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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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4/1/2012 18:38:48   

You know, if we just all go back to before this happened, then you wouldn't exist yet to try and force us to bow! HA!
DF MQ  Post #: 676
4/1/2012 18:42:05   

I have had enough of your madness. I have frred King also and taken your army. Can you not see your company has abandoned you? Join Ommicorp, a company that cares.
DF  Post #: 677
4/1/2012 19:21:39   

Will Omnicorp allow me to have a name?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 678
4/1/2012 19:57:21   

Refusing to actually do anything is futile? O.o (that's what restive means, and you know what -ness is)

That makes sense, Glaisaurus...

What do you mean frred King? (I am guessing "freed")

(Idk, after so little time it's really hard to tell whether they have genuinely abandoned him/the effort, or if they just haven't sent backup, yet...)
DF  Post #: 679
4/1/2012 20:59:24   
Jessa K

Darn, I was all ready to actually DO something, RP-wise, but Ebilcorp left (or something like that) before I could so much as lift a finger... Darn.

The android's name is Fredrick? Honestly, that name is adorable, XD. I think I had a teddy bear named Fredrick.

Owwwie.. I got sunburned really bad at the sportsman expo. But I got to shoot a bow and a 9mm, pet a lot of wild animals, and see a Gatling gun. So fun!

Oh, and I think Goldstein's new charrie is an April Fools joke. Which reminds me... Happy April Fools, guys!

< Message edited by Jessa K -- 4/1/2012 21:01:22 >


AQW  Post #: 680
4/1/2012 21:05:47   

Yes, his name is Fredrick.

Pity about the sunburn. Also, if those were truly wild, I advise against that in the future. That's how alot of people get killed or wounded. :/

(oh, and the unnamed person could still back out of the deal, btw)

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 4/1/2012 21:08:19 >
DF  Post #: 681
4/1/2012 21:09:14   
Jessa K

You know, we can always make up our own interesting scenarios. I mean, aren't there a whole bunch of people waiting for a chance to use a character?
AQW  Post #: 682
4/1/2012 21:11:29   

Probably. I suppose the meeting could still go off the same, but Ebilcorp. may or may not actually do anything...
DF  Post #: 683
4/1/2012 21:18:14   
Jessa K

Yeah, true.

And the animals had been tamed, well the ones that were able to be pet anyways. Not too sure about the falcons, though.
AQW  Post #: 684
4/1/2012 21:46:39   

Yeah, I am kidding. April Fools everyone. LolololLOLolololOlololoLOlo
Post #: 685
4/1/2012 21:52:20   

Gold: It was painfully obvious to us all.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 686
4/1/2012 21:52:59   

Falcons they have at such things are already either trained or prepared for training, many a time being bred for such a thing. They are part of a certain practice in hunting. Thusly, they are, but it wouldn't be good to try, regardless. XD

Anyway... Yeah, that was obvious, Strebor. -.- (not ammusing; more annoying)
DF  Post #: 687
4/1/2012 21:58:03   
Jessa K

Well, I found it amusing. April Fools is a fairly big event among the kids and teens in my family, and we always try to fool each other. It's fun.

The falcons were my favorite part, besides the archery, and the mounted shooting competition, and the OHVs.
AQW  Post #: 688
4/1/2012 22:00:28   
star screamer

(insert hilarious joke here)

April Fools everybody!

He he he he he he he he he he...
AQW  Post #: 689
4/1/2012 22:02:27   


It was annoying to me because of the grammatical lapses, btw. I usually deal with them better, but he was doing it on purpose, and in a situation to where that would not be warranted.

... Why are we not doing something about the fact that the RP has just left off, btw? (Technically speaking, I am still waiting for your character's reaction)
DF  Post #: 690
4/1/2012 22:14:03   

*fires giant cannon from space and blows up the sun. The Earth quickly becomes a frozen wasteland*

April Fools!! *maniacal laughter*

Cannon's still at least a week from completion. Look forward to it.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 691
4/1/2012 22:22:46   

I shall defeat it with the power of the Blade of Awe! O: (or not; Idk)
DF  Post #: 692
4/1/2012 22:31:32   

Oh, Drakkoniss, you absolutely soggy no-funner. My April Fool's joke was meant to be a hilarious satire of people who use terrible, terrible grammar and make overpowered characters. I apologize if you found my stroke of brilliance annoying. Different strokes for different folks!

And I posted in the Brotherhood thread. Huzzah!

Oh, and I'll be gone for the next week, bye guys!

< Message edited by Goldstein -- 4/1/2012 22:38:07 >
Post #: 693
4/2/2012 5:00:11   

I enjoyed your trick.

Also, blame a friend of mine for linking to this, but i could see The Dealer POSSIBLY singing something like this as a challenge to someone, possibly Clown because of some of the lyrics: http://quietube2.com/v.php/www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLKsizVi_oY

Link quietubed. ~Leon

< Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 4/2/2012 5:08:42 >
DF  Post #: 694
4/3/2012 2:00:29   
Crystal Lion

Chillingly appropriate, Dealer. Though I still have this nagging feeling that this game will end up like WarpForce and never really progress.
Post #: 695
4/3/2012 9:02:08   

Weird. I didn't really feel it, personally, though I understand what you were trying to mean by it. *shrugs*

If this were to continue like this intefinitely, what a waste...

/me still feels like there should've been something done with the situation involving Fredrick and Jessa. I wonder if Kinz will be on soon/decide to do something with the unnamed Ebilcorp employee...

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 4/3/2012 9:04:48 >
DF  Post #: 696
4/3/2012 9:45:38   

Hi peoplz
i have no idea what's going on
DF AQW  Post #: 697
4/3/2012 9:51:17   

Well, not much lately. But I don't seem to remember you. Hero or villain?
DF  Post #: 698
4/3/2012 9:56:25   

Yea i'm not reeally to active on the forums but i am in game
i'm a Hero
DF AQW  Post #: 699
4/3/2012 10:02:43   

Well, we need more heroes on this thread to be honest. It's quite fun here when people post. Allow me to introduce myself with one of my old bios:


Character Bio: The Dealer

"I give to you my word as a businessman and gentlemen."

Little is known of this mysterious being. Some claim he is a man who seeks power, and will do a chain of deals untill he can grasp something even the gods would give him power for. Others claim he is a demon, dealing dark deals to corrupt and steal people's souls for his demonic masters. The Dealer himself will tell you he is but a mortal man who enjoys his job. Mind you, he will also point out he IS one of wealth and taste...

Many villains often come to him for many things. He offers powers, minions, weapons of mass doom, and even simple things like a decent lair or a good sidekick. He always asks that you pay in fame if you can. However, if you don't have the cash, there is always the Alternative Payment Service. It might be a favor. It might be an item. He won't ask for souls unless you are talking about a VERY expensive item or items. But there is always a way to pay. Just make sure you can afford the price...

He sometimes does deals with heroes too. But in such cases, a hero needs to be carefull what he offers. If not, he will lure you in with words of gold, and trap you in a cage that you basicly begged for. Words are very tricky things after all, and The Dealer is one of the best at spinning a web of truths. Yes, truths, for The Dealer does not lie. He lets you do that for him...

Do not be fooled by his lack of power or that he can't punch you through a building without gadgets, or by his nice persona, even though that last one is true. The Dealer is one of the most evil, powerful and deadly beings of Super City due to his talents for words alone, and if he ever talks to you, it would be wise of you to keep that in mind.
DF  Post #: 700
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