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(DF) The Boundless Power of Words

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2/26/2012 17:09:22   
Hiraku Tatlin

Prelude: Enforcement of Fate

On a quiet night, miles away from Swordhaven, the stars above shined brightly to a unusual scene below. The starlight radiated the gardens of a well-faring gentlemen, which reflected in their selection of flora and fauna. Beautiful garden roses dotted the landscape, enriching the gardens itself with its presence. The center of the garden was clear of these flowers, and presented something that contrasted to the charm of the gentleman's elegance. The garden's center was originally meant to be a meeting area where the nobles and noblewomen gathered to chat pleasantries to each other with the careful placement of professionally designed tables and chairs made with finely crafted elven wood. What stood in its place was what appeared to be a vaguely humanoid creature floating above the ground serenely in a ominous way. Below the creature was a young male human, who was unconscious to the scene unfolding around him.

If there was a way to express what the creature was feeling at this point in time, it was hard to tell. The onlookers around it seemed responsible for its behaviour as it thrashed and flailed in vain. After a fruitless struggle, it managed to focus its eyes around the gardens. Three individuals within close distance, and three other individuals further away. The ones close to it caused it to make a surprising gasp, and seemed to have familiarity with them. The three people's faces were covered in shadow, and responded to the creature's gasp with a readied blade, dagger, and wand respectively. The possibility of combat seemed like a guarantee, until three other individuals, announced their presence within three seperate areas of the garden.

These three contrasted to the combatants by having no weapons in their possession whatsoever. They all wore dress robes of simple design, but what each of them bore on those robes clearly distinguished them from plain robes. On the front of their robes resided a bearded man blessing three of the elemental lords of light, darkness, and fire. One of the robed individuals, an old man in his 60's, ended the silence of the gardens by speaking in a rough baritone voice to address all individuals in the area. When he spoke, his words radiated with power and passion as it seemed to have an effect on everyone around him. "I call upon the enforcement magic in my heart. Let all who hear these words be unable to leave the vicinity until the creature is dead! ". With his words, everyone who heard his words felt compelled to stay in the gardens. No sounds of footsteps were made, as if to confirm that even if anybody considered leaving the area, the magic the old man weaved into his words forced them to think otherwise.

After the old man's proclamation, the second robed figure made her words heard. As she spoke, the tone of her words held a grim aspect, as if the words she made would hold a sense of finality to it. Even the patrons of the elemental realm of darkness would notice the magic she used if they were there today. "I call upon the penalty magic in my soul! Let the three combat-ready fools succeed in battle or face death!!". With her last word, the presence of the grim reaper seemed to linger around the gardens. Even though no actual cloaked figure with a bone-like face appeared around them, the hint of potential death radiated strongly at the three combatants close to the creature.

The last of the robed individuals stepped toward the creature with her hood unhidden and identity clear to all around her. Her face was the perfect picture of a loving grandmother, but whose demeanor seemed to invoke the opposite. The long silver hair she had failed to hide the once radiating beauty she had in her youth, and the sinister smile she had on her face would make even her old friend Grams tremble in fear. No magic came out of her mouth, but her words were aimed clearly at the paralyzed human-like creature before her. "This is what you get for trying to solve a mystery that never needed to be solved...'grandson'," she uttered, emphasizing the word grandson with venomous ridicule. "You will now be destroyed by the very people you thought were your friends." She turned quietly to the three combatents before the creature, but whose faces failed to reveal what they thought of the event unfolding before them. A second passed before her mouth moved with the radiance of magic inside her. "I call upon the magic of providence in my mind! By the light of the elemental lord, You will perish under the hands of your friends!"

The events that unfolded before the creature was too much to digest. It loosed out a wail of sheer terror as the three combatents stepped before him with skilled weapons and magic. The sound of a blade striking skillfully could be heard as the citizens of Swordhaven lived their lives, unaware of the contractual-based magic that was shaping around their world without them knowing.

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 4/27/2012 20:12:23 >
AQ DF  Post #: 1
2/26/2012 20:41:09   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 1: Troubled Start

10 Years Ago

A pair of calm, red eyes narrow at the sight of a complex structure from up atop a maple tree. The structure’s purpose reveals itself as a residence for human habitation, as the eyes detects the presence of various humans dressed up in the most bizarre of ways. They seem to place their backsides to a mechanical device that does nothing but wait for them to sit on them, and talk to each other all day. The being with red eyes has seen the way they interact and dealt with everyday affairs, and feels a strange mixture of curiosity and loathing. It has seen the way their laughed, cry, and told tales of ludicrous varieties. Everything about them should not influence it in anyway. But it does. Feeling intense disgust, it lets out a claw and…

A young boy wakes up gasping from the top of his bed. Searching frantically he analyzes his surroundings. Everything’s the same. Nothing has changed. The books he always read were scattered on the floor. The study table was covered with the same doodles he left there out of boredom when studying prove too bothersome. “I am alright”, he says to himself in a half-hearted way. He repeats the phrase again for reassurance. It’s the phrase that helps him to get over that dream.

He never had that particular dream before. Last year, he had always had the occasional dreams that always left him wondering if his reality was actually the fantasy and not the truth when he woke up. While he felt the urge to tell somebody about it in his home, he quickly ignored the thought. This was not the first time he told people about his surreal dream. The servants dismissed it as a bored boy’s daydreams, while his parents would use it as a reason to give him more things to study. That usually dealt with having to hear more about the history of our Hermaine family heritage.

He chuckled at the thought, remembering how during his previous studying sessions, the boy would always skip to the more interesting chapters when his family tutor wasn’t watching him like a hawk. These chapters didn’t focus on anything resembling the ‘prestige of the Hermaine line’, but dealt with the story of a ancient myth of how the Hermaine family received their magick.

The ‘legends’, as the book puts it, claims that while scholars would only guess, a reasonable theory was made that the Hermaines and other prestigious families did something that humbled the Elemental Lords. The type of deed varied, and so did the elemental lord that it humbled. For the Hermaines, their deeds humbled the Elemental Lord of Light, and allowed a ‘miniscule’ amount of its powers to bless the Hermaine family and its future descendents. As a result, they received the power to influence the fates inherent in every person, place and thing in Lore. The Elemental Lord of Light was fearful that their power would break the balance between the other elemental realms, and therefore rebalanced the gift to abide by certain principles…

That was how far he read before he found the tutor’s eyes narrowing down at him. Nervously he went back to the last page he was instructed to read. He let the memory pass as he set his sight on current affairs in his family's itinerary. He was happy to find a change in his family’s schedule in allowing him to practice any potential magic inherent in his heritage. The Hermaine tradition required him to demonstrate any potential magical talents to his grandmother, whose ‘age and knowledge of family lore has stemmed their mind to magickal quickness’, as the book said.

Even as the boy prepared for departure to his grandmother’s home, his eyes lingered to the maple tree in the backyard. Something about it gave him a sense of familiarity, but a feeling of mild melancholy. He turned his eyes away from it as he set his feet to his grandmother’s home just west of Swordhaven.

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 4/27/2012 20:13:00 >
AQ DF  Post #: 2
2/28/2012 17:14:49   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 1.1: Preservation of Heritage

The distance to his grandmother’s ‘little’ abode was only a few blocks away from his family home. As a result, it only took a few minutes of walking to reach her place. The boy knew he was there when he saw the familiar architecture of his grandmother’s home, a small but modest cottage that she used as an appropriate environment to consult with the envoys of the various towns and communities around Lore. Multiple modes of transportation were scattered around the vicinity to show not only the large variety of patrons his grandmother had to deal with on a regular basis, but also to prove the willingness of how far they were willing to travel to visit her. From a simple horse-ridden carriage to the majestic wings of a dragon, they would take any lengths to seek her services.

He suspected there would be a lineup leading up to the entrance of the cottage, but as he travelled up the gravel steps leading to it, he was surprised to find that her future clients were away. “That’s certainly like my grandmother to require her clients to come at a designated time,” he thought admirably. “They must be residing in Swordhaven’s many inns until they are able to have their appointment with her.”

When the boy reached the last step of gravel-shaped path, he noticed a familiar presence making a serious effort to do a good job on record-keeping in her books. While it was odd for her to do her work outdoors, he realized that the woman’s eccentric way to do her tasks was doing it outside, even though the interior of his grandmother’s home provided reasonable room to do her work. He saw the unique black-rimmed glasses, slightly hidden through her forest of brown hair as it covered a serious, if not beautiful freckled face. Even though she was essentially his grandmother’s personal secretary and appointment scheduler, she had the look of someone ready to attend the royal ball with King Alteon. She gave this ‘hint’ through the formal clothes she chose in presenting herself, made with materials that could have fed the families of the still-recovering Willowshire for years.

“You are now in the home of Lady Alva, the renowned Maven of Swordhaven.” recited by his Aunt with the finesse of a practiced, if not enthusiastic actress, before she turned her eyes from the book to look at her nephew-in-law. “Ah, it’s good to see you, Tekove! After all this time, that beautiful red hair you have always gives you away.” said his Aunt, eyes sparkling at a rare sight of seeing another relative. “It’s good to see you again, Aunt Clara”, Tekove replied, greeting her in kind. Smiling for a moment, she finished a last-minute addition to her documents before she opened the door leading to her mother in-law’s home.

Inside, the waiting room revealed itself in all its beauty. Several finely crafted book tables and chairs dotted the large room with style. Large glass windows brightened up the room with its welcoming exterior light to create a cosy atmosphere. To the west, a door leading to the small room his grandmother used to do her personal studies was kept. In its center, a large round table greeted them with two comfy chairs at its side. The table was only freshly cut mahogany wood, covered with the table cloth of unknown origins, but it almost seemed to beckon Tekove and Clara to embrace the warmth of the table. Tekove sat down on the comfortable chair under Clara’s silent nod, while she stood close to the door. “I have to admit, I’m a little envious of you, kid,” Clara said, mirth welling up in her voice. “Even though your grandmother is usually busy with appointments from patrons all over Lore, she finds the free time to use it to help nourish your inherent magical abilities.” Tekove could only nod at his Aunt’s words. All he knew about this situation based on his teachers was that all Hermaine family members who were close to or at their adolescent stage of life would start feeling the magic that was their birthright. It was then necessary to get the aid and support of their grandparents to help bring their powers out in the open. This would help the grandparents to understand the potential strength within their grandchildren as they guided them to control their powers. Perhaps that would explain the dreams he had been having for a while now. Maybe that was what motivated his parents to ask for their Grandmother’s assistance?

He didn’t have time to answer these questions as his Aunt walked close to the west door, and muttered words that radiated magical power. When he heard them, it sounded firm and absolute, as if the earth itself would confirm the words in the pages of Lore’s history she spoke at this point in time. “Let the world know that at this time, Your Grandchild, Tekove Hermaine, has arrived at this ninth hour of the day to request your presence at this hour.”

It did not take more than a second before his grandmother, the honoured Maven Alva, entered the waiting room through the west door. She wore a simple robe of fine silk, which did not change the way she came into the room with grace and dignity. Her black hair, with small if minor patches of grey, was tied up into a fine bun in the back of her head, which focused on her grandchild sitting on the table. Maven Alva slid down on the chair opposite to Tekove with no wasted movements. Her green eyes stared warmly to Tekove as she greeted him as she would another client; a kindness that showed that she took the situation very seriously. “I trust you were not expecting a silly ritual with fancy magical displays that do nothing,” Maven Alva said with a serious, but playful tone. “The purpose of this meeting is for me to help you to realize the boundless power within your soul, as it is your birthright to use it. There will be no complex procedure, but I need to give you the knowledge you will need to appreciate the seriousness behind the magic that no being, elemental lords aside, will ever possess without the Hermaine blood….” Her right eye briefly glanced at Aunt Clara, wife to her son Tejas, before focusing her eyes to Tekove directly.

“Well? Let us begin.”

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 4/27/2012 20:14:18 >
AQ DF  Post #: 3
2/28/2012 17:27:03   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 1.2: An Aunt's gentle words

The quiet atmosphere in the waiting room changed. His grandmother did not do anything aside from accepting a cup of tea from her daughter in law, but her tone changed. She recited words that seemed to invoke a deep memory from the past, for her eyes seemed to bare slight pain to remembering it. “As you may know already, the Hermaine family is gifted with the magic of Providence. This…branch of magic allows us to…’change the fates’ inherent in all life, so to speak. We are gifted with the power to force individuals in a direction that they life would not ordinarily go without the Elemental Lord’s guidance.”

“This is shown in our voice. When a person of the Hermaine blood uses this power, they speak with it!” She spoke the last two words with emphasis, and when she did, Tekove felt rather than hear the presence of light magic in the room. If there was any way to describe it, it was…warm. A moment later, the feeling disappeared, and the magic at the same time. After a moment, she continued the discussion. “The gentle whispers we can make can radiate with magical power to influence anyone if it is within their benefit. That is where the nature of the element of light is shown. But like the light, and all the other elements in existence, there must be limitations with this power, or the balance in all the elemental realms will be rendered unstable.”

It was when Maven Alva began discussing the disadvantages that Tekove saw his grandmother’s eyes getting heavy with grief, as if to speak of this information would cause great pain to the speaker. She paused for a moment before speaking. "The first thing you should always remember is that while we may be able to influence the fates of other individuals, we are not the divine Lords: we cannot make people do things that are not within their power or personality. For example, my magic has been strong enough to convince King Alteon to dethrone Tyrant King Slugwrath. This is because I know he has the capabilities to overpower him with his own natural abilities. I cannot ask him to do something he cannot do, like carry the title of Dragonlord and fight as a Hero. He's a wonderful leader and guide of his people to lead a prosperous nation, but not the type to fight evil on a regular basis."

