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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/18/2012 20:11:15   

I edited to show my passive powers that I can remember, which should be all of them. Some of them might not be, though.
DF  Post #: 26
3/18/2012 20:23:31   


The existance of his mind in another dimension

Cool. My brother had once invented a character who's mind existed in the 5th Dimension, and would act on its own, subconsciously sending things out so that his 3rd/4th Dimensional Body would benefit from it in the future.

Anyhow, doesn't seem too OP but still strong. Wondering how fast though, since the Flash is NOT a good standard to use. He can run trillions of times faster than light.
DF MQ  Post #: 27
3/18/2012 20:26:43   

Hmm... Not quite sure how much in specific, but I would say maybe 5 MPS, max.

OH! I remembered something I forgot to put on there. Makes me want to facepalm for forgeting that...
DF  Post #: 28
3/18/2012 20:27:16   

*a thin lean man in a thin black suit, with thick black hair, piercing black eyes, a perfect smile, a flawless face, and two black as night feather wings stands outside Omnicorp HQ. To his right is a bulky muscular man, with snow white hair, bright white eyes, a mischievous smile, wearing a leather jacket, grubby jeans ripped at the knees, and the gauntlet computer on his wrist. The man in the black suit turns to face the bulky pale man*

So White Demon have you locked onto to 2.0?

Yup, follow me Black Angel!

*White Demon sprouts white leathery wings, and takes to the sky. Black Angel does the same*

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 3/18/2012 20:43:09 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 29
3/18/2012 20:37:14   
Crystal Lion

*Artisa listens to the hologram in fear.* No... *She kneels down on the ground and howls in a wolflike way.*

*Atroxia sighs.* We've got to keep moving. Save your grief for when we're all safe. *The red lion looks back at the city she and her twin had lived in for the last twenty years.* Mum was right, even the stuff of legends cannot deal with the influx of villains. I doubt we'll be back unless we can find heroes in another land. *She helps her twin up and walks away with her.*

This is my final rp post, by the way. If I post in this thread, it will only to update my L&L story or to comment as OOC.


Sent away to a leper colony like everyone who once loved Herosmash.
Post #: 30
3/18/2012 20:40:18   

Added power scaling.


YELLOW EYES?!?!?!? O.o (white eyes are usually either indicative of tremendous levels of power or purity, which almost makes it look like the White Demon is weaker than you'd think, especially considering his name's connotations to his appearance)


Oh, and just so everyone knows, I did not think the fight with Voldo would end that quickly... (Who'd have thought he'd blow himself up?)


*frowns, reading Crystal Lion's comment* Does that mean you will be leaving the forums, or just the RP, for a while?

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/18/2012 20:42:53 >
DF  Post #: 31
3/18/2012 20:44:06   


Saturn to some degree (as he doesn't mess with things too much, here)

D'aww. How nice of you to mention me!

I know for a fact Fairgates won't stand a chance under any normal circumstances because he is, for all intents and purposes, a mortal. The other one, Contrast, I can't be sure about because I haven't really delved into it yet.

Could Celestin pose a threat or no? And what all do we know of Syrena?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 32
3/18/2012 20:44:28   
delta blitz


*X prime, Pandora and the smaller version of the FOE sit in the center of Auroa park under the soundproof barrier that Pandora created in silence*
*Then suddenly X prime orders Pandora to reclaim the energy the orginal Pandora had released to create the Smashers*
*Pandora raises her hands over her head, turning the barrier that surrounded Auroa park into a energy vacuum that begins pulling back the pandoran energy from the Smashers of the city*
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 33
3/18/2012 20:48:57   
Crystal Lion

The forum RP, for good.
Post #: 34
3/18/2012 20:50:11   

Never knew the thing about the white eyes. I changed it underestmeing White Demon could cause you`r death.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 35
3/18/2012 20:51:20   


The forum RP, for good.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 36
3/18/2012 20:52:15   

I would prefer for Zafara/Arachnid to post what she will about Syrena, as I know things others don't, including certain things Zafara doesn't believe Syrena herself knows, so posting a detailed explanation of that.

Celestin could, potentially. Perhaps not with his normal powers as they are revealed now, but because of certain extenuating circumstances, he would be able to potentially garner enough power or support from other beings of power, yes.

Yes, David, I saw that. Closer to the park it would drain it faster, though, and I also have powers not from Pandora, as indicated. I understand that you want that to be dealt with/understood/noticed by others, however, so I shall wait to see what one of them says.


