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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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2/26/2012 17:56:08   

*takes his hand* Yes seriously. Um do you feel the same way?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 51
2/26/2012 18:18:53   

*tries to pull his hand away...*

*but then holds her hand tighter* yeah, i do. what gave you that impression?
Post #: 52
2/26/2012 18:25:47   

If you mean how I knew you shared my feeling well I could just tell. If you mean why I fell in love with you, well you are brave, wise, strong, and all around amazing! *warps her arms around him and kisses him*

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 2/26/2012 18:33:55 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 53
2/26/2012 18:32:21   

*wraps his arms around her gently, not caring about her tough armor at the moment* how could you tell? are you like some fancy supercomputer or somethin'?
Post #: 54
2/26/2012 18:39:43   

Well in a way yes. Though I could tell because I just could.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 55
2/26/2012 19:32:13   

oh, so it's your little secret, is that it? *chuckles* well, fine. maybe some other time you can tell me then
Post #: 56
2/26/2012 19:55:25   

*smiles* Oh and I just thought of a kind of nickname for ya. Nameless!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 57
2/26/2012 20:06:13   

is that because of the fact i have no name...?
Post #: 58
2/26/2012 20:15:53   

Heh yup.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 59
2/26/2012 20:21:05   

*realizes something* but that means you just gave me a name... isn't that a little ironic?
Post #: 60
2/26/2012 20:34:06   

Heh I guess it is.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 61
2/26/2012 21:25:00   

oh well, at least we know these guys are wimps. should be easy takin' em down
Post #: 62
2/26/2012 22:06:26   

*looks down at the unconscious Acellrator* One down one to go! Be careful though Chemical has the power of Elemental Transmutation . Though his powers are new to him, unstable, and very draining. [
so if you wear him out we should be good.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 63
2/26/2012 22:16:21   

that warning is more meant for you. i've heard of that ability, and it can be disatrous over someone like you
Post #: 64
2/26/2012 22:41:26   

Ya I know it would be very dangerous for someone like me, but I can`t just twiddle my fingers while you fight him! I will just have to make sure I dodge well.. In fact here he comes!

* Chemical begins to run towards the 2 villeins*

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 2/27/2012 18:06:52 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 65
2/26/2012 22:46:28   

*the villain seems to disappear into thin air*
Post #: 66
2/26/2012 23:20:40   

*two plasma cannons retract out of her shoulders* One of the perks of being a advanced cyborg, though I will never get used to the feeling of canons coming out of my shoulders. *begins to fire a Chemical* This should at least provide a distraction.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 67
2/26/2012 23:25:09   

(kinz's pm: exactly)

*he tries to get close to chemical*
Post #: 68
2/27/2012 0:53:07   


Hey, I managed to get a rough image of JACK on my computer.
Unfortunately, I messed something up, and now whenever I close or change applications, a splintered and corrupted version of his face pops up where the window used to be.

Didya Mean me Thursday hey? didya diDYA DIDYA!?, heheh...Probably not for my face is ALREADY CORRUPT!

*Grabs a man into a dark alleyway and just by looking at him the man dies from fright*

Hmmm lets see, Death Count: 179
Man I'm on a ROLL!!!!!! WAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 69
2/27/2012 4:29:59   

"Okay I don't mind the entertainment."
"but I think the love thing of robot 2.0 is just like the one from robot 1."
"not to be rude although I'd like to see how you uhm I mean the two lovers clash you know the cat and robot 1 vs robot 2 and hammer"dude.

By the way-
* rain comes from above a city*
*puts hand in cloud and stirs it*
*a giant tornado stirs up and sucks people into a vortex and then get launched above*
*the people land on the ground smoothly unconscious in front of scarecrow 179 of them*
Post #: 70
2/27/2012 6:05:47   

guys are you like roleplaying or something?o3o
AQW  Post #: 71
2/27/2012 7:01:34   

Yes and Sometimes no
Post #: 72
2/27/2012 7:32:44   

Take a LOOK at the story i'm writing please

- Heroes and Immortals: The Clash
Post #: 73
2/27/2012 11:46:09   

*a message has been sent to omnicorp briefly describing what has happened with 2.0*
Post #: 74
2/27/2012 13:16:48   

Well, I think it's about time for me to catch up on what's going on. ;)

Blah, blah, blah, shrink rays....

*scrolls down to the part he was at on page 22*

*facepalms at the thought that ghosts can't harm you, just because they're outside*

Hmmm... This reminds me that the Arachnoscythe would seem to have a skull at the top, too... ._.

Too many scythes in that pattern in the gaming community. lol

*Notes down things about Neutrality which shouldn't have been revealed, even though they are already known, because that makes it less of a secret, and it is supposed to be a big one*

/me is still sad about DB's stress and decision to stop writing

*laughs at Jessa's always reacting that way to Shadow*


If you enjoy something (which you obviously do) and you're good at it, you can't ever ever ever stop.

And that's why we have gangs and both drugs and the dealers of them. :/

I wasn't suprised SL9K said that, frankly. I actually know him more than most people. I won't criticize him for it, however, as I view it as a waste of time.


Or possibly Super Smash Brothers, but idk about that... Mortal Kombat seems more like the feel of things.

