I knew Clown would react like this. Knew it from the start. But...I never thought Clown's character was really that OP. Or godmodding. I mean, the recent nanobot thing is a little bit...Up there. But I NEVER thought he was godmodding, even in his Godly form with the malachite. Because everyone KNEW he'd be defeated. But when someone's just like "Your attack did nothing to me, I fired a laser back at you and paralyzed you for life", that's ridiculous. How do you counter that? You don't. Because they said what happened to YOUR character, too. So you can't dodge. you can't reflect it. YOU GOT HIT. And now you're paralyzed for life. And you can't fix that. I guess what I'm trying to say is people shouldn't use someone else's character. Don't say what happened to them, it's not your character. On the flip side of that, people will just dodge/reflect all the time unless they want hit for a reason. No one wants to actually break their character. And when clown said we chose not to make our characters gods... In the nicest way possible, that's just ignorance. My characters were never MEANT to be gods. Because I hate it when other people are gods. Because they have SO MUCH POWER. And yes, if someone thought about it, they could find a way to kill/defeat them. quote:
"Your attack did nothing to me, I fired a laser back at you and paralyzed you for life" That happens. Rant number two over. Unless I edit it. EDIT: Like now <.< So now Clown's leaving. Awesome. Anyone else want to go? Hmmm? Makes my day just SO much better. Really. Well, now that my day is ruined, let's see how many OTHER people will leave, shall we? /pissedoffnao quote:
You guys said I was the one destroying the forums. You all said that I was making people leave. I never said that. In fact, I completely disagree. you're one of the few people that keep this forum going. Now you're gone. Really, the only people that RP'd in the beginning that are still here (and that don't come on and off...I'm not forgetting you guys) is me and drakkoniss (I think). Dandy. EDIT 2: I've calmed down a bit, now I'm in my sad faze of this. You guys were...the ONLY reason I played HS. Not kidding. I stayed because of you old RPers, the story writers. The main three would be Clowny and Gray (I list them as one person since they both wrote C&T), Davy, and Drakky. Flashback to C&T...I was new to the HS forums, still a little immature. I started to write story responses to C&T, since they (Clown and Gray) wrote amazingly. Then (somehow), my part of the story got more popular. And I started to talk to people. And I liked you guys. You guys were all AWESOME. The coolest people on the forums. I don't know what happened. Too many characters, I guess. Everyone except VERY few people started making more and more characters. That made it a little chaotic, with so many people to coordinate with. I think that's what started this whole thing. I'll tell you guys that you've changed my life. My grades certainly improved in my writing classes as I got better over time, and I learned from you guys. You've made my life better. And I'm not kidding. Wiiman is writing a BOOK because he loved to read YOUR stories. He could get money from that. his life could get much better, and it's because of you guys. So, I guess what I need to sum this up is that I'm sad that you guys are leaving. I'm sad that we all seem to disagree. I'm sad that we can't just reach an agreement. But most of all, I'm sad that I'm losing most of you guys. You've made my life better, so it's heart-wrenching to see you guys go. That's how I feel. My last words on the subject will be this: Please come back. ~Lady Zafara
< Message edited by Arachnid -- 3/20/2012 17:48:55 >