Never say never, dear. There is always hope, and quite a few other things could happen. Know that I posted that at the behest of Vector (or to serve his will, rather), but he may at a later time rejoin, especially if something were to happen to cause me to do something I really don't want to do, but that would be better for character balance, presumeably. It would give certain things better chances, or new ones, though. I have been considering that for the sake of things in general, even though I don't want to. :/

Also, I do not underestimate those two. I understand they are quite powerful. It's just that the fact that it had yellow eyes struck me as odd, considering associations with white ones, along with the obvious fact he was named the White Demon.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/18/2012 20:57:03 >
DF  Post #: 37
3/18/2012 20:54:18   

Just for the sake of throwing my character in a situation, I'm wondering how he'd go about fighting him. Power-Scaling wouldn't matter since he's not far above the average person. Speed's kinda pointless to a Time Traveller. The strength would be a problem though.

Eh, just trying to get involved I guess, don't blame me for being interested >_>
DF MQ  Post #: 38
3/18/2012 20:54:20   

Lion: Accidentally the sentence, you must.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 39
3/18/2012 20:57:18   

Okay, I can wait for her to show up then.

As for Celestin, I am not exactly sure on what the extent is of his power. Thanks for clarifying.

Personally, I think Jessa Kevlar could also pose a threat to anyone, depending on the situation? Am I correct in this?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 40
3/18/2012 20:58:45   
Crystal Lion

I meant that I'm not participating in any more forum rps.
Post #: 41
3/18/2012 20:59:40   

Would it be out of place for me to ask why?

Of course, you and I didn't do much interaction anyway so...

Still concerned. Blah.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 42
3/18/2012 20:59:53   

Anti: Probably, but you forget that Jessa has no real defense or offense.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 43
3/18/2012 21:02:36   
Crystal Lion

Well, Anti, let's just say that I feel like I can't make a difference unless I use deus ex machina on my characters.
Post #: 44
3/18/2012 21:03:39   

Well, let's just theoretically say she met the Clown.

And she wanted the Clown to die for some reason.

Out of nowhere a lightning bolt hits a car which crashes into a building, which explodes for some reason, somehow resulting in a fence being launched at extreme speed in his direction.

His body falls to the ground, having been cut in half like butter.

That is an amazing offense. Her defense is the same way.
She doesn't want to die? Stuff keeps happening that protects her.

I'm not saying it's impossible, nor do I fully understand her abilities.
I'm just saying that she might be a tiny bit underrated in comparison to others, when she shouldn't be.

EDIT: @Crystal

I think anyone could make a difference, if they somehow gave themselves the incentive to do it. It doesn't have to be a full-on abrupt change.

< Message edited by Antithesis -- 3/18/2012 21:05:35 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 45
3/18/2012 21:05:28   


Well, Anti, let's just say that I feel like I can't make a difference unless I use deus ex machina on my characters.

I can definitely understand what you mean there...
DF MQ  Post #: 46
3/18/2012 21:07:58   

Theoretically, yes, Jessa could meddle with things quite a bit. A coin tossed in the air, yet to decide which face to land on, that girl.

I don't blame you for being interested. I do warn you, however that my character has a sword that has a blade that can phase through dimesions, so he could potentially hit him even if he's not located during the time stream, potentially, with a few modicfications.

Also, considering our allignments, I doubt that we would get into a situation that would need such intervention, though it could theoretically. Remember, however, in such a situation, as well as at all other times, I would be able to see you phased out of the time stream, by dent of your observation requiring a way to allow you to see what's going on at such times, and thus a precise link to what you appear to be doing, then, though that's a simplified explanation. (Those are just my passive powers, btw, though the strength and speed are controled, which makes their categoration as such somewhat dubious, even though I consider them as such.

I shall now edit to add a couple tweaks to my passives/the explanation of the limited invulnerability.
DF  Post #: 47
3/18/2012 21:11:49   
delta blitz

*Goes out character and frowns*
I'm quiting rping too :(, its not fun anymore with all these ideas that characters are not strong enough or are too strong so on behalf of X prime, I will be taking him out of the equation.
*X prime flies off into deep space, never to be seen again, taking Pandora and the smaller FOE copy with him*
Done and done now that is one less character you guys have to worry about, if you guys wanna talk you can meet me ingame xl.

AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 48
3/18/2012 21:13:06   

Well the dimension wouldn't matter. Being a physical being, he always has to exist in a dimension. Being outside of Time simply allows him to be at any point, any time, and to see them all. (Theoretically, he could be everywhere in time at once I suppose).

But considering we're both good guys, I doubt it really matters.

@^:Weird, I never stated he was too strong :/ All I intended was to ask questions. Oh well, if you wish to do that, it's your choice. I am completely sure this was my doing.

@Below:Eh, it made sense to me, oh well.

< Message edited by glaisaurus_x -- 3/18/2012 21:19:40 >
DF MQ  Post #: 49
3/18/2012 21:15:04   

I'd argue the theoretical physics/metaphisics aspects of that, but meh.

That makes me sad, David. I would've at least liked to see what he would've done next, and had him stay in a little while longer.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/18/2012 21:19:12 >
DF  Post #: 50
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