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RE: Artists Unite: Resurrection

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4/3/2012 21:08:09   
Aura Knight

@turquoise: How about Greed's Fall, Fallen Angel Staff, Cursed Wing, Axe of The Fallen Angel or...Super Mega Unltra Axe Wings of Epic Bacon +9001.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 26
4/3/2012 21:18:41   

@Aura: Hmm.. 'dat last one. ;)


DF AQW  Post #: 27
4/3/2012 22:40:03   
Aura Knight

^Haha! Yes!

btw, here's my DF contest entry with coloring and some slight changes. What do you think? Pay no mind to the bad coloring. Imagine the white parts are colored in. http://oi44.tinypic.com/1y4ppk.jpg
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 28
4/3/2012 23:44:17   

@Auru: Looks good, I like the color scheme. Adding shading would be the next step, but honestly, shading digital-y is rather hard, and takes a long time to master. So you could probably skip that part for now.
DF AQW  Post #: 29
4/4/2012 10:14:23   
Aura Knight

I was also thinking of printing it out, retracing it, inking the outline again, and recoloring it. But that would take too long and I don't have time.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 30
4/4/2012 20:18:14   

@Aura: I know what you mean. :/

Anyways, I made a sword, but its kinda meh IMO. The Poisoned Curse
DF AQW  Post #: 31
4/5/2012 12:03:38   
Aura Knight

@Turquoise: I'm sorry to say this, but I do not like that design. The shape is weird and the shading is bad. I would suggest redrawing it and making the design better, because the way it looks now is awful. I'm sorry about saying this, but it's just what I think. I hope I didn't make you upset. And if I did, here's a cookie: http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~rkhosla/cookie.jpg
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 32
4/5/2012 13:44:18   

@Mmm.. I dislike it aswell. I don't make swords, and daggers as well as I make polearms. (Staffs, Maces, Spears, Halberds, axes.) I'm not going to redo it, but ya. It's pretty ugly.

Kay, so what color scheme for this armor?

< Message edited by Turquoise -- 4/5/2012 19:54:24 >


DF AQW  Post #: 33
4/6/2012 1:35:02   

So after seeing J6 draw live ingame the other day, gave me some inspiration to go back and touch Flash. So I'm currently flashing a weapon I drew back in my Senior Year of Highschool. Just wanted to share my progress; and to get some tips on shading because I am very bad at shading even though some say it's just common sense.
Anyways, here's how it looks like currently.
Weapon Progress
The color scheme isn't finalized it's just easier for me to work with colors like that and then adjust them at the end. And any tips on shading would be appreciated, I'm so bad at it, it got me so frustrated that closed Flash down a couple of time without saving my work.

Turquoise: Even though The Poisoned Curse doesn't seem too appealing. I think the style is unique in it's own way. Would you mind a suggestion? Since that weapon looks like a flower, make the handle the flower part with petals blooming and then make the blade come out of the center of the flower. And one more thing, choose one type of here, either curves or sharp angles. Because from how that handle looks compared to the blade, the handle's angles are too sharp and they didn't quite match up with the curves along the blade. As for your armor, I like the red-black and blue-grey one. But it's your armor might as well go with the colors you like the most.
Post #: 34
4/6/2012 11:33:15   

@Winged_Destiny: Hmm.. I might have to take you up in that suggestion for the poisened curse. As for shading, try to use a lot of referencing. I struggle myself with shading, so I often look at others work to see how to shade. I'm hoping that after a while I will understand shading but ya. References help alot.

Update: Concealed Warrior

< Message edited by Turquoise -- 4/6/2012 16:50:15 >
DF AQW  Post #: 35
4/7/2012 0:14:25   

Well here's my first flashed weapon. Just a practice weapon, so not going to name it or do anything special to it.
I'm still bad at shading. It feels so frustrating. Oh wells.
Turquoise: The patterns you've just added don't look very good right now. You might want to shade it so it looks like it's been engraved into the armor. Then if you want to make it have a glow, you can try and see if it looks good.
Post #: 36
4/8/2012 0:11:05   
Aura Knight

@Winged Destiny: Your weapon is rather simple and has a limited amount of colors. Looks good though. Shading could use work though, but aside from that, not bad for a first flashed weapon.

