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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/20/2012 17:27:19   
3 Vandoren

Farewell, Clown the Jester.
Please do PM me a pun every now and then...
Post #: 251
3/20/2012 17:31:00   
star screamer

What the hell's going on here?
First post I read was Clown's last one.
Sad Demon will cry now.
AQW  Post #: 252
3/20/2012 17:32:19   

I knew Clown would react like this. Knew it from the start.

But...I never thought Clown's character was really that OP. Or godmodding.
I mean, the recent nanobot thing is a little bit...Up there.
But I NEVER thought he was godmodding, even in his Godly form with the malachite.
Because everyone KNEW he'd be defeated.

But when someone's just like "Your attack did nothing to me, I fired a laser back at you and paralyzed you for life", that's ridiculous. How do you counter that?
You don't. Because they said what happened to YOUR character, too. So you can't dodge. you can't reflect it. YOU GOT HIT. And now you're paralyzed for life.
And you can't fix that.

I guess what I'm trying to say is people shouldn't use someone else's character. Don't say what happened to them, it's not your character.

On the flip side of that, people will just dodge/reflect all the time unless they want hit for a reason. No one wants to actually break their character.

And when clown said we chose not to make our characters gods... In the nicest way possible, that's just ignorance.
My characters were never MEANT to be gods. Because I hate it when other people are gods. Because they have SO MUCH POWER.

And yes, if someone thought about it, they could find a way to kill/defeat them.

"Your attack did nothing to me, I fired a laser back at you and paralyzed you for life"

That happens.

Rant number two over. Unless I edit it.

EDIT: Like now <.<

So now Clown's leaving.


Anyone else want to go? Hmmm?

Makes my day just SO much better.


Well, now that my day is ruined, let's see how many OTHER people will leave, shall we?



You guys said I was the one destroying the forums. You all said that I was making people leave.

I never said that. In fact, I completely disagree. you're one of the few people that keep this forum going.
Now you're gone.

Really, the only people that RP'd in the beginning that are still here (and that don't come on and off...I'm not forgetting you guys) is me and drakkoniss (I think).


EDIT 2: I've calmed down a bit, now I'm in my sad faze of this.
You guys were...the ONLY reason I played HS. Not kidding.
I stayed because of you old RPers, the story writers. The main three would be Clowny and Gray (I list them as one person since they both wrote C&T), Davy, and Drakky.

Flashback to C&T...I was new to the HS forums, still a little immature. I started to write story responses to C&T, since they (Clown and Gray) wrote amazingly. Then (somehow), my part of the story got more popular. And I started to talk to people.
And I liked you guys. You guys were all AWESOME. The coolest people on the forums.

I don't know what happened. Too many characters, I guess. Everyone except VERY few people started making more and more characters. That made it a little chaotic, with so many people to coordinate with. I think that's what started this whole thing.

I'll tell you guys that you've changed my life. My grades certainly improved in my writing classes as I got better over time, and I learned from you guys. You've made my life better. And I'm not kidding. Wiiman is writing a BOOK because he loved to read YOUR stories. He could get money from that. his life could get much better, and it's because of you guys.

So, I guess what I need to sum this up is that I'm sad that you guys are leaving. I'm sad that we all seem to disagree. I'm sad that we can't just reach an agreement. But most of all, I'm sad that I'm losing most of you guys. You've made my life better, so it's heart-wrenching to see you guys go.

That's how I feel.

My last words on the subject will be this: Please come back.

~Lady Zafara

< Message edited by Arachnid -- 3/20/2012 17:48:55 >


Check out my 3D anime art!
Check out my deviantart to follow me!
AQW  Post #: 253
3/20/2012 17:41:14   



I hate to react negatively to your post but...

That isn't losing.

I'm not going to respond to anything else really since I don't have much to do with all of this.

I kinda was, you know, the one who brought up the whole godmodding thing as a joke a couple threads ago.

Just saying.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 254
3/20/2012 17:44:48   
star screamer

I may be a demon, and I can't die... a second time.
But I can be banished. I can't hurt no one banished, I am just there,
in hell, looking in something weird to see the activities of mortals.

I agree Zafara, when I joined up, the first person who wasn't criticizing
my terrible grammar (I admit that) was Clown, and he was kind.
He made me the chaotic demon you know me as today!
Now, il a disparu. That means, he is gone.

How did this even start anyways?
When did it?
Why did it?

Too annoyed to change the colour.
AQW  Post #: 255
3/20/2012 17:49:40   

Clown shouldn't leave. The forums will be much less fun without him.

