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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/29/2012 23:29:32   

*a tan blond haired man stands in front of a new pizza joint cutting a cermnoil ribbon* I Vince King, I`m proud to declare that with aid from Omnicorp, I have opened King`s Pizza`s! We welcome anyone evil, good, chaotic, government agent, and etc. All except those of The Brotherhood. Omnicorp would not allow me to allow them. Due to a embargo! Also any one is allowed, as long as they don`t trash the place! Our team of skilled chefs can make almost any kind of pizza possible! I bet a lot of you will live our old style dinner decor! SO COME ONE AND ORDER A PIZZA! WE ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS!

(I just figured a pizza joint would be a good back drop)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 601
3/29/2012 23:53:43   

Professor, I do not plan on selling it. I am many things, but I cannot be bought. Sorry.
Post #: 602
3/30/2012 1:19:38   

I too am interested in this fourmula, although I doubt that you will sell it. But I will offer anyway.
DF  Post #: 603
3/30/2012 2:10:19   

Gold: I doubt that Mark meant money when asking what it would take for you to give him the formula.
Kyle: I think that someone not dead would have better chances of getting it.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 604
3/30/2012 2:20:32   

Only dead in that story, not here.
DF  Post #: 605
3/30/2012 2:27:08   

Wouldn't that technically make you undead then?
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 606
3/30/2012 6:59:48   

Meh I thought a serve all pizza joint would be a good back drop, for in character chats, and etc. Though I guess not.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 607
3/30/2012 10:14:00   

Using antibodies for such things could be problematic... while it would be potentially effective in defeating such a virus before the powers had fully developed, past early onset, it could be deadly (depending on the blood type, possibly), because of the very nature of antibodies: antibodies actually boost the immune system by allowing for easier and specifically targeted phagocytosis. The white blood cells will then be able to get to something on time for its spread to be stopped or hindered, after the white blood cell or cells completely surround it and its kind, and disolve it inside of them, rendering it less harmdul, potentially.

Unfortunately, that system causes problems, in certain cases, which is why you must be careful about blood transfusions. Certain antibodies will make the white blood cells target red blood cells, which as one might guess would be a very bad thing for the health of the person. It can also cause a mother's body to destroy the child within her, thinking that it is in fact some sort of invader, that must be dealt with, should that fetus happen to have a certain blood type, and the mother one that has certain antibodies. Given that we are most certainly dealing with a retrovirus, and they reproduce by infecting cells which then are altered in their basic makeup, and make other cells of a similar nature, through biological processes, the antibody you provided will cause effectively the same thing, possibly leading to the victim's bodies eating themselves, which will actually most likely be a common result. It would only be effective as a preventative sollution, and event then would likely require intense theraputic periods where the patients must recover, before being able to function normally.

You really should spend more time testing and studying the situation, when attempting to solve such a problem, doctor. Because of you, numerous people across the city are most likely dying (or will/would be dying, considering the fact that there would be a relatively low portion of the population that would initially bring themselves into the hospital after gaining super powers) horribly painful deaths, most likely.

... Pythagoras, considering the fact that it is now in so many hospitals, why would you need to pay for the formula, when you could just aquire a sample of it and study the antibody thereby, hmm? I miss that Valery girl. :/

I don't like pizza... ._.
DF  Post #: 608
3/30/2012 14:36:33   

Wow, I've been meaning to ask. Are you a genius in real life Drakkoniss? I only seem to be good at applied science. You seem to know everything about anything.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 609
3/30/2012 14:57:32   

Technically speaking, the answer is most likely yes, though I distrust I.Q. tests, because of the fact that they quiz you more on the normal academic fields, and you can be horrible at such things yet have tremendous skill and insight into another field, such as art. Albert Einstein had trouble with mathematics, because of dyslixia, for example, so if he were to be tested today, there is the question of whether or not he would lose points when compared to his actual intelligence, because of the fact that he made mistakes with regards to certain digits, thinking 2's wer 5's, or something like that.

I, myself, have trouble with mathematics for different reasons, mostly because of the fact that I am impatient about looking over my answers and making sure I am correct. I also have yet to memorize certain formulae that are used in solving various problems. This would reflect poorly on my level of knowledge in certain areas, but my level of abstract intelligence would not necessarily be as low as it would seem, based on the results of this hypothetical test that I would be taking to determine whether or not I actually am of genius level intelligence.