“…While you should be blessed to be gifted with this magic, all Providence-users must also live with this fact: the ability of give birth is very limited in the Elemental Lord of Light’s effort to ensure the world doesn’t crumble from an easily abusable power. It does not matter if you are male or female. This effects anyone who is able to use it.” For a moment, Tekove felt a wave of sympathy for his Grandmother, but this feeling disappeared when his grandmother abruptly changed subjects. “That is why I am grateful that my daughter has given birth to a lovely grandson, but it’s odd…” She became silent once again, longer than the other times. Tekove wondered what she found odd, and had a feeling her words concerned him in particular. Her right hand touched her bottom lip as she made a look of pure curiosity towards Tekove. What is she thinking?

He found the silence unsettling, and felt the urge to speak right then and there. “Sorry Grandmother, what is it about me that’s odd?” Alva responded to his question with a childish chuckle that made even Aunt Clara look at her mother-in-law with concern. “Your magic. That’s what I find odd. When I first used my magic, that should have been the spark that would have compelled your soul to demonstrate your inherent magic in the open. But it didn’t. I think I know why…”

Maven Alva stood up from the confines of her chair. The look her eyes gave Tekove was without warmth and compassion, as if the very thing standing in front of her was not her grandchild, but a monstrous being impersonating her loved ones. Her mouth, on the other hand, had a coy smile, as if she had discovered the solution to a puzzle that had troubled her all day.

“I think I know why your mother was anxious to have a child. She had to live with the fact our family’s decreased birth expectancy would ruin the possibility of being a mother, and out of desperation decided to adopt a child! There’s nothing wrong with that! However..just tell me who your real parents are, or even the orphanage you used to live before my daughter adopted you. How else would it explain your lack of Providence magic while having the magic of a dark nature? Our family heritage has never had anything like YOU!”

Tekove was shocked at his grandmother’s change in attitude, but what made him lose his temper was the way she was slandering her own daughter’s integrity. “That’s enough! Do not speak about my mother that way!” His response caused Maven Alva’s mouth to shut. It was not as if his words caused her to be incapable of speaking ever again, but the magical quality in his words almost ensured the fact that Alva never brought up the subject of Tekove's mother that day. Maven Alva must have realized this, realizing that the very act of bringing it up would bring a great sense of harm on her. That didn’t stop her from losing her train of thought. “This does not change the fact that you may not just be a stray your parents found. I cannot sense any Providence magic from you! How can you be sure you are a Hermaine if you cannot even produce the very birthright of our family?”

This reasoning, without any logical reasoning and thought, surprised everyone in the room. What was she saying? What would she gain from the ratifications of such an accusation? These questions bottled up in Aunt Clara’s head as she confronted her mother in law.

“Mother Alva! I realize the previous appointments you had today are tiring you. Your not thinking straight. This is your grandson, Tekove Hermaine! Whose mother is your daughter! Even from the back of the room I could tell he could sense the magic in your voice! How could he not be his mother’s ch-“ Her words were interrupted with Alva’s own. “SILENCE! How dare you tell me what I’m doing is wrong? You would be nothing without your association with the Hermaine family! Can you really say that anything in your possession was gotten through your efforts? You didn’t get this job as record-keeper without my help! You wouldn’t have gotten those clothes on your back without your credentials as the wife of my son’s!” Aunt Clara, flabbergasted, said nothing as Maven Alva set her sights to Tekove.

“…And as for you, ‘grandson’. Can you really claim you carry the bloodline of the Hermaines in your veins? YOU WILL PROVE YOUR BLOOD LINEAGE RIGHT HERE AND NOW!!
From Aunt Clara’s perspective, she could sense Alva’s use of magic right away, but because Tekove was being targeted by her magic directly, he felt differently.

The Providence magic seemed to make the room brighten in intensity, but instead of bringing a feeling of intense heat, Tekove was surprised by the warmth he felt through his Grandmother’s words. The words were inviting him; encouraging him to admit to a fact that wasn’t true. Her magic even made him feel that telling the lie would only bring happiness in his soul and make his grandmother happier he was alive. He was ready to speak before he noticed his sight was being impaired by numerous stalagmites sticking out from the floor.

Tekove took a moment to view his surroundings. He was no longer on the chair. He found himself recovering on the ground as the magic and power of Aunt Clara’s words dispersed Alva’s. “There is no need for him to prove anything! The history of lore, my memories and the records I’ve kept can confirm his credentials! I was also there at the moment of his birth, being loved as he cried in my sister-in-law’s hands! By the laws of the Elemental Realm of Earth, my magic confirms it, otherwise I would not have been able to counter your magic.” Maven Alva bit her lip at Clara’s words and magic as it nullified her own. She was on the floor, breathing heavily, as though her previous use of magic took the energy out of her. There was no way for her to deny her words, which rang with truth reinforced by magic. “That’s what I always hated about your family’s earth-based magic. As long as you witnessed something in person, the elemental realm of the Earth can validate your words as true facts. ” She looked at her grandchild, but the kind gaze she used to have for him was long gone.

“I…apologize. You are truly my daughter’s child." She picked herself off from the ground before looking at him again, eyes staring at a monster that was never there. "But that magic you have...it will spell disaster for the Hermaine family's future, past and present!! Are you sure you are really huma-?!?? .” Maven Alva would had said more, had it not been for Aunt Clara’s quick decision to carry a tired Maven to her private chambers. Before they exited the room, Aunt Clara gave a quick sympathetic look to Tekove, and nudged him to the direction of the Cottage’s exit. There was no need for words. He clearly understood what she wanted him to do. Go Home.

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 4/27/2012 20:19:34 >
AQ DF  Post #: 4
2/29/2012 19:53:54   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 1.3: Punch of Clarity

As Tekove ventured back to his home, the dreadful feeling he had in his gut persisted. The path seemed to lengthen in his misery, almost beckoning him to revisit the events between him and his Grandmother in 'memory lane'. While it would had been easy for him to blame his magic for everything that happened, it would almost seem like he was justifying his Grandmother's actions towards his mother, Aunt Clara and himself. It was hard to believe that the person talking with him back in the cottage was actually his Grandmother! Until he had displayed his own potential magic, he had always known his Grandmother was the serious type when it came to doing business, but she was deeply kind and passionate to those she cared about. What she showed and acted like today seemed to show another side of her that he didn't want to know. If it weren't for Aunt Clara, things would have turned out even worse than it already did. Maven Alva could have made me admit things that weren't even true, and who knows how that would impact my parents? His thoughts lingered in his head, and wouldn't leave until a playful punch landed directly at his forehead.

Before he knew it, Tekove found himself on the ground, his vision blocked and unable to see anything but his friend's face. There was no way he could mistake the messy blond hair that covered his face as he stared down at him, with a proud smile. "Aha! Looks like your head's in the clouds, otherwise you would had seen me coming from miles away, little Teko." As he got back on his feet, Tekove smiled before aiming a flying punch at his friend's shoulder. His friend avoided the move with the flexibility of battle-trained fighter. "Only you would watch your surroundings for the chance to fight a legendary foe, Lucas? Both of them chuckled as they traveled and made small talk down the path that led back to his family home. He was glad to have a friend to keep him company as they past by the usual town guards that dotted Swordhaven's landscape.

Something about Lucas' personality seemed to get his thoughts out of gloomy topics. Perhaps it was the air of adventure that always seemed to radiate around him, or the carefree way he liked to travel and see the world itself. That might have also been because he was the son of a famous noble of great political standing. He didn't know too much about his friend's own rich social background, except that their town of birth was destroyed, with their most cherished artifact, a magical orb of fire stolen by a cunning dragon who deceived and manipulated one of its citizens to do so. Despite that, Lucas showed an optimistic spirit, finding a new life in the city of Swordhaven with his family, with his parents being major patrons of the Hermaine family through his grandmother, and occasionally with his own mother.

...in any case, he wouldn't have found a better person to chat with after a bad day then Lucas. He noticed that his parent's 'little abode' was within walking distance now, and didn't hesitate to walk even slower to talk some more with his friend. Hopefully by delaying his inevitable confrontation with his parents, he would have the strength to conjure up a good story where the events that took place at his Grandmother's place was a lot more pleasant than it really was.

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 4/27/2012 20:22:46 >
AQ DF  Post #: 5
3/1/2012 19:35:31   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 1.4: Punishment of Love

By the time the two friends finally reached Tekove’s home, Tekove’s mind was filled with the most surreal stories that would satisfy his parent’s curiosity. The normal excuses that allowed him to venture into Swordhaven unsupervised was starting to make his parents sceptical of Tekove’s travels, but luckily he didn’t bring any real proof (excluding any small items he could sneak into his pockets where nobody could notice). He would need to grind his brain’s gears to conjure up a more complex story to explain his strangely short visit with the Maven. He was having a hard time trying to justify why his Grandmother would end their meeting early to find an elastic duck that can be ridden to travel the depths of the wide ocean before he noticed his friend had stopped abruptly at the doorstep of his home.

Normally, Lucas would had waltzed right inside the house without a care in the world; his parents were so used to seeing him come that they didn’t care if he had brought home a giant tog. That’s when he realized that his parents were having a special party for all their friends today. Tekove and Lucas, whose parents were bound to join the event, nervously analyzed their worn attire. They had both prepared for the occasion in advance, by wearing formal attire hidden in their traveling cloaks, but his clothes were now covered to thick dirt and grime after his short roughhousing with Lucas. Sensing each other’s thoughts, the two lads slowly walked a few steps away from the doorstep before freezing at the sound of a voice that might have announced the arrival of ‘the dark times’.

“Don’t bother taking another step, boys! I heard you little sneevils coming from miles away!”

Lucas was not surprised when his friend slowly turned his head to the source of the voice, a stern-faced woman starring back at them from atop the balcony, and grimaced. Tekove’s mother, Keisa Hermaine, was a straight-forward woman who said what was on her mind, and it showed when she jumped from the balcony to the earth with the grace of a speeding bullet. Lucas silently chuckled at her resemblance to his own mother, who probably would had chased him down to the ends of the earth, hands infused with parental doom if he found out he had eaten his supper early to catch up with Tekove.

The best thing to do for a doomed friend was to say nothing, lest he face her wrath as well. His silence on the matter somehow managed to earn Keisa’s attention. “..and don’t think for a minute your coming out of this scot-free, Mr. Alphard. You promised me you would accompany Tekove to his grandmother’s? I wonder if your mother would be interested in this little news…?” Tekove was surprised at this fact, remembering how his friend avoided the trip with him to Maven Alva’s because of an errand he had with a milk-maid near the markets. He said nothing as both mother and son stared at Lucas, whose face had now moistened with fresh sweat. “I-It’s not what your thinking! Believe me! I was just so excited by the event going on at Tekove’s place and the thought of seeing the various envoys of some of the major towns and cultures of Lore that I had to take a peek at the inn they were staying! I was so anxious to see them that I should have stayed by Tekove’s side, but I didn’t. I’m sorryyy!!”

Keisa Hermaine eyebrows didn’t lift in shock at this confession, but the tone of her voice seemed to relax when she recognized the honesty in his words. She approached him then, and gently whispered, “It’s alright. I understand. But since you seem so…excited for the event, I think you should be a big contributor to the event itself! Of course, I think both of you need a bath. I’m not letting my own son and the child of one of our biggest patrons attend the event smelling like the roads themselves!” With a snap of her fingers, the door to his home opened to reveal two of his mother’s servants. Their faces looked at their employer for instruction. “Please give these boys a much needed bath. And when your done, please give our friend Lucas some ‘special’ clothes for his size. I’m sure he’ll love the idea of serving the guests at the party.”

Tekove had to give his mother credit for her way to turn disadvantages to her benefit. She wasn’t as harsh as to deliver some harsh and unusual punishment to him, but ensured that Lucas found something to do when his parents left him back home doing nothing. Maybe that’s why he was so willing to do all those unusual tasks without complaining (well..besides the bath itself). Seeing Lucas’ reaction as he wailed to the thought of taking two baths in one day was enough for him to forget what happened at his grandmother’s place as his mother’s servants dragged them into the house. As he found himself being forced into the main hallway, Tekove heard his mother’s voice from outside, clearly aimed at his attention. “We will talk about how your trip went with your Grandmother later. With your father as well.” Finally, it was his turn to wail as they were both dragged to two separate bathrooms to await a grim torture with the elementals of water and soap.

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 4/27/2012 20:23:33 >
AQ DF  Post #: 6
3/4/2012 18:34:05   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 1.5: Parental Concerns

The sounds of preparation went underway as servants rushed from one room after another trying to get everything tidy for the guest's arrival. The noise level that the servants made reached the point where Tekove's parents had no choice but to place a silence ward of magic to prevent the noise from interfering with their own private discussions. Both husband and wife sat in their private palour room: a room consisting of a simple tea table surrounded by one large sofa and elegant chairs to its sides. Several books laid on top of the tea table in numerous quantities, and the bags in Keisa's eyes showed their large investment in investigating the contents of these books. The same could be said for her husband, but he did his best to hide it. The warm fireplace to the front of the large sofa made the place a warm, almost inviting atmosphere that would have made interactions with family members a wondering thing to do, but for now, Keisa found it better to be alone with her husband while her son prepared himself for tonight's festivities. "I understand that what I have to say should involve our son's presence in our discussions, but I think it is better we leave him out of this...for now." said Keisa Hermaine, whose calm green eyes stared respectively back at her husband's red.