Here are two weapons I made.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 37
4/8/2012 9:02:37   
random fun 12

Aura Knight: Your weapons are rather good, but the blades could vary a bit more in terms of how they're shaped. Right now, they look a lot like Kratos' Daggers from God of War. I like how they've been made to look intricate as well though. The colour scheme itself looks interesting on the second one - just find someone to be able to colour/flash it and it should be done. I look forward to seeing the flashed version of that.

Here's my armour which is currently a WIP: http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff487/randomfun12/OC.jpg

Any comments or help?
DF AQW  Post #: 38
4/9/2012 15:55:51   
Aura Knight

@random fun 12: The funny thing is, I never played God of War, so I wouldn't know what the shapes of the daggers are, so the fact that my blades look like those is merely coincidental. Thanks about what you said in terms of my scythe. It happened to get an honorable mention in the DF Suggestion Contest, so I'm quite happy. I would like to get it flashed, but I can't ever seem to get anyone to flash my weapons. And even if I do, they don't get flashed for weeks at a time, and I hate waiting. As for your armor, I like the design so far. The helm has a Halo feel about it and I like the idea of the sword for an arm. I assume the blade is made of energy. Nice design over all.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 39
4/10/2012 20:34:10   

Here's my new WIP. (Just thinking about shading this monster makes me want to cry T.T) Anyways, what do you guys think?

AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 40
4/10/2012 22:28:39   
random fun 12

Holy Chickencows, you plan to shade that thing in?!

Well, obviously I can see it's big sister from BioShock games. You seem to have most of the perspective places correct, and the big sister looks really good too. I like the effect on the text to the right, as well as the armor and all that. However the guy she's killing seems slightly off. I can't say what it is, but it looks like his arms are placed a bit too far from the body and all that. Maybe make them closer in to the body may help?
DF AQW  Post #: 41
4/11/2012 3:47:20   

I love it, and don't worry, just take it piece by though, considering your shading mastery, you already know that.
DF MQ  Post #: 42
4/11/2012 19:56:19   
Aura Knight

Feast your eyes on the epicness that is my flashed glaive: http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/4663/glaiver.jpg Credit for flashing goes to drDOT. Comments, feedback, cookies?
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 43
4/18/2012 19:14:40   

Handle seems a bit dull compared to the rest. Besides that, looks cool.

New work in progress: Yoshikage Kira.

As you can see in the first comment, I am aware it needs several fixes.
DF MQ  Post #: 44
4/21/2012 18:12:22   

Took a small break, but I'm back. Touched up the armor I've been working on, and I accidentally named it very similar to Auru Knight.... Aurian (Or-e-in) Knight

@Glai: I swear, you must be using Hax0rz. Looks great, can't wait to see it finished.

@Auru: That's a nice shading job done by drDOt. Gradz on getting it shaded

DF AQW  Post #: 45
4/22/2012 0:10:27   

Thank you!

Here's something new, Silver Chariot Requiem
Was fun and not too difficult.
DF MQ  Post #: 46
4/22/2012 10:21:24   

@Turquoise: The armor looks pretty good. Maybe add something on the leg/boot to make it slightly less plain.

@ Gaisaurus: Wow, the perspective is amazing. The character looks in perspective and the shadow was a nice touch. He already look really epic (for lack of better words to describe him) but the perspective makes it even more so. The far arm's shoulder armor looks a bit off though. Should be a bit more tucked in behind the arm away from view since right now it looks more angled towards the back than to the side. Another thing is that it is kind of hard to tell where the close arm ends and the legs begin, so maybe a bit of an outline of shading to help distinguish the two parts.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 47
5/17/2012 20:41:18   

@Glai: Nice perspective, looks really cool. You've got mad skillz.

@FlamingKnight: Might go back and do that if I can stop being lazy.

Make sure to view full size.
DF AQW  Post #: 48
5/18/2012 12:46:08   


Your armor reminds me of Baron Zemo heh, the colors.
DF MQ  Post #: 49
5/24/2012 13:44:09   
Nerd Sage

@turquoise: it has a nice look to it, maybe more robe to it but otherwise awesome
it's so good to be back
Toxin Blade
No Named Sword
Catastrophe Guard
enjoy :D
(ps- if anyone would like to flash these you can pm me)

< Message edited by Nerd Sage -- 5/28/2012 13:58:06 >
Post #: 50
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