Creative! Constructive!
*creates an illusory form of himself to follow and talk with Jack* Hehe... Interesting new look, Jack. I like that. The 20s were interesting times. Hive mind indeed. I had already known of this. It seemed relatively obvious, just with logic, and not looking into the deeper expanse of things. Interesting emotions you have. Vibrant. Fluctuating. Almost makes it hard to judge you. Perhaps there are those that are better, true, but with the show of the minds that has been apparent throughout this all, how many failures would not just be biological, but mental, causing the process to have a much more negative effect than one might mind, given the volitile nature of how things already are. The powers we have access to leaves us as a metaspecies and the group comprising us and the others who have come here to effect things leaves us in a unique possition to have more extreme effects than things such as, say, dinosaurs would, given similar stimuli. There are already those of us who are class 7+ reality benders among us. See what I mean? No, most people were aware of no such thing, and humanity, though having great deals of mythology and historical record, does not have any idea of your coming, or the potential of others like you. ... Everyone has their limits, Saturn. I am not out of my mind, but I am most certainly crazy, as I have said. I just have a powerfully willed main personality, which emparts order upon the chaos of my mind in general. You, sir, underestimate the level of intelligence and knowledge I have, regarding such things. I know far too much about my own weaknesses, and it causes me much grief. Might be interesting to exchange thoughts, though. I am trying to prevent just what would do that, currently, btw. Omniscience is one of the few things I would not be able to handle, and I have mental blocks preventing just that from occuring, as I would have omniscience, if my limitless analytical capabilities were not shielded from my conciousness. Personally, I have wondered about the Eventide, as well. ;) Mental torment that is you, hmm? Is not your mere presence supposed to drive people insane? Have I not been quite often talking to you and discussion things like unto a friend? You could very well try to drive my even more insane, if you wanted such a thing, but I think you would find extreme difficulty at accomplishing any such goal to a siginificant degree, if at all. You seem to have quite a synical view on life and the hopes for the future, mein commerade. I do not. On that note, I also disagree with the irrelevance of actions claim quite a bit. Likewise, your mind is also clouded by perception and concepts that you have deeply ingrained in the fiber of your being. We both have something altering our outlooks on life, goodsir, just as all do. No, my knowledge will never be absolute, nor would I wish it to be... however, I do have glimpses of what will and may be, and what emotions I shall feel. *eye twitches* quote:
I also acknowledge that you know nothing of life and its path through time. Well, that's quite the presumptuous little statement, now isn't it? You use the term "acknowledge" quite a bit, it would seem. I know far more than you might think. I choose to ignore quite a bit, and remain possitive about it, though. Most would not be capable of this, it would seem. I choose to ignore these things, by the way, when I do, because they alter a man's judgement. Oh, and Anti, with respect to your point of view that you show with your character: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/p/pink+floyd/wish+you+were+here_20108843.html ... Hehe... Absolute power, eh? It doesn't seem quite so, my friend. We're all gods now, one might say, though I don't share that oppinion. With the arrogance and failure of so many gods, though, I think it fitting. I feel your pain, Jack. To be nothing to noone is not a kind fate. Perhaps there is hope for you yet, but perhaps you must also shift your paradigm. You who brought about change, yourself in turn bring the change to. There is yet purpose in the actions of all things. I share not your high views of the Elder Ones, but regardless, I am not one to judge your being only by such a thing. What truly matters is who you are, and what that is can either be possitive or negative. Do not take that to mean I shall not consider such things in my dealings with you, nor that I shall not, however, I shall not treat you unkindly for such a trifle. *causes his avatar to fade* ... O.o Wrath... ... I'm actually probably more insane than Clown... I have my reasons. Also, he is indeed quite the seperate entity, as are the thousands upon thousands of others that live within my mind, including concepts and oppinions I have of people (plural for each, generally, sometimes including what I wish they would be, among other things). I am myself because of many actions in the past, and my knowledge of the future. You, sir, are quite the propaganda artist. You either may, or may not, have realized that there are so many other things in my life than our little venture, Clowny Boy. You make for an interesting distraction from life. ... That doesn't happen to all Smashers, but it's a significant enough ammount ot be of note, yes. If you could, care to arange a meeting, my love? I have some things I would like to discuss... ... That's taking quite a long time, Vector... lol