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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/20/2012 20:47:22   

*clears throat*

It's been a while, eh, old fellows? It has. I have not read this RP, simply because from your words, it sounds like a muddled, knotted mess. And how did Alexander the Great solve knotted messes? He cuts them in half with his sword! Yeah!

Anyway, I am of the very, very, very (read: very times infinite) humble opinion that there be a reset. All schemes, motivations, ect, gone, wiped away. Basic relationships, of course, would remain. But it would allow new people (or people of old...*HINT HINT*) to more easily jump into the action.

Just like twopence.
Post #: 301
3/20/2012 20:50:19   

Ohh I see drakk...

Well... I'll go with what majority wants.


AQW Epic  Post #: 302
3/20/2012 20:51:22   

I LOVED THAT KNOT!!! (note, Goldstein, that Drakkoniss' birth name has been revealed to be Alexander, in my backstory)

Not sure motivations would be a good thing to take away...

@Jessa: I suggested that as a way to get our characters to remain while ending the problems of the situation in my last post. (Yes, I understood what you meant; I am very insightful into such things, apparently)



the first person who wasn't criticizing
my terrible grammar (I admit that) was Clown

I don't remember criticizing people's grammar too much. T_T


Too annoyed to change the colour.

I think a couple others shared your sentiment on that. (For me, btw, making the text in color has become so routine I actually do it without noticing or remembering, sometimes)


To have fun, and we're taking this so seriously to the point where it's not fun anymore.

Case and point: People repeatedly threatening and attempting to either kill or maim Zafara in such a way as she would either be an entirely unregcognizable (to all but Drakkoniss, really, as he can see things, you know, to his horror, at times; -.-) blob of flesh, or that she would have the entire fibre of her being altered so that she would be something other than that which she had been at birth, which was and is a vampire, among other things (yes, I know that was attempted by another one of her characters, but I'm trying to make a point; sheesh).


Well my character could be a major enemy (seeing as he is one of the few that isn't aligned to good,evil or Clown's chaos and I would love to see how you guys defeat him). We could use this past war as an excuse for him to become really powerful due to absorbing all the strife...though X prime is still a coward and doesn't really want anything except balance so...

He also doesn't talk. lol

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/20/2012 21:02:15 >
DF  Post #: 303
3/20/2012 20:57:40   
delta blitz

Well my character could be a major enemy (seeing as he is one of the few that isn't aligned to good,evil or Clown's chaos and I would love to see how you guys defeat him). We could use this past war as an excuse for him to become really powerful due to absorbing all the strife...though X prime is still a coward and doesn't really want anything except balance so...I'll leave it up to you guys.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 304
3/20/2012 21:00:07   

By motivations, I meant things that were fueling their actions (beside basic, vital stuff key to their backstories.) Kind of like, mass amnesia? MIB-style?

And if there is a reset, rules will needed to be agreed upon...

My my, what a headache this will be.
Post #: 305
3/20/2012 21:03:21   

/me has deeply ingrained moral fibers, which he could not change, and serve as his main purpose for his actions

Personally, I find the scaled down use of actual RPing in more controled plot arcs to be the most appealing, though maybe after a while of not doing such things... Too many things that could cause strife, what with personal attacks and underhanded moves designed to cause rage and weakness in people being acceptable, of late... Not that it never should... but it shouldn't be an organized campeign goal with so many other things going on.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/20/2012 21:06:34 >
DF  Post #: 306
3/20/2012 21:05:26   

That's what I meant by vital stuff to your character. But anything that might be fueling someone's actions that occurred during this RP would be gone. See?
Post #: 307
3/20/2012 21:07:41   
star screamer

Well he was the second person who talked to me Drakk, so... XP
At least, I'm pretty sure.
AQW  Post #: 308
3/20/2012 21:10:18   

I for the most part understand, though that would have to be conditional to our characters keeping at the very least the most personal of connections, if not abstract enemy lists of people and things.

Certain things that occured in-RP would make sense to stay. For example, Jessa being the student of Jae, who was in turn tought to master her mental powers' useage and discipline by me. Because that is integral to Jessa's character, the relationship between Jae and myself may have to be mandated, as well. There will be quite a few other things like this.


