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=ED= Balance Discussion Thread

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3/1/2012 17:25:31   

=ED= Balance Discussion Thread

All balance discussions will be restricted to this thread. This is to condense the many issues that you have all expressed into a single place that the balance people can work on.

Please keep all balance discussions in this thread, and don't forget to follow the forum's rules.

EDIT: Some things that the balancers would like you to avoid discussing. Please do not post about the following things.

No discussion/request for buffing or enhancing Founder Armor - Any additional perks that founders may recieve will be at the discretion of the staff.

No "luck" complaints - This thread is not a place to complain about an unlucky streak that caused you to lose a match. Please remember that while luck may seem to favor or disfavor you in the short run, over the long run it does average out.


As a general rule, no buffs will be granted to rare items. This is regardless of their status as Limited, Seasonal, Promotional, etc. In order to achieve a more balanced system of play, buffs cannot be guaranteed or handed out on a regular basis. This policy has been decided by the game staff and is not likely to change. However, if you feel that your case is especially strong, that is, you have numbers and evidence to support your conclusions, you are welcome to contact the game staff using this forum's PM system to discuss it more thoroughly. Keep in mind that the game staff cannot promise that your case will be followed through upon, as the game's balance will take precedence over personal requests for the sake of all of the game's vast player base.

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=ED= Balance Discussions I
=ED= Balance Discussions II
=ED= Balance Discussion III
=ED= Balance Discussion IV
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
3/1/2012 17:26:34   

I want to start off this new thread first with the upcoming changes for Tactical Mercenaries and Cyber Hunters this week to kick off discussion.

Tactical Mercenaries:
- Mineral Armor will no longer improves by 1 defense point at level 34 (maxes out at +11, down from +12)
- Smoke Screen will be replaced by Field Commander.
Cyber Hunter:
- Plasma Armor will no longer improves by 1 resistance point at level 34.
- Static Charge will have its percent energy restored greatly reduced (progression is now 15% / 17 / 19 / 21 / 23 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29)

Smoke Screen provided too many benefits to Tactical Mercenaries, who already have energy regeneration, health regeneration, a passive armor and plenty of heavy hitting physical skills.

Static Charge provided far too much energy at higher levels due to the high weapon damage, giving an unfair advantage to 5 focus and tank builds. While strength builds will be able to have a sizable energy return, builds will little primary damage won't see half their EP bar refilled by a single Static Charge anymore.

< Message edited by Ashari -- 3/1/2012 17:42:22 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
3/1/2012 17:26:58   

A Cyber Hunter's suggestion towards repairing Cyber Hunters

i) Steps

►Remove Plasma Armour

►Remove Shadow Arts

►Remove Malfunction

►Remove Cheap Shot

►Remove EMP

►Add Conduction

►Add Plasma Aura

►Add Cyber Arts

►Add Blue Ruin

►Add Energy Shield

►Plasma Grenade improves with Support

►Defence Matrix improves with Technology

►Massacre becomes a Physical Ultimate (it is either that or you create a new Physical Ultimate skill for Cyber Hunters. Malfunction and Conduction both synergize enormous power with Energy attacks, imagine ultimate attacks that work WITH the player's Primary)


ii) Descriptions

▼Plasma Aura▼

If a user of Plasma Aura is struck by a Primary weapon, the attacker is dealt bonus shock damage. Plasma Aura will not reduce health below 1.

Level 1: Attacker takes 1% of their total health in damage.
Level 2: Attacker takes 2% of their total health in damage.
Level 3: Attacker takes 3% of their total health in damage.
Level 4: Attacker takes 4% of their total health in damage.
Level 5: Attacker takes 5% of their total health in damage.
Level 6: Attacker takes 6% of their total health in damage.
Level 7: Attacker takes 7% of their total health in damage.
Level 8: Attacker takes 8% of their total health in damage.
Level 9: Attacker takes 9% of their total health in damage.
Level 10: Attacker takes 10% of their total health in damage.