Personally, I feel that a reset is unnecessary. Many of us seem to forget that this is an online game, not real life.

And what's the point of a game? To have fun, and we're taking this so seriously to the point where it's not fun anymore.

We have our own characters so we should be able to choose what our characters can do. Of course, there'll be some godmodding but that's just part of the fun as long as someone doesn't go too far like how Arachnid stated.

Clown's immortality and other powers make him a constant threat which dictates that many of us work together to stop him. There's nothing wrong with that, in fact, it's this that makes the forums an interesting place. And there's no reason to want him to leave.

Even though I don't post often anymore, I read the posts here often to keep up with events, and I don't like what I'm seeing right now. Everyone going on a riot just because they think a few guys are OP.

Heck, everyone can be OP if they want. I could make Lunarox make Earth crash into the Sun if I felt like it. Anybody can do anything they want because this is a game and we're in charge of what our character does.

That's why we need to show some restraint and toleration for each other or else I'll probably stop coming here as well.

We need to find a balance between between doing what will make the forums exciting but not going too far and annoying other people. Clown has done a very good job with that as far as I can tell.

Well, that's all I feel like saying for now.


< Message edited by Shadowlight1 -- 3/20/2012 17:51:33 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 256
3/20/2012 17:50:03   

Edited my previous post. I hope you guys read it.
I'm going to go for a little bit.
Maybe things will get better, and we can all be friends again.
AQW  Post #: 257
3/20/2012 17:55:49   
star screamer

Now that Clown's gone...
will the Carnival fall?

Then I would have no reason to even check on you guys every once and a while...

Now that Clown's gone, the Demon Clown might decide to go with him...
I can't think right now...

I'll post again or edit this one after supper.
AQW  Post #: 258
3/20/2012 18:00:53   
3 Vandoren

You see what you've done, Clown?
Post #: 259
3/20/2012 18:05:15   
star screamer

I'm not sure if I should read that sarcastically Necro.

I still can't decide.

Unless someone takes over the weight of the carnival
I see no reason to go on anymore.

Even then, it's still not fun without Clown.
AQW  Post #: 260
3/20/2012 18:06:05   

Honestly I don't know why I feel as bad as I do about all of this...

I started so late in the time-frame that I haven't done anything. Not only that, but my writing skills improved by nothing.

I only really paid attention to/received attention from Drakky, Celestin, and occasionally Swamp. I've had a few discussions with Star here and there.

You all seem to have fun though. Or rather; seemed.

With what little understanding I have, you all seemed to link together well. Sometimes I even enjoyed watching you guys roleplay together and hoped to one day join as a 'regular' lol

Not only that, but even OOC you guys are awesome.
Something tells me that if the stories here die, then some of the friendships you guys had together die along with it.

All in all I guess, don't let the RP die because of whatever this is.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 261
3/20/2012 18:17:12   
delta blitz

(Reads Clown's and Arachid's comments) *sigh* and with that only Drakkoniss remains from the beginning..........I.....I don't even know what to say....just wow...after all we accomplished..for it to end like this...sad...just...sad. Let us hope your sacrifice is not in vain Clown, I've always respected your character but truly now I respect you even the more as a person after all we have been through. You guys made me have more fun than I ever did by myself...you guys truly became my friends even more so than the fake friends that crossed me in my past (I always though that I never needed friends because I got tired of them backstabbing me or leaving me to rot in loneliness) but you guys didn't cross me, in fact you encouraged me when I felt like giving up and turning my back on the world, for that alone I am eternally grateful. I swear even when I become a game dev I will never forget you guys, in fact I will make it my duty to bring your characters to life if I can.

< Message edited by delta blitz -- 3/20/2012 18:37:13 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 262
3/20/2012 18:20:47   

*Gets back*

What have I done?!?!

DF MQ  Post #: 263
3/20/2012 18:21:22   
3 Vandoren

*glares at glaisaurus*
Take in all the sadness and heart-break you see, Glaisaurus-The-Family-Wreaker, take it in, I say!
Post #: 264
3/20/2012 18:23:33   

Yeah...this is by far the worst chain-reaction I've ever started.

I should've just stayed in DF and MQ...
DF MQ  Post #: 265
3/20/2012 18:24:39   


This predates your existence in the HeroSmash CD thread. Don't worry about yourself, lol.

As I said, this really began to escalate when I brought it up several threads ago...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 266
3/20/2012 18:28:42   

I think I basically revived it though Anti, or rather kept it going. My complaints about OP'dness on day 1 and all.

Or rather, not so much complaints, but....questionings...

