Jessa K
Clown, sir, with all due respect, I think you misunderstand. You don't have to create a whole new version of your character. This is just a chance to fix him. See, I own/mod/admin for a few rp sites. I've seen this happen before. A character comes along who is really OP, but still a very good character and everybody loves him/her. But this ruins the RP, because this character almost always wins. Yeah, we could all up our powers to match yours... But really, that's cheating to me. I mean, if everybody has god-like powers, then there's no fun. No challenge. No winning or losing or death or anything else like that. It would just become a bunch of people constantly trying to one-up each other. Now, yes, it's fun to have a character such as yours... But it's not fun for everybody else. It would be SO much better, in my opinion, if we just leveled the playing field and, for once, gave everybody a fair shot. Edit: David, it's kind of you to try and tone down your character, but if I read it right, before you quit, you claimed to wipe the powers from every Smasher who hit their power from Pandora. That, my friend, is OP.
< Message edited by Jessa K -- 3/20/2012 0:24:30 >