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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/5/2012 22:32:47   
Sir Night

(I actually joined the Chaos Carnival a while back but never really did anything with it. Now seems like a good time to start.)

*Having seen the whole thing from a distance away, Swamp Croc approached and examined the carnage.*

"These humans... They fear me. Hate me. Call me a monster. But when have I ever killed anyone when I wasn't hungry or defending myself?

And yet this human, this Drakkoniss, kills by the masses just for the fun of it and the people of the city love him! They put him up on a pedestal and call him a hero..."

*He lowers his head and lets out a low rumble of rage. His body begins to glow a light blue as radiation coarses through his veins. But he wouldn't kill Drakkoniss. Not yet, anyway. Clown wanted no one to interfere with his Game.*

"Well, I won't let you die in vain."

*He gathered up the remains of his fallen brethren and brought them down into a cave at the bottom of the river. He would feast on the remains later.*

< Message edited by Sir Night -- 3/5/2012 22:34:46 >
Post #: 201
3/5/2012 22:45:15   

Not just fun! Vengeance, and sometimes justice!!!

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Well, that's me. Tends to be to help people and things for the normal guy, and he's much more lenient about it.

Hehe... Go for it, Crocadile! I hear you taste like chicken!!!!!!! Hope you taste more like steak, though... *smiles*
DF  Post #: 202
3/5/2012 23:57:47   
delta blitz

*Watches Swamp Croc from a distance* Hmm.....it seems I was right after all....but no matter the fate of this world isn't set in stone as of yet *Takes off his gloves* I'm going to need more...insentive *Charges into a random group of Smashers, corrupting them before directing them into skulldeep* PAHAHAHAHA hello villians of skulldeep it seems that you guys have been really stressed lately so I have decided to...THROW A LITTLE CHAOS YOUR WAY!!! *Sends the corrupted Smashers to attack the villians of skulldeep while he approaches Davinci* Hey what do you think your doing here you Clown wannabe.....*Sliently and calmly tears out Davinci's cyborg heart, drops it on the ground and then stomps on it, breaking it* I don't mean to be a....heart breaker...PAHAHAHAHA but I will be taking that malachite now *Takes the pandoran malachite from Davinci as he falls over gagging* 3 down one more to go...PAHAHAHA because after all sometimes you got to cause chaos to create balance.

~Chaos of Loneliness

< Message edited by delta blitz -- 3/5/2012 23:59:28 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 203
3/6/2012 0:39:11   
Jessa K

Was anybody else rather disturbed by Drak's post?


AQW  Post #: 204
3/6/2012 1:10:24   


(I actually joined the Chaos Carnival a while back but never really did anything with it. Now seems like a good time to start.)

Hmmm, this could mean I could give you food daily more often

Anyway I'm going to be gone tommorow so seeya'll in 5 days time
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 205
3/6/2012 1:17:10   

*materializes on top of a lamppost, standing astute and proper*

Aye, Jessa! Jessa... Kevlar, I believe? Quite yes. Yes. Hmm.

I agree completely, he is very disturbing as an individual... hmmm.

Didn't disturb me, though! Ah, see, the ol' boy will have to try harder than that to give me a shiver down the spine.

Why, I'd be forced to strangle him to death with his very own innards! What a bother! How putrid can one be?!

Ah, he disgusts me. He disgusts me rather ferociously.

I'm very quickly losing tolerance for him. I might be forced to blink him from existence! Now that would be a real bother!

Then Death never gets his soul because the poor old angelic-thing couldn't control himself!

I don't really concern myself in the affairs of silly mortals...

Mortals compared to me, anyway.

Silly... So silly...

Not sure why.

Makes me rather sad to be honest...

Do we even have souls...?

Hold me, Jessa? Nothing romantic of course but you seem a pleasant enough being...

