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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/20/2012 0:27:17   

I know. That was my joke way of responding to anything super-broken xP
DF MQ  Post #: 201
3/20/2012 0:29:52   

Anti: You won't be missed much.

I am now in favor of the reset seeing as David us always wrong. Always.

In other news, I need one more volunteer for a secretish HS thing.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 202
3/20/2012 0:30:24   

Anyways, have fun guys. Let me know in-game if things get sorted out as I don't think I will be participating anymore.


@Shadow inb4 you secretly have bipolar. Why'd you add me on HeroSmash if you're going to turn around and be cancerous?

< Message edited by Antithesis -- 3/20/2012 0:31:56 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 203
3/20/2012 0:34:17   

That's kinda just how Shadow is really.

Volunteer you say? Well, I'm willing I guess. Unless it actually involves the game, since I don't really play HS. Kinda weird how I got involved just for stories...>_>
DF MQ  Post #: 204
3/20/2012 0:34:27   
Jessa K

Shadow, be nice. *wonders how many times this has been said*

Now, Anti, no need to do that. Not like you rped much anyways.

Glai, I'm glad you understand my views.

See, guys, it's like a bunch of five-year-olds playing make believe. More time is spent arguing over who's the most powerful than actually playing the game. Nobody wants that. We're better than that.

< Message edited by Jessa K -- 3/20/2012 0:35:26 >


AQW  Post #: 205
3/20/2012 0:35:51   

I know, but I was getting ready to truly dive into this alongside the reset. Seeing as that wont be happening, I have no reason to stay. So.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 206
3/20/2012 0:38:17   
Jessa K

Personally, I don't think we should give up on the reset because one OP player (well, and Shadow) doesn't like it.
AQW  Post #: 207
3/20/2012 0:39:03   

As it seems so far, nothing is happening.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 208
3/20/2012 0:42:01   
Jessa K

Well, that's because all the sane people are sleeping right now.
AQW  Post #: 209
3/20/2012 0:41:58   

Gla: You would need an actual character innthe game for what I'm planning.
Jessa: At this point, you're the only one trying to tell me to be nicer.
Anti: Love you too honey <- notice the italics.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 210
3/20/2012 0:43:26   

Kay well then I guess I have nothing left to discuss until they return.

I'll see ya later, Jessa. I'm out

@Shadow Do me a favor and delete me in-game so I don't forget in the morning, if you're online right now. Thankies.

< Message edited by Antithesis -- 3/20/2012 0:44:29 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 211
3/20/2012 0:45:00   
Jessa K

Yeah, Shadow, I think I'm the only who still is hoping that if I say if enough, one day you'll be nice.
AQW  Post #: 212
3/20/2012 0:46:13   
Sir Night

I was about to do what Anti did, but you know, Jessa does have a point. What if we just keep both universes separate but still going at the same time? One for godmodders to roleplay in and one for characters that are mortal?
Post #: 213
3/20/2012 0:46:47   
Jessa K

G'night, Anti.

Edit: That's a nice thought, Croc, but I think it could easily get muddled up, unless a new thread was opened.

< Message edited by Jessa K -- 3/20/2012 0:49:23 >
AQW  Post #: 214
3/20/2012 0:49:38   

Technically I do have one, I just don't use it really. I suppose this would work better for one more experienced at the game though.

So I suppose we wait until the rest return then.
DF MQ  Post #: 215
3/20/2012 0:52:10   
Jessa K

Alright. I probably need to get to sleep, too. Being sick makes me all tired.
AQW  Post #: 216
3/20/2012 0:56:21   

Anti: I might go on HS on a minute if I decide to try to overnight that update, but not likely.
Jessa: Keep up the hope, and goodnight.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 217
3/20/2012 0:58:15   
Crystal Lion

A lot to read through, and I don't exactly have a lot of time here, so I'll make it brief. Even if you make a reboot or give a special pass to Clown to be a deus ex machina, you're never getting the lion twins or Hera back in the RP scene, ever. Not even once. I mean it.

Honestly, I feel as if villains are the only ones who can get away with using nothing but deus ex machina, while heroes are not allowed the same luxury, and said heroes lose anyway. Jessa put it best, it feels like cheating if every single person just starts off with godmods of some sort.

Edit to add, I'll only be on the forums to comment on stories or post my own. It was fun when it lasted, but that's the last you'll all see of me here. Even if Experimental was alive, Vector quit for a reason, and as such, I still won't come back. Nothing's going to be able to convince me now.

< Message edited by Crystal Lion -- 3/20/2012 1:13:19 >
Post #: 218
3/20/2012 1:14:32   

Well at least you'll be involved in stories, those are my favorite part of the forum now...


Jessa put it best, it feels like cheating if every single person just starts off with godmods of some sort.

Way I see it, it's like a game without rules. Fun for a day maybe, then there's nothing to do.
DF MQ  Post #: 219
3/20/2012 1:17:53   
Crystal Lion

I only use mods in offline games. I do my best to match or nudge at the limits set by an online game, but I wouldn't break it completely unless it's something like 'All women must wear leotards and nothing else.'
Post #: 220
3/20/2012 2:21:16   

Fair enough. We will still miss you though.

(On a beach somewhere, a man is washed up. Noone knows his name or looks. In fact, in this universe, noone even knows he exists. All he knows and say just once is "Gone. It's all gone. Ommicorp, My Gadgets, My reputation, her ... But on the other hand, no foes. No Clown. I can start afresh. And Ommicorp SHALL rise once more!

Walking onwards to the nearest city, with the burdens of the old one not troubling him anymore, The Dealer wallks forwards, with the intention of rising his company from the ashes like a pheonix...)
DF  Post #: 221
3/20/2012 2:49:12   

On that note, I'm kinda wondering how we'll remember the old Verse. I knew we weren't changing characters, but at the same time it seems odd for them to have literally crossed over.
DF MQ  Post #: 222
3/20/2012 3:25:20   

Kyle: Not all of us will miss her.
Gla: To be honest I'd rather forget the whole thing.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 223
3/20/2012 3:58:07   

Eh, simplest way for me is to have a "copy" (not really, as they are both equally your character) of the original character in the rebooted universe. Same personality, the only difference being in power balance. Actually having them crossover from one to the other seems...crazy.

But I'm kinda to the "whatever" point now.
DF MQ  Post #: 224
3/20/2012 4:45:48   
Crystal Lion

@Shadowlord: Then again, why should you?
Post #: 225
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