There is also the fact that many I.Q. tests involve a time limit. Some online tests may use the ammount of time taken to solve a problem to help determine the overall score, as well. This would present problems to certain people who are of great intelligence but either work more slowly, double checking their work (for example), or have certain differences in the way they percieve the world, when compared to the average person, which would cause them to mess up on there, either due to the fact that they did not mentally factor in the problem correctly, or they became distracted and answered it incorrectly due to a lapse in concentration during the testing itself. This would lead to an increase in time on the test, as well.

I will admit that I do not know everything, and that there are quite a few subjects I have little information on. For example, there are quite a few different things I need to learn about other religions, such as the numerous different sects of Hinduism, the specific interactions in the afterlife with regards to Buddhist beliefs concerning one's soul, and quite a few rules and statutes of Islam, though I know a bit more about that than many other such matters for different religions. Foreign policy is another thing I do not know everything about, though with regards to the Middle East, I do know quite a bit.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/30/2012 16:54:01 >
DF  Post #: 610
3/30/2012 16:18:41   

Such a low opinion of my intellect, Drak. I am well aware of the nature of antibodies and the effects on foreign cells. The...bad doctor's virus does infect red blood cells, but halts after approximately 1% are infected. Otherwise the virus would otherwise kill the patient, defeating the purpose of giving them powers. My antibodies bind to the infected cells, preventing them from binding to other cells, which would activate the powers. Viruses are notoriously hard to kill, since they aren't really alive, I did the most I could in a short period of time. You see that, yes?
Post #: 611
3/30/2012 16:45:57   

I in no way intended to insult you, or to agrivate you, whatsoever. It is my intent to mentally stimulate you, and make you aware of potential flaws in your planning.

I believe a total of 20-25% of the infected populus has been treated or will soon be treated, via your sollution to the problem.

With that in mind, you must also realise that many will not voluntarily go to the hospital, and would not think it something that would actually be worth going for, anyway. These people will continue to remain at large, with either their viruses continuing to the next stage, or their body chemistry changing due to their own immune systems and the rest of their physiology either attempting to stop the changes, or altering and causing in turn other changes, due to the various different chemical factories within the body, and how the brain causes them to distribute such things. They will continue to spread this viral strain to much of the rest of the city's population, as well.

In order to properly deal with such a thing, other measures must be put in place, as well, if we are going to attempt to deal with it with any intent or likelihood of success. There is also the fact that the antibodies could possibly not remain permanently effective, either due to things occuring in the body of the patients normally (rather unlikely), or the adaptation of the strain outside of the hospitals. These things must be taken into account for proper treatment, as well. Unfortunately, you seem not to have the most time to deal with the problem, right now, even though constant testing and medical attention would be advisable, optimally. Oh, and yes, I do see that you did the best you could do in a short time, and on short notice. To be able to engineer an antibody in such a short period, which at the time is or was as effective as it is (I doubt it has developed sufficiently to fight it, yet, but I leave room for error in judgement), is not something to take lightly; I do, however, understand the needs for more than just that, and thusly I am telling you what I see, and how things are and might be.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/30/2012 16:48:49 >
DF  Post #: 612
3/30/2012 16:46:48   

BAD DOCTOR!? I'm not a bad doctor, I'm a evil doctor THANK YOU VERY MUCH! *coughs and a mixture of a unkown green mucus and blood comes out* ahem, excuse me...ANYWAYS, The virus doesn't attack the red blood cells entirely...It also attacks white blood cells, your vaccine can't do a thing my friend. It attaches to anything entering or leaving the infecties body making it a producer of ZE cells but keeps half of that certain "attachies" function to keep the it alive . Let me remind you that this certainly, indefinitely isn't something that can be put aside with mere earth technology. Your move.

OH! Almost forgot one of my favourite parts! With all of you already with super powers, it may add...other powers...heh...

< Message edited by DoctorNflunsa -- 3/30/2012 17:11:52 >
Post #: 613
3/30/2012 16:50:45   

Seriously, what is up with all the viruses lately? What happened to all the people with Death Rays and whatnot? Man, there are a LOT of Doctors about lately. Good thing I have my Cure All Antidote Device. And No, I will NOT be releasing that to the general public before you guys ask, because, well, that. (Points to a laughing DoctorNflunsa.)
DF  Post #: 614
3/30/2012 16:53:37   

Interesting. While technically speaking you are incorrect, and it WOULD help the situation, you are right: it would not be completely effecive. Interesting situation; I am suprised Goldstein didn't notice that they did more than infect red blood cells...

