by Question Mark? -- 3/7/2012 21:07:28 >