My initial feeling was correct! *fistpumps* lol

... I think Fairgates would be a very nice addition to a MORTAL KOOOMBAAT!!!!!!!!!-based theme. ^-^


And the arguements with Shadow continue...


Forgotten in a week? I might just make it my new sig.


HOW DARE YOU HAVE FOOD?!?!?!?! T_T (I just got my food up over 250k! :P)

O.o Chapiter...

*ponders Jae's picture of Raeven*

Sneeze? O.o

Meh, at the very least I could make a good addition to the AE team, if only part time, and just sending art in when I have the whim to. (I'm not sure I could draw on a strict schedual... I sortof do it when inspiration strikes. ._. ... Which reminds me- I might be posting an energy cannon with a dragon head on one end, soon) Jae might be able to do well, too, but she'd have to change up her art style a bit. Makes me wonder about Anti...

Yeah... that house and the surrounding area happens to be ripped apart... They need a new one. :/

Hmm... I wonder if that nameless one is the same as the blue fonted one later...

o-O Writing chapters for each other's stories, eh? Might want to consult with Zafara, Clown, unless you are going to do a "Meanwhile, elsewhere in the City" bit...


Rule number one…Quality of the story is the priority. We are not allowed to rush through a chapter for the sake of winning the prize. The integrity of the fiction must always come first. HEE HEE. So we can’t get sloppy. We gotta write at our best. Heh heh…for the sake of the fun.




How do you know I couldn't stop you? O.o

Could be quiiiite interesting, Jessa. QUite, indeed.

It's because they are really not naturally born humans, I say!!! Or not; Idk. ._.

Perhaps they HAVE slowed down, but that gives me time to read them! XP

Playing THAT, card, eh, little love birds? Interesting business... I have this odd feeling that they should be reacting more to the carnage of the area. ._.

BEEPS?!?!?! HOW DARE THERE BE BEEPS?!?!?!?!?!?! lol

O.o Tiny font...


*hugs her back* i thought i lost you, artisa... i really did... *the aged man smiles a little, glad that the cyborg actually did find someone else who cared about him*

Hmm... Well, that has overtly romantic implications... Brings questions as to what shall happen.

Woot for opposite gender nemeses!


He found love alright. Even if that was said before.

I do not understand what this means, entirely. ._.

O.o Almost literalism...

lol (Ah, the things I think may happen; XP)


Oh & LOVELY idea! Swappin stories must be alot easier than swappin brains, keekeekeekee!
*puts away surgical mask and implements* Aww... XD

I have chocolate pretzels! :P

If it DOES turn out to be female, that makes me want her to have at least one fight with Destrous later, just because. ._.

I use that smiley alot, now...

Nope, the new library has no books at all, and they have to buy a card before gaining access to th facility. BRILLIANT!!! lol


(Note that Drakkoniss used to work for the government, back near the begining, when the Smashers first rose to prominance; Back then, they kept things as secret and covert as possible, and eliminated threats before they did significant damage; They had a few Smashers, but many of them were humans, with devices of my making to aid in their ability to actually get work done against them... Of course, the memory of such a society has been whiped from effectively everyone involved, and most of the tech has been whiped from their repertoir... though I still deal with them every once in a while, and have left some things at their disposal... They do not know entirely who I am, or why I would threaten them so, but emerging within easy striking distance of the President in the middle of a speech with regards to the agencies involved in such dealings, and being uneffected by all intended means of stopping you tends to have that sort of effect on people; The capitulated to my demands, and I removed nearly all files concerning what went on, and the memory of the majority of it from their minds; I left a few, and the memory of my removal of it, which served to create quite the impression, and as I said, there are things I chose to leave with them, as I am not foolish enough to think that they should not have the capability of taking down those that need to be, nor housing those that must be dealt with, but I digress...)

Hehe... That's funny, Vector.

... Everybody seems to have been ignoring this Black Jack fellow...

*skips commenting on a few things*

Idk, Jae... Clown liked being in captivity. Raeven might find it funny, under the right circumstances... Oh, but those would be hard to engineer.

Interesting comment elsewise, as well...

Awww... You'r dangerous in my book, Star. ;)

She wears a wig? O.o (the statement about the blonde hair and the fedora is confusing)

Also, I would like to note that your bringing her to a wardrobe almost makes it sound as if she were naked beforehand. lol... but not quite, if all she grabbed was a fedora...


And by the time we meet, that flaw in my emotion will be...


Apparently, that is taking longer than he'd thought. XD

@ STREBOR: Actually, Clown tends to try to do it as painfully and hillarious as possible, Goldstein. In fact, he was known especially for his torture methods.

Hmm... Jessa and Jae... I wonder when that was...

*listens to Saturn rant*

O.o Tuna... For those who wish to know, Anti and I had a bit of a sparring-fest earlier, and while I lost slightly more than I won, he says I'm the toughest player he's fought. lol

I don't have get out of Death free cards... I've only died 3 times in my existance, and those were YEARS ago. lol

DB's statements make me sad. :/

He's been having trouble beating my new build, you know. Hopefully, he will finally improve his, though... I could use some more players that put up a challenge...

I think I'll stop here, for now, and post this.
DF  Post #: 75
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