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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/27/2012 21:09:22   
Clown the Jester


Birthdays and Cake for all...heh heh...Clown Cake...of Corrosive...HEE HEE...Delights. HOO HOO HOO HA HA HA HA!

*Clown the Jester pulls out a switch blade*

I call dibs on cutting the cake...heh heh..and Drakkoniss.

OH forgot to say..tomorrow...there will be a new chapter of the Good the bad and the chaos...AND OPERATION REBORN! HOO HOO HOO!

Remember Gray and I switched stories for these chapters...with a little chit chat to make sure we were going the right way. OOOH! I CAN'T WAIT TO READ THE NEW CHAPTER OF GOOD AND EVIL AND CHAOS! I'M ALL A TINGLE!


So you lucky lucky duckies get 40+ new reading material to read through...Isn't that just.... corrosively delightful?
AQW Epic  Post #: 551
3/27/2012 21:11:04   
Question Mark?

I find that all delight is corrosive.
It eats its way through your hopes, dreams and memories, twisting them and concealing the truth.
Obscuring fact with fiction.
Disguising and confining the bitterness of the world.
Delight is simply another form of self-deception.
That is all that there is to say on the matter.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 552
3/27/2012 21:13:16   

Oh Thursday, I'm sorry, but whenever I read your posts, this is my only reaction.
Post #: 553
3/27/2012 21:19:24   
Question Mark?

Am I really that obtuse?
Perhaps I could appeal to an alternative demographic by attempting to portray my personal character as something a bit more "hip" and "far out."
Although, perhaps that is not the wisest course of action.
I do apologize for my arcane manner of speaking, but it is usually the case that when one is sealed within a single position for vast sloughs of time, one tends to speak in the fashion more common within one's temporal location of origin, or so it seems.
To clarify, I have been locked away for quite some time. I hope that this was clear enough, as I seriously doubt that I will be able to further augment my own clarity without lapsing further into the redundancy that I so abhor. It might assist your comprehension if I began signing my "posts" so to speak, but I am inclined to hesitate regarding said matter. Perhaps eventually the reasoning behind this decision will be more obvious, but I doubt that this will be the case until the occasion of my revealing has come to pass. To conclude, however, you must know that I am not, in fact, the one that is known to you as Lord Thursday. He speaks in a far colder colour.

< Message edited by Question Mark? -- 3/27/2012 21:20:10 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 554
3/27/2012 21:24:34   

Or perhaps I'm simply a dense dullard. Me thinks that if current situations pressured me, I could fluidly speak with a contemptuous accent and convoluted style of speech. But I can't top you, Thurs. You use arcanity with grace and ease. I sound like someone reading from a thesaurus.

Eh. Medical degrees just aren't as useful as Old English Dialect degrees, right? BWA HA HA HA.
Post #: 555
3/27/2012 21:36:37   
Question Mark?

The study of medicine is a fascinating thing.
It is the most elegant of practices, in actuality. Able to grant the gift of life, and just as celeritously, to revoke it.
Those who require further assistance, either to repress a condition that impairs their efficiency, or to determine a fashion by which to stimulate the same, simply present themselves to the hands of those who have made painstaking study of the form of the moist animatron that is the human being, and they are manipulated in the most skilled fashion to reach the peak of their potential, or to return them to function once more. Those who are inefficient and cannot be repaired, those who serve only to restrict and repress the vitality of the human machine and the glorious coalition that is society, may simply be removed from said organization, as they were unwilling to participate as a member of it.
Yes, the medical sciences are some of the most practical resources available to the human race, and should be recognized as such.
All of this balderdash that seems to extricate itself from the decayed and ropy carcass of human culture regarding natural, nonscientific cures, simply exemplifies the horrifying distrust in the sciences that has so overtaken society, and will prove, eventually, its ultimate downfall.
Indeed, it is a pity, but I digress from the topic at hand.
Let us continue our discussion as it was.

Post Script: You must recall, Lord Thursday has recently ceased to function. My identity is as of yet undisclosed. However, as you must find some fashion by which to address me, I will permit you to call me... Hmm... Yes, that will do. You may address me as "Mr. Grape Sorbet."

