random fun 12
My apologies to everyone for the lateness of these. Life's been hectic to me, and what with people asking for requests both through the shop and PMing me, and juggling my real life, I'm lagging behind on these sigs. So tomorrow I'm officially clearing up behind any sigs that are pending and doing any that may be requested between then and now. Drakath: i did two since I thought it looked better without the arrow. With [image]http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff487/randomfun12/finished.jpg[/image] Without [image]http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff487/randomfun12/finished1.jpg[/image] WoopWoop: here's yours. [image]http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff487/randomfun12/WOOP.jpg[/image] As usual ask for any changes if you want any changes, you two.