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RE: do you think they should implement a beta bike in game?

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2/28/2012 14:47:01   


No. No more rewards for Phases, we had enough for Founder even though I am one. I don't want any more Phase rewards, ever.

Supporters should get them, and that includes every single supporter. Neglecting one group of players for others isn't good profit wise, is it? If you don't get enough money, game goes boom! :3

oh trans, thats so easy to say after u been "rewarded" with ur bike. and now all of a sudden u change ur mind about this and say there shouldn't be rewards?
but it was OK when it came to founders right?

anyway, beta is a phase. and alpha phase got alpha weps.
maybe beta can get something, (that probably isn't weps) and then later with gamma.
AQW Epic  Post #: 26
2/28/2012 14:49:36   

Funny gold, you always have a problem. Even more funny, I argued about it before I got my Bike. And a lot funnier, read posts below explaining what I meant by that.
PS. I'd still get all those rewards for each phase, so it's not like it bothers me. Js.
AQ Epic  Post #: 27
2/28/2012 14:51:33   

ok so if u do get those rewards, why are u saying there shouldn't be rewards, instead of being grateful?

and yes trans, theres a problem in EVERYTHING. i just like to point them out and most of the time give solutions.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 2/28/2012 14:52:45 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 28
2/28/2012 16:26:51   

@Trans: Just stop it man, you got way to many posts, if they don't understand your point of view don't continue trying to explain them, it makes way more bored your posts, no offence intended.

@On topic: I really don't have hopes that "beta testers" will receive any kind of reward but supportes, real supporters will get their reward.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 29
2/28/2012 18:19:09   

To answer the question asked in the title: Absolutely.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 30
2/28/2012 18:51:32   

I'd like a Beta Bike for being a Tester.

Walking just so tedious especially with lag. Bike = Faster.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 31
2/28/2012 19:08:32   
  Battle Elf
has ten 1v1 wins


Founders supported the game earliest and they should deserve more rewards.
Beta Players (Including me) Already have a cheevo and a set of weapons as a reward.
AQW Epic  Post #: 32
2/28/2012 19:22:50   


Founders supported the game earliest and they should deserve more rewards.
Beta Players (Including me) Already have a cheevo and a set of weapons as a reward.

u do realize beta phase came before founder right?
we're talking about phase not the beta weapon promo.
AQW Epic  Post #: 33
2/28/2012 19:25:22   


Founders supported the game earliest and they should deserve more rewards.
Beta Players (Including me) Already have a cheevo and a set of weapons as a reward.

They've already received a boatload of benefits. Time for the other players to get something (for once).
First upholders (people with the Year of the Dragon achievement) never got anything last year.... And there wasn't even a second upholder achievement released lats November.....
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 34
2/28/2012 19:26:48   

Beta was a testing stage. Founding was much more than that, it marked a new era.
The players from beta had nothing to do with founding. Plus they have the achievement and gear.

@Joe bikes are EXTREMELY laggy. I actually get around faster on foot at times.

@Below founding was the merge with AE. That's what I meant. The players who joined during that time and purchased varium to support it received a reward. Those who didn't buy varium received nothing.

< Message edited by nico0las -- 2/28/2012 21:58:04 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 35
2/28/2012 19:33:40   


Beta was a testing stage. Founding was much more than that, it marked a new era.
The players from beta had nothing to do with founding. Plus they have the achievement and gear.

No it didn't. There was absolutely nothing special about the era where founder was available, it was just the first promo item ever released. Elites, perhaps, may have "marked a new era," but founder? You must be joking.
Players who have the beta items but no founder: receive nothing.
Players who have the Gamma items: receive nothing.
Players who have the Delta items: receive nothing.

< Message edited by rej -- 2/28/2012 19:34:20 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 36
2/28/2012 19:38:05   

Battle Elf...

I didn't get Beta Weps even though I was a "Beta Tester". That wasn't a gift. IT was something var players bought, and at the time, I had no varium.
AQW Epic  Post #: 37
2/28/2012 23:34:57   

Give them the Beta bike,(Beta Phase) Gamma bot(Gamma Phase), Delta Sword(Delta phase), give them something for every phase to please them all!
Gotta please them all! Epic_Duel-Mon!

< Message edited by Colarndo -- 2/28/2012 23:35:55 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 38
2/28/2012 23:50:55   

@Above: I'll take the bike over the Bot o_e
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 39
2/29/2012 3:13:30   

@ Trans,

I think its interesting how you see to have the same argument agianst phase rewarding as I had in the DNs page yet you were agianst me then yet supporting my reasoning now, infact you actuly inforcing my reasoning.
What changed?

The actul reason I converted my thinking of phase rewards is because you made a good compelleing argument as to why they should occur.

