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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/7/2012 20:25:53   

*Vampire Shapeshifter Mmhmhmm:L

Eh, it's fine. I've been buried before.
AQW  Post #: 326
3/7/2012 20:28:46   
3 Vandoren

Haven't we all? It helps when you're actually undead, where you can just stick your hand up out of the grave once the guy finishes burying you. Scares the buh-jeezus outta 'em every time!
Post #: 327
3/7/2012 20:29:54   

Amg Ikr! It's so funny :D
I did that to Drakky once. He almost died..hehe...joke..
AQW  Post #: 328
3/7/2012 20:31:02   

I didn't have much time to make my last post so I didn't put much thought into it

Updated Pros and Cons.

Unparalleled control over my previously known powers.
Ability to influence the World from a distance
Protected by a gravity barrier
Radiates plasma energy as a shield
High intelligence

Slightly insane
Powers are unorthodox
Extremely weak to direct exposure to sunlight (His solar based powers come from the light given off by the moon, which he can utilize)
Body is physically weak
Plasma shield can be neutralized with water
Gravity barrier can be neutralized with reality distortions.
Acts instinctively and rashly

And is very intolerant of Clown's antics

DF MQ AQW  Post #: 329
3/7/2012 20:31:27   

Hey you forgot my name on the 'Pros' list :L
AQW  Post #: 330
3/7/2012 20:32:17   
Question Mark?

The construction site for the new science/learning facility is surrounded by Pythagoras' guards and layers upon layers of shielding. Inside, workers industriously function at continuing the construction of the edifice of knowledge. Pythagoras stands inside, supervising the process. He would really like to avoid violence for the time being. It is clear that he will no longer be of any assistance. Not that he really was any help in the first place.

Thursdays swipes his way through crowds of rioting civilians to Clown's general location. Along the way he spots a little carnival man, who leaves a thin trail of slippery orange confection behind him as he runs. Distracted, Thursday swoops through the throng after him, draining him of syrupy delight and giving off a small hiccup.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 331
3/7/2012 20:39:42   

Well, that's just asking to be killed, moon rock...

That makes me want to kill you, Pythagoras, just to see if I can.
DF  Post #: 332
3/7/2012 20:41:35   
3 Vandoren

There is only one reasonable solution:
We must all try to kill everyone else.
It's only logical.
Post #: 333
3/7/2012 20:43:12   

(as K) * walks up to one of the guards* I`m agent K of Neaturately *shows them his badge* Don`t worry is a simple matter I don`t want any violence or problems! I just need to see the professor.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 334
3/7/2012 20:53:21   

*as a guard at Professor Pythagoras' location* Nope. I'm afraid Neutrality is not an officially recognised organization with enjough authority to warrant that. (because Neutrality is still a SECRET government agency)
DF  Post #: 335
3/7/2012 20:56:54   
3 Vandoren

Hrmph. Ya know, we have a serious lacking of Villains of Order. Am I the only one? Role call?
Post #: 336
3/7/2012 21:02:32   

*cricket sounds*

Hmm... The Mastermind might be one.
DF  Post #: 337
3/7/2012 21:04:11   

Random question (assuming it gets noticed) but do you guys treat your characters as sharing the same universe? Or do you all keep them in your own separate canon?
DF MQ  Post #: 338
3/7/2012 21:06:19   
Question Mark?

(Well, this seems a good a time as any to reveal that 3rd and not-quite-final character. He's not good, evil or chaotic. He is Order. Pure and simple.)
Ooh! Ooh! ME-ME-ME-ME-ME!
My name is Erik, but everyone calls me the Candyman.
Because of the candy.
Anyhoo, I'm here to apply for a job here at Omnicorp.
Yes, I understand that you're short on time, but I've been monitoring your candy department, and sales are at an all time low.
You know why?
Because your candy sucks ostrich eggs, that's why!
... Look, I'm sure that you can...
Fine, I have some ideas about dealing with Chaos as well.
Sort of an "overload them on what they claim to want until they burn out" sort of plan.
Oh, I've been accepted already?
That was mean.
Dashing my hopes like that.
I mean really.
The Dealer will see me when, exactly?

Yes, each and every character belongs to the same exact universe. It's more fun that way.

< Message edited by Question Mark? -- 3/7/2012 21:07:28 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 339
3/7/2012 21:09:21   


Yes, each and every character belongs to the same exact universe. It's more fun that way.

Ah I see, that is more interesting. I HAVE had an idea going through my head (with a slight inspiration from your HS L&L Question Mark, coincidentally enough) for a character. Perhaps I should flesh it out...
DF MQ  Post #: 340
3/7/2012 21:11:12   

@Glais My characters are in an alternate reality...
The others are all together.

There is some crossover but in my story there are governments that don't exist in other stories.
Nor will they be acknowledged ever lol.

@Necro I would hope you don't think my characters are new. <.<
They've been here a while but usually no one listens to me anyway.
That's the only possible reason you wouldn't know of Fairgates' existence.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 341
3/7/2012 21:13:43   

Alternate reality? Makes me wonder, does anyone here jump universes?

Not that that was my idea, but it would be interesting. My own idea is...somewhat different.
DF MQ  Post #: 342
3/7/2012 21:15:13   
3 Vandoren

One moment, glai, would you character happen to be an alien?
...An ancient alien?
Post #: 343
3/7/2012 21:17:19   

I listen to you always.

David Blitz tends to be able to jump universes, but only in limited ammounts, as of late. Only AE universes for his char, atm, specifically.

I could travel to alternate universes, but I tend not to.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/7/2012 21:29:16 >
DF  Post #: 344
3/7/2012 21:17:49   

My character Saturn hops through reality itself, as does The Eventide. Saturn is the only character of mine to visit everyone else's 'universe' though.

Fairgates may show up in this world but he doesn't really do universe hopping in my story.


< Message edited by Antithesis -- 3/7/2012 21:18:23 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 345
3/7/2012 21:19:00   


One moment, glai, would you character happen to be an alien?
...An ancient alien?

Not this time, though TECHNICALLY his main opponent would be,=.

My guy (assuming he exists) is actually the opposite of an Ancient Alien in every conceivable way.
DF MQ  Post #: 346
3/7/2012 21:20:52   
Question Mark?

So he's a human baby?
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 347
3/7/2012 21:21:05   
3 Vandoren

So it's a... human child? Or did I make the wrong connections, there?
Ninja'd, yes, quite.
Post #: 348
3/7/2012 21:24:08   

Close. Human, opposite of Ancient. Think....brand new (no, he isn't a robot, or a clone).


My idea so far is that in the far off future of HS, they're facing some crisis due to the sun. "Corona" as I've dubbed him, has powers dealing with time. Thus he was prepared to jump all around the timestream looking for solutions. The catch was, he himself had to be separated from time so as to avoid paradoxes uncreating him, and thus stopping and continuing the Sun crisis all over again.
DF MQ  Post #: 349
3/7/2012 21:27:02   
3 Vandoren

...So he's... from the future?
Post #: 350
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