Her partner, George Hermaine, was a man of average statute, but what he lacked in physical girth he matched with a protective love of his family. He had the hair of a deadly flame, but the heart of a man not afraid to boast his affection for his wife, much to her mock displeasure. "You made the right choice, Keisa. He's too young to understand the logic behind our actions, but I feel like no matter how ridiculous Tekove's story was, the one fact that held true is that something happened that caused your mother to behave strangely to him and my sister-in-law, Clara." The mention of the Maven Alva seemed to make the once warm atmosphere in the room more...unsettling, but the topic was unable to be changed anytime soon. Keisa deliberately stared at the books in front of her in an attempt to recollect her thoughts.

"I am not surprised that she acted the way she did. Ever since I confronted her with my decision to marry you, she has been questioning my seriousness to 'preserve the Hermaine line's integrity'." She emphasized her mother's quoted words with strong accuracy, as if the number of times she heard that line was more than she needed to know to memorize it.
"...But I am more than certain she intends to do something with our child. Otherwise, why would she bother flaunting her magic around without a second thought?" Her husband answered her question with his own. "How can you be so sure? As much as you may feel about your own mother, her position as the Maven of Swordhaven is too valuable to risk losing it to the whim of a child 'with questionable blood heritage'." He was grateful for his sister-in-law's intervention when his son was at his grandmother's place, but he had no need to doubt his own son's family history. Even when he did start to show strange behavior from time-to-time, analyzing those around him into narrow-minded concepts. But that was probably something to do with his inherent magic; nothing to do with him as a person.

Keisa found herself unable to answer her husband's inquiry. Instead when she spoke, the radiance of her presence seemed to fill the room, and that was when George realized she was using her magic (to his dismay, for he truly thought her beauty was overwhelming him instead). "I will not let her simply do as she pleases. She may be my mother, but she won't run our lives to her little whims. If I know her, she will attend our little party, but there is a way for me to know what she will do." That was when she winked at him, her private signal to him that she had another approach to deal with an impossible situation. "That is why I will use this way of thinking: 'Impossibility Breakthrough'. Through my own magic, I will eliminate the possibilities that are unlikely to happen, making it easier for us to predict what she'll do. I understand that my magic takes a lot of energy out of me, but I turn to you to make a reasonable guess how my mother...or her friends may interact with our son. Just wake me up before our friends arrive, or I might make a bad hostess and sleep the day through. I wouldn't mind it though..."

Keisa closed her eyes as she concentrated the magic within her. She had to choose her words wisely, or the Providence magic would not allow her to use them against Maven Alva. "I still a little tired from some of the research we did. But I can guarantee this much. I make the following declarations through my magic:

My mother, Alva Hermaine, will not be directly involved in any schemes involving our son tonight at our party!

She will not harm our child!

Our child will not be harmed by her and anyone associated with her while we live!

She will not hurt our guests!

She will have no way to influence our guests to her whim or pleasure!

If she involves herself, directly or indirectly, we are guaranteed by the ties of fate to meet and confront one another!

With each declaration, the sound similar to the breaking of glass could be heard. As if in the sea of many possibilities, many realities that did not adhere to Keisa's declarations shattered at her magical power.

At the last declaration, she collapsed on the sofa. Without wasting a minute, George held her tightly. He had to admit that for a women with vigorous energy, her magic seemed to sap a lot out of her. Nevertheless, he carefully brought her back to their bed chambers. As he laid her carefully on top of their bed, he stared solemnly out the window to await his upcoming guests. He would have to wake her up later to tend to her guests alongside him, but for now, with all the work they did, she earned a few hours of sleep many times over. "You sure have a way with words, Keisa. But don't worry. If trouble ever comes our way, you won't have to use your magic. As my Grandfather used to say, 'to protect the ones we love dear, us fathers will gain even the demonic strength of the Dragon to keep them from harm..."

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 4/27/2012 20:24:16 >
AQ DF  Post #: 7
3/5/2012 21:57:03   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 1.6: Troubled Resolution

Several miles away from the Hermaine residence, the cottage of Maven Alva stood among a scattered array of other fine houses in the same block. The Maven found herself watching the daily life of the townsfolk passing by through the window in her private study. There was something beautiful about the way the townsfolk seemed to live their lives with ignorant simplicity, that she couldn't help spending her little free time simply observing everything going on in front of her. It was only when the she noticed the sky being dyed in the calm radiance of nightfall that Alva realized she was simply stalling to complete the task expected of her.

Doing her best to overcome her mild feelings of anxiety, she went to her private study to find the one object that could help her to calm down. On the top of her study desk, her eyes scanned among the useless junk to find the one thing she needed most at this moment. There were the usual books she never bothered to put away, a dusty ring she kept for sentimental purposes, and other important items she would ask her daughter-in-law to put away later. After clearing away the vague remains of a dust elemental, she found the thing she sought most among all her other valuables: a small wooden box with arcane-like runes dotting its entire frame. These very runes ensured that not even her own allies could open it without losing an arm or two. Maven Alva placed her hands on top of the box, not even bothering to hide her impatience as it opened, picked up her most cherished memento, and swept the book aside.

For just one moment, as she stared at it with warm affection, she could forget the duties required of her. If she wanted to, she could succumb to the impulse and ignore the party all together. She merely had to show her power to convince her...friends that there was no need to get herself involved, but her pride wouldn't let that happen. Too much was riding from this decision, and she wouldn't let an incompetent person take her place. But she hated the fact that once she was done, she had to leave everything to do with her former life to Clara...

I'll simply keep my most cherished memento back in its box. There would be no way for Clara to open it, no matter how much she tries.

She placed the memento back into its box, her thoughts still considering the possibility of ignoring her duties when the room around her seemed to resonate with magical power. Maven Alva would know the source of the magic more than anyone else, for family bonds could not be easily forgotten, in blood or in the matters of the arcane. Her head seemed to be spinning with the compulsion to obey Keisa's declarations of providence magic, but with a wave of her hand the feeling passed instantly. The fool. Does she know there are ways to bypass her power? There are simple loopholes I can use to do as I wish without feeling compelled to obey her magic!

Maven Alva was not one to err in her decision to do something if her own integrity was challenged as a proud member of the Hermaine blood. Or was she using what just happened as a reason to go ahead with the task? She didn't bother to answer that question. All she knew for certain was she was obligated to answer her daughter's invitation to her little party, and if there happened to be...absent hosts during the festivities, that wasn't her problems how events played out. But that was a lie, of course. She would know the best people to deal with the situation. Her daughter's magic may have changed her plans accordingly with Tekove, but that didn't change the real targets she had in mind. As she left her personal study room, she failed to notice the wooden box fall down from her study desk. The lid of the box still stood open, with the rune-like letters almost expecting the owner to reseal the box which harbored the valuable memento inside.

If, for instance, a person were to waltz into the room and take a better examination of the memento, they would find a long lining of string dangled a strange serpentine-like figure. The figure, posed with grand majesty, almost seemed to be in the position of flying, with its wings standing out elegantly. The ends of those wings held a beautiful red orb that looked similar to a garnet or ruby, but held a mythic quality that held more than the mortal eye could see upon examination. This was what Clara noticed when she made a last sweep of the room. Not letting her curiosity get the better of her, she put the amulet she examined back in the box tightly closed it with the lid. She felt a odd feeling of satisfaction before cleaning the room.


Maven Alva, with childish smile and elegant attire, calmly allowed her daughter-in-law Clara to escort her to Keisa and George's home. For the sake of appearances, it would have caused a great deal of gossip if she didn't bring her own personal secretary along. The method of transporting Alva to her child's home was through magic, of course. Her 'friends' took the initiative to accomplish this task two robed allies whose strong powers failed to hide themselves from their own concealing attire. Maven Alva was very sure tonight's party would be interesting. In fact, she found herself with such warm glee that she repeated that very same sentence using her magic. It wouldn't had changed anything, but she had gotten used to her magic to reassure events in her favor.

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 4/27/2012 20:25:09 >
AQ DF  Post #: 8
3/14/2012 18:58:24   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 1.7: Forced Ordeals

As the final fragments of sunlight disappeared from the night sky, the formal party at the Hermaine residence took place. Visitors from all over Lore gathered to greet their good friends, Keisa and George Hermaine, and partake in the festivities. The main hall was the main room where the event resided, with a grand buffet table that stretched from one end of the room to the other, decorated with food from all over the world. From the simple chickencow to the rare delicacy of Amityvale's finest dracolich-roasted sneevil, there was food available for everyone from all backgrounds and races.

"...I even met this cool lady named Ikea from Dragesvard! From the way she described her wares, it sounds very…passionate with her furniture. It's too bad her meatballs weren't as good as it looked..." Lucas was busy relaying the events of the party to Tekove, who sat in his study chair with a hint of guilt at not being able to attend the event. He had to admit, he had respect his friend's unusual enthusiasm of the party as his parents always held one every two years, but the possibility of getting to talk to guests who came from almost every part of life must have seemed exciting to him. Tekove had a feeling that if his friend had somehow managed to set his sights on one of the elemental lords, he would faint on the spot. Lucas must have noticed Tekove's lack of interest on the subject, for he changed the topic immediately. "Don't worry about the party. Nothing's really changed from the last one your parents held, though I heard there were some talks about current events near the land of Sandsea. I can tell you more about them later if you are interested.”

Lucas could sympathize with Tekove’s situation. His parents did not reprimand their son when they heard about the events that took place at Maven Alva’s home, but because she was planning on visiting the party, it made sense for him not to be part of the festivities. As a result, he was confined to his room until the end of the party. As much as he wanted to hide it, Lucas knew that his friend would have liked spending time with the other guests more than have to focus on his studies. So even though he was required to tend to the guests, he made frequent visits to his friend’s study room every time a speech or live performance started so he could check up on him.

“Thanks, Lucas. I know your taking a risk coming here, but I think you should get back to the party as soon as possible. You know how my parents are like when their ‘most talented servant’ goes missing. Oh yeah, there was something I planned to give you…” Tekove put his left hand under his desk, picked up a small trinket, and placed it gently on his friend’s right hand. Lucas examined his hand to find a small ring with the symbol of the Hermaine family symbol embedded on top of it. The symbol depicted the radiance of the avatar of the Elemental Lord of light whose hands caressed the world of Lore like a crystal ball. Lucas was dumbstruck at the very thought of holding the ring in his eyes, finding it hard to find the right words to say. After a long period of silence, Tekove answered for him. “You don’t need to say anything, but after all you’ve done for my family…for me, you of all people have the right to call yourself a part of the Hermaine family. You pretty much live here anyways. It’s not really official, of course, but you are so much like a brother to me that it would be silly not to think of you otherwise.” Lucas responded to his words with an affectionate, but forceful slap on Tekove’s back. During the whole exchange, he didn’t notice the strange presence of Maven Alva in the room. Both Tekove and Lucas just stood there, unable to comprehend how she could have entered the room without his parents, servants or party guests noticing and announcing her presence throughout the entire household.

The whole time, she had simply said nothing, watching the pair without a care in the world, but the moment she noticed the ring she made her presence known immediately. “..I don’t understand how you can claim to protect the honour of the Hermaine family line when you can casually give one of our most sacred artefacts to some PEASANT!”
The elegant clothes she wore and makeup for the occasion did nothing to hide the lunacy behind her eyes, which looked at Tekove with genuine loathing. Yet in the next second, her face’s composure changed to radiate a strange mixture of calmness and melancholy. “It no longer matters. Today is a special day for you: the day I can confirm that you are not worthy of the Hermaine name! I plan to have a little…talk with your parents.” Before Tekove could do anything, Maven Alva was already outside of the room and into the main hallway. His friend Lucas’ hands were quickly on the doorknob when they both heard her voice resonating with magic. “If you want to stop me, by all means go ahead. But I hope you can complete this little test of mine. The door has been magically locked from the outside. Until your parents disappear from the world, this room cannot be unlocked by “Tekove Hermaine” or “Lucas Tenedril”.

At her words, Lucas’ body was repelled from the magic embedding itself to the doorknob. He collapsed in a messy heap, but was nevertheless breathing, to his friend’s relief. Tekove could only stare, dumbfounded as he tried to find a way to unlock the door and reach his parents in time.


George Hermaine noticed the presence of magic enter his household and realized immediately that his mother-in-law was in his home. He was not surprised that she was here, but the fact her presence was unannounced caused a feeling of anxiety to envelop him. Keisa must have noticed it too, for she announced that the events of the evening be moved to the outdoors. Confusion and surprise filled the faces of their guests, but they would be attended to by their servants in the transition to their backyard. It did not take long to find Maven Alva coming down from the top floor to ‘greet’ them below in the living room. “Whatever you have planned for our son, I tell you now that they won’t work!” shouted Keisa as Maven Alva calmly walked towards the pair. In response, she giggled as she shrugged off the magic from her daughter’s previous proclamations. “Oh, that fancy little display of magic of yours won’t affect me at all! You see…I intended to settle matters with you, not him.” Maven Alva’s eyes stared directly at her daughter, deliberately ignoring the presence of her son in law, to his displeasure. “Allow me to have one simple battle of wits with you. Your pride as a member of the Hermaines is being questioned. If you win, you may have the title of ‘Maven’ for yourself. If you lose…well, I do not intend to let you act as you please.” Before they knew it, the beauty of Keisa’s household was replaced with a strange new setting. No evidence of their former household remained excluding the banquet table. She grimaced when she realized her mother’s magic transported them to a different dimension to have their ‘discussion’, but if someone else were to visit their living room in the Hermaine residence, in reality they would notice Keisa and George chatting normally to the Maven in a heated discussion.