I could make Lunarox make Earth crash into the Sun if I felt like it.

I could use the sun as a bludgeoning weapon. XD

(Other than that, a very interesting post)


You see what you've done, Clown?

I'm not sure if I should read that sarcastically Necro.

I didn't. Still found it somewhat funny, though, because instead of reading it sarcastically, I read it as a satirical melodrama. ;)

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/20/2012 21:54:40 >
DF  Post #: 309
3/20/2012 21:13:25   
Jessa K

Indeed... Starting over without restarting.

But what will others think?

And nice to have you back. Goldstein!


AQW  Post #: 310
3/20/2012 21:14:31   
star screamer

Me creating Dread...
Would that have to stay?

< Message edited by star screamer -- 3/20/2012 21:17:43 >
AQW  Post #: 311
3/20/2012 21:17:19   

Must we create new characters now?
AQW Epic  Post #: 312
3/20/2012 21:18:11   
star screamer

I had him for a few months actually.
AQW  Post #: 313
3/20/2012 21:19:43   

Is that a yes or a no?
AQW Epic  Post #: 314
3/20/2012 21:21:47   
star screamer

I don't know.

AQW  Post #: 315
3/20/2012 21:22:14   

Good to be back. Certainly good to be back. And Drakkoniss, those kind of relationships are always tricky...

Is this reset a reset back in time, or does everything just get set normal, and we proceed? If the latter should be it, any skills learned would remain. And we could of course, choose the things the reset wouldn't touch, like such important relationships.

And star screamer, the creation of a whole new character? If you can come up with a story for him where his creation or creator not remembering him being created, or somehow having his creation post-reset?
Post #: 316
3/20/2012 21:23:56   
star screamer

But I already have a story.
The one about Dread Screamer.
AQW  Post #: 317
3/20/2012 21:29:00   

May I ask...

For one to participate... must one have a background story topic?
I mean like those of star, clown, zafara, and drakk?

AQW Epic  Post #: 318
3/20/2012 21:31:21   

Star Screamer: That raises a really good point. Will the RP's in this thread be independent from our own stories?

Monster: It certainly helps matters.
Post #: 319
3/20/2012 21:37:05   

No need to make new characters, just revising our current ones so we can start fresh and so newer players can understand what's going on.

Coming from that...

Hello everyone! My name is Eclipse, and I am NOT named after a certain mushy vampire book series
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 320
3/20/2012 21:39:22   

@Goldstein: Sorry, but I don't think a restart would be a good idea. Not anymore.
Most of us, including myself, wanted a reboot, but I think some of us(once again, including myself)
are starting to rethink that.

I don't think a reboot is necessary anymore. No, we do not need to make completely new characters
and go to an alternate universe and blah, blah, blah. Or at least, I don't think so.

What we do need is new rules to be put in place, and, whenever we RP, we must be more coordinated
and more organized in our interactions and dealings with one another.

I do realize that this has already been said, by Zaffy, and some others, but I am just reinforcing that idea, and sharing
my opinion, I guess.

Our past RPs have gotten have turned into horrible messes, because there would be like 5 DOOMsday situations
going on at the exact same time.
Things cannot be that way.

All those villains/chaos-related people/other threats have to take everyone into consideration, and cannot expect
their own little DOOMsday situation to be dealt with before someone elses.

So, we should do things one at a time, and not everything at once.
From now on, I think we should at least plan things a little ahead so it won't be a mess,
and tons of things won't be happening at once.


You see? This isn’t about power levels. Its about the lack of direction the forum has been under. Everyone (including myself) have been trying to create their own threats or mini adventures as I for my 12 days of Smashmas event. We are all trying to be center stage when in reality we are making it difficult for interaction between players.

Exactly, we must be organized in these things, and cannot have everyone trying to be "center stage" all at once.
We must be focused, and organized.


You all say people a leaving because there are to many OPs and you claim people are demanding reform. Here's me leaving because of the reform.

Don't change the forum process to try and win me back. I won't use my presence as a bargening chip. That would be a low move....I just want to show you guys what I've tried to stop from happening.

I hope for the sake of the community that I was wrong.

