Crystal Lion
A lot to read through, and I don't exactly have a lot of time here, so I'll make it brief. Even if you make a reboot or give a special pass to Clown to be a deus ex machina, you're never getting the lion twins or Hera back in the RP scene, ever. Not even once. I mean it. Honestly, I feel as if villains are the only ones who can get away with using nothing but deus ex machina, while heroes are not allowed the same luxury, and said heroes lose anyway. Jessa put it best, it feels like cheating if every single person just starts off with godmods of some sort. Edit to add, I'll only be on the forums to comment on stories or post my own. It was fun when it lasted, but that's the last you'll all see of me here. Even if Experimental was alive, Vector quit for a reason, and as such, I still won't come back. Nothing's going to be able to convince me now.
< Message edited by Crystal Lion -- 3/20/2012 1:13:19 >