She was unfamiliar with the strange architecture around her, but she was knowledgeable enough to recognize that all three of them were now in a strange sanctuary. Glass-stained windows decorated the ominous halls they resided in. Keisa was tempted to label this place as a church by the strange radiance that made this place beautiful and peaceful to look at, but the fact that her mother used her magic to make this the appropriate setting for their 'debate' seemed to suggest otherwise. She knew her mother was strong enough to warp reality to her whims, but she didn't know it was strong enough to do this. What was the purpose of sending them to this place? It was more appropriate to label this place as her headquarters, or the best place for Maven Alva to hold a battle of wits without destroying their house. One thing was for sure. The only way out of this strange place was to beat her mother at her own game and bring them back to the safety of their home.

Keisa was about to respond to her mother when Maven Alva quickly interjected and established her first attack. “I have heard from outside sources that you have been doing some questionable research in Swordhaven academy. There is a good possibility that you are planning a conspiracy against me in the hopes to gain my title before my time!” Maven Alva’s words caused what resembled stakes made of light energy to zoom with great haste towards her daughter. Before any impact could be made, a large wing stretched out and intercepted the attack. The magical stakes scattered at it hit the wing, and Keisa could only stare as she was protected by what appeared to be a large crimson dragon. Maven Alva expressed shock at the failed attack, only to bite her tongue in frustration when she saw the source behind the interception.

The dragon replied to his mother-in-law’s argument with a deep bellow, breaking her argument with his own, boosted with magic. “This is my wife you are talking to. Any research we have done is for the interests of our family, and not at the cost of earning the title of ‘Maven’ with devious methods.” Keisa Hermaine resisted the urge to hug her husband, whose strong love for his family gave him the demonic strength of the dragon in retaliation to her mother’s attacks. She wished to join the ‘fight’ too, if only to snap her mother back to her senses. She stepped in front of her mother, dragon-husband close at hand as she entered the heated discussion.

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 4/27/2012 20:25:52 >
AQ DF  Post #: 9
4/8/2012 10:53:39   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 1.8: Ambiguous Birthright

Keisa's eyes narrowed at the sight of her mother, whose previously calm composure was replaced with pure madness. "I have no idea what plans you have in mind for my family, but I don't intend to let you control our lives as you see fit." George's eyes, shining as beautiful as the crimson dragon scales around him, had the same determination as Keisa to resolve the dispute with Alva.

Keisa and George Hermaine had no intention to simply defeat Alva Hermaine in a battle of wits, as the consequences of doing so would allow the Maven to justify the need to relinquish them from their social status as proud members of the Hermaine dynasty. The unknown nature of the strange sanctuary they were in gave them a very clear image of what needed to be done: to stop the Maven from continuing this battle and to find a way back to their home. "So you feel the need to question my pride as a Hermaine? What have I done to deserve this accusation? By the light, understand that the events that occurred between you and my son earlier today are not relevant to your questioning. "

Keisa's words shined with a brilliance so strong that her magic formed it into a series of chains that flew to where her mother stood. These nets were a visual manifestation intended to bind her mother to be obligated to not bring up any arguments related to her son. As if to ensure these chains would ensnare their intended target, her husband supported her magic with his own. "The battle between the three of us is our own, and nobody else! Do not bring our son into this argument!" His love to defend his child burned with fiery passion in his words that they seemed to come out in a unleashing torrent of flame towards the magical chains. When fire and chain collided, they combined to create a unique combination. The series of chains maintained their composition, but almost seemed to be made out of liquid fire in the way its movements became more fluid but burned with intense heat as it flew towards Maven Alva. In response to this double attack, Alva simply smiled, but her eyes burned with inspiration as she sensed her magic being affected back in the Hermaine home. "So you intend to discourage me from continuing with this debate, eh? Fancy chains won't keep me from winning this little game of mine, and with your son's actions, your lives will be forfeit!"


As the confrontation between Keisa, George and Alva Hermaine commenced, elsewhere, back in the Tekove's bedroom, he was busy fumbling with opening the door out of his room despite the magical enchantment embedded within it. His friend lay unconscious on the floor, and while in normal circumstances he would have tried to aid Lucas (he was perfectly fine, injuries aside) , Alva's threats made him more concerned for his parent's lives. Tekove also heard his friend mumbling something about 'bacon being used to save the world', so he was a little relieved that Lucas was okay despite the bizarre things he muttered in and out of consciousness.

After 10 minutes have passed, Tekove found to his dismay that nothing seemed to break through the magic and find a way through. Hoping to find another way out, he tried other ways to get out of the room. The windows were locked, and not just physically. A strong coating of pure light covered each window making it impossible to get out this way. With each second that passed, Tekove was losing any confidence he had in being able to deal with this bizarre situation and not being able to help his parents out in anyway. While he could not see what was going on outside of the room, he could sense the strong presence of magic being used even though he was faraway from the battle. If I could help my parents in anyway, I would pray to every Elemental Lord to make sure my parents come back alive!

His own silent pleas were answered in a bizarre fashion. For a moment, Tekove thought his friend was talking to him, but when his eyes focused on him, Lucas was still on the bedroom floor. But then he heard the voice again, and it seemed to emanate not from the room around him, but deep in his soul. While he was perfectly willing to listen to any voice rather than fumble with the doorknob in vain, he was shocked when he realized that the ominous voice used Tekove's own voice in speaking to him. "Do not take the words Alva said to heart. The power of providence magic is not absolute; they are flaws in it like every other branch of magic in the world. In a sense, it is also a riddle. Break that riddle with your own. "

While a normal person would had found it wise to ignore the voice, Tekove listened to it attentively. That voice must be my inner magic that comes with being a Hermaine, he thought to himself. He had no way to confirm that until he talked to his parents later. Tekove had no idea what the voice was trying to tell him, but it helped him to recall his Grandmother's words.

"Until your parents disappear from the world, this room cannot be unlocked by “Tekove Hermaine” or “Lucas Tenedril”

But there was no way for him to find a loophole that would allow him to break through those words. He was very sure his name was "Tekove Hermaine". The fact that the door would not open for him confirmed it. He tried simple ones, like bringing up nicknames Lucas always teased him with, but the magic would not let him through because it was still associated with the name "Tekove Hermaine". His desperate attempts to open the door seemed to bring out a strange laughter from a new voice within the room that emanated from the door itself. Whatever it was that mysterious voice inside himself said only just a few minutes ago, its words seemed to have helped compress the magic locking Tekove and Lucas within the room into a more suitable form. A creature made of pure light grasped the door tightly, ensuring that any method of exit from the bedroom impossible without magic being used to defeat it. The bizarre creature's own autonomy was strange in itself: the top half was the finely crafted features of a beautiful porcelain doll, but with a tangled mess of octopus tentacles where her legs should be. as it engulfed the doorknob. The doll's eyes seemed to be everywhere at once, but her voice, when she finally spoke was directed at Tekove.

"I am the magical manifestation of my Maven's magic, in accordance with the conditions imposed in this room. You are "Tekove Hermaine". Therefore, until the condition of your parents is satisfied, I am bound to prevent you from being able to exit, and you are bound to be here." Once these words were made, she said nothing more, but looked at Tekove anyway, almost daring him to do something it. The doll was cautious of course, as she would not have appeared in a visual form if it weren't for the boy's magic. With concern going across her artificially perfect face, her words, encased the door in a shell of protective magic. She was surprised when the boy smiled instead of trembling in fear as she expected him to. His eyes seemed possessed, as if he had found confidence from the abyss of magic residing in his soul.

"I am you, but you are me. The truth of this riddle breaks the illusion of yours." He said to the doll, and in that instant, she understood. His words filled the doll with a great wave of dread, and she disappeared as if her very existence was merely an illusion. His eyes returned to their normal clarity as he noted the door in surprise vibrating in response to the doll's disappearance. The door opened wide as the lock that kept it in place was gone as Tekove looked back at his friend briefly before running to where his parents were, his grandmother's laughter filling the whole home.

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 4/27/2012 20:27:39 >
AQ DF  Post #: 10
4/10/2012 23:07:32   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 1.9: A Mother's Heartfelt Wish

Deep within the confines of a hallowed Sanctuary, Keisa and George Hermaine exchanged words of power against the Maven Alva. The strong determination of their resolve radiated in the intense heat of their attack as chains of hot liquid metal threatened to engulf Alva, who looked at the incoming magic with a serene calmness that would not have been appropriate given her current circumstances. Rather than taking the time to dodge the attack, she walked straight towards it as if ready to accept it as a beautiful birthday gift. In fact, to Keisa and George's surprise, her hands outstretched to embrace the increasing heat of the fiery chains. It did not take them long to realize that she mumbled words that seemed to affect the composition of the chains themselves.

"Of course your son has everything to do with this! In essence, he is a proxy to your own actions as a representative of your 'family'. " At her words, the chains lost any evidence of fiery enchantment. When she acknowledged her son-in-law's alteration on her daughter's spell had vanished, she smiled at him with sarcastic mirth. "Oh sorry. Was that your magic? Your fighting against a Maven, my dear. Enforcement magic that calls upon the passion in your heart to defend the honor of those you love in the form of pure fire isn't enough to stop me." She took this time to truly acknowledge his magically altered form, but despite his seemingly fearsome appearance of a dragon, the mildly irritated look she had on her face suggested otherwise. "While your magic is strong enough to face me in that..form, you are the same man as I have always known. An incapable man, whose actions cannot match the ludicrous visions who hopes to achieve!

Hearing Alva's words, a large expression of agony pierced the night sky as George Hermaine felt the full force of the Maven's magic denying his own. His body compressed with the compulsion to adhere to her power, and in a matter of seconds, returned to his original human form. Keisa, astounded by the turn of events, was starting to loose all composure at seeing the use of light magic being applied indiscriminately at her love. The agony in her own heart reflected in her magic as the chains scattered purposeless around Alva all over the floor.

"How does our son have anything to do any of this?!" she demanded, running towards her husband without any concern of mother's feelings on the matter.

A minute passed. Then two. For Keisa, these were the longest moments in her life. George was struggling trying to breathe, making every effort to stay conscious. When her mother did reply, she was surprised by the strange look she had on her face. Maven Alva, whose face usually maintained a bright and animated attitude, looked at the two of them with genuine seriousness. It may have been the way she phrased her words that caused her to ask this way, or the fact that a strange person in elegant robes entered the space where they resided. "..It's very simple. I used an effigy of light to force your son into a situation where his inner magic would reveal itself. If he was a Hermaine, the magic he had would had forced it into servitude into whatever way he pleased. The man next to me, who has an in-depth knowledge of the Hermaines, can show you why I question you here and now."

The robed man stepped closer to where Keisa and Alva were in the vicinity. His very presence seemed unusual, for he took great pleasure in timing his steps accordingly as he explained himself. "It is my great pleasure to observe..enigmas within our timeline. As a skilled practitioner, I have tasked with recording these moments in history so that our..'organization' can use this knowledge to deal with them accordingly. The Hermaines' inherited power of providence magic ensures this order is kept in check, but history has proven those who exhibit anything outside of this power to be harbingers of great change and chaos to this order. We believe that your son, blood or not, is not fit to be a Hermaine by his demonstration of dark magic.

I myself am witness of this fact. Allow my words to speak these honest words of truth."

"Earlier this evening, the boy, Tekove Hermaine, demonstrated magic that is not within the norm that anyone born under the Hermaine family line should have. His very existence as part of the family is a danger to the stability of their traditions and ability to keep the world of lore at peace!"

At the man's words, a loud chuckle emanated from the room. This time it was Maven Alva and the mysterious robed stranger to be surprised. Their faces looked towards Keisa's, who seemed amused by the unusual turn of events. Before they could stop her from using the last of her magic, George Hermaine interrupted them with some words of his own. "If that's the case, you are preventing the people of Lore from finding the strength to solve their problems on their own. I would be proud to see my son be the person to convince all of you of that very simple fact."

George's humble words brought forth a surge of flame that separated Maven Alva and the robed stranger from his love, who found the words to deal with this situation. Even though his magic left him vulnerable, he was glad he was able to buy Keisa some time. Keisa must be known this, for it took her only seconds to figure out the best words to deal with the situation.

" You think my son's some 'harbinger of destruction and disorder'? You think that after saying that to me, his mother, I would be happy to comply to your deranged demands? Now let me give you some kind words of 'truth': While I have no intention to find out what you want to do with Tekove, remember this. He has the strength to break any grim destiny or fate you try to push on him with your magic. "

Keisa's own words, brilliant in her resolve as well as her magic, caused the robed stranger to recoil at its skillful use. This caused him to look frantically at Maven Alva for an answer to their defiant stance. The fact that she didn't look back at him suggested that her daughter was more worthy to talk to then he was. "I respect your choice of words. But your ignorance cannot be forgotten and recognized in this sacred sanctuary. This sanctuary is the very headquarters of our grand order, the Guiding hand. This very place is the foundation from which we can ensure the order and peace of Lore BY ELIMINATING ANY REALM OF POSSIBILITY OR DIMENSION THAT SUGGESTS OTHERWISE!"

As my daughter, I respect your right to say what you believe is true. Unfortunately, it is not enough to change my original argument. By supporting your son, you intend to break the foundations from which our Hermaine Dynasty has reigned for many years! Therefore, I can conclude you and your husband are ill-suited to be members of the Hermaines heritage. I do not intend to let you go as you please to spread your message of disorder. "

"Now, please listen to these words of mine..."

While Maven Alva's words rang clear in the ears of the robed stranger, they seemed to be everywhere at once for Keisa and George Hermaine. Even her mother's presence from Keisa's eyes seemed to diminish in clarity. Keisa Hermaine's consciousness lasted long enough to hold one single moment of regret.


Do you remember the lonely little bird?