Weapon Required: None
Stat Required: None
Level Required: replaces Plasma Armour
Improves With: None
Warm Up: 0
Cool Down: 0


ND Mallet brought to me a great point: what if a player abuses a tanking build to minimize his/her incoming damage and still have greater outgoing damage (enemy hits you for 3 damage, and every turn your Plasma Aura hits 10 damage)? I have devised my own little section of code to combat this:

during the enemy's turn ->
attacknegate = player with Plasma Aura's Defense - enemy Primary damage + minimum Strength damage...
if attacknegate <= 3:
_____Plasma Aura = False

Therefor enemies will not be shocked by Plasma Aura if their minimum Primary damage is the minimal value accepted... 3.


▼Cyber Arts▼

Passively increases the Primary hit rate and resistance to poison.

Level 1: 1% increase to Primary hit rate and 10% resistance to poison
Level 1: 2% increase to Primary hit rate and 15% resistance to poison
Level 1: 3% increase to Primary hit rate and 20% resistance to poison
Level 1: 4% increase to Primary hit rate and 25% resistance to poison
Level 1: 5% increase to Primary hit rate and 30% resistance to poison
Level 1: 6% increase to Primary hit rate and 35% resistance to poison
Level 1: 7% increase to Primary hit rate and 40% resistance to poison
Level 1: 8% increase to Primary hit rate and 44% resistance to poison
Level 1: 9% increase to Primary hit rate and 47% resistance to poison
Level 1: 10% increase to Primary hit rate and 50% resistance to poison.

Weapon Required: None
Stat Required: 24 Technology (+2 per skill level) (MAX 42 Technology)
Level Required: replaces Shadow Arts
Improves With: None
Warm Up: 0
Cool Down: 0


▼Blue Ruin▼

Assail an enemy with 2 devastating strikes with the held Primary weapon. The player using Blue Ruin is charged with blue plasma.

Energy Required:

Level 1: 14
Level 2: 16
Level 3: 18
Level 4: 20
Level 5: 22
Level 6: 24
Level 7: 26
Level 8: 28
Level 9: 30
Level 10: 32

Damage Progressions:

Level 1: 23% more damage
Level 2: 26% more damage
Level 3: 29% more damage
Level 4: 32% more damage
Level 5: 35% more damage
Level 6: 38% more damage
Level 7: 41% more damage
Level 8: 44% more damage
Level 9: 47% more damage
Level 10: 50% more damage

Weapon Required: Wrist blades or Sword
Stat Required: 26 Support (+1 per skill level)
Level Required: replaces Cheap Shot
Improves With: Strength
Warm Up: 0
Cool Down: 2


▼Energy Shield▼

Increases energy resistance for you or an ally during combat.

Energy Required:

Level 1: 12
Level 2: 14
Level 3: 16
Level 4: 18
Level 5: 20
Level 6: 22
Level 7: 24
Level 8: 26
Level 9: 28
Level 10: 30

Weapon Required: None
Stat Required: None
Level Required: replaces Malfunction
Improves With: Support (+1 Resistance per 4 Support)
Warm Up: 0
Cool Down: 2


[Trans suggestion] Conduction: Strike and reduce the enemy's Resistance.

(Resistance does not affect Deflections nor skills, but generally determines Energy damage)

Energy Required:

Level 1: 14
Level 2: 16
Level 3: 18
Level 4: 20
Level 5: 22
Level 6: 24
Level 7: 26
Level 8: 28
Level 9: 30
Level 10: 32

Resistance Scaling:

Level 1: Reduce Target's Resistance by 1 Point.
Level 2: Reduce Target's Resistance by 3 Point.
Level 3: Reduce Target's Resistance by 5 Point.
Level 4: Reduce Target's Resistance by 7 Point.
Level 5: Reduce Target's Resistance by 9 Point.
Level 6: Reduce Target's Resistance by 10 Point.
Level 7: Reduce Target's Resistance by 11 Point.
Level 8: Reduce Target's Resistance by 12 Point.
Level 9: Reduce Target's Resistance by 13 Point.
Level 10: Reduce Target's Resistance by 14 Point.