< Message edited by Question Mark? -- 3/27/2012 21:38:53 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 556
3/27/2012 21:43:40   

WRONG, QUESTION MARK!!!!!!!!! This time, there were 366 days!!!


Perhaps some sort of celebration of longevity is in order.
Perhaps we should kill him.

That would be funny, but in a silly way... Somewhat like Monty Pythonian stuff, but more morbid... and not necessarily in a good way... *narrows his eyes*

Then again, what he said afterwords (on that post) was funny enough for me to mostly forgive that.

Meh. I have much more than that to read through, Clown. Muuuch more. XD (oh, and I thought it was a race; WHY THE HECK ARE YOU POSTING IT ON THE SAME DAY, THEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?! lol)


I find that all delight is corrosive.

I don't. ;) (in fact, I disagree with the majority of that post)

WHY, YOUTUBE BAN?!?!?!?! WHYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Oh, and you make me sometimes want to facepalm, ??.

Oh, btw, I applaud you for speaking as such. SPLENDID, and MAGNIFICANTLY DELIGHTFUL!!!!!!! (I do enjoy an eloquent speaker, every now and again, goodfellow. It's quite ammusing, and entertaining, as well, and that's just my base emotion in that regard! XD)

You remind my of the 1800s, my good man. Would it be quite the bother, if I were to pry into such a matter? For some reason, you also seem strangely British. I couldn't quite venture to guess why, though. Care to enlighten us, with your old fashioned ediquette and manerisms, hmm? 'T'would be quite droll, if I do say so myself.

I would not try your patience so much as to guess who you actually are, but I understand why you might not wish to reveal the specifics concerning your personage. So many of us have dreadful secrets of late... But no matter. I suppose you might as well cozy up a bit, as untill further notice, this time would just happen to be your residence, domense, and your grand new home, so annoyingly filled with woes and cataclysms as it is. Regardless of all the unpleasant things, welcome, and feel free to take a look around. It's quite interesting, here, and you might just learn to find it enjoyable enough.

Verily yours,
~ Drakkoniss

- A post script note, to respond to the continuation of dialogue: Oh, you'd be suprised how much humanity has embraced science, of late. A few still cling to the archaic ways, but nevertheless, progress has not been impeded overly much by such creatures of humanity. A very interesting post, indeed.

- A note after the aforementioned note, taking place after the main body of dialogue: Also, we once had a man of our kin that was to be called, and whose son maintains the title of, Gray Silhouette. A loon by the monicker of Clown the Jester refers to him as Grape, on occasion (quite frequently, mind you, but not all the time), and thusly, that name might be a hinderance to the publick wellfare and understanding, fine fellow. You may wish to redact your comment thusly, though I would understand, should you wish not to comply.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/27/2012 21:54:00 >
DF  Post #: 557
3/27/2012 21:52:30   

@Necro *gently sets the shipment in the subway next to a chudling nest*

@Goldstein Omnicorp does not sell to members of the order.

@Questin Mark The omelet is prepared now we just need to wait for a full moon. May I ask why a full moon though?

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 558
3/27/2012 21:55:22   

Kinz: I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about, but I already received all my items...Dealer's death really did a number on you, huh? We were allies...
Post #: 559
3/27/2012 21:58:01   


@Questin Mark The omelet is prepared now we just need to wait for a full moon. May I ask why a full moon though?

You had better have access and the wit to make use of a device of time dialation, or some sort, else you might just invoke the result of ignoring a certain stipulation in our gentlemanly new friend's rather specific request.

That is, he refered specifically to his need of one that was fresh at the time of said lunar event.

Oh, yes... Goldstein, you may wish to take heed of a boon unto your mind that I shall presently unveil: He wishes to continue to honor the morals and undieing will of his late master. There was previously a denial of all services involked by The Dealer, brought about as a result of the designs of your Brotherhood. Henseforth, I expect he shall indeed follow through with that desire, and that you shant gain nary the worth of a penny more. Woe unto you if you furthermore continue, Strebor. I suspect that the DOOM it could very well bring would not be a pleasant one.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/27/2012 22:03:22 >
DF  Post #: 560
3/27/2012 22:05:44   

My Brotherhood? I am alarmed that you think I throw my lot so readily with them! Shame upon you, Drakkoniss, for so willingly discrediting me! I have nothing to do with those scorched-Earth zealots!
Post #: 561
3/27/2012 22:06:36   

@Goldstein You call you`r self good, yet you joined a organisation, more chaotic then the carnies! They may think this is right, but you are no foll! I know you can tell it is not! As for Dealer, HE WILL BE AVENGED!