@Clown, Lion, David, and anyone else planning to leave:
Please. Don't go. We can still do this. I don't want this arguement to end so many friendships at once. That'd be
horrible. We should all work together, and try to agree on something. I can't help but feel that this was partially
my fault. :/ Then again, it was kinda partially everyone's fault... v.v

Everyone has and can contribute SO much to these forums, and Clown, what you say is true.
You have really helped these forums grow, and become a very great thing.
But now, leaving will only cause more pain and sadness. :(

This has all made me very upset, and I really, really, really care about everyone.
I talk to most of you, and care about you guys so much. I think you are all great, amazing, and creative people,
but we have to learn to work together on these things.

Guys. Please don't go. We are all like family. We care about each other. So much.
I really do think we can come to an agreement.


Sigh. I don't want to ignore any of you. I don't want any more godmodding. But our characters don't have to change.
We don't need a reboot. We were all wrong. So very wrong. And that saddens me so much. I never like arguements,
but I think we it's an arguement between friends, it's much, much worse than usual.
We shouldn't do this. We shouldn't all be angry at each other, and at each other's throats.

I no longer believe a reboot is a good idea. In fact, it is quite the opposite. At first, I didn't think much of it because,
unfortunately, I haven't contributed as much to the forums as you other guys have. It was silly, and selfish of me.
And I am sorry. I am so very sorry. I really don't want anyone to leave. That'd only make things worse.

Ya see, it's like this: Three important people leave. Then two more leave. Then more, and more, until barely anyone is left.

We have all done so much together. We've accomplished so much, and we've become an amazing community.
We cannot compromise this. This doesn't have to end. This CANNOT end. I really can't.
We can still continue.
We just... need a new situation.
We need time to recover from this, so I don't think we should have anymore DOOMsday situations. Not for a while, anyways.
We should start slow.
Nobody needs to change their character.
But we need to take others into consideration.
We need to be more organized, and not godmod anymore.
This is supposed to be fun.

In my opinion, we should stop RPing. Not for long. Just an entire day, or two, of relaxing.
Then, if we're all ready, we can start RPing again. Slowly.
It shouldn't be a bunch of disorganized chaos. That would not help.
And also, nothing that puts the world at risk. We should start slow.
Maybe a few classic bank robberies or hostage situations or whatever.
Guys. We can do this. It doesn't have to end.


1. DO NOT use another players character. It is not yours to control.
2. PLEASE do NOT have more than one event going on at once. It is hectic, and will just cause problems.

I think we should pretty much make a set of rules like this...Seems like a decent idea...

THIS. Exactly this. You are so right, Zaffy. Really.
I think this is starting to work. Maybe we can all come to an agreement, I hope.
It's not over. It's not over. It's not... over.

Edit: By the by, this is all my opinion on this matter. No one has to agree with me.
No one has to do what I say. This is all just my honest opinion, and a suggestion.

< Message edited by Celestin123 -- 3/20/2012 21:45:02 >
AQ  Post #: 321
3/20/2012 21:44:00   

Celestin: Firstly, kudos, on the heart-felt post. Secondly, by reboot, I think all current RP's would be forgotten with. No character would be in jeopardy of being destroyed. This RP would just stop and be buried with.
Post #: 322
3/20/2012 21:48:37   

^: Right. First, welcome back, and it's good to hear from you again.
Second, I see. Yes, I do agree, mostly.
All this insanity should stop.
We should start again. Fresh. Not completely start again.
Just forget the last week's worth of RPs.
Start in a new situation. One that won't turn into a complete mess.
I have faith. We can do this. Together.
AQ  Post #: 323
3/20/2012 21:50:12   
star screamer

I'm happy I wasn't actually part of the last couple weeks
of RP, considering the circumstances we are now dealing with.
And Celestin, I will consider staying.

< Message edited by star screamer -- 3/20/2012 21:51:36 >
AQW  Post #: 324
3/20/2012 21:51:03   

Thanks, Celestin.
I'm with you on that, Star Screamer.

And I think part of the problem may have been every villain wanted to be THE villain, the big bad, so one over-the-top scheme led to another.

Maybe we could set up it so that a villain with a good idea for an evil scheme can pitch it, and a hero that wants to oppose him will volunteer to do so?
Post #: 325
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