Creative! Constructive!
Personally, I think that was put in-game due to the fact that it resembles a symbol from ED (no offence; I've told you that before, SL9K), but I understand your point. I still think its lines and things should probably be more clear, idealy. Try to make sure none of the details are masked by the color in all future attempts. The fact that that can happen is exactly why I don't color my pieces. I am always dissatisfied with how they turn out, when I put them into color. That being said, considering you almost certainly have more experience in that field of art than I do, I only advise you to be careful about it. ;) Edit: The Creative! and Constructive! Things are somewhat disturbing me, because I keep having a large space gap between my text and the bottom of my post, now. XD (CURSE YOU, XENOPHOBIA!!!!!!!) Oh, and in case you either did forgot after having X'ed the popup out, or the forum doesn't tell you that you have PMs, on your version, I sent you a PM, Zafara. (I get paranoid/anxious when I am not responded to after PMing someone, sorry; :/)
< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/26/2012 22:47:24 >