Weapon Required: None
Stat Required: None
Level Required: replaces EMP
Improves With: None
Warm Up: 0
Cool Down: 1


Static Charge: Static Charge currently improves in scaling to Primary weapon damage + Strength damage. This can be abused by Strength users who only need Malfunction and Massacre to play without tactile thinking (only offence). To promote a diverse player-base, Static Charge should scale only with Primary weapon damage.

It has become a high priority to me now to suggest an edit to Static Charge to save us all. Here it is:

Static Charge: A percentage of your Primary weapon damage only is added to your energy in a Strike.

Energy Required: 0 (No Cost)

Level 1: 33% of the Primary Weapon's Damage to Energy
Level 2: 36% of the Primary Weapon's Damage to Energy
Level 3: 39% of the Primary Weapon's Damage to Energy
Level 4: 42% of the Primary Weapon's Damage to Energy
Level 5: 45% of the Primary Weapon's Damage to Energy
Level 6: 48% of the Primary Weapon's Damage to Energy
Level 7: 51% of the Primary Weapon's Damage to Energy
Level 8: 54% of the Primary Weapon's Damage to Energy
Level 9: 57% of the Primary Weapon's Damage to Energy
Level 10: 60% of the Primary Weapon's Damage to Energy

Weapon Required: None
Stat Required: 19 Dexterity at level 1 (+1 per skill level) ; 28 Dexterity at Max
Level Required: 2
Improves With: None
Warm Up: 0
Cool Down: 2

Questions? I will try to answer them.
Comments? Feedback is appreciated.
Suggestions? If you use great enough reasoning, I will consider adding your thoughts into my own. You will be credited.

A Trans and Void suggestion for Blood Mages:

Blood Shield: Sacrifice your health to activate an energy shield for you or an ally.

Energy Required: 0 (No Cost)
Conversion ( Progression depends on character level ):

Level 1: 4 / 5 / 6 Health transfered to x2 Resistance
Level 2: 5 / 6 / 7 Health transfered to x2 Resistance
Level 3: 6 / 7 / 8 Health transfered to x2 Resistance
Level 4: 7 / 8 / 9 Health transfered to x2 Resistance
Level 5: 8 / 9 / 10 Health transfered to x2 Resistance
Level 6: 9 / 10 / 11 Health transfered to x2 Resistance
Level 7: 10 / 11 / 12 Health transfered to x2 Resistance
Level 8: 11 / 12 / 13 Health transfered to x2 Resistance
Level 9: 12 / 13 / 14 Health transfered to x2 Resistance
Level 10: 13 / 14 / 15 Health transfered to x2 Resistance

Warm Up: 0
Cool Down: 2
Weapon Required: None
Stat Required: None
Level Required: replaces Energy Shield
Improves With: None
Warm Up: 0
Cool Down: 2


Trans said:

So goign by that, 1 HP = 2 Res simply. We want to keep same HP cost as it is because BMs can get HP back via BloodLust which provides great synergy. Seeing as Energy Shield costs Energy, it's hard for BMs to play defensively with limited Energy, and also Reflex costs Energy too which makes it even harder in some situations.
At Lvl 10, you could get up to 30 Resistance (depends on your Lvl) by spending 15 HP for 3 turns only. If you look at EShield/DMatrix, they can do that as well at high Lvl or with high Support but you have to pay Energy instead which is not possible to regenerate for BMs. Cooldown is also lowered to 2 turns because it lasts just 3 turns - before it lasted 5 turns and cooldown was 4.
Main reason this is stronger is lower duration of the Shield, therefore we could increase power significantly and it could work for BMs quite well. This could perhaps open possibility for other builds than just Str because BL works with every weapon, not just Primary so you could go for a Tank and use Tech for Plasma, or SC build with BL and BS. Dex improves SC so your weakness would be whichever was lower and you could fix it by using BS.


