This post is to discuss which classes you think are the most over or under powered right now. In my opinion it's like this, Mercenary and bloodmage are underpowered. merc because of no energy or health regeneration, and bloodmage because they only really have one good build choice. bh and tlm are next. Mainly because they have a couple choices for builds, and some good skills, but aren't really on the level of the remaining classes. Next come ch, and tm. These are the best classes because they have many build choices, and some very usefull skills. I personally put tm slightly ahead of ch because I am a ch, and they are like the only class I lose to. Not all the time, but when they have a good build, I lose. What I think should be done is to sort of buff the bottom Few classes. What I mean by that is give them some skills that will give them more build options, but not overpower them. That way everyone would have some good build choices. :p