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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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2/27/2012 13:22:32   

i won't spoil it for you, drakky, but any particular reason why you want to fight omnicorp's newest creation? (dubbed 2.0)
Post #: 76
2/27/2012 13:35:21   

I don't. I have an urge to make it to where Destrous does. I cannot explain it. I have whims, sometimes. ._.
DF  Post #: 77
2/27/2012 13:41:48   

since destrous is a hero, it could simply be a ye olde battle of good versus evil... maybe. unless you have something else in mind
Post #: 78
2/27/2012 18:15:08   

He looks like you`r "ally" left ya! I`m gonna be nice and give ya a chance to surrender. What do ya say?

*smirks knowing that he would never do that...... to her at least* Surrender to a wimp like you. I ain`t no sissy. *fires a ball of plasma up into the air to signal to Nameless where they are*

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 3/4/2012 18:07:43 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 79
2/27/2012 18:27:59   

*knocks chemical out with his hammer just as he reappears behind the so-called hero* heh, she was right. you are a wimp!
Post #: 80
2/27/2012 18:37:09   

*plops to the floor

Weaklings! Well looks like we are finished here!

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 2/27/2012 18:51:54 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 81
2/27/2012 18:41:26   

hold up... let's take him with us, and put one of those power nullifying things on him. that way he can't escape *smiles deviously*
Post #: 82
2/27/2012 18:55:20   

Ya OK, they probably have one in the store there. Oh should we do the same with the other one?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 83
2/27/2012 19:01:16   

hmm... nah, his noggin's all jumbled up. he prob'ly won't remember what happened
Post #: 84
2/27/2012 19:06:14   

*heads into the store and comes back with a power neutralizer* Here we go.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 85
2/27/2012 19:10:46   

didn't think they had those... i'll bet the villains would like to get a hold of 'em... *puts it on chemical*
Post #: 86
2/27/2012 19:48:17   


*the people land on the ground smoothly unconscious in front of scarecrow 179 of them*

Hee hee hee...
Well this'll be a...thrill...
Hee hee hee...
*Begins to tie up unconscious victims people*

AQW  Post #: 87
2/27/2012 20:03:52   

Ya now what are we going to do with this guy? Ransom? Tie him up and show him off, like a zoo anmeil in Skulldeep?

(: It`s Monday so Velmur is in.Now 2 more things 1. Who wants to fill the other spot? 2. How should we get Doctor. Nfluensa`s and Acenit z`s chars out of the games.]

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 2/27/2012 20:16:42 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 88
2/27/2012 20:06:40   


How should we get Doctor. Nfluensa`s and Acenit z`s chars out of the games.

Explosives. Lots and lots of explosives.
Hee hee hee...

AQW  Post #: 89
2/27/2012 20:08:57   

just bring him into skulldeep, and we'll go from there. we're wastin' time out here! *grabs chemical by his feet*
Post #: 90
2/27/2012 20:29:36   

Come on lets go, *picks up Chemical by his head, and helps Nameless take him down to Skulldeep*
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 91
2/27/2012 20:38:32   

*Citizens begin to wake up, their wrists are tied together. Scarekrow takes the pin off of a grenade, and hands it to the people*
You might want to hold on to that little handle there...If you let go of that...Well, let's just say, it's be a BLAST! HEE HEE HEE!
*Scarekrow begins to talk to himself, flipping out a phone*
It's not about money...It's about a message...
*The phone is answered, and he switches to an innocent, afraid voice*
H...Hello, Liberty Police? Please help, there's a mob of people here, and we might be stuck to explosives! We're at mainstreet east! Hurry! P...Please!
*He hangs up the phone*
Everything burns...

AQW  Post #: 92
2/27/2012 20:38:44   

you'll still have to lead the way. i don't remember how to get back to that cave just yet...
Post #: 93
2/27/2012 20:39:38   

I'm afraid I have bad news. My novel is crying out for attention, and since it's my first project, it's the one that takes priority. I think both of my stories are at pretty good stopping places. No annoying cliffhangers. However, I regret to say that I will frequent this forum less often and not update my two stories for at least a month. Until I make some substantial progress on my novel, at least. I will still participate in the Death Games, if that ever gets off the ground. *rolls eyes*

Strebor, Segreto, Sarah, all of us, thank you for the great memories, and look forward to the reunion in the near future.

Speak for yourself, I have urgent matters to attend to. Like compiling my origin story.

Hush, you. No spoilers.

Post #: 94
2/27/2012 20:48:29   


I'm afraid I have bad news. My novel is crying out for attention, and since it's my first project, it's the one that takes priority. I think both of my stories are at pretty good stopping places. No annoying cliffhangers. However, I regret to say that I will frequent this forum less often and not update my two stories for at least a month. Until I make some substantial progress on my novel, at least. I will still participate in the Death Games, if that ever gets off the ground. *rolls eyes*

D= We'll miss you!
And um...*nudges* when that novel's done, we wanna read, hear?

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 95
2/27/2012 20:54:15   

Ok, *leads them to Skulldeep* and here we are!

(There is a spot open in The Death Games who wants it?)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 96
2/27/2012 21:03:17   
Jessa K

Butbutbutbut... I like your stories, Streb!
AQW  Post #: 97
2/27/2012 21:09:48   

It's just me, telling my life story. Seriously, nothing to blink at...but thanks for the compliment.

Honestly, I find it to be droll that you just paste your life all over the Internet...

I do too, I wonder why I do it sometimes...

Because I say so. Anyway, I loathe to share my story, simply because I'm PARANOID (so that's where I get it from) of someone stealing it before I can publish it.

That's quite silly.

Hush, you.
Post #: 98
2/27/2012 21:25:23   
star screamer

Doctor Gold ingot!
I will miss thou.
AQW  Post #: 99
2/28/2012 10:02:21   
Watziname WAT

As the two villains reach Skulldeep, a cold chill blows through the underground caverns. Cinders of ash flew around them, as a river of lava lay below the rocky bridge they were on. Even at that distance, they felt the heat, as if it was anger, in a solid form. Black skeletons were hung on the walls near them, with bats sleeping on the beams of wood. Ahead of them lay a large, black gate, studded with countless tiny rubies and diamonds. Even the bravest hero would feel chills down his spine at this point.

There, hidden in a small cave, is a smirking man with blood red eyes, leaning against the entrance. ''It seems that they've arrived, War. What should we do? Attack, perhaps?'' His smile grew bigger, showing his fangs. ''No. Not yet. I've already placed Rocker near the Gates of Skulldeep. He has orders to attack them on sight. If things get out of hand, we'll go ourselves... brother.''
AQW Epic  Post #: 100
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