*Saturn grows teary-eyed as his proud expression quickly deteriorates into one of complete sorrow*
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 206
3/6/2012 1:54:45   

Jessa: Not really. Then again I am pretty used to this sort of stuff.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 207
3/6/2012 4:07:23   

*rises from the crater of the bolt*
*Sees the carnage at the chaos carnival*

"whoa lot of things happening wonder if"

*runs to skulldeep seeing Davinci on the floor*

" White chaos purple chaos this has to stop"

*pours some of his blood on Davinci and Davinci recovers*

"BTW i'm taking some energy."
*puts scythe on ground and starts taking skulldeep's electricity*

Post #: 208
3/6/2012 4:38:27   

'Voldo's split personality fights with itself, (Theme music for everything going on around Voldo Right Now)'

Chaos going too far Dealer!? Chaos can never go too far!
However it does things that go beyond Evil.....in the bad way!
Bad way!? NEVER! Chaos is the unpredictable point, the laughter, the reason!
Don't complain, this is the Dealer's choice, we both know that he is no enemy!
WE? Need I remind you we are not two individuals but just two personalities in one soul! sure I don't have a grudge against the Dealer but I do have a grudge against Villains hating Chaosites, we're basically their cousins in factions and they still think we are going "too far" I've had enough of your constant shouts, I'M TAKING CONTROL!

*Due to the fact Voldo has been hanging around the Chaos Carnival more than Skulldeep and other Evil areas the Chaos inside him envolopes the Evil and no longer ChaotiVoid but Chaos, the red parts in his armor, hood, gloves and everywhere else disappear, only purple and black are left*

*Plot Twist!*

No more evil atlast, now what is happening over at the Carnival

*See's Drakkoniss's attack*

After Clown again ey Drakky? you may try to kill Clown again, I'm fine with that....BUT NO ONE SHALL MESS WITH THE COLOUR PURPLE, YOUR RED AURA IS BLINDING OUR PERFECTLY COLOURED PURPLE, I don't Care that your in your more....Drakkonic Evil, Blood Whatchacallit Gizmo thingie, adds to MoRE oF ThE FUN! good thing I still have the Void from my departed Evil, now I am still as powerful as ChaotiVoid, maybe a bit more powerful without Evil, now Drakky......we havn't fought each other so far...LETS START NOW!

*Draws his sword and prepares himself for battle*

*A meassage appears in people's heads, Dealers, Drakkoniss, Star Screamer, Agent K, Darkness King and many more. The voice sounds like Shadow Voldo yet also like Evil Voldo*

The Chaos may have taken over but the Evil hasn't disappeared for good, ChaotiVoid is one substance and can not live without the other entity, but be warned, if the two substances seperate, one Chaos, one Evil then the whole of time and space falls out of Order and the entire World, perhaps even the Universe will suffer

Disclaimer Important!: @Drakkoniss don't reply to my post just yet, wait until I give the OK that I'm back from my holiday till you retaliate to me, I don't want you lunging at me and chopping off my head and me being unable to respond, thanks in advance

< Message edited by primalvoldo -- 3/6/2012 5:03:14 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 209
3/6/2012 8:03:12   
star screamer

Ooh yes, yes!
So exciting!
An attack against chaos!
How... hilarious...

Though, I don't think you'll be able to win this.
Think about it, you have to face a reality bending
clown, the being of Chaotivoid, and the son of the devil

I'd like to see you guys try.

Ha ha ha!
I want to see how this turns out.
AQW  Post #: 210
3/6/2012 8:52:50   

"Okay major war going on."
BTW this is Zeuzt font now

"Nice job Dealer finally purple is gonna get out of this WORLD!!!"
"That bit of it's meaning still annoys me though now i'm just gonna say this is HS universe what's chaos here is far more
important than in other realms."
"I do like to point out that your forces or "volunteers" are outpowered."
*Electricity arches from his body and suddenly appears in skull deep the machinery*
"Haha! look at all these machs tanks and weapons such a waste how bout we use these."
*Energy arcs shoots from his body and strikes the machineries roaring to life as if they were now fully alive.*

*they atempt to attack Zeuzt but are stopped with a wave of the hand*

"haha these will do nicely."
*claps hand and the machines roll back to life dissappears in a flash*
"thousands of them at your way now let's see how you fare hehe!"
Post #: 211
3/6/2012 10:41:02   

Looks like a war is about to start, this'll be much more interesting than the actual game.