Oh, and bio terrorism has become more popular due to the interference of aliens, and the fact that irrisponsible or insane people can actually get a hold of them, now. They used to not be able to, at least easily.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/30/2012 16:55:16 >
DF  Post #: 615
3/30/2012 17:04:09   

Eh, Dealer, what's the problem with me? What would I do? HM!? HMMMMMM!? Hehehaa....*sits down and watches t.v*
Post #: 616
3/30/2012 17:27:07   

I was merely making refference to the fact that if you got your hands on some kind of cure all antidote you would try to subvert and twist it's purpose. Hence why I keep it for myself only.

That's not to say I won't try to make a few cures and whatnot, but eh. I'm kinda curious as to what these powers that come from powers are, and if I can't use that kind of thing as a kind of power addition device.
DF  Post #: 617
3/30/2012 17:56:55   

I found the amount of other cells to be a infected to be a trivial amount. The amounted of white blood cells lost was synonymous to a small cold. Platelets lost were inconsequential. In my spare time I have devised a method to filter the diseased cells out. And so what if someone doesn't want to cure themselves? Let them keep their powers, I care not.
Post #: 618
3/30/2012 18:04:19   

Ah, but that's the problem. We don't know of the other effects, and besides that so many peopel getting more powers poses a threat to society, as well (not that I would suggest forcing them to accept, unless they actually brought enough danger to warrant it).

Oh, yes, and as he so... strangely (for someone that wants it to succeed [unless he is trying to trick us... *shifty eyes*]) pointed out, there is an infection in white blood cells, not just natural destruction of them as a result of their normal processes, but their use as a potential breeding ground for more of the viral strain.

This could obviously cause problems, especially considering the fact that the infected people still in the hospital (or who have left it) threaten to infect those treating it, as well, along with their patients.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/30/2012 18:07:01 >
DF  Post #: 619
3/30/2012 18:09:35   

If you don't want to force them to take the medicine, don't complain about the sudden influx in Smashers. And I doubt the doctors will allow patients that could die from a cold near anyone.

< Message edited by Goldstein -- 3/30/2012 18:10:53 >
Post #: 620
3/30/2012 18:25:52   


(I just figured a pizza joint would be a good back drop)

I like it, though I doubt Corona would ever find such a place necessary. He probably doesn't even know what one is.
DF MQ  Post #: 621
3/30/2012 18:46:43   


Albert Einstein had trouble with mathematics

Common misconception! He actually excelled at math. He's even been quoted:

"I never failed in mathematics… Before I was fifteen I had mastered differential and integral calculus."

Feel free to Google it, if anyone doesn't believe me on this one.

Since the topic of intelligence has come up... not to brag or anything but I finished or will be finishing school an entire year early (effectively skipping my senior year) because of how much I dominated in regional assessments. Feelsgoodman.

I say both past and future tense because I like to keep my age hidden <_<
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 622
3/30/2012 19:45:05   
Jessa K

Woot! Arizona does have Internet after all!... And sunburns. But Internet! And I truly spent the airplane ride lady night reading fanfics and writing my own fanfic. A new chapter might be out soon.

So... Yay!

Edit: Ick, math. My least favorite subject, although I'm in the highest math class available to my age. But people seem to think that just because I'm good at math means I like it, which is pretty annoying.

< Message edited by Jessa K -- 3/30/2012 19:47:11 >


AQW  Post #: 623
3/30/2012 20:01:47   

Oh, no, he was definitely good at math. H had the mind for it, and he understood it. What I was meaning to say was that (supposedly) he had problems with the actual differentiating of symbols, which would slow his work down to a degree, though he checked and rechecked it, especially on his more complex works. What I meant to say and what is factually correct, however, may not be the same in this case, and I shall put forth no further arguement, as memories can sometimes play tricks on you.

@Jessa: :)

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/30/2012 20:03:19 >
DF  Post #: 624
3/30/2012 20:26:35   
Doom Desirer

I'm surprised the news channel isn't marching down your door Drakkoniss. I personally think that even most adults don't delve into this level of the world of science. From what I experience, anyway. North america doesn't exactly have the world's greatest education system. My teacher sometimes tells our class how far behind in all these subjects North America is.
Post #: 625
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