@Drak with some tampering the Time Room, can freeze time with in it.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 562
3/27/2012 22:07:57   


You had better have access and the wit to make use of a device of time dialation

Forgotten so quickly...
DF MQ  Post #: 563
3/27/2012 22:09:09   

I am not a foll, Mr. Kinz, nor am I fool. I have had no dealings with this Brotherhood. I do not understand why you think I am allied with them...?
Post #: 564
3/27/2012 22:10:46   

It is not I that accuse you of such a thing, commerade, but your own tongue which is the blight upon your credibility. BEHOLD!!!!!!!:


Perhaps deciding to work with this Order was a bad idea...

The words of thine mouth betray you!

(@Kinz: Gratzi, il mio amigo)
DF  Post #: 565
3/27/2012 22:10:54   
Sir Night

Your PM box seems to be full.


OH forgot to say..tomorrow...there will be a new chapter of the Good the bad and the chaos...AND OPERATION REBORN! HOO HOO HOO!

YEEEHAW!!! Finally.
Post #: 566
3/27/2012 22:15:06   

@Gold Omnicrop spy drones, recorded you saying this


Perhaps deciding to work with this Order was a bad idea...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 567
3/27/2012 22:15:39   

@Question: You said you were "sealed in a fixed position." That wouldn't happen to have been in front of a dictionary or something, right?

Goldstein's a traitor? Life no longer has logic

Full Moon? No problem. I think I can arrange that at any time. Short distance Lunar movement is a simple procedure.

A party? Sounds like fun.

Being captured is no reason why I shouldn't attend. Oh wait...

< Message edited by Shadowlight1 -- 3/27/2012 22:17:08 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 568
3/27/2012 22:16:07   

...I, I, uh, that, you see, uhm, that...

That was...


You've taken me out of context and that, and that...was...uhm...

That was suppose to be in a thought bubble.
Post #: 569
3/27/2012 22:24:23   

My char could read you`r mind anyways so...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 570
3/27/2012 22:26:01   

Indubitably so, my crocidilimorphic aquaintance. Fatefully, it would seem that the zenith of my attempts at bringing fruitition to the wonts of my heart are for naught, for the wretched state of being this world is in has caused me to have the undesirable possition of having a fellow who's mind's thoughts cannot be accessed save on rare occasion, and the fulfillment of my attempts to contact him have ended in melancholic flummoxing. Nevertheless, I suppose that could be remedied... eventually.

Oh... and my personage would so happen to be of the capacity to peruse the minds of others, mein commerade. (oh, and because you tried to say that it was captured on Omnicorp. drones, and did, I'd suggest an edit of one or more of your posts, tentacled one; Also, I believe a certain Homo sapiens specimen we have been analysing the dialogue of just so happens to have an ailment of the mind, releasing a profound revelation, if you could find it)

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/27/2012 22:29:17 >
DF  Post #: 571
3/27/2012 22:26:50   

Er, well, yes, I...

That was intended solely as a joke. Ha ha! Jokes!


May I state clearly that I have no connections to the Brotherhood, and never will. Please, believe me.

I do not stand with the Brotherhood.
Post #: 572
3/27/2012 22:32:38   

(... If understanding of that previous post was not within your mental capabilities, those of you who wish to be of knowledge in such a regard, I'll give you a hint: his insanity recently has pulled him into a state of lax awareness and control of verbal activities, concerning such things)

DF  Post #: 573
3/27/2012 22:33:11   

Hmmm... *commands Omnicorp spy drones to keep Gold`s clinic under deep surveillance*
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 574
3/27/2012 22:40:37   


Watching me...with spy drones does not help my paranoia.

You're going to have to take my word for it. Because I don't like being watched.
Post #: 575
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