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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/21/2012 11:26:36   

I see... In large, that would be a good piece to the rules, then, though I wonder about the useage some as background characters. Certain locations and situations might call for such a thing, especially when dealing with the Chaos Carnival, and Clown the Jester's useage of their characters. It also makes me wonder with regards to implied useage, instead of direct use of a character. An analytical mind, I have, you see. I'm thinking of all of these things in context, and their implications with regards to future things. Curiousity, and eyes that see, whether they are inner, or physical.
DF  Post #: 351
3/21/2012 12:24:15   

Drakkoniss: Now I know that reading the last 3 words in Necro's post is a problem for you, so I'll explain it to you. If someone says that another person can use their character then it'll be fine.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 352
3/21/2012 13:05:23   

I both saw and know this, SL9K. It had me curious about certain possibilities for the future, where it might be appropriate to have certain things occur, but it is a situation in which certain requirements could not be met.

For example, if someone used something to take over the minds of everyone on the planet save my character, would mentioning him explicitly in such a matter (when I am offline, or otherwise unable to be reached) go against this rule? These sort of things are those that I am taking into consideration, just as things should be taken into consideration before formalizing such a policy. I did say that that would be a good thing to ban, however I am curious as to the extent it would make things either possible or impossible, and I am making my thoughts into a statement, just as I usually do, while commenting.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/21/2012 13:06:13 >
DF  Post #: 353
3/21/2012 14:41:05   

(A man unknown by any law in this world walks into a bank. He hates to use his power like this but he needs the funds to buy some companies, and from what he heard on the street this bank in particluler is known for corrupt buisness practisies and overcharing people.

The manager is called by his secutary to this person, who has stated he is there to make a deal of a lifetime. The mangaer sees him and thinks it's some kind of big business representitive. he smiles to himselfs and asks him if he wants a cup of tea.

2 days later the police still still can't put a case together. All of the money was signed off to the man with everything being legal. There was no sign of struggle or of any device. The manager showed no signs of any kind of mind control or anything, and appeared to be quite lucid and supporting of the deal even when the police were called in. He was able to give a full account of the events, save the guy's features. When asked he said "I don't know, it just seemed like a good idea at the time. He talked me into it."

It was all The Dealer could do not to laugh out loud as the hired trucks took it all. And soon enough everyone will know his name.)
DF  Post #: 354
3/21/2012 15:39:56   

... Are you trying to RP in the new world, still? I thought we had decided not to do a complete reboot...
DF  Post #: 355
3/21/2012 15:48:38   

That's what I was wondering. Though I would still like a reboot myself.

In the (very high) event that there is no reboot, can someone attempt to xplain the story? I know it's no easy task given how long you guys've been at this.

< Message edited by glaisaurus_x -- 3/21/2012 15:56:08 >
DF MQ  Post #: 356
3/21/2012 15:49:35   

Okay, in that case I'm confused.
DF  Post #: 357
3/21/2012 17:11:58   
Sir Night

Well, looks like some real progress is being made. Thats good to see. Maybe we should just move this over to the RP section where its supposed to be anyway. Over there the basic rules are already set up, and the Arch Knights probably have a better idea of what to watch out for than the ones over here would.

Also, I think I know why a lot of people call Clown OP even though he really isn't. It seems like Clown and Drakkoniss aren't really allowed to lose to anyone but each other. It isn't that either of them are really too powerful to be beaten by someone else, there's just been an unspoken rule that it can't happen. But anyway, if we do start following the rules of roleplaying better things like that should go away.

< Message edited by Sir Night -- 3/21/2012 17:12:24 >
Post #: 358
3/21/2012 17:31:22   

Good idea, Sir Knight. The reboot would be a good idea too, in my opinion.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 359
3/21/2012 17:32:05   

You know strangely, I don't think I ever did see Clown as OP.

Which makes me wonder who exactly I was thinking of...
DF MQ  Post #: 360
3/21/2012 17:35:12   

I did... never being able to kill him was annoying. Him... or someone else... always killed me.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 361
3/21/2012 17:36:19   

Well, I haven't been here too long, guess I haven't had time to really experience it <_>
DF MQ  Post #: 362
3/21/2012 17:37:51   

Yeah, that's alright... I still agree with a reboot.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 363
3/21/2012 17:38:22   

As do I, but it seems the majority oppose it now :/
DF MQ  Post #: 364
3/21/2012 18:15:47   

Please decide his fate, once I reach ten votes the site will be deleted and the changes made.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 365
3/21/2012 18:18:57   
star screamer

What's it for Velmur?
AQW  Post #: 366
3/21/2012 18:21:08   

What happens to me. My character. If I leave, change my character, get rid of my clan, etc.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 367
3/21/2012 18:23:22   

I appose moving it to the RP section... That's not the only thing we do on here, anyway.
DF  Post #: 368
3/21/2012 18:25:34   


Funny Lunarox, that's Corona's goal as well, stopping the Sun...

They say the enemy of my enemy is my friend but I think otherwise.


Also, a reboot isn't necessary. We should be who we want to be, imo
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 369
3/21/2012 18:26:02   
Jessa K

Yeah, this is a lot more than just RP.

And, if we're not rebooting, then what exactly are we doing? When?


AQW  Post #: 370
3/21/2012 18:28:58   


They say the enemy of my enemy is my friend but I think otherwise.

~_^ Oh....I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE...or..wait, that's where you're from....when you're from?

DF MQ  Post #: 371
3/21/2012 18:29:59   

I actually sorta wanted the reboot thing with the new universe, so I could change my chars. I can still change them without it, though. I also I say NO to moving it to the rp thread. This thread is the only real thing keeping the Herosmash GD alive!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 372
3/21/2012 18:32:03   

This thread is the only reason I bothered with HSGD in the first place.
DF MQ  Post #: 373
3/21/2012 18:33:30   


I also I say NO to moving it to the rp thread.


And I don't really think a complete reboot is necessary anymore.
More like...Going back in time by a decent amount.
Like in the days of C&T.
AQW  Post #: 374
3/21/2012 18:36:14   
Jessa K

That'd be good, I think.
AQW  Post #: 375
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