The old Static Charge guys, before the first nerf on it, was 55% I believe. Then it was nerfed to 55% at only 80% damage, then it was nerfed to 44% at 100% damage, then nerfed to the current, and most horrible, of 29%. I liked the 55% at 80% damage nerf. A 16-20 strength Cyber Hunter could gain back 18-20 energy. A quick example...lol 16-20 (say it hits at 20) take 20 and add the hit of the weapon (im using 34) 20+34=54 80% of 54=43.2=43 55% of 43=23.65 24 energy gained back. :D I liked this so much because it didnt restrict cybers on the strength that they need now. Seriously...I have 10-12+32 for my strength and primary, and I gain back 11 energy... :/ kinda...useless...except for maybe an emp...