Creative! Constructive!
*sigh* Now, let's see what your reactions actually are. I saw that Clown posted twice as himself rather than Clown, which would almost scare me, if it weren't for my curiousity and certain qualities of me that make me look at the matter intellectually. quote:
GOD! I still can’t believe you all think its ok that we have to recreate our characters just because you decided to create characters not as powerful as ours. You forget this was my idea. I started up this idea because the community was crying out for reform. People were leaving because they felt they couldn't actually play as the characters they wanted to without giving them illogical and unrealistic advantages their characters wouldn't have based on what they actually want them to be like. Insisting there is no problem when we actually have people leaving because it's not fun anymore, due to the very fact that they can't have their character how they want to be- the actual reason that RPing as an art EXISTS -completely defeats the point of it. I don't want to be in a game full of overpowered characters that can do whatever they can, if the majority of the people who have actually been creating the mythos, and making it fun actually leave. If the people that want to be the most powerful drive everyone else off, what is the point of it all? At a certain point, enough is enough. You are fighting for the rights of people who don't want it to continue that way. If the rest of the community wants to reform, and you find that foolish, fine. Have your oppinions. Don't go ranting and insult people who just want to be able to actually play as the character they want to, just as you are advocating. It's their choice, and they can frigging make it if they want to. Now that I've actually adressed the issue, I would like to be able to read the character discussion thread in peace, thank you. I will edit it, and read of your pety squabbles of hypocricy and liberal thinking that puts your own interests above that of the community. All your winning your arguement would do is destroy the character interactions that are the reason I do this at all; GOOD DAY TO YOU, SIR. ... And now that that unpleasantness is over... I would like to say that he very well already agreed to remaking him in this alternate universe, which makes his arguement all the more irritating. To be fair, his power level is such that he wouldn't need much augmentation, anyway. He's like a final boss/Big Bad figure. Irritatingly difficult to face when you get there (if the game is any good), but the real power is in the manipulation and revelation before that point, which was the entire reason the heroes were questing to get to the point where they could actually do something about whatever it was that person was doing, anyway. I'll get to that later, Davy, as I have no idea what you posted, really. I just woke up, so I am not prepared to read a text block. Besides, I wanted to do things in order. quote:
OK, everyone seems really confused, so I'm going to clear up a series of things. 1. The Reboot has happened already. 2. The Deus Ex Machina that prompted it was a multiverse-monitoring AI called The Providence. 3. It was essentially a 1-time gimmick, so don't go trying to corrupt it or fool around with it or whatever you might want to do. 4. There are now two universes. 5. The old universe is called the Beta Universe. 6. In there, things are continuing exactly as they had before, but the world is not ending. 7. The Alpha Universe can be populated with new characters and alternate/rebooted versions of old character as we please. 8. These two universes cannot interact, with statement #10 being the exception to the rule. 9. There is no alternate Clown. 10. Clown may move between Alpha and Beta as he wishes, but cannot bring objects from one into the other. (Unless he does something really weird.) 11. The point of the reboot was to give people a blank slate to try and redo their characters or create things that would not otherwise have fit into our canon. Essentially, it is a place to test out new ideas and new story-lines. 12. Clown's point about over-powered players is totally correct. 13. However, we still hope to keep the Alpha Universe a lot more peaceful than the Beta, and more realistic to boot. That's essentially how I understood that, other than Clown being able to transport himself between universes. That was probably put there specifically to appease him, after reading his arguements. quote:
I weakened my character a hundred fold from what he used to be as a zero energy being..and does that matter...nope. To be fair, from an objective point of view it would appear that just after that (relatively speaking, temporally) you increased his power again after that, making your point moot, via the absorbing of more white chaos. (technically speaking, 100 times less powerful than a being of zero energy of the level you were apparently using either wouldn't have been as powerful as you were RPing him to be [by doing things like creating the Pandora to drain everyone's powers, which would've taken alot of power to begin with, let alone sustain a constant action of and keep a being animated to moderate it], or would've still been at the effective level Super Clown was [his combat level, that is, seeing as he could shape the laws of physics and the universe in general to be the way he wished it, which would make your char less powerful, abstractly], or very close to it; With that in mind, the point still stands that you would appear to have made your character more powerful again (if not to the extent he was beforehand) after reducing his power, especially with the way you phrased it during your RPs) These observations would make you have a point of view on the issue which is skewed by nature, no offence. To someone who didn't know you, or the persona you choose to show, at the very least, it would appear that that statement was either made as part of a propaganda effort to make you look less overpowered, or that you do not have a complete understanding of your character, which would be sad, if so, either way. quote:
I removed my character from fighting on either side...did that help nope By nature, fighting for the causes of both sides of an issue like this tends to make one/one's actions hated by both sides. Thusly, if you actually did that to try to make your character more acceptable to others, then it was a pointless and DOOMed effort; no offence. I am just saying this based on facts. The only way that does not occur is if someone is a mercenary, and even then there is a similar, if lessened, effect on the points of view of either side they are serving at the time, once both sides have used said merc. I appologise if I offend you by either of these statements, DB. I am merely commenting on what I see, based on what knowledge I possess, and fielding my oppinions, thereof. quote:
This is just a chance to fix him. Yeaaaah... No. Clown would by nature react badly to that, and probably has. He is very attached to his character. He just needs to understand that hard decisions must be made in order to prevent future detriment. If people kept leaving, for example, I would leave, most likely, because it wouldn't be fun anymore, as I think I just might have made clear earlier. XD Maybe. quote:
I mean, if everybody has (overly) god-like powers, then there's no fun. Not just no fun, in this case, but an initial feeling of grief, followed by a chronic sense of stagnation, and a deep irritation caused thereby. quote:
if we just leveled the playing field and, for once, gave everybody a fair shot. *cringes, remembering Obama talking like that, while sponsering the effective destruction of the capitalistic system of economic flow in this country* quote:
you claimed to wipe the powers from every Smasher who hit their power from Pandora. That, my friend, is OP. Technically speaking, that's not true. He had begun to. It was a continuous process, not an instantaneous thing. quote:
it reacted negatively with his immune system and made him completely omnipotent. What, now? XD quote:
Lol. That was me saying goodbye to RPing here. T_T quote:
Anti: You won't be missed much. I am now in favor of the reset seeing as David us always wrong. Always. In other news, I need one more volunteer for a secretish HS thing. That post both makes me sad and laugh at the same time. :/ (CURSE YOU, INAPPROPRIATE COMEDY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REFLEX!!!!!!!!!!) quote:
Shadow, be nice. *wonders how many times this has been said* Between 10 and 20+, from what I can tell/have seen. quote:
Now, Anti, no need to do that. Not like you rped much anyways. :/ quote:
I know, but I was getting ready to truly dive into this alongside the reset. Seeing as that wont be happening, I have no reason to stay. So. I miss Fairgates even without ever having met him... *facepalms and groans* quote:
Well, that's because all the sane people are sleeping right now. That's a rather rude comment. I am almost completely sure I am insane. *harumphs* *notes SL9K's comment about planning things in-game* quote:
One for godmodders to roleplay in and one for characters that are mortal? That seems to be a rather narrow point of view of the possibilities... or at the very least a rude one, considering the people that might want to at least stay in part in the original... quote:
Edit: That's a nice thought, Croc, but I think it could easily get muddled up, unless a new thread was opened. Sadly, I acknowledged this the moment Clown suggested keeping both up. :/ quote:
A lot to read through, and I don't exactly have a lot of time here, so I'll make it brief. Even if you make a reboot or give a special pass to Clown to be a deus ex machina, you're never getting the lion twins or Hera back in the RP scene, ever. Not even once. I mean it. *sigh* Damnit... and I really do hate to cuss. Makes me feel like punching my moniter and screaming at the top of my lungs, even with how much control I have over my teenage hormones. I sometimes can't help but feel... chillingly human. Weak; young; 16; Unable to make a difference and stop even the ammount of evil my influence on this thread and the rest of the forum allows me. A whole year, shoring up the community and the greatness within it, to have it toppled by one single arguement that is inconsequencial in the end. Bickering about the rights of a person to be what he wants to be, like little children, instead of trying to actually have fun and make it a fun place for others. Dispicable. I will miss you, Crystal. I loved what few intellectual and philosophical conversations we had, as well as your characters, some of the few that were actually trying to be moderate, which helped to make them stand out and be great. I will try to shift over to reading your story for a bit... but it just doesn't leave the same medium for constant discussion and interaction as this did, and it is a great tragedy to see you go. Fare thee well, Lion, royal beast among men. Your shoes shall never be filled. quote:
I only use mods in offline games. I do my best to match or nudge at the limits set by an online game, but I wouldn't break it completely unless it's something like 'All women must wear leotards and nothing else.' *laughs hollowly, tears in his eyes* A great pity... I actually have done such things in offline games, as well... but then again, that's not what I am commenting on... quote:
"Gone. It's all gone. Ommicorp, My Gadgets, My reputation, her ... Makes me wish I could've saved her while it coul've been done... Or that you would've let me. quote:
On that note, I'm kinda wondering how we'll remember the old Verse. I knew we weren't changing characters, but at the same time it seems odd for them to have literally crossed over. The Dealer will be one of the few who actually will be able to... or he would be... quote:
@Shadowlord: Then again, why should you? Makes me sad... If you haven't noticed, whoever you are, reading this, I have managed to recover, after leaving my computer in distaste and sorrow, and going to the bathroom. -.- I don't want this too be it... to be the end- after all we've been through... so much time... to be wasted? Gah.. Cures you, Pandora... I love Stairway to Heaven, but this is a horrible time for it... though I must admit it embodies the melancholy and pitifulness that themselves embody this thread as it is now, and as it might be. *cringes* Horrible... quote:
Neither should they be forced to make their character any less than they wise them to be. Have you guys ever realized that making us weaker and weaker will not do anything? The exact same people will start to WHINE and sob over the exact same stuff in a new days. And they were never forced to be godly. They chose not to be godly. *holds his head in his hand* You sound exactly like one of the people that used Ice Barrage, back in the hayday of abuse, when PvP was nothing but them coming into matches and winning even against 2 or even 3 other level twenties, and then defending themselves against all morality and logic, saying that they earned what was a clearly broken and ridiculous power. Saying that the others shouldn't complain, and should spend hours upon hours, completing hundreds of matches of PvP, just to be on equal grounds with them, and they'd still have the experience up on you. I won't continue. If you won't listen to what I have said before then, there is no hope for you, and you have not only killed the RPs, but the Game, too. You will leave my friends list, and barring a miracle will never go on it again. You will have ruined the entire experience of a years time, for me, and I might as well quit HeroSmash, too. I will let you brood on that.
< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/20/2012 12:06:03 >