When I wasn't busy doing my work, we snuck outside the house to play among the wildlife. I know you had'ta study, kiddo, but its nice to have fun now and then.

We had fun, but I noticed you felt blue. Then one day, I noticed you talking to a lonely bird
near the tree close to the home. It struck me as something..odd, but I remember it had the most beautiful feathers, as sleek as polished rock and as calm as the moon. Georg found it odd, but the smile it brought to your face warmed my heart.

That's why I...


I'm..sorry for being a tough mama sometimes. As a Hermaine, we need to be the best in what we do cause nobody else can do it. But I know you got dreams, and I have some to.

You want to know my dream? My dream is for you, like that bird, to finally fly away from that tree and make your own dreams come true one day. A dream that your loving Grandmother can't get her hands own. A fate that can't be controlled by anyone, even by the Elemental Lords themselves. That's my simple wish.

I..want to say more, but I gotta head back inside. We'll talk again someday, and if nothing else, remember this: you mean a lot to me. To the both of us.

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 4/27/2012 20:29:37 >
AQ DF  Post #: 11
4/17/2012 20:48:41   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 1.10: New Developments

Panic and anxiety filled Tekove's heart as he dashed through the hallway corridor to the living room where his parents were last seen. As much as Maven Alva's mannerisms bothered him, she would know better than to dispose of her own flesh and blood. That thought didn't make him feel any less relieved as he continued dashing, too concerned for his parent's safety to notice the unnatural presence of two individuals behind him. It wasn't until they started muttering to themselves that he noticed them as he was about to go to the main floor.

At first he thought they were merely guests his parents invited to their party, but the aura of malice they exuded even behind concealed robes was noticeable even to him.
He had no choice but to confront them, lest they take advantage of his concern to see to his parents before Maven Alva could do what she wanted with them. "I suppose you two aren't exactly here for the food...," he uttered, but to his surprise, the mysteriously robed strangers simply pointed towards the living room. Tekove paused quickly to question their intentions before heading to the place he assumed his parents would be.


"So, you have arrived, 'Grandson'."

His Grandmother's words vibrated throughout the living room with strong vigor. There was the lingering trace of magic that radiated within the room that filled him with unease, but what truly unnerved him was the strange smile on the Maven's face. Swallowing his nervousness for a brief moment, he tried to find the words to react to the situation appropriately by first bowing slightly to acknowledge his Grandmother's presence. Even when his own instincts shouted otherwise, proper etiquette befitting a Hermaine was required. The fact that she chose not to return the bow suggested that he was anything but a proud member of the Hermaine family, surprising him into brief silence. "Are you probably wondering where your parents are...??" As she said this, both her upper and lower lip were slightly parted, as if she was begging him to answer. However, Tekove refused to say anything until he had a better understanding of the situation in front of him. One question continued to linger in his head: Where are my parents??, and the answer was clearly evident in the way she looked at him.

When Tekove refused to say anything, she answered his question through words he did not want to hear. The strange part was that they came out of a mouth that was not his Grandmother's, but from a new presence he was unaware of until now. The man, calmly sitting on one of the sofas neatly arranged for the room, answered Tekove's question in a nonchalant tone of voice that made it sound like he was answering a question to a hard exam in a magical academy than confirming the status of his parents. Both the robed man and Alva savored the dumbstruck look on Tekove's face as his words, supported with magic from the Earth Elemental realm to show the validity in his declaration.

"If you are referring to the individuals named 'Keisa Hermaine' and 'George Hermaine', they were never here. Nor has there ever been such a person to have ever existed in this plane of existence.

The undeniable truth of the man's words shattered any possibility of them being able to be alive, but if this was the case...

Tekove looked at the Maven with clear revulsion and outrage in his heart as his eyes locked into Alva's own. "I always knew that you didn't get along with my parents, but what do you think you'll gain by teasing me about their fates?! What did you do to them??!!" Without realizing it, a surge of dark energy spiraled towards where Alva stood.

Alva responded to his question with a strange look of innocence in her eyes as her next words resonated with providence magic. "I have not done anything to my flesh and blood. I have not done anything to those whose heart and soul my loved ones are entwined with. I am not responsible for the life or death status of the people you mention."

At her words, wisps of light appeared that separated her from the Tekove. The wisps, essences of pure light, danced around Maven Alva in a tight circle that made a strong wall of white magic. As the dark energy collided with the wall, the force of Alva's magic swallowed everything, darkness and all. The presence of the dark energy caused Maven Alva to look at Tekove with a look of pure irritation. The robed man had to desperately cling to the back of Maven Alva to stay safe from the attack. "That magic..what exactly are you? More importantly, how is it that you still exist? I thought by getting rid of that foolish child and her..lover's existence from Lore's history, your presence would had been erased from this world! Your very existence is a mystery that I intend to solve if I must capture you in pieces!! Only then can the Guiding Hand find true order in this world!"

As she raised her hand towards Tekove, she was surprised to find a new face enter the living room as he held the Maven's arm tightly, but in a way that showed great care for the person in front of him that he would not ordinarily show to any other person besides his own mother. The man stood in-between her and Tekove, but his sights was purely focused on Alva. The man's very face had Alva and Keisa's green eyes that shined through a sea of black hair. It wasn't until he spoke that both the Maven and Tekove realized who it was. "True order? I think you should focus on our own family matters before you go through higher plans in your social calendar, mother." Tejas Hermaine said as he looked and replied to the Maven with honest familiarity. Maven Alva grimaced as her previous goal to deal with her 'grandson' was being stalled. Tejas slowly nodded firmly to Tekove's direction, who thought that he intended him to do something, but then he noticed his Aunt Clara near the outside of the room. At his silent command, Aunt Clara wasted no second to push Tekove out of the room. The last sight Tekove saw before he left was seeing his Grandmother's look of surprise, who shrieked with an unstable 'roar' at the thought of her quarry being taken away from her.

It was during this surreal moment in time that Tekove tried to recollect what just happened only moments ago. The events of the night, followed with everything that transpired, was too much to comprehend all at once that his own consciousness buckled under the pressure as his Aunt carried him out of the house amid the loud bursts of magic that could be heard from many miles away.

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 4/28/2012 16:31:54 >
AQ DF  Post #: 12
4/27/2012 20:08:42   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 1.?: Intermission at the Witches' Parlor

"Ah. It looks like you have been engaged in the story for too long. I think it time to take a break from this enchanting tale before you immerse yourself with one of its characters."

A soothing voice nudges you back into consciousness. As you take the time to analyze your surroundings, you realize that the familiar surroundings of your world being replaced by the eerie elegance of a witches' humble abode. In this room, you find a welcoming atmosphere in its layout. Without looking, you can feel the warmth of a comfy chair beneath you as you notice the large array of bookshelves decorated along the walls of the room. An elegant tea table, containing delicious-looking treats and pastries, teases the hunger in your stomach, but you let it subside when you question the strange situation unfolding before you. Two mysterious individuals occupy the chairs on your left and right, and their very presence fills you with more uncertainty as they introduce themselves to you. The girl on your left looks at you with an honest face as she makes herself known to you. She calmly removes herself from the chair before bowing to you with the professional manner of a hostess well beyond her years. You take this time to note her charming appearance.

Her eyes, covered in a clear shade of black, observe yours as if seeing more than just the flesh sitting on the chair in front of her. To your surprise, the mature but unsettling voice you heard before came from a being with the appearance of a 13-year old girl. Her red hair is tied up nicely to compliment her eyes in a simple double hair knot, but the ribbon that is used to keep her hair in place suggests a creature of unknown origin was used to make its..materials. Putting these thoughts aside, you take the time to notice her formal attire. The dress that graces the form of this unknown being seems to have a intricate design on the various stages of the moon cycle, but as she begins to talk, you find your focus shifting to her attention.

"You should feel honored. We do not normally allow mortals such as you into our midst without a reason. However, your actions in the world of Lore have piqued my interest as well as hers." She nods briefly to the other girl before continuing. "My name is unimportant, but you may know me as the Witch of Tragic Endings. My title may sound..displeasing, but it is only through great sadness in stories like this one that happiness can be found."

"Welcome..to the Witches' Parlor. This is where we disclose the contents of the most interest tales to ever reach the history of Lore to our most unique of..guests. We have found a interesting tale, "The Boundless Power of Words", and would like to hear what you think about it every now and then. I for one found Keisa's last words to be touching and truly heart-wrenching. Nothing is as beautiful then a tragedy to move one's emotional core.."

At her words, the girl on your right stares at the Witch with malicious glee. Her very presence reeks of unrestrained magical power, but the look she gives you through her yellow eyes suggests a small hint of fatigue in keeping it in check. The girl on your right, a youthful girl of potentially 13 years of age, contrasted from the Witch of Tragic Endings' appearance in the way she lets her hair fall down in a tangled mess of black vines. While the clothes of the other witch's formal presence demonstrated the amount of time she took to present herself in front of you as a 'guest', the simple plain white dress this being wore suggested otherwise. At the same time, this girl's composure invoked a sense of openness that the other witch seemed to hide.

As she makes herself known to you, she eagerly reaches out to a gingerbread cookie sitting on the tea table. "I suppose I should give you the gift of letting you know who I am. Unlike my friend, I invited you here just to see your reaction." The gingerbread-eating girl takes the time to stress each word with great finesse, even as cookie crumbs spill out of her mouth. "I am the Witch of Happy endings. It is only through the facade of great happiness that tragedy can be seen. Didn't you enjoy the last precious moments between Tekove and his parents before Alva had her way with them???"

The two witches take the time to watch your reaction as all three of you take in the previous events of the story. The Witch of Tragic Endings maintains her composure despite the thoughtless words of her counterpart. "..In any case, we wish to continue this story. Will the main characters find great happiness through tragedy? Or will they find great tragedy through feigned happiness? We would like to know, and I am sure you do to. But this story is fickle; it does not reveal its contents easily. Only through your humble opinion can we..find the true ending that will satisfy all of us."

"As a new guest to our Parlor, as Witches of great power, we would like to bestow onto you the gift of answering one of your questions that you are anxious to have answered in this story. We are not interested in some petty tale where the Good Guy beat the Evil Villain and everyone lives under a happy rainbow dragon, but our magicks can only do so much by ourselves without breaking the story itself. That is why we would like to have you involved through your questions. But be wary: The answer to your question will have a direct effect on this little tale depending on which witch you ask"

Even before you vocalize your first question, you can feel the strong presence of magic emanating from these two witches. Perhaps they will satisfy your lingering curiosity on this strange tale of magic and words and the characters within this story, but your instincts clearly tell you otherwise. Any being of great magic with the titles as a witch of "Tragic and Happy Endings should be met with caution. As if sensing your troubled thoughts, the two witches look at you with their own feelings of curiosity, like a cat anxious to play with its first ball of yarn. Both of them ask you the question that they had the trouble to keep silent with until now at the same time. "Now, humble reader. What is your question?"

Uncertainty begins to ensnare your heart at the possibilities unfolding before you, as well as concern on how it will affect the story and its characters. Sensing the turmoils in your heart, the Witches of Tragic and Happy Endings look at you with eyes filled with venomous glee at your next words. Their strange emotions reverberate throughout the previously warm atmosphere of the parlor.

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 4/28/2012 16:32:21 >
AQ DF  Post #: 13
5/9/2012 20:12:13   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 1.? Part 2: Closing Preparations to an Upcoming Tale

The Witches of Tragic and Happy Endings listen humbly to your questions on the abstract tale. Taking into consideration of the story involved, you take great effort in considering how to word your concerns into rational words to a pair of irrational Witches, but as soon as the thought enters your head a small clutch of questions and concerns from every aspect of the story's progression exit your lips and enter the witches' ears. The look of curiosity and intrigue they give on their faces suggest that they may have had a influence in your compulsion to blurt out your thoughts, but as your eyes narrow at the possibility, the two witches awkwardly stare a split second later at the assortment of sweets on the tea table.

For beings with great magical powers, these two are awful liars.

At the last question, the two witches both give a look of curiosity and intrigue, as if amazed at the complexities of a mortal being in the inquiries given to them. Unable to contain herself, the Witch of Happy Endings collapses from her chair in a heap of laughter and amusement with her feet standing right side up.

"Kehehehe! For a human, you sure ask the most unusual questions! Did you hear that, Asha? The Hero just asked about tentacles! Tentacles! I haven't been this amused since that visit we had from that mad weaponsmith! We should invite him again one day and his weird explosive sponges."

Adjusting herself and her chair, the Witch of Happy Endings gazes admirably at you as if she had found a new toy to play with. Her next words surprise you as they emerge from the side of your left ear as she whispers discreetly, deliberate in her intention to exclude Asha from what she has to say. "Perhaps you have what it takes to make this tale more interesting. Out of respect, you deserve the right to know my name. It's Elpis. Be sure to put that in big letters if you ever make an apple pie for me in the future."

"I also noticed your interested in the 'bird'. I wouldn't mind telling you the plain and simple answer..but that would ruin the pure ecstasy of finding it in the story. I will say this at least:It's not a 'bird' in the conventional sense, but it is something that is less than, but more than meets the eye. I'll also give you one more hint supported through Clara's magic: the bird that is mentioned in the story does not physically exist throughout the first Chapter. Nobody but Tekove and potentially Maven Alva can see it, but there is a reason for that. It is also not an illusion, so the bird's existence and importance in the story cannot be forgotten. That is the most I can offer you without breaking my credentials as a Witch narrating this tale."

At the last word, you find Elpis sitting eagerly in her chair without a moment's waste.

