Creative! Constructive!
WRONG, QUESTION MARK!!!!!!!!! This time, there were 366 days!!! quote:
Perhaps some sort of celebration of longevity is in order. Perhaps we should kill him. That would be funny, but in a silly way... Somewhat like Monty Pythonian stuff, but more morbid... and not necessarily in a good way... *narrows his eyes* Then again, what he said afterwords (on that post) was funny enough for me to mostly forgive that. Meh. I have much more than that to read through, Clown. Muuuch more. XD (oh, and I thought it was a race; WHY THE HECK ARE YOU POSTING IT ON THE SAME DAY, THEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?! lol) quote:
I find that all delight is corrosive. I don't. ;) (in fact, I disagree with the majority of that post) WHY, YOUTUBE BAN?!?!?!?! WHYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Oh, and you make me sometimes want to facepalm, ??. Oh, btw, I applaud you for speaking as such. SPLENDID, and MAGNIFICANTLY DELIGHTFUL!!!!!!! (I do enjoy an eloquent speaker, every now and again, goodfellow. It's quite ammusing, and entertaining, as well, and that's just my base emotion in that regard! XD) You remind my of the 1800s, my good man. Would it be quite the bother, if I were to pry into such a matter? For some reason, you also seem strangely British. I couldn't quite venture to guess why, though. Care to enlighten us, with your old fashioned ediquette and manerisms, hmm? 'T'would be quite droll, if I do say so myself. I would not try your patience so much as to guess who you actually are, but I understand why you might not wish to reveal the specifics concerning your personage. So many of us have dreadful secrets of late... But no matter. I suppose you might as well cozy up a bit, as untill further notice, this time would just happen to be your residence, domense, and your grand new home, so annoyingly filled with woes and cataclysms as it is. Regardless of all the unpleasant things, welcome, and feel free to take a look around. It's quite interesting, here, and you might just learn to find it enjoyable enough. Verily yours, ~ Drakkoniss - A post script note, to respond to the continuation of dialogue: Oh, you'd be suprised how much humanity has embraced science, of late. A few still cling to the archaic ways, but nevertheless, progress has not been impeded overly much by such creatures of humanity. A very interesting post, indeed. - A note after the aforementioned note, taking place after the main body of dialogue: Also, we once had a man of our kin that was to be called, and whose son maintains the title of, Gray Silhouette. A loon by the monicker of Clown the Jester refers to him as Grape, on occasion (quite frequently, mind you, but not all the time), and thusly, that name might be a hinderance to the publick wellfare and understanding, fine fellow. You may wish to redact your comment thusly, though I would understand, should you wish not to comply.
< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/27/2012 21:54:00 >