*One big panda appears, then breaks into littler ones, then form into..enjoibro4?* where is my bugswatter? Hello thar! haidere! How is thee? good, how about you? :3 By any chance, does thee play AQW? :) I do If so, We should definitely meet up! Perhaps, when I have time left on my busy schedule :p I'm enjoibro4 on AQW just so you know. Ravenwoud, nice to meet you :3 Congratz on thee AK-ship. thank yee I hope you're having fun? Everyday :p You wantz a cookie? sure ^^ I know you want another, take another! Nah, I still have dinenr comming up Annnnyyywaaayyyy...If you do play AQW, what's your user, maybe we can meet up ;D? Search for it in here ;) Well i'm out! Congratz cya ^^ *Smoke appears, you hear rustling, and when you least expect it, a panda has taken the place of enjoi*
< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/15/2012 12:15:46 >