*flies back to Earth*

I'll even fight Drakkoniss if need be, but if all else fails, I have THAT.

*Looks at the Moon determindly*
Blood may meet Evil for the first time.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 212
3/6/2012 12:31:15   

Looks like everything is kicking off now. My little squad will have a LOT of work cut out stopping these new Chaos Threat. You people are the only thing stopping this city from falling into anarchy. Good luck, and if you need anything from Ommicorp, just ask.
DF  Post #: 213
3/6/2012 15:39:50   
delta blitz

*Floats high above the city* Hmm....anarchy....destruction...war and chaos...it seems all is going according to the prophecy. *Increases the gravity on the city by 200%* PAHAHAHAHA......I wonder if doing nothing was the right choice after all......Clown...Drakkoniss...Raeven and even myself..the board has been set...let's hope this war ends correctly. *Rips a hole in reality and disappears as he walks through it*

~Chaos of Loneliness
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 214
3/6/2012 16:34:39   

*Struggles to hold back the increased gravity placed upon the city*

And I thought David was more on the Good side too....

*Eyes flash red and I yell as I forced away the gravitational pressure*

Blood Moon's getting hungry too, trying to get out when there's not even a Lunar Eclipse. The world's gone crazy.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 215
3/6/2012 16:40:51   


AQW  Post #: 216
3/6/2012 17:25:07   
Clown the Jester

Heh heh heh…how horrific Drakkoniss…not suprissing though. We chaotic animals do love make others suffer don’t we Drakkoniss?

Heh heh…now you would have to be in denial to deny your true nature.

You’re not the Champion of Good. You’re an agent of Chaos. Like me! Heh heh heh. My my my you’ve changed so much. You always were the gory kind…like me…but heh heh…this is something else entirely. No more speeches about honor and better good. No more trying to justify your massacres. Just killing. That’s all this is to you.

Its so fun to kill isn’t it Drakkoniss? What a rush! Heh heh…you enjoy killing as much as I do. Heh heh. So dark and dastardly and menacing. Heh heh. Today is the last day we shall know Drakkoniss the hero. SAY HELLO TO DRAKKONISS THE MONSTER! Well…he’s always been a monster though he tried to hide it.

Nothing more than a wild animal in a suit. Like me again. Heh heh.

Fun cycle isn’t it? You kill some, I kill some, your kill, I kill, you, me, you, me. Heh heh heh.
We’ll have to start creating more life or else we’ll run out of stuff to kill. HEE HEE HEE!
Did they scream while you killed them? I bet they did. Musta been music to your ears.
Did you both giving a hypocritical speech about how they didn’t deserve mercy? Or did you act real and torture em harder.

Heh heh heh…you don’t care do you? You don’t care that because of your rash actions and my noodle I was about to make you responsible for the deaths of more than fifty innocent people. I bet you’re glad they’re dead. LITTLE BUGS!

Small minded monkeys. THEY DESERVED TO DIE! DIDN’T THEY! WE SHOULD KILL THEIR FAMILIES AS WELL! Shouldn’t we? Do you like that idea Drakkoniss? I bet you do. Heh heh.

And what of my boys you’ve been bruising? You can’t seriously think you can take em all on. Get real Drakkoniss…one or two or five maybe…but the entire Carnival? Heh heh…you’re good Drakkoniss…no your great. One of the best of the best…but even you have your limits. Your Drakkonian Alliance is nothing compared to my Chaos Carnival. You know that. We outnumber you five to one.

You can’t seriously think this little misfit gang of anti-heros will actually make a difference do you? They along with the Dealer will be swallowed up in my Comedy. They will be shrieking with laughter.