I said:

Blood Shield is optimized for Blood Mages because of the lack of energy, and the mutuality between it and the skill already owned... Bloodlust. Energy Shield is powerful in itself, however Blood Shield is not phased by EMP, allowing more proficient use of other assorted skills that use energy, such as an attack skill like Fireball. This skill does not make the Blood Mages overpowered as it costs both health and a whole turn to use, while not inflicting damage. To make up for this, Trans decided that the added Resistance be a higher value, twice the amount in Resistance in ratio to health.

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 3/4/2012 18:59:26 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 3
3/1/2012 17:28:46   

Ashari, just a question - does very low Energy return from SC compensate for CHs keeping their Malf? Dex builds are still deadly, although not as much as they can't Heal but it gives great synergy with Plasma Armor.
AQ Epic  Post #: 4
3/1/2012 17:29:30   

have u ever considered about stopping build copying in order to solve alot of the balance issues?
if anything, build copying should be done before making balance changes. that way when the class evolves. people dont copy the next OP thing from it.

if u need me to explain how stopping build copying can be done, than just simply reply.
ill give u detail by detail info on the pros and cons, and how it will affect ED.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 3/1/2012 17:34:23 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
3/1/2012 17:35:26   

@Ashari That's great CHs are finally getting the nerf they deserve! But still if you remove our smoke screen we'll be the only class without a debuff! And our buff skill is the weakest out of the rest! And is useless thx to Azrael Bot!
AQW Epic  Post #: 6
3/1/2012 17:36:37   

For one thing, now evolved classes do make sense.
I'd say CHs keeping Malf is because SC can miss + has low Energy regen. TLMs have passive Energy regen which is superior to that of CH's. We will still see similar builds to today, but Str won't be able to do their Massacre loop no more and Dex won't be able to use their multi as much. Even if you do 50 damage without counting in resistances, at Lvl 10 Static it's 15 Energy regained which isn't enough for a Heal yet + you gotta wait another turns. Count in the fact you can still miss and that's a waste of turn and makes your strategy even harder.

This above might help you. ^^

< Message edited by Trans -- 3/1/2012 17:37:17 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 7
3/1/2012 17:40:03   


TLMs have passive Energy regen which is superior to that of CH's.

thats not true. reroute still gets less energy than current static charge.
why? reroute only gives energy depending on how much HP u have.
if ur getting low on health, and low energy. chances are ur gonna die.
with CH u can continue charging and healing without having to depend on anything else.

(this changes after the balance change tho)
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
3/1/2012 17:43:08   

Passive Regen will always give you Energy/HP back. If your SC misses twice in a row, you got no Energy back. Which one is better? Reroute because it's passive.
By superior I don't mean look at the %s but look how useful it might be and how it works.
And your example of low on Health + Energy applies to CHs too. If they SC keeps missing or deals weak damage (not enough for use of a skill) then they are as much screwed as those with Reroute. And count in the fact not everyone have maxed SC which will lower it a bit as well.
AQ Epic  Post #: 9
3/1/2012 17:43:23   

@Goldslayer: I'd also like to see the pros of your idea, but here is my con.

Not being able to see the skills of your enemy in combat means you are just casting "blind" and it would ruin a lot of versatile builds. those players
wouldn't know what skill to use. the simple builds that play out the same in almost every fight would flourish as nothing changes for them.

for me it would just promote power builds and a lot of skills would end up being neglected.

I feel that it's the gulf between classes following balance adjustments that make build copying such a problem, if no class was so far ahead of any
other, than build copying would have a minimal effect. good players would still beat bad ones by making better choices.

