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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/27/2012 22:42:47   

Ok Gold I will, as my late master would say don`t back stab me and we won`t have a issue!

Claimed for Omnicorps 50 percent off sale!

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 3/27/2012 22:43:40 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 576
3/27/2012 23:01:07   

I'll try, Kinz. I'll certainly try.
Post #: 577
3/28/2012 1:04:16   

Thanks for the happy birthdays, guys :) Today hasn't been very good and it's very nice to come back to warm wishes!

It means a lot, seriously.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 578
3/28/2012 1:13:59   
Jessa K

Aw no, poor Anti! Birthdays should be the best day of the year, besides Pi day! *hands Anti a cookie* No, wait. *runs off, and comes back with a big birthday cake* There! Sugar makes everything better!
AQW  Post #: 579
3/28/2012 1:15:08   

:3 Aw thanks. *devours the cake in roughly three seconds* Yes, yes it does!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 580
3/28/2012 6:51:07   

Aww, sorry to hear about the bad bday Anti. You`r such a cool guy!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 581
3/28/2012 8:11:06   

Yes, sugar tends to make things better... except diabetes... and heart disease... probably not cancer, either, though it makes life more enjoyable... or concentration.

Oh, and btw... Clown's comment about knives had me inspired last night and/or up untill around ten minutes ago, or just a weee bit before that, so I just so happened to pull an all-nighter, and I now have drawn some. Link coming shortly.

Here: http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/4050/img052wg.jpg (I actually drew more than are shown on there, but those contain the knives I liked best, along with a short sword or two, and a couple of scalpels, one of which is fancier than the other... [don't worry, ye doctors, whilst in the grip of the practitioner, everything but what is in direct contact to the weider, and the blade itself becomes intangeable, so there will be no ill effect on surgical proceedures, I'd say {oh, and I call it the Scalpel of Eldrich DOOM ( ;) [yes, I can use this many sybols of inclusion])}] also, I included a kunai knife in that section, and I left out my horrible attempts to draw stilletos without looking at one [which I could've done by leavign my bedroom, and going to the entryway, but I didn't want to be cought up so late/early; XD])

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/28/2012 8:27:47 >
DF  Post #: 582
3/28/2012 12:09:00   

You know what I'm going to do that I reckon will be a big seller? I'm going to invent a Soundtrack Device that plays appropriate music when you do something, like a fight or a dramatic enterence. Villains with taste will LOVE it, as will heroes with a feeling for dramatic entrences. Make it pre programable so people can put their own tunes!
DF  Post #: 583
3/28/2012 16:54:56   
Doom Desirer

Happy birthday anti, maybe this is late, but still, happy birthday!
Post #: 584
3/28/2012 18:21:54   


You know what I'm going to do that I reckon will be a big seller? I'm going to invent a Soundtrack Device that plays appropriate music when you do something, like a fight or a dramatic enterence.

...I want that now.

And oddly, I decided to postpone the Corona and Prison stories even further. My first HS story will be unrelated to either. The idea came in a dream actually. Just a name oddly, "The Toy Box."

I have no idea what that's supposed to mean, but I will base an entire story off of it!

Maybe it can somehow end up explaining things in future stories of mine, or tie into them all.

Though, I don't intend for my HS stories to be nearly as long as my DF one...so this should be easier.
DF MQ  Post #: 585
3/28/2012 21:06:33   
Jessa K

Hey guys, just thought I should mention something. I'm going out-of-state for a while, and I'm not sure if I'll have Internet or not. I think there's some form of Internet there, but I'm not sure that I'll be able to access it. Anyways, if I I don't post within the next 36 hours or so, you'll know what's happened!


AQW  Post #: 586
3/28/2012 21:44:00   
Clown the Jester

The new chapter of Good Bad and Chaos is out...I'll have the new chapter of Operation Reborn out tomorrow. Heh heh...grape won.
AQW Epic  Post #: 587
3/28/2012 21:47:50   
Jessa K

Oh, perfect airplane reading! New chapters on TBoO and GBC! *excited*
AQW  Post #: 588
3/28/2012 21:59:12   

Wow Clown, that's like 3-4x the length of my chapters xD Now I understand why the updates are less frequent, different standard and such.
DF MQ  Post #: 589
3/28/2012 22:01:00   
Clown the Jester

Heh heh heh....yeah...Gray and I do love to go on with our stories.
AQW Epic  Post #: 590
3/29/2012 0:35:44   

Welp, I posted. Hurr hurr, I can't do the Clown justice.
Post #: 591
3/29/2012 1:38:02   

Goldstein: Nonsense, you did great.
Clown: Well there goes my sleep schedule. Thankfully there's coffee, even if it isn't the same.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 592
3/29/2012 8:05:51   
Clown the Jester


Aren't I a pip? I'm a reverse Sandman!


And once again Goldstein. The chapter was a 12 out of a possible 10.

You did me so much more than justice. YOU GAVE HIM...dare I say it....TRISTICE! Which is tripple the recomended dose of justice. Heh heh...ya overdosed thats how great it was!

Seriously dude...heh heh...loved it.
AQW Epic  Post #: 593
3/29/2012 10:48:07   


I thought Tristice was TRUE Justice, not tripple. T_T

XD (hopefully, I'll be able to get to TG,tB,&tC, soon, though for the moment, the Brotherhood of Order is prioritized)
DF  Post #: 594
3/29/2012 18:17:45   


You know what I'm going to do that I reckon will be a big seller? I'm going to invent a Soundtrack Device that plays appropriate music when you do something, like a fight or a dramatic enterence. Villains with taste will LOVE it, as will heroes with a feeling for dramatic entrences. Make it pre programable so people can put their own tunes!

Sounds to me like a modified ipod! Also I will try to read all these new chaps, though my new allergy pill does make me quite drowsy.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 595
3/29/2012 21:07:32   

Oh! Oh! Guess what! I made a new virus! I call it the ZE Virus. No. not a directly deadly virus per say...more like shaking a pop can! I feel like I out did myself with the way I'm spreading my little creation, I'm not going to tell you where I put it because NOW THAT WOULDN'T BE FAIR! Hehhe, sorry! I get..carried...away...SO, yes It um, uh...gives the normal citizens of Super City SUPER POWERS!

I was sitting down one day just watching T.V when I thought "Hey, you know what we need? MORE SMASHERS!" So I went and put my gloves on, grabbed a specimen off the street (A postman if you wanted to know THAT BAD) and started testing... I may of put more things in this little germ but you'll find that out yourself...HAHAHHA-ha.

< Message edited by DoctorNflunsa -- 3/29/2012 21:09:27 >
Post #: 596
3/29/2012 21:54:05   

Oh, the Brotherhood is gonna love you.
Post #: 597
3/29/2012 22:20:46   

Looks like Gold and Black ( well Black hasn`t been online latey) will have to work with Omnicorp to make a medicine! Just like the good old days!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 598
3/29/2012 22:58:02   

Actually I've already managed to manufacturer a working antibody that basically restricts the person's new found powers. You see, my resources have grown exponentially in the past few days. But my amount of free time has decreased proportionately. I've sent the antibody supplies to all the hospitals across Super City. Anyone want to be cured, can be.

Now back to work.
Post #: 599
3/29/2012 23:28:56   
Question Mark?

And, to be blunt, how much would it cost for you to part ways with the formula for said power-nullifying antibody?
Everyone has their price, even you, my good doctor.
Just name it. I am eager to please.
-Professor Pythagoras, Founder and CEO of Pythagoras Laboratories
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 600
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