The Witch of Tragic Endings, Asha, regarded the other witch with a look of barely contained revulsion through a deep sigh. Her expression hinted that she heard parts of their private conversation, but you can only guess how much she overheard. "Only you would find amusement in tools of sheer stupidity. But I digress. You have guts for asking both of us a single question. We'll give you the courtesy of an answer that will crave your interests." The voices of Asha and Elpis began to resonate throughout the parlor in a new and unsettling matter. While both of their eyes clearly focused in your direction, their words, filled with pure and relentless magic, could be felt within the parlor and the numerous worlds outside of it. "As the Witches of Tragic and Happy Endings, we are witnesses of the events in this story. The bizarre creature manifesting in the residence of the Hermaines is a magical by-product of Maven Alva's providence magic that was born to enforce her own words at that moment in time."

When the two Witches finish answering your question, the atmosphere of the room returns to its previously peaceful mood. Asha takes the initiative to continue the discussion in her partner's place. "It think its time we return to the main story. Your questions have helped in ways you cannot comprehend. Perhaps it was your own curious nature that formed into magical power that allowed the pages of the tale to fill themselves in, but I'll let you enjoy the speculation. You have amused me as well, human. When we begin this next chapter,, I will inform you on the ominous fate of Tekove's friend, Lucas Tenedril. Now then, let us continue a tale of 'The Boundless Power of Words' with Chapter Two: The Impaled Wing! Give us a reaction worthy of your mortal existence, oh Hero of Falconreach!"

Asha raised her hands to a book that floated serenely on the table between the three participants. At her touch, the book resonated with magical power and engulfed the room in a mysterious cloud, anxious to reveal the contents of the next chapter. Before losing sight of the parlor room around you, you catch a quick glimpse of a thinly veiled smile hidden behind Asha's face. At your last seconds of consciousness, you hear her uttering something, but can't comprehend the potential lunacy of her words as they vanish behind the fog.

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 5/9/2012 20:18:27 >
AQ DF  Post #: 14
5/12/2012 21:02:34   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 2: Dark Savior

Flashback to the Hermaine Incident: Lucas Tenedril

For what felt like decades, Lucas was engulfed in a strange mixture of fatigue and confusion as he lay fainted on the floor. Inside his own head, the only things that were within his reach were his own muddled thoughts. Before he lost consciousness, his heart was bursting with the need to deal with the situation before him. At the time of the Maven's arrival, he didn't have an absolute understanding of the situation at the time, but he could sense the feeling of pure, unrestrained malice in Maven Alva's words. The look she gave to Lucas and her own grandson deeply troubled Lucas, and in that moment, his concern for Keysa and George's safety enveloped his every core. His impatience to see to the safety of his friend's loved ones had made him completely ignorant of the magic locking him into the room by Alva's magic, which responded with a pure blast of light that left him unconscious. Even as he collapsed on the floor, the last thought he had was of the bizarre, but faded presence of a octopus-shaped being protecting the seal on the door.

"Stand up, whelp. For a being with great potential such as you, it would be sad to see your last moments being spent on a burning building."

Opening his eyes to the sound of a female's voice , Lucas awoke to find Tekove's room in the beginning stages of a erupting fire. It was possible that whatever was happening downstairs was causing the slow deterioration of the room in front of him. His friend's keepsakes and furniture responded to the rising temperature with a quick burst of flame, but to his surprise, he found himself unfazed and untouched by the ongoing destruction. Despite everything that was happening, the path leading outside of the room, and the area around him was untouched by fire, with the strange magic previously sealing the door long gone. Skeptical of the events unfolding before him, Lucas took the moment to set his eyes to the strange new presence floating above him in the room. The air around her distorted with the pressure of maintaining her very visage before him, as if there were unseen forces trying to prevent her meddling. Nevertheless, the being simply floated nonchalantly, gazing at him with heartless eyes.

The little girl had elegantly prepared hair with the same shade as the ravaging fire in front of them. Lucas was too concerned of the Hermaines' safety and Tekove's absence to bother noticing the tidy appearance and clothes she wore and the dignified appearance she kept around herself. "I don't know who you are, but what do you want?? The door is wide open you know. I don't think anything you have to say is worth having a 'chat' while a crazy lady is roaming the halls."

To his surprise, the little girl responded to his words with a hearty chuckle. The sound of her sinister laughter reverberated throughout the room as his eyes unconsciously looked at the exit. He didn't know whether his instincts told him to leave at this very moment or that the weird red-haired little girl was more than she appeared to be. Nevertheless, his words clearly seemed to touch her, but not in a way he expected. "Ah! The undignified way you brush off a witch even after she forced you back into consciousness! Even after five thousand years, I still love the unpredictable nature of humans! But that's not the reason why I came here..."

"Allow me to tell you my purpose for assisting you. You. Amused. Me." She emphasized each word with mocking enthusiasm, as if satisfaction could be found with altering the fates of others. The presence of strong magical power radiating within every fiber of her core paralyzed him to the spot. "You have potential locked deep within you that can turn the tide of despair that will slowly corrupt this land and your..friend without your assistance. I give you the chance to unlock this power to overcome fate instead of falling to the one where you die in a stupid fire. I now grant you the power to overcome your own incompetent nature. Such power comes with a price I hope you will enjoy as much as I have. Now..go and humor me. Don't let me watch a tasteless story without seeing you squirm to a happy ending."

Confused by the Witch's strange words, Lucas could not comprehend what she could have implied to some great 'power', but the hot feeling he felt in his throat suggested otherwise. He took the time to leave the room rather then take the time to digest the weird being's words, but his own curiosity lingered on the girl's words as he walked down the burning hallway before him. Lucas unconsciously bit his own lip with the effort of focusing on the task of finding out where the Hermaines could be. He made a quick prayer that at the very least, they were at least smart enough to have gotten out of a burning building. His focus subsiding at the thought of the people he cared about, he was not quick enough to react to the strong punch to his backside from an unknown assailant with dark robes from behind him. Falling unconscious two times in one night? This really isn't my day...Unable to comprehend what just happened, he had just enough energy left to catch snippets of the conversation the assailant had with another robed individual.

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 5/21/2012 16:42:12 >
AQ DF  Post #: 15
5/12/2012 21:26:03   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 2.1: Discussion under Fire

Flashback to the Hermaine Incident; Lucas Tenedril

Lucas heard the mysterious robed pair clearly despite the ongoing deterioration of the building. Their features were cleverly hidden away behind the shadowy fabrics of their robes, but their talks left little to the imagination on who they could be. He made a mental note to remember the names they gave each other, curious on whether they were friend or foe. They seemed to have no intention to harm him, but who on their right mind would acknowledge them as a friend and ally if they were willing to conceal their appearance from him? As he noticed the clouds appearing in his vision, he had no right to argue really if he was going to faint in a matter of moments. Anxious to hear any potential tidbits of information from the strange pair, he bit his tongue despite the pain in the hope to try to catch anything useful that they were talking about.

The one of his left seemed to be a man judging from the deep baritone pitch in his voice, while the one on his right might have been female with the gentle, but firm soprano in her words. It was the one with the deep voice who spoke first while the other one analyzed Lucas with a mock examination of his injuries. She might have used this moment as a excuse to talk to the other robed man, rather than tend to the throbbing pain of the punch he sustained only seconds ago to his displeasure.

"...You know what to do, Clara. It was too late to save the other servants, but we have to try one more time with this one."

"This coming from a guy who punches those he rescues? That was idiotic even for you, Tejas, but I guess its better than seeing him lose his life to a bunch of..."

"..I didn't ask you to come with me to lose yours for the sake of...you have a reason not to throw your life away. After we..pick up...nephew.. please..get away from here. I don't want to lose you too. I can die with peace knowing you don't lose yourself in our family struggles."

"Tejas..even if we do. You should know I.."

"It doesn't matter. I trust you with this. Promise me..There is nobody else I could hand this task to. We have to get going. We don't have much time left. Now, please.."

As he said this, Tejas's attention shifted to the sudden appearance of two more robed individuals entering the burning hallways. Without a moment's hesitation, the one called Tejas held on the weapon he held tightly, but as the new pair raised their palms calmly at him, he relaxed his hold on it. Lucas was too tired to determine friend or foe, but it seemed to be the former based on the fact that at Tejas' nod, the two of them wasted no time assisting Clara in picking him up as they made their way to exiting the collapsing Hermaine residence. No further words of discussion were made between the one called Tejas and Clara, but as Lucas finally lapsed into unconsciousness, the last image he saw was Clara silently clenched her fists, cursing the ties of fate in forcing her to accept the unknown fate of the other man.

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 5/13/2012 20:14:03 >
AQ DF  Post #: 16
5/27/2012 19:06:51   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 2.2: Impaled Wings

Before it gained a sense of awareness, the unhallowed being knew nothing but emptiness. That feeling of sweet oblivion paled in comparison to the new one it felt: confusion and pure agony. Reacting to the pain with wild instinct, it thrashed and flailed in vain to the strange constructs of magic that restricted its movements. They spun in place like mechanical gears, keeping its great but fragile wings implanted to the wall behind it. Te room itself did nothing to relieve the red-eyed being of its imprisonment; cold, unyielding bricks surrounded it from every corner, with no evidence of the outside world. A passageway met its gaze that was the only way to enter and exit the room, but no physical effort could bring freedom from this prison any closer than a man coming waving the key at its face.

The being, red eyes cloaked with loathing, narrowed at the approach a new sight entering the room. It appeared to be a human, whose face gleamed with unnatural pride at the bizarre appearance of the creature. The strange glob of flesh eyed him with piercing blue eyes that failed to hide the large eyebrows on top of it. His beard was short but bristling, but the clothes he wore suggested he was ready to be eaten up at any time with many layers of furs and leather. The thought of eating this man should the chance for freedom show itself vanished from the being's mind the moment it heard his voice. "Ah, it seems you have awaken, my otherworldly friend. Forgive my intrusion to your..'nap'." The man's words were meant to be reassuring, but the constant smirk he kept on his face suggested otherwise. When the man next spoke, the constructs of magic keeping the being in place gleamed with magic, and the feeling of unrestricted pain vibrated in every scale and feather in its body. Satisfied, the man waved a hand that automatically made the constructs seize, but still maintain enough energy to keep the being immobilized. "Never forget this pain. Your power will be all I need to ensure I maintain order in the lands of Lore. If you please me, as I'm sure you will, you may one day obtain a new identity as a trusted member of my court. If not, I can ensure you that I'll find no better satisfaction then coming here to witness your beautifully impaled wings. Never forget my name, winged one, it's Slu.."

Two Days after the Hermaine Incident: Tekove's perspective

Regaining consciousness, Tekove Hermaine was surprised to find himself thrashing within a sea of blankets. For a moment, relief flooded his eyes, filled with hope that previous events involving his family was only a imagination. Then he noticed his Aunt Clara sitting calmly to his side, reading a book with unknown runes on its cover. Before he could say anything else, Clara raised a finger between her lips, allowing her to maintain the calm atmosphere of her house's guest bedroom. Her words allowed her to distract her nephew-in-law in not noticing the numerous amount of books that lay all around her. "I'm sure you have many questions, but please give me time to recollect myself. A lot..has happened in the last few days, and I need a moment to help you understand what has happened." She made the strange effort to wait exactly one second before she nodded quietly to the hallway door, which opened to reveal a familiar face. Tekove only had to notice the messy blond hair to recognize who it was. "Tekove. Lucas. I think its time you get to know what transpired a few days ago at the Hermaine Residence. When I do-don't speak, don't interrupt! I'll allow you both to speak once I finish, but allow me this little gift before you do anything else."

AQ DF  Post #: 17
6/2/2012 17:19:59   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 2.3: Bearer of Ill News

Clara Hermaine's perspective

In the darkness of the infirmary, Clara Hermaine found herself retreating to the comforts of the book she brought along with her when she escaped from the madness within Swordhaven. The small candles, graciously provided by Sir Junn helped made the job easier, but that feeling of genuine excitement when she read her books faded away when she remembered the unsettling task of telling Tekove and Lucas about their parent's fates. It's times like these I wish I was outdoors, where the warm sun and gentle forest winds around Oaklore Keep made the task of recording history such a thrill, but my nephew needs me..

She had dismissed Lucas earlier from the strange task of waiting for his friend to wake up to make a small errand with Sir Loin for some essentials, but she had a feeling the boy was going to spend most of his time visiting the Keep around him. She was surprised to see his reaction, complying to her instructions with genuine respect, when only days ago was rebelling at the thought of 'kidnappers' ransacking his friend's cherished home. And her husband's punch, she thought with a hint of humor, but when she explained herself, the boy not only took it in stride, but assisted her in their escape from Swordshaven to find transportation to Oaklore Keep. Clara was surprised to find a mixture of respect and gratitude for the rowdy Lucas for his help, whom until recently had only heard from off-hear from her husband as being a mere chore-boy for his sister Keisa. This made what she had to tell them only harsher in hindsight...

Putting her books aside, Clara noticed Tekove moving amid the layers of blankets she prepared for him. Tekove had been unconscious for two days. She was worried that whatever happened in his home had affected him more deeply than she thought. For a moment, she had the urge to tenderly ruffle his warm red hair but resisted at the last moment, her hands grasping the air for nothing. Her eyes grew cloudy as tears cloaked her vision. "I..can't. I'm not..his family..", she said softly, more to herself than the sleeping boy. When she noticed Tekove slowly reaching consciousness, Clara frantically rubbed at her eyes while she reached for the shelf when she kept her glasses. "Ah. It looks like your awake." Clara was surprised at stability in her own words. The years she maintained a formal but serious presence around herself as the Maven's assistant had rubbed off on her. She noticed the confusion in his eyes, at his new surroundings, but when he made an attempt to run out of his bed Clara raised a palm for silence. "I'm sure you have many questions, but please give me time to recollect myself. A lot..has happened in the last few days, and I need a moment to help you understand what has happened."