< Message edited by PivotalDisorder -- 3/1/2012 17:45:57 >
Post #: 10
3/1/2012 17:46:17   

@Trans Alright you make a good point. I'll give the new balance update a chance first then I'll make my mind up in the end. @gold Reroute gives energy based on how much damage you take in. Yeah CH can keep gaining more energy but they can't gain nearly as much now. @Ashari Does Static Charge still ignore defenses? And if so how big is the %?
AQW Epic  Post #: 11
3/1/2012 17:47:23   

WHAAAAAAA? Tactical Mercenary will be COMPLETELY useless now!!! Field commander SUCKS!!! This will be a horrible update >_>
AQW Epic  Post #: 12
3/1/2012 17:48:09   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

@Isaiah, the Static Charge is in Ashari's post, but here: (progression is now 15% / 17 / 19 / 21 / 23 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
3/1/2012 17:49:56   

I'm sorry but a SC nerf isn't really needed. Just get rid of what started this in the first place, plasma armor. Logically a hunter should not be tanky.
Post #: 14
3/1/2012 17:50:23   

I will say this one more time, don't speak before changes go live, maybe it will stay really good as a class, you will have to think now and not just spam strength . Lets criticize when it is live

EDIT: Talking about TLM class

< Message edited by DeathGuard -- 3/1/2012 17:53:32 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 15
3/1/2012 17:51:32   



However Strength Cyber Hunters benefit greatly over other Cyber Hunter Types who do not use Strength as a key stat.

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 3/1/2012 17:52:05 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 16
3/1/2012 17:51:41   

I do think and I has less than 70 str. Far from spamming. I just think plasma armor caused all this trouble and it's not needed.
Post #: 17
3/1/2012 17:54:22   

@Galfor2 Yeah I don't like it too. But I'll give it a chance first at least CHs are getting nerfed though.
AQW Epic  Post #: 18
3/1/2012 17:55:57   


Do Static Charges apply to Base Strength Damage still?

Or will Static Charges only apply to Primary damage?

^ The first model (current model) is not so nice for non-Strength CH.
AQ Epic  Post #: 19
3/1/2012 17:57:09   

In same way SC favours Strenght builds, we can say Reroute favours Tank builds which is opposite of it. :P Higher HP = more Energy regained over the time. :P

But DeathGuard is right, before we try it (when it's live) and test on all classes, not first few fights, then we could criticize. Although there'll be a lot of flaming due to Smoke loss, but FC might just prove better after its revamp which people seemed to forget about. For now, my Poison Tank'ish build does well on TLM and my CH will still use same build but will less Heal-looping. xD
AQ Epic  Post #: 20
3/1/2012 17:59:58   


Passive Regen will always give you Energy/HP back. If your SC misses twice in a row, you got no Energy back. Which one is better? Reroute because it's passive.

my point is, reroute relies on ur health to keep getting energy.
and since it relies on health, it can be used against u.
i used that against many tlms and techmages when they needed a point or 2 for their heal. and i purposely didn't attack so that they dont heal. because if they did i would probably lost.

a super high dex CH however will most likely not be blocked as ur block chance will be 4% (if it happens twice to static it only proves that RNG is somewhat broken) gets to block alot of ur attacks, heal loop. and it can keep doing it.

with smokescreen removed from tlm, that build on CH just got stronger even with the % nerf on CH.


Not being able to see the skills of your enemy in combat means you are just casting "blind" and it would ruin a lot of versatile builds.
those players wouldn't know what skill to use. the simple builds that play out the same in almost every fight would flourish as nothing changes for them.

first, in a real life battle, do u know what ur enemy is capable of?

secondly, u can determine another's person build.
by their hp
and somewhat the defense (which can also be determined by the damage u do)

and third. versatile builds are the ones who will be better. because if u know how to use ur versatile build, u will know what to do when ur enemy makes a move. the versatile builds will have a bigger variety of comebacks. and chances are ur enemy wont know all of them. atleast the ones who dont play versatile themselves.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 3/1/2012 18:01:59 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 21
3/1/2012 18:06:16   