I will say I'm on Drakk's side in this though, that we're sort of forcing people to RP one specific way, which shouldn't happen.
DF MQ  Post #: 267
3/20/2012 18:30:55   

You may have rekindled it a tiny bit but the godmodding issues go back a very long time.

Honestly I feel a sort of guilty emptiness. Things were fine and then I start a lot of drama for no apparent reason.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 268
3/20/2012 18:31:39   
star screamer

Yeah, I see no reason in staying.

I won't be coming back for awhile.

I'll check up on you guys and continue my stories.

This is temporary.

Like Shaun said: Get mum, kill Philip, grab Liz, head over to the Winchester
and wait for this thing to blow over.

Of course he was in a zombie invasion.
AQW  Post #: 269
3/20/2012 18:34:55   

Gla: I blame David more then I blame you.
Anti: It's a cycle. It will always be a cycle. Just wait a few more threads, it'll be better then.

I told you that the reset was a stupid idea, but nobody ever listens to me.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 270
3/20/2012 18:36:23   

@Anti:We probably just helped get this over with, rather than ignore the problems.

You know what, the point is to have fun, so I will. That was my entire reason in coming here, because I admired the HS community's ability to write huge stories.

@SL9K:Well, you always blame David, but I can kinda grasp what you mean. I agree that it's a cycle though.

< Message edited by glaisaurus_x -- 3/20/2012 18:37:09 >
DF MQ  Post #: 271
3/20/2012 18:40:04   
3 Vandoren

@Shadowlord: You know why no one ever listens to you? Because you are a rude, little cretin.

I actually think everyone contributed. Like a charity.
Post #: 272
3/20/2012 18:47:15   
Clown the Jester


I see that leaving temporarily is not an option either.

This problem was not caused by one person individually. No. It’s not that. I blame no one for this. Nobody caused this reaction.

I am not threatening to leave the forms…I’m just giving the people who disagree with me a chance to try their way. If it works and everyone is happy…then I will change to fit the times.

However…I don’t think the problem is power levels but the interactions themselves. I will not interfere with the progression of the thread for a full week. That means those who feel they have not been given an opportunity to have their chance at the forum will have an open window and stage.

You see? This isn’t about power levels. Its about the lack of direction the forum has been under. Everyone (including myself) have been trying to create their own threats or mini adventures as I for my 12 days of Smashmas event. We are all trying to be center stage when in reality we are making it difficult for interaction between players.

When I did Smashmas…I was the only one doing an act so it made it easier for others to participate and show their stuff…but now…we have a dozen scenarios going on at once and naturally many will be ignored. We need to find a way to set up turns of events. It’s the only way we can fix this..not be trying to make everyone equal by handicapping characters.

Oh and one more thing…the quote about the guy who said he paralyzed the players forever…

IT WAS A JOKE! He was kidding. It was his way of introducing himself to the forum and it was misinterpreted as being serious.

I am still here I guess. But I let someone else have a chance at trying the create a trend for Herosmash.
AQW Epic  Post #: 273
3/20/2012 18:51:25   

Hold up Clown, don't leave yet, I think you're onto something.

However…I don’t think the problem is power levels but the interactions themselves. I will not interfere with the progression of the thread for a full week. That means those who feel they have not been given an opportunity to have their chance at the forum will have an open window and stage.

Hm...exactly? It's not the OP characters that bug me so much as the fear of RPing with their owners. No-one WANTS to lose (not that it really matters but I digress). Thus these sorts of things can quickly get out of hand.

I myself am all for the Reboot simply so we can take the story in a new direction. Plus, being new I have no idea what you guys are referencing most of the time.
DF MQ  Post #: 274
3/20/2012 18:57:41   
Question Mark?


This isn’t about power levels. Its about the lack of direction the forum has been under. Everyone (including myself) have been trying to create their own threats or mini adventures as I for my 12 days of Smashmas event. We are all trying to be center stage when in reality we are making it difficult for interaction between players.

Oh Gods.
You're right.
That makes perfect sense.
Perhaps all that we need to do is return to just talking to each other as our characters, instead of bringing about the apocalypse and all of that jazz every 5 minutes.
We could still take action, just not often, and when we do, everyone should be able to participate.
Everyone should be encouraged to write and create, and to join together for the benefit of the community.
I am totally guilty of this, as are most of us.
We don't need a reset.
We just need to calm things down, and make our actions few and far-between.
I think that we might have a chance to pull this thread back together!
In fact, I know that we do!
I'm speaking as an author you guys. we've GOT THIS.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 275
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