Yet now you think they shouldnt,

Im not accusing you of anything here im just wondering why you have changed your veiw.
Because Im sorta split in the middle of both veiws now.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 2/29/2012 3:19:44 >
Epic  Post #: 40
2/29/2012 4:57:51   
gangster a

^ dont worry remorse he does it to everyone it pleases him and thanks guys for the comments
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 41
2/29/2012 5:02:39   

Even though I am "technically" a Beta Player (No Badge), I still don't see why we deserve anything. "We" got a free achievement already...
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 42
2/29/2012 5:14:47   
gangster a

^ founders also get the achivo i was talking about if they did it just for the people who joined during the beta stage
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 43
2/29/2012 6:15:56   


What changed my opinion is the community. They got upset by rewarding just Founders so my answer was depending on our community.
On previouw page I suggested rewarding either ALL supporters or Phases AND Supporters. Not just Phases as some people will moan again. If they plan on Phases and then Supporters then I'm fine. Just phases no.
AQ Epic  Post #: 44
2/29/2012 6:18:00   
gangster a

^ i agree with phases then supporters as i think that would be more fair
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 45
2/29/2012 12:26:21   

Beta weps are the only phase weps that never be OP in game, they had +26 dmg for primary/gun and +29 dmg for aux, and there was +31 weapons when betas were the promos Ex:Industrial Claws also Bunny chompers. Then Beta ended and what they did is increasing Dmg to +29!!!! NOT EVEN +31 which was the strongest dmg in that time. Every Pro player were using Non Beta weps , and look now, every pro player using Phase weps(Gamma bot- Delta weapons).

Gamma Bot was OP in gamma(thats why its nerfed at delta), Delta weps were Still very usefull and maybe OP.

Since Founder and Beta came in same time i look at this Beta players have forgotten under Founder players. Developers look like Founder armor was the real promo of the Beta phase and the other weps were helpers(which explain why they are/were weak).

So as a Beta player i really didnt see any benefit from being Beta tester, those weps only worked for beating Boss NPCs.

Btw i dont want a stupid bike or anything. They behave unfair to Beta players and there is really nothing they can do at this point. And this is not a complainment , i just wanted to explain what happened in those times.

Thx for reading.

< Message edited by TurkishIncubus -- 2/29/2012 12:27:38 >


Epic  Post #: 46
2/29/2012 12:35:49   

I'll go by reasoning of Founders getting reward and others wanting one too. In fairness, early Beta is same as being a Founder because it was maybe weeks apart.
Even good gift for Betas would be like 1K Varium. You're most likely gonna have better use of that than a cosmetic item.
Founders paid for Founder Armor, Betas paid for Beta Weapons and we got 1K Varium so surely Betas could as well as a small gift. Yes Founders got Beta weapons for free too, unsure why myself, but don't bring it up in my post as I don't know the reason myself why this was done so. Only reason could be that Founder was available for just 31 days, as a rare Status, and it tied in with Beta phase.

Beta weapons are still good, perhaps it's the enhancement slots or fact they are decent for players in the right level range. I stopped using them at Lvl 29 where I started picking up newer items *Beta got really.. dull*.
Turkish, Beta weapons have been buffed: Primary has +28 damage, Aux has +31 and Gun has +28. Yes it's good as I said, for players in that Lvl range, for higher it's a good rarity item.
AQ Epic  Post #: 47
2/29/2012 12:45:47   


Turkish, Beta weapons have been buffed: Primary has +28 damage, Aux has +31 and Gun has +28. Yes it's good as I said, for players in that Lvl range, for higher it's a good rarity item.

I was being optimistic, Beta Maul is +29 thats why i said 29, otherwise the claw-staff and gun is +28.

"for players in that Lvl range", when Betas were promos , the lvl cap was 30-31, so 25 lvl weps for promo WOW thats very usefull. *Beta players really got the strongest weps of those times*sarcasm* Like Founders-Gamma Testers-Delta Testers.

The thing is Beta Weps never be OP at Beta phase or any other. Unlike other promos

Also you can understand how not usefull they were from All pro players at that time was not using Beta weps, but look now every pro player got Delta weapon or Gamma bot. So i think All players should shut up and this thread should be locked. This thread is the proof of how Devs behave unfair to Beta players and when ppl say beta weps is enough for us they just show how greedy they are.

< Message edited by TurkishIncubus -- 2/29/2012 12:50:38 >
Epic  Post #: 48
2/29/2012 13:03:58   


Beta weps are the only phase weps that never be OP in game, they had +26 dmg for primary/gun and +29 dmg for aux, and there was +31 weapons when betas were the promos Ex:Industrial Claws also Bunny chompers. Then Beta ended and what they did is increasing Dmg to +29!!!! NOT EVEN +31 which was the strongest dmg in that time. Every Pro player were using Non Beta weps , and look now, every pro player using Phase weps(Gamma bot- Delta weapons).

LOL I would love to agree with you, but the truth is that beta weps were OP. I remember mercs with 100+ support and betazooka pwning in 2vs2 and str bhs pwning with beta claws in 1vs1. And I'm pretty sure that you always had beta zooka equipped when you were heal loop mage (I know bunnyzookas were stronger than beta zooka, but that still doesn't mean that it wasn't OPed).
Epic  Post #: 49
2/29/2012 13:59:01   

^ Idk about 2vs2 but for 1vs1 there was Perforator that all str BHs were using , its +30 dmg Beta was +26 so Perforator is 100x better than Beta was.

And like you said Bunny Zooka was way better than Beta Zooka. In Dmg and In stats. If bunny zooka is stronger that means Bunny is OP not Beta.

And Founder armor was OP for 2 years(and that is also 25 lvl), in Gamma Can you tell me whats the OP robot? ofcourse Gamma Bot with 2 Dmg , When Delta came everybody were using Delta Weps(ppl still use but there is now alternative promos)

SO can you really tell me that Beta Weps were as good as the other promos??? Dont get me wrong, I dont want a stupid bike or anything. Devs were not experienced before like they are now, so that was their mistake and they fixed it at other promos.

The point im saying when ppl say "Beta weps is enough" they should really know what was it.
Epic  Post #: 50
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