They can’t stop Chaos. NOBODY CAN STOP CHAOS! Not even you Drakkoniss. It must be hard to feel so powerless. You can’t even stop that failure group of riff raff evil villains. WHAT CHANCE DO YOU HAVE TO STOP CHAOS WHEN YA CAN’T EVEN STOP EVIL?!?! Even if the Chaos Carnival and my allies did fall…even if I did die permanently…the Chaos would still grip the heart of this city.

Look at all the new faces all influenced by me or my chaos. Heh heh. Don’t you see? You can’t stop us! Cause we’re more than just crazies with freaky powers. We’re the agents of a new movement…new world disorder. And it’s not just my Carnival. The entire city is beginning to embrace my chaos.

Go ahead. Kill as many of us as ya want. You’re only growing weaker. Dying. ROTTING! And I’m well beyond the reach of decay nowadays. I will win. AND YOU WILL LOSE!


And…I suppose I should teach ya a lesson Drakkoniss…heh heh…I’ll make you suffer…heh heh…just wait. When I’m done..you’ll beg me to finish you off. Heh heh…cause I know your weakness Drakkoniss. And there is nothing you can do.

She will scream till her insides bleed…heh heh….old friend. All because of you. The Chaos Carnival will find her…make her feel pain unlike any other. And you know I’m not bluffing. I might even make you watch…just so you will know how worthless everything you have ever done truly is…so you know just how bad off the universe is just because of you.

You forget your limits Drakkoniss. You have no idea just how weak you are Drakkoniss. You have the power to beat me up…but not to stop me. Heh heh…never able to stop me.

Its so funny. Every time I see you I think…how fragile…how blind…how clueless…all I need to do is just put a little pressure on you…and you will crack like an egg.

Heh heh heh heh.

AQW Epic  Post #: 217
3/6/2012 17:27:20   

We need Gray back...

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 218
3/6/2012 18:00:12   

There are very few worthwhile "heroes" these days...

Time for a Cartman moment.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 219
3/6/2012 18:03:35   

The city certainly cries for help.
We need more than one hero.
I think...I might be switching to the good side...
Stupid conscious...

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 220
3/6/2012 18:05:46   

Well Saturn isn't really a good guy so I suppose I'm going to have to develop into Fairgates more...

We really do need more heroes. It's kind of Evil, Neutral, Chaotic, and Drakkoniss. Nothing else really...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 221
3/6/2012 19:15:12   
Question Mark?

The city erupts into madness.
Explosions, death, cataclysm, madness, wrath.
The city is rife with absolute dissarray.
It has fallen into madness.
Thursday lurches about, partly due to his bleeding chest wound and partially due to the emmense weight of the heavy broadsword taht he drags behind him as he chases after teh large blue truck that even now parks iteself near the Chaos Carnival.
A series of Pythagoras' minions step out, followed by the professor himself, and begin setting up transmitters fro mind-control devices.

"Perfect. All of this needless chaos should be subdued within the hour. Just a quick transimssion and we can take down each and every source of anarchy. Ingenious, of course."

Thursday is running a a dead sprint now, and the miniature clock affixed to the hilt is ticking slowly down, with the hands moving ever closer to teh point marked with the symbol of infinity.
The mechanism runs all the way through the hilt of the blade, and it shudders ever so slightly in thursday's hands as he points it at the Professor.


Pythagoras simply continues his work, calibrating the transmitter tower.

"Simply superlative. Just a simple tranmission, and we can put most of the major carnival operatives out of comission.
With a bit more time, we might even be able to attempt to take on the larger figures.
Until then, of course, we'll have to control them manually."

He hands out electrodes to his minions, smaller ones this time, and virtually undetectable.

"Now all that we have to do is-"

"You Cut me off."

"What? Who's there?"

Thursday steps from the shadows, bloodied, gaunt, and gasping with fervor.

"YOU. STOPPED. THEM. AlL oF mY DELICIOUS LIttLe FRIENds. They whispered to me drove me controled me and my actions but now and here you killed them and stopped them and left me to die while you tested on me like I was your lab monkey and you used me to figure out how they worked so that you could kill them that's been your plan all along you want to get rid of the madness and kill them all you can't hide from me I am Thursday.