She nervously fumbled with her glasses as she prepared herself for the inevitable. She passed the awkward silence between her and Tekove until Lucas came back from his errand, which was oddly one second after her eyes gazed at the door's exit. Calling Lucas to her side, she gave her findings on that dreadful night. She couldn't bare to look at their innocent eyes as they filled with the knowledge of what happened, but not telling them would have hurt them even more in comparison. The day that would be forever known as the Hermaine Incident.
AQ DF  Post #: 18
6/2/2012 18:26:53   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 2.4: Bonds that Transcend Blood

Oaklore Keep Infirmary-Tekove's perspective

Tekove Hermaine listened attentively as he heard the words that would change his life forever. As he listened to his Aunt's words, he numbingly recalled the familiar routines of his previous life, while bothersome in its frequent repetition, were the very things that helped remind me of the integrity of being a important member of the Hermaine family. Having to hear his Aunt recalling the events that transpired only two days ago was like watching his Grandmother crushing each part that made his life pleasant with a deranged smile on her face.

"Two days ago, your parents decided to hold a party for their closest friends, including Lucas' parents, who attended the event. This was not really the case. It was also an opportunity to ensure that the Hermaines stayed in touch with the various communities of Lore to learn current events..but I'm sure you knew that, Tekove." She apologized briefly to the boy before continuing. Normally she wouldn't feel the need to recall such common information, but she felt the need to use her magic to help explain herself properly. Clara was well aware of their daily affairs of her husband's family, and how they used their contacts as information consultants to assist the world's people and their affairs accordingly. But the need to discuss it would help in explaining herself to Tekove and Lucas properly.

"Social protocol required your Grandmother's attendance, or it would had suggested that she was against the standard practices of her own family heritage. But her intentions for coming to the party was for completely different reasons. I admit I do not know her true intentions, but her actions on that day are too..unpredictable to comprehend. This is what I know for certain: As I made travel preparations to visit your home, I noticed the strange company she kept with her. Noting this, I used that time excuse myself from my duties as her assistant to bring the strange news to your parent's attention. I should have told them to be more cautious, but I admit telling them to beware of 'your Grandmother's robed bedfellows' wouldn't have helped convince them. But whatever she..or her associates did, a strange magic was cast on your loved ones, causing your parent's to banish from the pages of history. Only those who were there at the time it happened still remember, that is why the three of us still retain our memories of them. I don't know the nature of their magic, but based on your circumstances..it would be best to hide your identity as a Hermaine if you don't want the wrong ears listening."

"We were lucky to have escaped from your home, as did the guests your parents quickly dismissed from the premises, as the Maven made sure to..remove those who were still there at the time. Tejas gave his life to ensure we still had ours..". Tekove was too dumbstruck to be able to take in everything she said at once, and resisted the urge to cry for his loss when he noted his Aunt's mood as she discussed what happened to them. There'll be time for tears later, right now I should be by my Aunt's side. I'm not the only one who has lost someone important..

Tekove was dismayed to see his Aunt's composure breaking down with each recollection of the incident's events, but to his surprise, he saw her grasp Lucas' hand tenderly, as if the next news she had for him would be just has unpleasant as the last. "Lucas..I'm sorry. As I was getting you two to safety, I noticed your parents along the way. Your parents were concerned for Tekove's, and went looking for them despite my pleas to get out of the premises. They were holding each other's hands even in.."

Aunt Clara stopped herself when Tekove heard the loud slam of the door. Lucas had left the room in a haste, and the look Aunt Clara made told Tekove she expected this to happen, but didn't know how to approach the inevitable situation. She took the moment to look at her nephew, eyes sympathetic to his situation. He thought for a moment she was going to say something important, but instead, she clumsily exited the infirmary, leaving Tekove to his muddled thoughts as he cringed to the unshakable reality before him.

Oaklore Keep-Clara Hermaine's Perspective

"...And just what do you think your doing?"

Clara had only taken two steps out of the door before she collided with the mysterious woman before her. However, it only took a few seconds for her to recognize woman, whose familiar brown hair that was always complete disarray and the book she always kept on her possession.

"I apologize, Loremaster, I was going to see how my friend was doing-"

"You don't need to explain yourself, Clara, but even I know a lie when I see it. Rest easy, my friend the Captain will make sure Lucas will be alright. I heard..everything that you said in there." The Loremaster, adjusting her black-rimmed glasses, lent a hand to her friend as she did her best to explain herself to no avail. Before Clara could make another word, the Loremaster Maya interjected. "To be honest, I'm not the type who can help you with your situation, but Tekove..he's your nephew, right? Even if you do not have the same blood, you can still be there for him." To her surprise, Clara found herself blushing at the truth of her fellow peer's words. She couldn't help but harbor a hint of jealousy at Maya's skill in seeing the truth within people's hearts. Though it might just have been because they have been friends since they both became Loremasters in their own right. Either way, she was not going to let Maya change her mind so easily.

"That's not it! If you really heard everything, then you should know: Tekove just lost a mother! What right do I have to be there for him? I haven't had a child before, and he knows I haven't always been in good terms with his mother. I..I can't take her place." Before she knew it, Clara was restrained by Maya in the form of a hug. She couldn't comprehend the silliness of the act until she noticed the ground moistening with her tears. "You are not taking her place. You're his family, and if there's anyone who can help him out, it's you. Other than your nephew's friend, you are the only one who understands his situation. I'm sorry about Tejas, but your nephew is just a child! He'll need someone to get him through this, like you were for me when I questioned being a Loremaster in the first place. You ignited my passion for Lore's history, for moglin's sake! You know what to do-"

Before the Loremaster could finish, Clara had reentered the infirmary. Maya didn't need to look at the room's windows to know that the boy would be alright in Clara's hands. "You always were a stubborn one, Loremaster Clara," she said quietly, warmth filling her heart at the gentle 'nudge' she gave her friend as she returned to her duties in the bustling community of Oaklore Keep.

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 6/3/2012 21:51:29 >
AQ DF  Post #: 19
6/10/2012 22:17:12   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 2.4 Stairway to the Infinite Heavens

In another world, a young woman sat at the cornerstone of the Palace where two of the world's harshest foes resided. She existed in a realm of possibility, an alternate plane of reality where the people of Lore lived different lives and existences that contrasted from the world where Tekove Hermaine resided, yet each person who lived there had their own counterpart and alternate identity in his world. These factors were insignificant at the time, as Shula was more focused on the sight in front of her.

Altar of Defiled Life-Shula's perspective

No matter how complicated a problem is, a few daggers were enough to solve it. There were at least fifty of them around her armor, fastened and buckled on various parts of her body for easy convenience. Thirty of them were hidden from view, coated in a variety of special liquids that could even kill a dragon if she felt a little gutsy. She had saved it for her adversaries; for they deserved no better pleasure then the best of tools for their demise. She stood at the foot of the altar that harboured the world's arbiters of destruction, two inhuman beings whose very actions brought the end of her previous life before she devoted herself to destroying them. They lied defeated, with evidence of their demise decorating the landscape around them with daggers of all shapes and sizes. They defeated presence did little to hide the magical gateway behind them, which swirled with the most malevolent of magicks. She may not have understood the intention behind it, but she knew that anything crafted from the two previously slain villains before her would have been made for ill intentions.

She had examined them from head to toe to confirm their identities to ensure that there were no tricks, arcane or otherwise, to mislead her into thinking that their demise was fabricated. Artix Von Krieger, the necromancer who terrorized the world of Lore with his obsession of desecrating the living into undead servitude lay defeated. His master, Countess Celestia, was defeated by her own slave, the Grey Earl of Swordshaven, a patrician of noble prestige transformed into a dragon to serve her every whim.

She had little time to consider the purpose behind the enchanted gateway, big enough to put a whole human through before she contemplated her next steps. Shula had spent her most of her life dedicating herself under the guidance of the priestess, Lady Vayle under the blade when she realized she didn’t have the magical talent to serve her as her acolyte. Seeing her enemies, who had taken any possibility of a happy childhood from her, fall so easily under her hand failed to relieve her of any emotional cleansing. They had taken her life from her and pushed her to the task of defeating them; there was no way she could return to the girl of ten years old and live a normal life after all that happened. Even if she could, Artix and Celestia’s necromancy and draconian magic have ravaged the lands for ages, rendering it unfit to sustain even a small community to make a living for themselves. It would take years if not centuries before the soil would be fit to grow any kind of plant life, grain or vegetable without being harmful to consume.

Closing her eyes, she resisted the urge to be consumed by her own memories of a life unfettered by hands tainted by villainy. "That's right..", she said, more to herself than to the strange magical device in front of her. "As much as I wish it, my parents or Lady Vayle won't come back to me.."

"That's only if you don't have the willingness to grant such a miracle from your own power, my dear child." Shula was too submerged in her own thoughts to realize the strange presence, a elderly woman who had appeared from the tainted gateway. The woman's eyes radiated with a sympathetic aura of melancholy, as if she understood her feelings, but her very presence was too..alien. She gave off the appearance of someone who was not a denizen of this world. Shula's daggers were already in her hands when the woman waved a hand, a gesture for peace and silence. "I don't believe my silence will give you what you seek. I don't need magic to realize that we are both looking for something in common: a lost life of times gone by." Shula said nothing, but kept her weapons close to hand. She had a reasonable guess of what the woman was suggesting, but couldn't contemplate her real intentions.

"My name is Alva. As you have guessed, I am not a being of this world. The gateway before you was a passageway to that world. I do not know what the makers of this gate had in mind in making it, but if it were not for them I would not be able to greet you as I can now." She glanced briefly to the two unconscious bodies before continuing. "...but I have you to thank for not letting these troublemakers from accomplishing their wishes. However, I can help you with yours. With your help, I can find a world where you will be able to start a new life, a world unravaged by tainted hands."

Not wasting a moment, Alva raised a hand towards Shula. She didn't need to read the mysterious woman's thoughts to know something was unusual in her demeanor, but the thought of seeing her loved ones again was so strong a wish inside her heart that she did not hesitate to accept the woman's offer. Even as she followed Alva to the strange gateway, she could almost feel their presence close at hand. Her honest yearning to have them by her side kept her from noticing the unsettling cackling from Alva as they entered her world.
AQ DF  Post #: 20
6/23/2012 20:05:46   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter ???: The Witch's proposition (Intermission #2)

??? Hallway

Enshrouded within the witches' spell, you find yourself engulfed in their whimsical tale. The events unfolded before you without restraint, as if the story's pages were anxious to reveal their contents to you without a moment's hesitation. But you never forgot the words that the Witch of Tragic Endings whispered to you as the story continued, requesting your summons to a unknown area of her magical domain to discuss something...interesting without Elpis' intervention. Through some unknown magic, the events of the story came to a halt as you regained consciousness in an area outside of the Witch's parlor, but still connected to it in some arcane way.

Asha had claimed that it was just a 'simple' hallway, but coming from a witch, her claim was very exaggerated. Grand glass-scaled windows lined the walls with a majestic design, with each frame carefully crafted with loving care only helped to showcase the room's bizarre yet elegant atmosphere. The hallway's bizarre nature came in the window's frames, with each one depicting a heartwarming or heart-wrenching scene throughout Lore's history to the taste of the two witches.

"I've always loved this one, where Lady Celestia perished by the unrelenting power of the elemental orb of fire..", replied the Witch of Tragic Endings as she directed your attention to one of the depicted scenes. "It helped to mature your resolve to take down Sepulchure, and give you a reason to take the situation more seriously." The Witch's nonchalant way of speaking was unsettling, not because she had a clear understanding of your past, but the way she casually mentioned the memory was like a theatergoer who enjoyed revisiting it as if your own life was a very entertaining play.

Stifling a laugh, Asha introduces you to the unfamiliar settings around you. "Forgive me, I have been an ill-manner hostess. I haven't really given you a tour of the place, but you wouldn't want to see Elpis' room. It's a terrible mess during rain season. Anyway, this simple room of our tiny little dimension is the hallway of reflected truth. If we are ever curious of the memories of Lore and its people, all we have to do is peek through the tainted glass. I hope to see many amusing things in the future..."

Asha's empty eyes only helped to enforce this possibility, being filled with nothing but the temporary amusement she could find from grim tales. "I suppose you've earned an explanation for why I summoned you to our realm, and this private conversation here. Your past actions have really amused me, 'Hero of Falconreach'. I meant what I said when both Elpis and I wanted to read this tale of ours with you, but I think my choice to invite you to our realm will make this reading more entertaining with your help. That's the thing with stories; once you read the beginning, you are invested in the tale, but when you skip ahead to the ending, there's no pleasure in reading it at all. This story in particular loses all value to me if I know the inevitable truth of its characters...which I do, but that's beside the point."

"What I want is your power, a source deep within you that has always persisted throughout your own life's tale to change this story for the better. Perhaps I can grant you permission to return to your world if you do? Before you say anything, it is not because your 'best friends' with a lizard or you have a fancy amulet on your neck. I have seen you use this power, but I have been the only one to notice it outside of the Elemental Lord's influence. Do you find it odd how you have a strange understanding of the lives of others around you, as if you yourself experienced the things they did or dealt with? The Blue Mage's apprentice? The idealistic boy who dreams to be an Archknight? Even the psychopathic pyromage!?!?! This is not a strange coincidence, you know?You have meddled in the lives of others without even realizing it, and you, 'Hero', are more worthy to be my apprentice than anyone in your world!"

