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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/26/2012 19:14:13   

Isn't the game's style? K.
It's a big revolver concept with no shading, I don't think it's fair to claim the weapon even has a particular style.
SL9K got a shield in-game that was drawn with like three colors. I don't know if blurriness will mean much.

Glad you like it Kinz.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 501
3/26/2012 19:41:52   

I just noticed that Drakkoniss has "Creative!" and "Constructive!" Under his forum name... .-.

I have to say, the weapon is pretty good Anti, and the animation that you want looks good, too.

I certainly can't draw better .-.

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 502
3/26/2012 19:47:11   

I'm flattered but I personally love the stuff you draw so...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 503
3/26/2012 19:47:57   
star screamer

People barely trust me with a kitchen knife, no joke.
AQW  Post #: 504
3/26/2012 20:57:21   

Oh, it definitely has an art style. I was meaning that while its look was nice, and it is a good concept, if it was just injected into the game, the graphics would clash with the surrounding parts of it. You did shape it well enough, though.
DF  Post #: 505
3/26/2012 21:53:34   

Again, SL9K's shield was literally a couple shapes and colors. That is definitely not Herosmash's style.

So I fail to see what point you're trying to make. The staff change the direct appearance of items to match the style. Mine isn't even shaded. It's a concept, therefore it has no "art style"
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 506
3/26/2012 22:44:10   

Personally, I think that was put in-game due to the fact that it resembles a symbol from ED (no offence; I've told you that before, SL9K), but I understand your point. I still think its lines and things should probably be more clear, idealy. Try to make sure none of the details are masked by the color in all future attempts. The fact that that can happen is exactly why I don't color my pieces. I am always dissatisfied with how they turn out, when I put them into color. That being said, considering you almost certainly have more experience in that field of art than I do, I only advise you to be careful about it. ;)

Edit: The Creative! and Constructive! Things are somewhat disturbing me, because I keep having a large space gap between my text and the bottom of my post, now. XD (CURSE YOU, XENOPHOBIA!!!!!!!)

Oh, and in case you either did forgot after having X'ed the popup out, or the forum doesn't tell you that you have PMs, on your version, I sent you a PM, Zafara. (I get paranoid/anxious when I am not responded to after PMing someone, sorry; :/)

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/26/2012 22:47:24 >
DF  Post #: 507
3/27/2012 0:10:06   
Jessa K

Congrats on the Creative! Constructive! Drak, although I honestly have no idea what that means.


AQW  Post #: 508
3/27/2012 2:00:56   

Jessa: It basically shows that he's a mature, useful forum member. Notice the low number of them in HS/AQW forums.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 509
3/27/2012 2:02:23   

Well, mostly i like how good they make armors but seriously.. Has any one noticed all the swords are bended.. They not straight..
Hope they make better swords next time.. its ruins the look, Have to unequipp it
Epic  Post #: 510
3/27/2012 11:57:53   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

I have deleted several posts that were veering on the edge of flaming one another. If you cannot post constructively, and kindly and with respect to other members maybe take some time to think before you post to avoid that situation. I do not want to see it again, warnings will be handed out if it continues.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 511
3/27/2012 12:33:17   

Thank you, Digi. (I didn't post because of a combination of laziness [sadly] and the fact that I didn't want to make things worse, and had just woken up) Nice avvy, btw. Loved that movie.
DF  Post #: 512
3/27/2012 12:38:53   
Clown the Jester

Heh heh heh. All this talk of sharp weapons is making me so excited.

Ya know what we need more of? Knives. Alot more knives.

Heh heh.
AQW Epic  Post #: 513
3/27/2012 13:50:12   

We need knives that can be held in reverse-grip style, that look better than the only current one we can, which I dislike, aesthetically (though I know quite a few people who DO like it).
I might start working on drawing some, some time. Haven't worked on knives in quite a while...

That reminds me that I left one of my original copies of my art sheets over at one of my cousins' house, and I had just drawn two new guns, one of which was a futuristic energy cannon that had a dragon head at its front. T_T ... I wanted to call them Glasnost and Perestroika... :/ (historical joke; lol)

I'm thinking one that sortof looks like Asuma's chakra blades, except with a hook at the top, and more curved spikes along the edge, instead of straight triangular ones... To start.

For some reason, I also have a longing for scalpels being introduced to the game, but I am not quite sure I'd be the best person to draw one... Oh, and also kunai knives, but that's just more of a personal desire than anything...

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/27/2012 13:53:03 >
DF  Post #: 514
3/27/2012 14:03:32   

I think that a scalpel would be very easy to do, in terms of design.

That's like twenty seconds worth of drawing.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 515
3/27/2012 14:06:16   

I don't like knives myself. Give me good old fashoned fists anyday. Not that I'm any good at fighting, but I think that a real man should only use his fists, and only when needed to boot. Now granted, you can't really do that against, say, a bear, and in games like Saint's Row for example you don't WANT to. But in RL, fists are they way to go. Anyone who uses knives is either sick or a coward.

...No offense to you Clown.

< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 3/27/2012 14:07:05 >
DF  Post #: 516
3/27/2012 14:19:31   

I know, Anti, but I'm more into elaborate designs, and I am also a perfectionist. I suppose I could try, but meh. I remind myself of Shikamaru. Genius, but too lazy to do such things, alot of the time... Maybe if I design something on the handle... Might take multiple tries to get the blade edge just the way I want it, but ah well. I suppose I might just try, later.

Fists, or swords, should armor be involved. Settling differences with swordsplay is how the real sophisticated gentlemen do it. ;)
DF  Post #: 517
3/27/2012 14:22:30   

Divine Scalpel of the Old Gods

Seems legit. xD

Todays my birthday so I suspect this will be my last post of the day.

Ciao. I'd wield that scalpel any day

< Message edited by Antithesis -- 3/27/2012 14:24:19 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 518
3/27/2012 14:24:11   

/me puts extreme effort and detail into almost everything he draws, when he's serious
DF  Post #: 519
3/27/2012 14:50:56   

We should be really talking about our characters you know. I'll get us started with this; Ommicorp is now having a 50% Off Sale! Why? I feel like it.

< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 3/27/2012 14:51:14 >
DF  Post #: 520
3/27/2012 16:54:36   
3 Vandoren

I'll take 5 crates of plasma!
Also, about 200 batteries. Triple A, please.
How much'll that add up to?

You know what, I'm going to need about 6 cords, each about 200 feet long.

< Message edited by Necro Berserk -- 3/27/2012 16:59:54 >
Post #: 521
3/27/2012 17:02:32   

Hold on, just let me put on my work uniform, and ok I`m redy! So 5 crates of plasma and 200 batteries? Hmm that would be, 6000 Fame.

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 3/27/2012 17:05:04 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 522
3/27/2012 17:04:03   
3 Vandoren

ONLY 6000?!
10,000, but that is as low as I am going!
You haggler, you!
Post #: 523
3/27/2012 17:06:27   

(you do know that you`r char is the one paying right?) Hmm how about, 5995
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 524
3/27/2012 17:08:00   
3 Vandoren

Yes, I know quite well.
Post #: 525
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