"What? How did you- How did you guess escape?"

"HOW DID I GET OUT OF your LiTtLE jACKET? Lookie here!"

Thursday displays the blade and its counter.

"Oh Gods. No."

"oH gODS yES."


Thursday swings the broadsword, destroying teh transmitter and smcking into Pythagoras with the blunt edge of teh blade, knocking him down.
Thursday's voices are speaking in union now. Not fused, like the Ringmaster, but organized. Like his personalities have reached a consensus.




The masked minons leap at him, attempting to pry the blade away, but they are knocked into walls and thrown into the street with artful swings of the blade. Thursday's swordsmanship seems to be improving.


Thursday tears off his bloody and tattered coat, leaving him in a grey dress shirt and torn slacks. He kicks Pythagoras, to ensure that he is unconscious.





He smashes the mind control devices into fragments, ensuring that they cannot be utilized by any other little hero who happens to pass by.


He rams the blade into the ground and wedges it there.


He carefully runs his tongue along his arms, and his fingers along his body, lapping up the remaining pitch black blood.


The planets and their moons slip into alignment, and, for the first time in aeons, the alignment is complete. A single thin beam of light completes its journey from an ancient place and time, reflecting off of the final device and activating the transmitter that was buried long ago within the bowels of the earth. The blade ceases to tick.


Thursday can TASTE it now. All of the madness. The insanity. So sweet. So delicious. The most beautiful of all things. It oozes from them, orange and bright and sweet oh so sweet he must have some. He feasts upon the source of the sweetness and drops him to the floor hollow but he got to have the sweetness inside and that is all that matters their madness is such beautiful ambrosia that it would be a waste not to eat it all. All. All of it.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 222
3/6/2012 19:18:15   


So sweet. So delicious. The most beautiful of all things. It oozes from them, orange and bright and sweet oh so sweet he must have some. He feasts upon the source of the sweetness and drops him to the floor hollow but he got to have the sweetness inside and that is all that matters their madness is such beautiful ambrosia that it would be a waste not to eat it all. All. All of it.

Perfect example of what vampires have to deal with.

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 223
3/6/2012 19:36:13   
delta blitz


And I thought David was more on the Good side too....

Wrong I already explained that I am chaotic in a literal sense(I suffer from multipersonality disorder along side a twisted mind frame that crosses selfishness with selflessness), I do great feats of good,evil and sometimes both.....though in this case I was merely adding a bit more difficultly to our or rather you guys's current problem. Clown and Drakkoniss being the reality benders they are...arent affected by the gravity increase. Though it does give everyone else one heck of a problem(members of Chaos Carnival,Drakkonic alliance,citizens,*normal* smashers and etc)...PAHAHAHAHA, you should be lucky I didn't increase it one million fold. I won't be helping you guys stop Clown this time and I already know Drakkoniss is going off the deep end so.......PAHAHAHAHA sucks to be you guys.

~Chaos of Loneliness
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 224
3/6/2012 20:35:48   

The planets are aligning?No...the day was not suppose to come yet....my sanity is slipping.

It's more than Blood Moon fighting his way out now.

*Grabs chest is pain*

No, I won't allow this. The world may fall into eternal darkness....NOOOOOO!!!

*A whirlwind of crimson energy whirls around Eclipse, who then shoots off into space and smashes through the moon.*

Hehe,HaHa,HAHAHA! Foolish mortals.

It's time that you see me for what I really am, more than the weakling Eclipse, more than the ambitious Blood Moon.

Soon, once I become one with my power. I shall gain the power of a god! Not like that weak Zeuzt, a true god destined to rule over all humans.

Power that makes Drakkoniss and Clown's combined power look like a hand grenade as compared to 100 nuclear bombs!

You shall all see an eternity of darkness very soon.


< Message edited by Shadowlight1 -- 3/6/2012 20:41:00 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 225
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