"I am not accusing you, of course, but I think with your power, we can make this tale, a page of Lore's history, into a world that will cater to OUR tastes without the other witch's meddling. What say you? As a gesture of goodwill, I will even allow you one hint of the upcoming tale. A human of great nobility will soon arrive to Oaklore to the benefit or detriment of the other characters. However, they were blessed by the elemental lords. It is up to you to decide which element they were blessed with excluding Light, Darkness, Fire and Earth. I await your choice, regardless of whether or not you decide to take my offer, oh 'noble' hero. Your response will entertain me for another 200 years, if your lucky. 11.7 seconds if I get bored."

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 7/24/2012 19:51:06 >
AQ DF  Post #: 21
7/22/2012 15:27:46   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter ???: The Witch's Proposition (Cont.)

The next few minutes with the Witch of Tragic Endings become a blur. Words are exchanged and gathered, but even though you expressed your feelings to the Witch's proposition, your exact response to the Witch's deal is muddled, even as you try to recollect your conversation with her. The hallway, filled with its many reflections of Lore's history in their elegant window frames, create an environment that makes it harder for you to concentrate on the conversation. It is hard to focus on the scenes unfolding around you as you catch glimpses of the many people you have interacted with in the past:The Blue Mage's Apprentice, the aspiring ArchKnight, the overzealous Paladin, and the heart-yearning Cryomancer. Their own past lives and personal adventures have someone managed to be part of your own memories without their consent.

The only thing you can recall was the revelation of your past experience of seeing through the eyes of others and the tales of their life's stories, and how the Witch made every effort to remind you of how much she enjoyed your unconscious meddling in their lives. Even though the Witch decorated her words with courtesy and kindness, it could not hide the bitter sting of an accusation embedded within it. At the same time, the smile pasted on her face suggested she approved of your actions, to your displeasure. The frequent immersion into their consciousness couldn't be a coincidence, could it? And even if it was, it was not something done willingly...but more like something that was forced on you as the pages of History demanded. For the time being, you decide to focus your attention towards the strange tale that the Witches of Happy and Tragic Endings want to read to you about. Regardless of what Witch said on the matter, there's no reason to find any guilt to situations you had no control over.

Her eyes, a reflection of the Abyss itself with its lack of sclera, suggests otherwise, but she says nothing to disclose her inner thoughts to you about it as she ushers you back into the parlor room. Her focus is now on the continuation of the story; a new toy to deal with her own eternity of boredom. Even when she sits down in the parlor where the other Witch waits patiently, she makes no effort on her part to disguise the pleasure she has for the story to begin.

"Now let's return to the festivities. We can't leave this story off with a heart-warming ending like the last chapter now can we? There are also many eyes who would like the see the mess that Tekove and his loved ones go through next. I will read the next chapter, and I can't wait to see Elpis' reaction as she sees that..surprise we added into it. Let us enjoy this next one, 'Hero', as we venture forth into the next great chapter: The Double-Cursed Doors of Maledi!"

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 7/22/2012 15:54:16 >
AQ DF  Post #: 22
7/23/2012 20:41:08   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 3: Eradicator of Tainted Falsehoods

Oaklore Keep: Alessa Hosea's Perspective

After the five-day excursion from the catacombs of her home to the grand fortress of Oaklore, she had found herself disappointed to know that all the information she had inquired about the area ruined the joy of experiencing everything for herself. There was something profound in finding out the mysteries and grandeur of the fortress and its community without the aid of others to find out for her, yet it was hard to find any interest in the sights around her knowing that her own subconsciousness and past discussions with the Hosea family and their information network would automatically remind her what to expect. They had taken great effort to drill all this information into her head, and it was not easy to forget anything she memorized, as the knowledge of these facts were vital in both her line of work and her magic as heir to the Hosea family. Even if she wanted to feign ignorance and just enjoy the new sights as it is, she couldn't. She was glad that the knights around the vicinity were too distracted with their own complicated tasks to notice the absent-minded look in her eyes, too distracted with her own thoughts and the mission she was tasked to complete to care about the local scene around her.

The data her family's information brokers had given her was exact and included every detail, from the confidential missions of the Pactogonal Knights given by King Alteon himself to their Captain's secret proposal of marriage to a local alchemist in Falconreach. Why did I even need to know that? What are the odds that knowing about a Knight's love life will save me from some dangerous situation?

Alessa shook her head in amusement at the thought, but it was rare pieces of information such as this that helped her find some joy outside of the reason behind her visit to the town. She could appreciate the gentle balance of nature and human civilization melding together into a strong foundation of order. Knights of various rank and title filled the streets doing tasks that helped to keep it maintained. If she did not personally know the secrets that hid behind their kind smiles, she would have found peace in conversing with people unlike the rigid community of her own clan. Pushing aside those memories with a wave of her hand, she focused on the task before her. She recalled from her sources that there were rumors that resonated through every part of Oaklore that dealt with the tower usually guarded by Sir Prize, a Pactogonal knight well known for his...eccentric personality.

On rare occasions, he has allowed certain individuals to enter, when normally he would refuse entry for seemingly pun-based reasons. After Captain Rolith was notified of the event, search parties have been sent to capture and interrogate Sir Prize, but he had disappeared without a trace. Even the people who were invited into the tower were never found, but the strange part was that no evidence could be found that they even entered within the building itself. She had received knowledge of about these strange circumstances days in advance before the Captain himself got word of it.

Her family, the Hosea's, were well known around Lore as information brokers, but what the public didn't know was that they were blessed by the Elemental Lord of Thunder to strike out at the most distorted of facts and reveal the truth of hidden mysteries with the wrath of the heavens itself. Guided by divine magic, they would reveal the world's secrets to mankind with their powers and demolish all vile magic that intended to hide it. With the recent surge of rumors circulating around Oaklore and the cursed tower, she was given the mission, a rare honor given by her father to reveal the truth of the situation with her own hands. The pleasure of discovering the truth for herself was reward enough for her (which she was forced to say if anyone asked as per her instructions), despite the numerous posters scattered across Oaklore that requested assistance by Captain Rolith to aid in finding the missing victims.

Even though all the rumors she had gathered contained no useful information, recent events had helped to give her some possible leads. It seemed too much of a coincidence that a traveling noble, his servant, and his aunt of ahistorian, a unusual group in itself, would arrive into Oaklore, a place unlikely to cater well to a person in the top of the social hierarchy. Their motives for coming to town was unclear; if they intended to settle down to rest before traveling to Falconreach, they would had settled at the 'inn' for temporary food and lodging, not an infirmary as her sources had told her. Regardless of their motives, their presence in the fortress of Oaklore was too coincidental to the disappearances as of late. Perhaps I can finally put my own magic to the test...

The possibilities before her were endless: either they would help her find the true culprits, or they would waltz right into jail as the perpetrators with her help. She found herself staring at the door to the infirmary without her realizing it; her body must have subconsciously gathered the whereabouts of the location without her realizing it. It almost seemed like fate itself was lending her gentle hand to her own personal mission. She couldn't help but laugh at how everything was falling into place.

"Nevertheless, confronting them would be a good start in my case, and if I must, I will show them my birthright as the Abolition Priestess, Advocate of Truth and Adjudicator of Tainted Falsehoods!! HAHAAHAHAHA!!"

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 7/24/2012 20:35:11 >
AQ DF  Post #: 23
9/10/2012 20:51:57   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 3.1: Persecution of the Irrelevant

Oaklore Infirmary, Tekove's Perspective

After everything that happened, it was hard to think of his next steps. He had considered many options, but each one seemed as ludicrous as the first. He thought of taking the nearest carriage to Falconreach and figure things out from there, but the floating sea creature that connected Oaklore to the town had attracted the attention of a bored Necromancer who had an obsession with giant fish…

He was even planning on suggesting to his Aunt and Lucas that they visit the priestess at Sunbreeze grove for guidance, but he realized that she rarely saw any visitors besides the rare visit from a local hero and a sleep-loving boat rower.

As odd as his ideas were, he enjoyed the freedom of distracting himself from the reality of his own situation. Until he was whisked away from his home by past events, the only thing he had to worry about was getting his daily readings done for his studies, hearing the latest gossip on Swordhaven from Lucas, and sneaking a fruit tart from the kitchens while nobody was looking. His old life was gone, and adjusting to the present wasn't easy. He wanted to bury those thoughts by preoccupying himself with helping out his Aunt, but she insisted that he stay in the infirmary lest he attracted unwanted attention in the Keep. While the majority of the Keep's 'residents' were the average Knight, it was not unusual for visitors from the other nearby towns to make a stop at Oaklore to rest and restock on essentials.

That was what she had told him as she went with Lucas to make travel preparations. The soft wax candles keeping the room alight had already melted into a lukewarm pool of oil by the time he heard a knocking on the door. Anxious to hear of any news, he rushed to the door with great anticipation. Even as he swung the door he knew something was odd. It wasn’t the way the stranger in front of him appeared, for she wore the most average of traveler’s attire (to the point that it made her stand out from the average adventurer). The materials were too clean; prepared with a fine hand and crafted with the smoothest of leather for her robes and green tunic. It wasn’t the way she carried herself as she acted like any girl around her age.

What caught his attention was the strange light in her eyes, looking as if ready to point her finger to the sky and declare that the sun is bright. Her very presence exuded power, with the strength to overcome anything that got in her way. With his eyes focused on the strange girl, he was aware of the frail droplets of water that crawled from his forehead. His instincts rang clear in his head, but he exercised his full self-control to restrain the urge to run away. I don’t know who this girl is, but I have to watch what I say around her…

As his mind fumbled with the right words to say, she surprised him by turning her attention towards a familiar face, carrying a bundle of traveling goods. Tekove found the woman surrounded by two similarly dressed individuals; no doubt associates of the girl. They had no weapons of any kind, but their presence sealed any possibilities of escaping. Chuckling to herself, the girl calmly walked to her prey. Her eyes glittered, amazed with the recent turn of events as the woman before her relinquished hold of her belongings with the realization of what was happening.

“Your time’s run out, Clara Hermaine. You stand accused by public domain to be the Nocturne’s Instigator of the Shadowscythe, the source of Oaklore's troubled events. Will your frail throat ring this as true? Prove me wrong, oh wise historian!”
AQ DF  Post #: 24
1/6/2013 22:17:43   
Hiraku Tatlin

Chapter 3.2: Extermination of False Alibis

Oaklore Keep, Clara Hermaine's perspective

The girl's challenge resonated deep within the confines of the Keep, but the knights who operated around them paid little notice to their dispute. This troubled the historian more than anything; Pactogonal Knights were disciplined well by their Captain, and the fact they turned a blind eye showed to their devotion to outside sources. She had to subdue her own personal feelings on the matter to focus on the problem in front of her. And my own thoughts on the Captain’s capabilities need to be set aside as well…

It represented itself as the strange visitor, whose strange sense of pride and authority showed itself in her actions. Her accuser, a girl not even close to half her age, stood in her way. While her words were serious, her composure wasn't. Her body subconsciously adjusted to the folds and roughness of the traveling robes she wore, which suggested she was more than she appeared to be. Clara found herself surprised when her hunch proved true the moment the girl opened her mouth once again, taking in a more professional approach. The girl’s face even softened, banishing the previous appearance of a prosecuting judge dealing with a criminal and taking the appearance of a professional lawyer dealing with a criminal.

"Ah, how rude of me. I went straight to the accusation without explaining myself first. I’m too anxious to get things done that I get ahead of myself. Allow me to introduce myself.”

“I am Alessa, an advocator to the disclosure and destruction of dark magicks and secrets in the world of Lore. I was sent here to investigate the strange occurrences happening on the opposite side of this keep that has caused the disappearances of certain individuals in Oaklore. I have reason to believe not only are you responsible for this, you are also part of an organization that has plagued the world of Lore for a millennia!”

Hearing this, Clara chuckled. While Alessa’s words seemed reasonable, they were thick with a layer of aggressive curiosity that was deliberately made to provoke a reaction from her. If her words were uttered by a different source, another person would have written them of as the ravings of a madman, but there was a hint of truth that remained deep in the shadows of the girl’s thoughts that unnerved her. The thought that this girl would know even the partial truth of what happened behind those cursed doors was too much to think about...

She had to deal with this matter and what the girl had to say about it discreetly, but this was not the time or place to do it. There were other matters that needed her attention…

“Let’s assume for a moment you were right.” said Clara, trying to maintain her composure as she did, but weaving the elemental magic in her words to prove that no matter what the girl could say, she could not refute the truth in what she said. “How could you convince anyone, or at least the authority of the Pactogonal Knights, that I caused the disappearance of a few people? If you want a confession, you shall have it. The history of Lore and the Elemental Lord of Earth can justify that I was not involved in the disappearance of the people in the incident you speak of.”

Her words brimmed with the unyielding confidence as great as the firm earth beneath her. Yet as her voice resonated throughout the Keep, the environment around her did not change with the exception of a small smirk from Alessa. To her surprise, the natural reaction of word and elemental magic did not manifest in front of her as they normally would.

Clara only had to look around to find the source of her confusion; a strange book that the girl held before her. It radiated a darkness that reminded her of dark wings and the undead, and she could only shudder at the thought that its very presence triggered this ancient memory. Alessa only smiled as she continued her discussion, ignoring the woman’s proclamation. “While I won’t deny the unshakable truth of history, oh humble historian, the truth of your words is a different story. Your magic can help you retrace and confirm history, but it can easily be twisted to hide vital facts. This book, along with my magic, will reveal it.”

< Message edited by Hiraku Tatlin -- 1/6/2013 22:48:30 >
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