While plasma armor did help cyber's to become a very useful class to use, I also do not think it was necessary. Not that i'm complaining about it. ;P
Also about those that think azrael's bot would make field commander a very useless skill, the exact same thing could be said about assault bot nerfing smokescreen. As almost everyone has a bot to debuff themselves AND more and more players are changing to more tank-like builds, debuffs (malfunction, smokescreen, intimidate) have no real use at high levels. They would just be reduced 80% immediately after being used. So other than for the purpose of npcing, smokescreen is not very efficient in pvp battles IMO. With this change of smokescreen to field commander, think of it as not a nerf ( which it really isn't), but instead as an opportunity to create a unique build from the typical smoke, double strike routine. I, myself have been pondering this question for a long time now: Is the purpose of ED to have fast wins, getting onto the leaderboard easily, and having loads of credits to show off? Or rather to challenge your own mind to thinking of creative builds that can win in pvp with strategy, while actually knowing you won with strategy other than another routine.
Just something to think about for those who think tlm will DIE after this update, and flaming about just changing to the class. Be patient, and enjoying playing for fun for once, and if so, change to the next OP class once enough credits is gained.

Post #: 22
3/1/2012 18:09:35   

Idk if i got it. the sc nerf. A lvl 3 Sc is like max sc after update?
AQW Epic  Post #: 23
3/1/2012 18:23:44   


Do Static Charges apply to Base Strength Damage still?

Or will Static Charges only apply to Primary damage?

The way static charge works isn't changing. It will still take a percent of your total (damage from stregth + damage from weapon) primary damage. The percent you regain will just be lower. It's not supposed to be a universally useful for all builds. Static Charge is intended to be a skill that Strength builds gain more benefit from. Every skill in-game can benefit your more or less depending on your build. Static Charge is no different.

@goldslayer1: TLMs and CH have very different strategies of energy regen. Besides being different in that respect, you have to consider the class as a whole. Every skill will not be equal.

TLM regen is defensive and passive. It benefits from low defenses and high health. On the other hand Static Charge is an active skill. It does damage and it benefits from high strength. Static Charge does give you another advantage that Reroute doesn't have. You can control when you receive your energy. With Reroute, you're dependent on the opponent.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
3/1/2012 18:25:12   
Mr. Black OP


have u ever considered about stopping build copying in order to solve alot of the balance issues?
if anything, build copying should be done before making balance changes. that way when the class evolves. people dont copy the next OP thing from it.

if u need me to explain how stopping build copying can be done, than just simply reply.
ill give u detail by detail info on the pros and cons, and how it will affect ED.

Can't give lower levels tips on what works well their build.
Luck even plays a bigger role because you have no idea if he is a tank, 5 focus, abuse etc and if you guess wrong and he guesses right then you pretty much just lost.
Ask a friend what their own build is and copy that, so it will still be easy to do.
Can't even determine your enemies class, if they use a sword and an armor that can be used with any class then you have a 1 in 6 chance, even if they are using a class specific item you don't know if they are BH or CH, TLM or Merc, or TM or BM.
Lower levels have no idea what an effective build looks like.

Just makes build copying slightly harder.

Also you said you can see their damage they would do, defenses, etc then you actually can easily see their build.
BH: 125 HP high damage, low-mediocre defenses, from just this you can tell he has at least lv 7 BL, smoke screen, massacre and SA.
CH: Has 40-50 DEF and RES (total), obviously has plasma armor, static charge, multi, malfunction, and maybe DM or SA.

It just adds a lot of unnecessary thought.
If it was just a battle mode where you couldn't see their build then that's fine.
Also in terms of reality in war they normally scout enemies or gather intelligence to know what they are going up against.

That's just my thoughts.

You mention level 34, does that mean mineral and plasma armor give +12 up to level 33?

< Message edited by zman 2 -- 3/1/2012 18:32:58 >
Epic  Post #: 25
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